(via Waiting for October)
(via the Smithsonian)
(via Hank Fox’s back porch)
Here’s a blog post on the French naturalist Jean Painlevé which I can’t read, because it’s in French, of all things, but I can look at the pictures…and hey, those Frenchmen do like their innuendos and salacious slipperiness.
I think that may be the raciest video I’ve ever posted here…whew.
Mark (Monty) Montague was an occasional commenter here, and a major contributor at TONMO with a passion for cephalopods. I’m sorry to report that he died in in a diving accident this summer. There will be a memorial service on 2 October at Caltech.
She’s transitional! This is a live-bearing reptile carrying a load of eggs, and with a modified membrane to secrete calcium and other nutrients to the embryos.
She’s also looking a bit pugilistic about it all, too.
(via Daisy Hill Ceph Farm)