I’ve noted this before, that Ken Ham’s Ark Park is built on a deep, rich bed of Ordovician fossils. Every time a creationist asks where all the fossils we’re supposed to have are, just tell them to use a shovel and rock hammer around the Answers in Genesis cult compound and you’ll find billions and billions of brachiopods and nautiloids and various shelly marine creatures right there.
Dr Joel Duff makes the same point — the fake Ark is built on an immense marine graveyard that is hundreds of millions of years old, yet the creationists mostly ignore it. I wonder why?
And the Ark Park is 20 miles as the pterodactyl flies from Big Bone Lick State Park, “The Birthplace of American Vertebrate Paleontology”. Oh the irony.
I love that their boat is floating on hundreds of millions of refutations of their nonsense. Still, whatever floats your boat, eh?
ps “various shelly marine creatures write there” possibly needs ‘right’ rather than ‘write’.
pps have you scooped up all the Black Widow spider babbies yet?
I remember seeing a video years ago about someone pointing out the fact that Dumb Idiot Ham’s “museum” was built on top of rock layers dated back over 400 million years ago, which is very ironic when it comes to Dumb Idiot Ham’s excessive “drilling” of his made up young earth lies and fantasy in his putrid faculties and his ignorance of his faculties sitting on top of a 400 – 500 million year old fossil bed.
Ken “not the astronaut one”* Ham definitely didn’t make the mighty fossil bed he sleeps on – but he’s sure never going to wake up on it becoz that’d be too “woke” and he wouldn’t be able to cope with waking scientific reality.
. * For the better Ken Ham See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Ham
Our primary scool where I first went to school had stone tiles full of ortoceratite fossils.
And the Swedish Church was never interested in opposing Darwin. In fact, after the famous initial debates in Britain, neither was the Anglican church.
This weird denial is mostly a New World tradition, alongside the idea of the rapture (technically a heresy).
PZ, you you ought to know by now what these hicks would reply: “ This fossil bed, lay down by Noah’s Flood, only PROVES the authenticity of The Bible.”
And millions of morons will agree.
I can (partially) enjoy the irony, but Creationists would bring in their tried and true “complexity sorting” or whatever to make a just so story about how those fossils got there during the flood.
Sadly I must state that @6 Akira MacKenzie had the most likely accurate scenario. Stale Hamsandwich and his cult members and their concrete ark will never admit to facts that contradict their evil fictional fantasy.
@7 Recursive Rabbit talked about irony. I see irony in the fact that Ken Hamsandwich is himself a fossil.
I grew up in Cincinnati, about 50 miles north of Williamstown KY.
You could pick up any limestone rock in our backyard, and see bryozoan, brachiopod, gastropod, clam, and crinoid stem fossils.
I knew they were 450 million years old, but never realized I was so woke.