Liberals: “SHHHHHHH… Do you want Biden to lose! TRUMP WOULD BE WORSE!!!!”
Me: “I didn’t even mention Biden…”
Rob Grigjanissays
We should have a “What would Akira say?” contest. PZ posts something, and after, say, ten WWAS entries, Akira can pick the one which would come closest to his own wording. It would be a tight contest! Choosing the right places to put caps would be the key, I think.
Oh so we can just hire someone with a pressure washer to fix the genocide? Cool!
@4 numerobis
You have to aim it at the right people. And keep it going until the genocide stops. Then keep it going until they pay for reparations. And you will need more than one.
Akira MacKenziesays
Here’s better game: How much cum can Rob take into his whore mouth by sucking centrist cock.
I’m betting gallons.
Hmm, what are the predicted results of posting foul misogynistic insults like #6?
John Moralessays
[What Tetyhys wrote]
That was unseemly, Akira. Boorish, even.
@6.Akira MacKenzie : Wow. That wa snasty and mean and unwarranted. Slut-shaming, personal blatant abuse and no actual substantive argument. Going to peopel’s sex lives as an insult? Not cool.
That was ugly and I expected better of you.
@2. Akira MacKenzie : Do you want Biden to lose! TRUMP WOULD BE WORSE!!!!”
Isn’t that the truth? How would you answer that question?
That Trump would be worse is a statement of fact in my view. Don’t you agree that Trump and thsoe puppeteering him would indeed be worse?
In a flawed system that does de facto give only two actual choices for POTUS isn’t doing things that help the worse candidate of two bad ones a problem?
Again, & since you raised this, please reform the USA’s semi-democratic political system. But until it has been reformed, please vote for the less eveil becuase it beats the alternative.
You want people to believe that you truly imagined that was about “tone”?
You are either being doltish or insincere. The latter, almost certainly.
Nah. You just want to sow discord.
(All you have, logic is not on your side)
I love how Grigjanis being a dickhead is just totally ignored.
I think there is a fair argument to make that any criticism of Biden makes some people uncomfortable and defensive to the point that they bring out the irrelevant counterargument that Trump would be worse.
John Moralessays
lotharloo, in relation to the forthcoming election, that Trump would be worse is very relevant.
Irrelevant to whether Biden is an enable for Israel, but not for that.
Akira MacKenziesays
While Trump would probably love to join the Israeli in the slaughter, Biden would continue what he’s doing now: Nothing
Either way, it’s a shit deal for the Palestinians.
Rob Grigjanissays
And a good morning to you too, Akira and Silentbob! Keep up the good work.
Akira MacKenziesays
@ 19
I’m sorry, Rob. I can’t hear you over the “GWAK, GWAK, GWAK” sounds. Don’t talk with your throat full, it’s bad manners.
Akira, who do you think you are impressing? Certainly not anyone interested in rational discussion.
I’m pretty sure Palestinians would be worse off under Trump than with Biden, but it’s shit either way indeed. The big difference is further afield, where the Biden team has been quite active at smoothing things over so that the conflict doesn’t spread. Netanyahu wants it to spread, and I’m pretty sure he’d be successful if Trump were bumbling about.
Alan G. Humphreysays
The Grigjanis contest (#3) disappears with just two MacKenzie wrenches (#6 & 19), and the foreseen tight contest is forever disrupted. A missed forest disguised by a couple of trees, but what trees…
Akira: #6 is totally unacceptable, Akira, and this is your only warning: if you can’t calm down and be civil, your presence will no longer be tolerable. –pzm
One thing I learned from this ongoing genocide is that the American killing machine has so thoroughly insulated itself from any public backlash or shred of accountability that there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it. I am alternately supposed to shrug about this or cheer it on depending on which part of the planet we’re inflicting our torments on. I now have more sympathy for people who did nothing when this happened in the past.
Also it’s interesting to note all the tone police in this thread who Very Seriously Disapprove of the e-graffiti.
John Moralessays
Also it’s interesting to note all the tone police in this thread
Name one. Just one.
(Gotta love these provocateurs who — probably intentionally — coflate content with tone)
Just for the record, I thought #6 was responding in kind if not in magnitude. Not everything has to be civilly and logically refuted. For instance: That which is presented without evidence can be dismissed similarly.
John Moralessays
Just for the record, I thought #6 was responding in kind if not in magnitude.
Throbbing homophobia, that was. Nothing like the provoking comment.
Not everything has to be civilly and logically refuted.
That non-civil and non-logical non-refutation didn’t have to be extremely homophobic.
Still, horses for courses. That would have been a fine retort in the Slymepit.
“Caps lock mockery is content-less politically and a personal attack” rather.
That which is presented without evidence can be dismissed similarly.
Since the contest proposed @3 is a dismissal of an ALL CAPS bit of well poisoning @2. There is nothing remotely ‘in kind’ about the whore insults.
Rob Grigjanis is not the only reader who is annoyed by the repeated asinine generalization about liberals.
Akira is well aware that they are over the line @6.
@30 Tethys
Rob Grigjanis is not the only reader who is annoyed by the repeated asinine generalization about liberals.
Have you tried crying about it, and going with Rob to group therapy? And then perhaps realizing no one else cares?
Of course, that would require retrieving your head from firmly inside your own rectum. Unlikely to ever happen.
John Moralessays
beholder, like that, is it?
Have you tried crying about it, and going with Rob to group therapy?
Bah. You yourself are even now crying about someone remarking on it, and then most stupidly and without warrant insinuating something about group therapy.
Weak as fuck, mate.
Of course, that would require retrieving your head from firmly inside your own rectum.
More than 100 students have been arrested after police cleared a camp of pro-Palestinian protesters at Columbia University in New York.
The university’s president said that the “extraordinary step” came after multiple warnings and was necessary to provide a safe environment.
Among the participants in the protest was Minnesota politician Ilhan Omar’s daughter, who has been suspended.
Protests have rocked US campuses since the Israel-Gaza war began last year.
Demonstrators constructed an encampment of about 50 tents on campus on Wednesday – and overnight hundreds of students and others rallied with them.
I see beholder is still very upset about the last time I called out their logic free attempts at demonizing Biden and the Democrats over Gaza.
It’s also still a fact that Biden didn’t magically create the Pentagon, the pre-existing international alliance between the US and Israel, or the military industrial complex.
what would you have him do?
Is he and the U.S.A. just supposed to give some kind of command or extreme threat to make them stop the killing?
I pretty sure no one will pay much attention they have shown little along those lines as long as I have been living on this earth. It is decidedly not monolithic in that part of the world but so far this fighting has not completely escalated to all out tit for tat total war.
Looking at the realities it is the absolute pinnacle of a cluster fuck and very little positive action by any of the myriad parties seems to have any long term effect at all.
I hate this religious rooted and rationalized violence of this religious war it just does not have anything approaching a rational solution
The only one “tone-policing” anyone here is Akira by passive-aggressively climbing on a cross and trying to preemptively shame detractors into silence.
I see the I Hate Biden So Much I Shill For Trump people can’t tell tone trolling from pushing back against homophobic language.
MAGA-adjacent, you lot.
Globally the framing is Pro Palestine vs Pro Israel. That is a manipulation.
There is Hamas, a murderous bunch of ideologues, vs the Netanyahu government, also murderous ideologues. There are those that support each, most notably a lot of the Israeli military.
That whole evil ball of wax is the opponent of people living anywhere in the middle east.
Hey, it’s that wall from Talk Heathen!
Liberals: “SHHHHHHH… Do you want Biden to lose! TRUMP WOULD BE WORSE!!!!”
Me: “I didn’t even mention Biden…”
We should have a “What would Akira say?” contest. PZ posts something, and after, say, ten WWAS entries, Akira can pick the one which would come closest to his own wording. It would be a tight contest! Choosing the right places to put caps would be the key, I think.
Oh so we can just hire someone with a pressure washer to fix the genocide? Cool!
@4 numerobis
You have to aim it at the right people. And keep it going until the genocide stops. Then keep it going until they pay for reparations. And you will need more than one.
Here’s better game: How much cum can Rob take into his whore mouth by sucking centrist cock.
I’m betting gallons.
Hmm, what are the predicted results of posting foul misogynistic insults like #6?
[What Tetyhys wrote]
That was unseemly, Akira. Boorish, even.
@6.Akira MacKenzie : Wow. That wa snasty and mean and unwarranted. Slut-shaming, personal blatant abuse and no actual substantive argument. Going to peopel’s sex lives as an insult? Not cool.
That was ugly and I expected better of you.
@2. Akira MacKenzie : Do you want Biden to lose! TRUMP WOULD BE WORSE!!!!”
Isn’t that the truth? How would you answer that question?
That Trump would be worse is a statement of fact in my view. Don’t you agree that Trump and thsoe puppeteering him would indeed be worse?
In a flawed system that does de facto give only two actual choices for POTUS isn’t doing things that help the worse candidate of two bad ones a problem?
Again, & since you raised this, please reform the USA’s semi-democratic political system. But until it has been reformed, please vote for the less eveil becuase it beats the alternative.
PS. Tangential breaking news :
Akira, don’t you think it’s time you went back on your social media sabbatical?
Ah, fun to watch the centrists tone police!
You want people to believe that you truly imagined that was about “tone”?
You are either being doltish or insincere. The latter, almost certainly.
Nah. You just want to sow discord.
(All you have, logic is not on your side)
I love how Grigjanis being a dickhead is just totally ignored.
I think there is a fair argument to make that any criticism of Biden makes some people uncomfortable and defensive to the point that they bring out the irrelevant counterargument that Trump would be worse.
lotharloo, in relation to the forthcoming election, that Trump would be worse is very relevant.
Irrelevant to whether Biden is an enable for Israel, but not for that.
While Trump would probably love to join the Israeli in the slaughter, Biden would continue what he’s doing now: Nothing
Either way, it’s a shit deal for the Palestinians.
And a good morning to you too, Akira and Silentbob! Keep up the good work.
@ 19
I’m sorry, Rob. I can’t hear you over the “GWAK, GWAK, GWAK” sounds. Don’t talk with your throat full, it’s bad manners.
Akira, who do you think you are impressing? Certainly not anyone interested in rational discussion.
I’m pretty sure Palestinians would be worse off under Trump than with Biden, but it’s shit either way indeed. The big difference is further afield, where the Biden team has been quite active at smoothing things over so that the conflict doesn’t spread. Netanyahu wants it to spread, and I’m pretty sure he’d be successful if Trump were bumbling about.
The Grigjanis contest (#3) disappears with just two MacKenzie wrenches (#6 & 19), and the foreseen tight contest is forever disrupted. A missed forest disguised by a couple of trees, but what trees…
Akira: #6 is totally unacceptable, Akira, and this is your only warning: if you can’t calm down and be civil, your presence will no longer be tolerable. –pzm
One thing I learned from this ongoing genocide is that the American killing machine has so thoroughly insulated itself from any public backlash or shred of accountability that there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it. I am alternately supposed to shrug about this or cheer it on depending on which part of the planet we’re inflicting our torments on. I now have more sympathy for people who did nothing when this happened in the past.
Also it’s interesting to note all the tone police in this thread who Very Seriously Disapprove of the e-graffiti.
Name one. Just one.
(Gotta love these provocateurs who — probably intentionally — coflate content with tone)
Just for the record, I thought #6 was responding in kind if not in magnitude. Not everything has to be civilly and logically refuted. For instance: That which is presented without evidence can be dismissed similarly.
Throbbing homophobia, that was. Nothing like the provoking comment.
That non-civil and non-logical non-refutation didn’t have to be extremely homophobic.
Still, horses for courses. That would have been a fine retort in the Slymepit.
(Here, not so much)
If being gay isn’t bad it shouldn’t be in our insults.
And caps-lock is content-less politically and a personal attack.
No, they aren’t the same.
“Caps lock mockery is content-less politically and a personal attack” rather.
That which is presented without evidence can be dismissed similarly.
Since the contest proposed @3 is a dismissal of an ALL CAPS bit of well poisoning @2. There is nothing remotely ‘in kind’ about the whore insults.
Rob Grigjanis is not the only reader who is annoyed by the repeated asinine generalization about liberals.
Akira is well aware that they are over the line @6.
@30 Tethys
Have you tried crying about it, and going with Rob to group therapy? And then perhaps realizing no one else cares?
Of course, that would require retrieving your head from firmly inside your own rectum. Unlikely to ever happen.
beholder, like that, is it?
Bah. You yourself are even now crying about someone remarking on it, and then most stupidly and without warrant insinuating something about group therapy.
Weak as fuck, mate.
Weak words. Formulaic, baseless, stupid.
Cargo-cult rhetoric.
Gaza. Some confront it.
In the news:
I see beholder is still very upset about the last time I called out their logic free attempts at demonizing Biden and the Democrats over Gaza.
It’s also still a fact that Biden didn’t magically create the Pentagon, the pre-existing international alliance between the US and Israel, or the military industrial complex.
what would you have him do?
Is he and the U.S.A. just supposed to give some kind of command or extreme threat to make them stop the killing?
I pretty sure no one will pay much attention they have shown little along those lines as long as I have been living on this earth. It is decidedly not monolithic in that part of the world but so far this fighting has not completely escalated to all out tit for tat total war.
Looking at the realities it is the absolute pinnacle of a cluster fuck and very little positive action by any of the myriad parties seems to have any long term effect at all.
I hate this religious rooted and rationalized violence of this religious war it just does not have anything approaching a rational solution
The only one “tone-policing” anyone here is Akira by passive-aggressively climbing on a cross and trying to preemptively shame detractors into silence.
I see the I Hate Biden So Much I Shill For Trump people can’t tell tone trolling from pushing back against homophobic language.
MAGA-adjacent, you lot.
Globally the framing is Pro Palestine vs Pro Israel. That is a manipulation.
There is Hamas, a murderous bunch of ideologues, vs the Netanyahu government, also murderous ideologues. There are those that support each, most notably a lot of the Israeli military.
That whole evil ball of wax is the opponent of people living anywhere in the middle east.
Its pro violent evil vs pro civilisation.