He must be so relieved to have been doxxed — now he can be his true self in public. He can go speak at conferences for his people, appear on television in documentaries, proudly march in parades.
Graebener is the creator of Stonetoss, the webcomic that tries to find the “cute” in “nazi”, while failing to notice that those two words share no letters in common. He does all these short “comics” with the same frequent punchlines: trans people end up killing themselves, gay people end up bathing in feces, Jews are behind everything and are scheming to sacrifice Xian babies. When they aren’t obvious, they’re so loaded with impenetrable bizarre references to neo-Nazi shit they’re incomprehensible, but racists and haters and Nazis love them anyway. You can even buy an adorable little plush toy of the main character. He’s also been peddling NFTs, still, endlessly trying to grift his way to riches and glory, and now he can do it in his own charmingly German name.
Graebener is an IT guy working (so far!) in Spring, Texas. He’s single, girls! He’s been known to desperately advertise his availability, but doesn’t seem to have landed a long-term relationship. I can’t imagine what a pleasant person he must be in person.
No, really, I can’t imagine it.
I can imagine that he’s the kind of guy who has a porn addiction. Too bad he lives in Texas, now that PornHub has blocked the whole state.
He’ll be OK, though. I’m sure he’ll have the support of Elon Musk, a guy who loves to promote racism.
Garrison also talks to Dr. Sasha Gusev, a statistical geneticist and associate professor at Harvard Medical School, who points out that because this racism is seemingly backed by scientific fact, people often lack the language to call out its problematic nature.
“There’s a kind of fusion between old-school gutter racism that everyone can recognize and this new-school Silicon Valley, data-driven analysis. And I think that this is very confusing to people,” said Gusev. “They don’t know what to do with it. They say, ‘Hey, there’s this thing that I recognize as ugly, and then there’s somebody posting a hundred charts that seem to support it.’”
Musk can do the hundred charts, while Graebener brings the ugly.
I can’t imagine why.He seems like a supreme gentleman. /s
Don’t click on the article, several of Hans’s cartoon are there and P Z’s description does not do justice as to how horrible they are. Hans is a walking bag of shit, hate and rabid weasel vomit. I’ll be surprised if he isn’t sacked by Monday noon. Unless he works at Xitter. In that case he’s got a job till Elon blows it into the Earth’s core.
So.. he’s gunna be Trump’s VP pick probly?
Incidentally, today, the Ides of March at least in the US of A & still in Perth, Oz (&, okay, most of the rest of the world timezones being timezones) is the 5th anniversary of the Christchurch massacre when an Aussie neo-nazi murdered fifty-one Muslim people for being Muslims :
I first read that name as Hans Gruber.
I’m not a violent person, so I will not suggest that this guy deserves the same fate as the fictional Hans. I will not.
No. I won’t. Not me. Nuh uh.
Now that’s uncalled for.
I have a strange feeling I buttes heads with this person on the atheist experience Facebook page, but they may have just been posting the transphobic comics.
Pity he only has a German name. If he had been posting that shit from Germany he would have all kinds of fun with the law now!
Must… resist… temptation to write Danny Kaye parody…
You know, just once I’d like to see some creative bigotry coming from these people. This is just so pedestrian and derivative. Yes, we get you’re a horrible person, but could you at least try to create something with a bit of originality? Maybe come up with some fresh new racist stereotypes for a change? Albanians all have a weakness for ice-cream? Gay people aren’t very good at doing the washing up? Women are incapable of playing Bridge well? Just, y’know, something distinctive? Granted, the whole anti-circumcision angle has not been explored as fully as some of the other dead-horse, barrel-scraping bigot tropes, but it’s not exactly original, particularly since it is here being executed with a tired anti-Jewish slant.
No, scratch that, how about just bugger off and die like the rest of the nazis eh?
Dear internet,
Do your thing.
Every time Elon Musk reveals more of what passes for thought in his warped mind, another Tesla car sale dies.
The more people see of him, the less a lot of us want to buy anything he is associated with.
Tesla is suddenly not doing very well.
“So far in 2024, Tesla stock has retreated more than 30%,…”
Before Musk bought Twitter and wrecked it, I was neutral on him.
Long ago, I saw enough that I will never buy anything even remotely associated with Elon Musk.
He clearly hates people like me and is at least Nazi adjacent, so why should I spend my money benefiting him.
Besides which, Tesla cars are getting a bad reputation for being unsafe and unreliable and Twitter is now X and a useless swamp.
The seemingly anti-circumcision comic was…different. It wasn’t even anti-Semitic in nature. I wonder why it was included in the article.
Wow – suddenly Scott Adams looks (almost) like Gary Larson.
In the Company we had something called the Reduction In Force Adjustment; a random layoff. About every other year 10 or 12 people would disappear. RIFA did not require cause, but the doomed were generally recognized as low performers or “oddballs.”
We were surprised, but not terribly, when “Ed” got laid off in a RIFA. Ed was bright, did good work, but was a bit of a heretic always in the face of management yapping at them about this or that. When I expressed surprise to my supervisor about Ed’s layoff he said, “Well, RIFA is a tool to just smooth things out. Ed did good work but, you know, we can find people who do good work who aren’t jerks.” Here’s hoping that Grabber finds out that being a jerk has consequences.
I hate it when I somewhat agree with a neo-Nazi about anything but I do agree with him on the issue of circumcising non-consenting children for any reason other than a medical necessity. The Jewish tradition of circumcision is barbaric and I think that mocking it is no more automatically anti-semitic than criticizing the apartheid state of Israel is.
His anti-lGBTQ+ stuff is vile and I remember seeing a video by Shaun about him a long time ago. I will probably now rewatch it to refresh my memory about it, Shaun’s videos are usually worth rewatching, he makes excellent arguments.
Ah, the video was not be by Shaun but by Thought Slime. Funny my brain should confuse those two, their styles are different.