There are multiple “C words,” you know

While the Republican Party is busy covering the racism angle, Elon Musk is, in his @America account, making sure the misogynists know to vote for the convicted rapist.

It’s part of a misleading and suggestive ad.

Warning: This ad contains multiple instances of the ‘C Word.’ Viewer discretion is advised. Kamala Harris is a ‘C word.’ You heard that right. A big ole ‘C word.’ In fact, all of the other ‘C words’ think she’s the biggest ‘C word’ of them all. That’s right. She’s a tax-hiking, regulation-loving, gun-grabbing communist. And the worst part? She’s proud of it. Kamala Harris: the ‘C word America simply can’t afford. See you nationwide Tuesday, November 5th.

It ultimately reveals that the “C word” it is talking about isn’t the usual misogynistic slur (but you know you’re supposed to think it). She’s a communist. What stupid nonsense — I know communists, and I have to tell you, Elon, Kamala Harris is no communist.

The ad might be more persuasive if it used the correct “C word”: Kamala Harris is a capitalist, and yes, she is proud of it.

Only one week until the election, and a few months of bickering, lying, and phony lawsuits until we can possibly get down to the business of grabbing guns and imposing regulations, not that I think that will actually happen if the Democrats win.


  1. raven says

    The more I see of Elon Musk, the less I like him.
    Out of the 8 billion people on the earth, he is near the bottom of my list.

    I will never buy anything even remotely associated with Elon Musk. No Tesla cars, no Starlink internet, no X account, no SpaceX launches.

    Most people who have dealt with Elon Musk have ended up regretting it. Including the US government and his own oldest daughter.

  2. Akira MacKenzie says

    Sadly this will work on too-many Americans, who have been raised to think that even the most meager taxes or justified regulation on business is just one step down the slippery slope to Stalinism.

    Today, clean air requirements. Tomorrow, THE HOLODOMOR!

  3. doubter says

    Here’s my conspiracy theory: Elon has done something really, really awful that hasn’t come out yet. His only hope to avoid life in prison is a Presidential pardon. Therefore, he’s going all in to get a victory for Trump.

    Could his behaviour be explained by the fact he’s an asshole? Sure. But I prefer my conspiracy theory.

  4. anxionnat says

    If there was actually a presidential candidate–or any other candidate–on the ballot who approximated a communist, I’d be more likely to vote for them, not less. Not that there is, but just saying. My paternal grandfather was a genuine communist and the most beloved labor organizer/leader in Utah in the 1930s. He refused a bribe from a gubernatorial candidate, told him “I wouldn’t support you if you were the last man in Utah”, campaigned against that sleazebag, and was credited with his defeat. Even the candidate admitted that he lost “because of that damned Bill Leonard.” As far as I can tell, there’s nobody running for any elected office today in this country who has the integrity of my grandfather. They’re all on some rich sleazy payroll somewhere. And, no, they are not getting my vote, because they haven’t earned it.

  5. says

    Who’s this “America” account? Some pretentious twit who doesn’t have the guts to post under their own name because they know how obviously full of shit they are?

  6. Walter Solomon says

    StevoR #10

    You don’t have to take Omarosa’s word for it, Trump’s own nephew said in an interview that he personally heard Trump use the word multiple times.

  7. says

    The elongated muskrat has shown that he actually is a toxic invertebrate. He started his first company in the u.s. illegally, without an immigrant work permit. He has NEVER invented anything. He has never done an honest day’s work. Our organization will diligently avoid all his crap. He is blatantly trying to buy votes in violation of law and does it with impunity.
    Welcome to the NEW DARK AGES

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