
I earlier accused Vox Day of arguing that “murdering toddlers in the name of Jesus is defensible.”

He has since informed me that I have misinterpreted him.

Vox answers that offing two-year olds at the direct and 100-percent confirmed command of the Almighty is the moral act. Jesus never entered into it one way or another, let alone a self-motivated or (presumably) delusional act justified post facto by an exculpatory invocation of Jesus Christ’s name.

I had no idea that Vox was an adherent of the Arian heresy, but OK. It makes, of course, a huge difference in the moral status of the butchery of toddlers if it is done at God’s command (thumbs up!) vs. Jesus’s orders (no, no, no…although it does rather put a sinister twist on his command to “suffer the little children to come to me,” doesn’t it?). And getting an order to murder small children from God would never be a delusional or self-motivated act.

All clear on that, everyone? You have to get a note from God (not Jesus, that wimp) first, and then you can go on your killing spree.

Texas Legislature: Officially Insane

Can any Texan reading this explain how these lunatic yahoos get elected? I’ve read Molly Ivins, but she hasn’t explained how normal, ordinary folk can walk into a voting booth and pull a lever for some macho pseudo-cowboy with slicked back hair and a belief that the earth doesn’t rotate, and that all atheists are actually Jews in disguise. Read it and weep.

The second most powerful member of the Texas House has circulated a Georgia lawmaker’s call for a broad assault on teaching of evolution.

House Appropriations Committee Chairman Warren Chisum, R-Pampa, used House operations Tuesday to deliver a memo from Georgia state Rep. Ben Bridges.

The memo assails what it calls "the evolution monopoly in the schools."

Mr. Bridges’ memo claims that teaching evolution amounts to indoctrinating students in an ancient Jewish sect’s beliefs.

"Indisputable evidence – long hidden but now available to everyone – demonstrates conclusively that so-called ‘secular evolution science’ is the Big Bang, 15-billion-year, alternate ‘creation scenario’ of the Pharisee Religion," writes Mr. Bridges, a Republican from Cleveland, Ga. He has argued against teaching of evolution in Georgia schools for several years.

He then refers to a Web site,, that contains a model bill for state Legislatures to pass to attack instruction on evolution as an unconstitutional establishment of religion.

Mr. Bridges also supplies a link to a document that describes scientists Carl Sagan and Albert Einstein as "Kabbalists" and laments "Hollywood’s unrelenting role in flooding the movie theaters with explicit or implicit endorsement of evolutionism."

Fixed Earth, as you might guess from the name, is a site that advocates that the earth is stationary at the center of the universe. That’s how low these gomers are sinking.

Global warming disproves god!

Lynch finds a strange argument against climate change.

My biggest argument against putting the primary blame on humans for climate change is that it completely takes God out of the picture. It must have slipped these people’s minds that God created the heavens and the earth and has control over what’s going on. (Dear Lord Jesus…did I just open a new pandora’s box?) Yeah, I said it. Do you honestly believe God would allow humans to destroy the earth He created?

Well, actually…let’s think this through. At least the guy has made a discrete argument, that there are certain phenomena that are incompatible with the god hypothesis. He’s got it backwards, trying to fit the data to his hypothesis, but I prefer to think of it this way: if a god would not allow humans to destroy the earth, but humans are destroying the earth, then there must not be such a god.

Hey, didn’t that guy Augustine say something about pegging your faith to issues of science?

Powerline really shouldn’t ever mention science

They invariably get it wrong. This time they’ve noticed it’s cold outside, and they see an news report about colder temperatures in the Antarctic, so they leap to the conclusion that global warming is bunk. Or rather, they always held that conclusion (on faith, no doubt), and are overjoyed to see any scrap of out-of-context evidence that they can play up to bolster their confidence.

This explanation has merit; tell me more

Since I was wondering whether WingNutDaily was a satire site, Kevin Beck graces me with an explanation. No, it’s not—the unhinged are merely going through a phase of very public meltdown.

What’s happening his that huge groups of ignorant or just plain stupid “conservatives” who were already clanking aong at around a 30 on the Global Assessment of Functioning scale before the November elections have decompensated completely in the wake of the voting results, and are now in feces-as-crayons territory.

Yeah, I can believe that.

Is WingNutDaily actually a parody site?

I have to ask the question because by all my usual measures of whether something is satire (criteria like excess, and advancement of stupidity that no one in their right mind would espouse), it ought to be regarded as a humor site. Having Pat Boone writing on science, for instance, ought to be a dead giveaway, and now we’ve got Chuck Norris weighing in on the appropriate qualifications for the presidency. Now if he’d said, “the ability to kick someone in the face while they’re standing in front of you,” I’d have this pegged as a humor piece. But noooo. His requirements that our president be “wise” and a “good Christian”, pedestrian and merely brainless ideas.

Where he makes me wonder, though, is that in weighing those two values, he comes up with one good candidate: one individual who personifies wisdom and Christian values.

Newt Gingrich.

I think he was trying to match The Onion.