It’s all a lie by the Democrat party. The “True Texas Project” is a wholesome organization that just loves white Christians.
An influential grassroots group with close ties to Texas Republican lawmakers is hosting a conference next month that encourages its attendees to embrace Christian nationalism and resist a Democratic campaign “to rid the earth of the white race.”
Billed as the 15th anniversary celebration for True Texas Project, a far-right activist group that got its start as a North Texas tea party organization, the agenda claims there is a “war on white America,” and elevates theories that white Americans are being intentionally replaced through immigration — a common belief among far-right extremists, including many mass shooters.
I, for one, had no idea that one of the planks of the Democratic agenda was “to rid the earth of the white race.” The “True Texas” agenda is crystal clear, at least: they hate and fear the great replacement theory, cultural Marxism, multiculturalism, and love Zionism, the American Church, etc., etc., etc.
They have high-quality speakers, like Kyle Rittenhouse.
I know, I could stop right there. You already know how worthwhile this event will be.
They’re also bringing in Louie Gohmert…this isn’t helping, is it?
OK, they also include Paul Gottfried, who has the virtue of being someone most people have never heard of.
Few people have been more instrumental in that push than Gottfried, a former humanities professor who has written dozens of books on political history. Gottfried is credited with coining the term “Alt-Right,” which describes a movement of far-right reactionaries, white nationalists and race scientists that sought to intellectualize their fringe views. Led by Spencer, the neo-Nazi who was mentored by Gottfried, the Alt-Right was crucial in mainstreaming extreme views in right-wing circles, but flamed out after its members played key roles in 2017’s “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where tiki-torch wielding neo-Nazis and fascists marched before killing one counterprotester and maiming countless others.
Gottfried is also the founder of the H.L. Mencken Club, which holds an annual conference that has included some of the world’s most prominent extremists, including Jared Taylor, a eugenicist who claims it is unnatural for white people to live alongside non-whites; and Peter Brimelow, whose group VDARE has been crucial to spreading white nationalist writings and propaganda.
Their claim that they aren’t racist is not very persuasive when they’ve got ties to Taylor and Brimelow and Spencer.
These people aren’t fooling anyone.
When are we going to start treating all these groups and individuals like the terrorists and criminals they are?
Really. These people have rejected civilization, so why are they allowed a place in society?
Aren’t these racists way too late here?
Texas whites lost their majority in 2004.
The states largest demographic group is Hispanics, at 40.2% outnumbering whites.
How are the True Texans Party going to reverse history?
They are upset because all the good names they wanted were taken, Confederate,KKK and Nazi.
Not even themselves.
But do they foolthemselve sthat theymight be fooling some others whoaren’;t them?
IOW Just how guillible do they think the rest of us are? (Some of us are?)
The “H. L. Mencken Club”?? Poor Mencken. I mean yes, ultimately he was pretty racist, but I suspect he would have ripped into these knuckleheads with glee.
Gottfried is credited with coining the term “Alt-Right,” …
Likewise Richard Spencer, likewise Steve Bannon, and others probably claim it too.
Paging George Santos, George Santos to the ultra-white courtesy phone please…
No 6, it reminds me of the joke about two children walking through a cemetery. They came across a headstone that said, “He is not dead, but sleeping.” One of the kids turned to the other and said “He ain’t fooln’ nobody but himself.”
There’s a Democratic agenda? I thought they were only the party of “not him.”
@2: Unfortunately that ends up being a case where the solution ends up cresting another problem. Their whole goal is to kick some people out of our shared civilization. If we create a method to do that then they’ll find some method to aim it at other people.
@1 Akira MacKenzie
Sadly, to treat them as “terrorists” you would have to have actual legal grounds to do so. There is a reason why every single terrorist in the US to date, including people like McVeigh was tried for things like, “Misusing explosives”, or, “damaging property”, or “murder”, but never “domestic terrorism”. We literally do not have, unlike many other countries, laws that cover “being a terrorist”. And, lets be honest here, the only party to even suggest passing such has been Republicans, and they want to define “terrorist” as, “Daring to use your constitutional right to protest, without actually threatening violence to get what you want.”, and have called for this definition whether there was actual violence at the protest or not (not to mention calling on the protestors to be labelled as terrorists, when the violence was instigated by their own allies, as a means to disrupt it, and trigger arrests). So, yeah, again – the actual terrorists, i.e. the people intentionally showing up to create a riot, are totally OK people, but the people protesting a problem are, in GOP land, the “real terrorists”… Ah, the wonderful world of Backwards Land, in which anything that benefits you is patriotism, but anything apposed to you is a terrorist, even if all they are doing is complaining about your insane policies and blocking a street temporarily.
But, but, but…we have to listen to these guys because of the marketplace of ideas or somesuch!! It is beyone sad that anyone at all is buying what these morons are selling.