Here’s everything you need to know about Chris Rufo.

In case anyone forgot Chris Rufo posted a $5,000 bounty for a video of Haitians eating cats in Springfield then posted a video of unknown people with chicken on a grill in Canton then we remembered he was married to someone who came to the US illegally then it turned out he had an Ashley Madison account and he threatened to sue @lawindsor about it and said it was a lie but then @stevanzetti showed how the Ashley Madison database has gps coordinates for Topanga where Rufo lived at the time and then Rufo started deleting tweets about Topanga and wowza.
There’s more! He called on his wife to write about her experience as an undocumented immigrant.

There have been rumors circulating that call into question the harassment against my family. Here s a statement from my wife Suphatra: | came to the United States as an undocumented immigrant in the late 1980s. My mother brought me here to escape abuse and human trafficking in my native Thailand. | grew up in a small town in New Hampshire where we were the only minority family. I experienced a lot of intolerance growing up. | remember being refused service in a restaurant. | remember boys holding back the doors at my school so | couldn’t get in, yelling “go back to your country.” | remember the school librarian asking me if | was a child prostitute in Thailand. | remember my college boyfriend being stopped at a grocery store and asked if he had purchased me abroad.
So…someone very close to him is a witness to the injustice and discrimination perpetrated against immigrants in this country, but Rufo has so little concern about that personal testimony that he goes on to promote the same kind of hatred against other immigrants? OK.
I think that in order to be a conservative you have to go to a filthy back alley clinic where they take a flaming red hot wire, ram it into your ear, and scour out your empathic nucleus to leave only a charred black lump in the middle of your brain.
@PZ: For a lot of Americans, it appears that the empathic nucleus was never there in the first place.
Would you not need to establish that a brain was present in the first place?
It can be disturbingly easy to compartmentalise and have a sort of special pleadung / exceptions for people you know becoz you know them whilst people you don’t know ar eseen as an abstract other and demonised. Othering. When you see them as, well, them and not us..
But, yes, there’s a general lack of empathy at work here too I think.
Many of them welcome the red hot wire treatment, having been taught both that it is entirely painless and that it will bring them closer to Jesus. The queues run out of the flithy back alley and all the way round the block.
Flithy. Bloody hell, Woods, wake up before you type.
I’ve long thought it odd that the Orange Turdbot is married to an immigrant, Shady Vance’s parents-in-law are immigrants and now it turns out that Rufo’s wife is an immigrant. I’m sure there are other conservatives and white-wingers married to immigrants (Moscow Mitch comes to mind, for example). I wonder what they would say about their spouses and their families vis-a-vis US immigration policy. They would probably respond similarly to what SteveO said above in #3–it’s okay when they’re the “good” people we know, not all those criminals and psychos that Harris is letting in. They simply want everyone else to “do as I say, not as I do.”
Sounds like a classic case of “but I only meant those other ones.”
Going off on a tangent.
On the subject of integrity and compassion, here Jon Stewart guides us through the detailed and tangible policy suggestions of a candidate currently living in Florida.
why am I not surprised about the hypocrisy? as mentioned upstream JD Vance, Mitch McConnell, (and Donald Trump!) all married immigrants (legal? who knows?) and some other prominent personalities in the conservative altiverse are immigrants themselves (Elon BRAGGED about being in the US illegally/overstaying his Visa before he ‘made it’ ) yes – ‘fine for me but not the thee’ seems to be the exception, not the rule
Is it hard for Rufo to be such a villain, or is it super easy, barely an inconvenience?
Tabby: It could be both — hard, but all he knows, and still easier than changing his ways and trying to be better.
Don’t forget right wing talking head and Nazi saluter Laura Ingraham, who adopted a daughter from Guatemala and two sons from Russia.
Let’s not call the Republican party ‘conservatives’. They do not conserve.