I’d better mention this again

Yes! I’ve seen the octopuses using coconut shells, and it’s very, very cool. Here’s the video:

(This is one of the dilemmas of having a popular blog. I just checked my inbox, and I’ve been getting notifications about this observation at the rate of about 20 per hour since yesterday. Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it, and you should feel free to send me links to appropriate material — but I may have to repost stuff two or three times to make sure everyone notices that I caught on to the really hot topics of the day.)


It is the Cephalopodmas Season, when tentacles and the deep sea are on everyone’s mind, and that concentrated contemplation of all matters squidly must occasionally erupt into artful self-expression. Below the fold you will find a few beautiful images that have leapt into my mailbox lately.

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Cephalopodmas Contest!

You’ve only got a few days left to enter: Everything Octopus is giving away a cephalopod tree ornament, and all you have to do is subscribe to the site and leave a comment. Easy!

I already own this very same ornament, and will be putting up our family christmas tree this weekend. I’ve received a lot of ‘pod gear from readers over the last few years, and I’m planning to decorate the tree with lots of it (I’ll put up a photo when it’s done). If you won this ornament, you’ll be on the path to outdoing the awesomeness of my tree. It’s something to dream of, you know.


I’d happily hang that on my wall. The trophy wife would even more cheerfully tear it down, shred it, and set it on fire. But then, she’s the one with taste*.


*Don’t judge her by her taste in men. That was a momentary lapse of reason, a one time thing.