Three generations

I was at SeaTac with Knut and Connlann and an unnamed muppet before Xmas. I’ll let you guess who’s who.

Three of them were on the way to Korea, I was going to Minnesota. Knut is still in Korea, dining on kimchee and all sorts of delicious food. He needs it to keep up his rate of growth.


  1. robro says

    Doc Bill @ #1 — There are several muppets with beards and mustaches, e.g. three members of Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem: Dr. Teeth, Floyd, and Animal. Waldorf of Statler and Waldorf has a prominent gray mustache. And of course, Count von Count has a goatee.

  2. birgerjohansson says

    PZ in the image does not look enthusiastic about going back to chilly Minnesota.
    Muhammed is also in the image, he is hiding behind the red case as he thinks all images are evil. Spiney Norman is hunched beyond the airliner. The predator below the engine is cloaked.

  3. cartomancer says

    The spider scientist rubs its little legs in glee, taking careful notes to see what characteristics of its lab-raised Myers population are heritable.

  4. birgerjohansson says

    John Morales @ 10.
    Insert tardigrade proteins in the non-neural cells and you might hibernate until 4G arrives.
    (For the neural cells, maybe try the proteins Siberian newts use )