OK, I’ve had enough. Yesterday, I got a fresh package of legal documents from our probate lawyer. I have to go through them all and verify stuff and set up a bank account and just generally do accounting. Also, paying money.
Today I’m getting a realtor’s estimate on a house, and have to get the wheels rolling on selling my mother’s estate.
Then, a surprise: we have some asbestos treated floor tiles in our basement (the 1940s were a carefree time), and the remediation company got an open slot in their busy schedule, and are showing up this afternoon.
I’m going to be trapped in my house all day while construction people hammer and scrape, and I have to read all these declarations from the courts of the County of King.
These are all boring things. I’d rather be in the lab feeding a hungry hungry horde of spider babies.
My brother was Mom’s executor, signatory and power of attorney and I’m glad. It’s been a royal PITA and we didn’t have to deal with probate at all. I now have more accounts than I know what to do with. There was a 401k, which has to be moved to an new IRA with the same brokerage which requires a yearly minimum distribution and has to be drawn down in 10 years. Yay taxes. There’s a regular brokerage account, so I had to open one of those. A small life insurance policy from like like 1962. Car. House and all its contents. The house was a little easier as one of the grandkids bought it.
Don’t be paranoid, but keep close to your attorney – not every hand held out needs to have money put in it.
Asbestos tiles are at least one of the safest forms and relatively easy to remove. Unlike the spray on ceiling asbestos which is a nightmare…
If your floor is undisturbed vinyl asbestos tiles, a lot of people just leave them alone. But I assume you did your homework.
whywhywhy @ #3 — So it’s relatively safe for PZ to be in the house while they’re scraping up and cleaning up the asbestos tiles? I have some dread of anything asbestos which may be unfounded, but I know it has been a big problem. Made more than a few lawyers really rich.
Oh PZ – it is such a miserable process. My empathy and sympathy.
Adulting is overrated. Who decided it was a good idea?
microraptor, those who do it.
(If they did not, they would not do it, would they?)
@ 8
Morales not being hyperliteral, because anyone saying Morales is hyperlitreal deserves to be called weird childish names and badmouthed in every thread they’re not in as punishment for saying Morales is hyperliteral which is totally not true and dare to say it’s true and you’ll get the same treatment as a hyperliteral-caller or I should say “hymenlipsuckercauldron” because that’s the level of rhetorical sophistication we’re dealing with with this this absolute fucking idiot.
(People who know Morales understand my comment. The rest are to be envied.)
Translation: wank wank wank wank wank wank wank wank wankity-wank.
I think of Morales, and I wank.
Well, unlike you, they probably don’t need a box of tissues at hand.
You do amuse, SmegmaticBog.
Tell me more about how you don’t obsess over me and you don’t even read my comments, SoiledBooger.
(Oh, yeah… and about how I lack self-esteem. You know you’ll never live that one down, doncha?)
Can’t even ape my mockeries, O Bobiferant.
(So weak, you are!)
Not that there’s anything wrong with your paraphilia, O bobiferant.
You are not the only one who wanks when thrilling oneself about me; relax.
But it’s good to wipe yourself, after.
[Ah well, Tantric, obob ain’t]
Obviously John Morales and Silentbob see adulting as overrated…