I hope I never disappoint my daughter this much

Politics is personal, as Rudy Giuliani’s daughter, Caroline Rose Giuliani, demonstrates. She’s voting for Kamala Harris because Trump wrecked her father.

As Rudy Giuliani’s daughter, I’m unfortunately well-suited to remind Americans of just how calamitous being associated with Trump can be, even for those who are convinced he’s on their side. Watching my dad’s life crumble since he joined forces with Trump has been extraordinarily painful, both on a personal level and because his demise feels linked to a dark force that threatens to once again consume America. Not to disregard individual accountability in the slightest, but it would be naive for us to ignore the fact that many of those closest to Trump have descended into catastrophic downward spirals. If we let Trump back into the driver’s seat this fall, our country will be no exception.

She still cares about her dad! She wants his descent to stop.

I know that some people may question whether I truly care about my father, since another Trump presidency could theoretically mitigate some of the problems he’s facing. It distresses me to think that my dad might even wonder this. But if you zoom out, Trump being the president was the worst thing that ever happened to my dad, to my family, and to our nation’s modern history. The consequences will only be more severe—and irreversible— a second time around. Thanks to the extremist Supreme Court he stacked, Trump would take office with full immunity: no checks on his power whatsoever. If the president isn’t going to be subject to the law like every other citizen, which remains incomprehensible to me, then our president had better have a moral compass. A 34-time convicted felon who’s been found liable for sexual abuse, tries to steal elections, and demeans people based on their race, sexuality, disability status, and gender falls remarkably short of the bar we must set for ourselves as a country. Fortunately, we have another choice in this election: a life-long public servant who has spent her career upholding justice and fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves.

Listen to your daughter, Rudy.


  1. says

    Hi. sorry for the OT comment, but I was unable to access this site since Sunday, and was getting “gateway timeout” 504 error messages; though now it looks like this site wasn’t actually down. Any idea what happened? (I’m using Goggle Chrome, if that’s relevant.)

  2. raven says

    Rudy Giuliani’s Relationship With Trump Officially Costs Him His Legal Career
    Published Sep 26, 2024 at 1:00 PM EDT

    Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has been disbarred from practicing law in Washington, D.C, and it all stems from his “false and misleading statements” about former President Donald Trump’s election loss.

    The decision by three judges in the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, seen in documents reviewed by Newsweek, follows after Giuliani, 80, was disbarred in New York in July.

    “Rudolph W. Giuliani is hereby disbarred from the practice of law in the District of Columbia,” the document read.

    Giuliani’s license to practice law was suspended in D.C. in July 2021. The suspension in the country’s capital was triggered automatically after Giuliani’s suspension a month prior from practicing in New York.

    He was suspended from practicing law in New York for his “false and misleading statements” about former President Donald Trump’s election loss.


    In December, a federal court jury in Washington, D.C., found Giuliani liable for $146 million in damages for defaming two Georgia election workers whom he falsely accused of ballot fraud in 2020.

    A week later, Giuliani filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, citing that judgment, and money he owes various law firms and attorneys.

    A court filing shows that Giuliani owes more than $1.3 million to the law firm Davidoff Hutcher & Citron. The lawyer Robert Costello sued Giuliani in September for $1.36 million in unpaid legal fees dating to 2019.

    Giuliani’s association with Trump has cost him a huge amount.

    .1. His law license.
    He has been disbarred in Washington DC and New York.
    .2. A huge amount of money.
    He owes $146 million in a legal judgement and his lawyers want to be paid $1.3 million.
    I’m sure there are other debts as well although they might not matter.
    He is apparently broke and filed for bankruptcy.
    Meaning his net worth is negative.
    .3. His reputation such as it was.
    He comes across as creepy and not very bright.

    Really, he would have been better off going fishing, raising roses, walking his dogs or whatever he does for fun in retirement.

  3. Ted Lawry says

    Interesting. Dick Cheney, who I regard as near the epitomy of evil, has a gay daughter. Supposedly, anti-gay proposals never made it past him.to W. So he did do a good thing, for the sake of his daughter, if true.

  4. jenorafeuer says

    As a number of the articles over the years on ‘what the heck happened to America’s Mayor’ have said, fundamentally, Giuliani’s previous good reputation was luck and timing, more the exception than the rule. The man was always primarily interested in power and self-promotion (lawyers who had worked with him earlier in his career said he was always a bit of a grandstander), it’s just that in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 he could get all his ego-boosting and self-promotion done by being seen as important and ‘presidential’, so the people who only really got to know him then ad only known him when he was getting exactly what he wanted already and could bask in it.

    Once it was obvious he wasn’t able to climb any higher politically himself, he attached himself to the first person he saw that he felt could really bring him into the upper corridors of power, and that was Trump. And there’s lots of history on what happens to people who attach themselves to Trump, but the sorts of people willing to do that always seem to think that they’ll be different somehow…

  5. moarscienceplz says

    I don’t care if his daughter still loves him. For what he did to Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss, I want him homeless. I want him sleeping in a pool of urine behind a sushi restaurant’s dumpster. I want him treated like a leper in Bible times.

  6. stuffin says

    I was going to try and say that your eloquence it greatly appreciated.

  7. drivenb4u says

    Thanks for getting ftb back up. It seems to happen kind of regularly. I only notice because Pharyngula is my goddamned (hehe, get it?) start page.

  8. Walter Solomon says

    I disagree with her that Giuliani’s downfall started with Donald Trump. No, Ghouliani is now what he’s always been — a self-serving, unprincipled criminal. Trump did nothing except motivate him to fulfill his full potential.

  9. david says

    Was she asleep when Rudy used racist tropes in the 19i9 mayoral campaign against Dinkins, or when he later claimed election fraud after he lost that race, or when, after became mayor, support for racist police policies? Why is she only becoming disappointed now? Or when he rode to fame,grandstanding as “America’s Mayor” ? He was always despicable.

  10. Walter Solomon says

    I recently watched a documentary on Jan 6th that shows previously unreleased footage. It struck me that many of the central figures behind the terrorist mob violence are now either embroiled in scandal or in prison.

    Ghouliani, has been disbarred and convicted. Alex Jones’s InfoWars is being liquidated. Ali Alexander has gone into hiding since it came to light he was sexually soliciting underage boys. Steve Bannon is in prison. The only other figure who came out unscathed, apart from Trump, is Nick Fuentes and he has turned on Trump.

    The movement truly is in shambles but what they have created remains dangerous.

  11. Walter Solomon says

    david #11, and don’t forget he incited a riot carried out by off duty police officers.

  12. says

    I hope I never disappoint my daughter this much

    In the longer run, the important thing is that you raised your daughter with enough education, self-respect and integrity that she would be disappointed if you sank as low as Ghouliani.


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