Do spiders dream?

They seem to — they have behaviors suggestive of REM sleep.

I want to know that they’re dreaming about. The investigators in the video above have a clear idea of what a spider nightmare would be like: they wake them up with a speaker that buzzes at the frequency of a wasp’s wingbeat.

So now we know how to terrify a spider, in case you were looking for that kind of information.


  1. seversky says

    They could be dreaming about how to subvert the World Wide Web because they’re jealous.

  2. robro says

    I thought of you when I saw that article in SciAm last night. It doesn’t surprise me that spiders seem to dream, or anything with a brain.

    Then I thought of Pharyngula when I saw the article about more men getting vasectomies since Roe was overturned, wondering when Elon Musk and the GOP Christo-Fascists would start passing laws to restrict access to the procedure.

  3. StevoR says

    Do spiders dream of electric flies?

    Or doing a web search?

    I ‘spose they dream of spidery things, of spinning silk and sucking down food and evading birds and their spider lives.

    This was a remarkable and beatiful clip and study..

  4. seachange says

    I have seen hummingbird pick the noseeum parachuting spiders out of the sky for a snack. I have seen finches zip around the base of my garden looking for wolf spiders. I’d bet hummingbird hum and sparrow chirps also terrifying spidersounds.

  5. Bekenstein Bound says

    Really? Not cenobite?

    Sleep and dreaming must have either evolved independently at least twice, or else evolved before the Phanerozoic Eon, in some common ancestor of the vertebrates and at least some of the invertebrates. That would make it well over half a billion years old.

  6. expatlurker says

    So now we know how to terrify a spider, in case you were looking for that kind of information.

    Information I hope I NEVER need to use.