Prudes on parade

See the nice couple? They have a busy career making videos and writing books. They seem to be enjoying their life.

Geri and Jay Hart are the pen names of a married woman and man who serve in executive positions at two well-known organizations in the U.S. They frequently participate in civic and charitable events and appear in their local media. Although their careers keep Geri and Jay well occupied individually, their top priority is being together. During shared times they enjoy exercising, traveling, eating healthy food, and—of course—exploring and savoring their sexuality. See select videos and follow them on OnlyFans, X (formerly Twitter), and PornHub @SexyHappyCouple.

“Geri and Jay Hart” are pseudonyms — they do a lot of sex stuff, and want their privacy. Somebody leaked their actual names, and…uh-oh, Jay Hart’s real name is Joe Gow, and he was the chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. You can imagine how that went down.

Former University of Wisconsin-La Crosse Chancellor Joe Gow said Thursday that the school’s governing board fired him because members were uncomfortable with him and his wife producing and appearing in pornographic videos.

The Universities of Wisconsin Board of Regents, which oversees UW-Madison, UW-La Crosse and 11 other regional campuses, voted unanimously during a hastily convened closed meeting Wednesday evening to fire Gow.

After the vote, Universities of Wisconsin President Jay Rothman and regents President Karen Walsh issued statements saying the regents had learned of specific conduct by Gow that subjected the university to “significant reputational harm.” Rothman called Gow’s actions “abhorrent” and Walsh said she was “disgusted.” But neither of them offered any details of the allegations.

No details. I glanced through their stuff (blushing all the way), and it’s all very explicit, but the focus is on consent and mutual pleasure. I didn’t see anything abhorrent or disgusting…well, maybe a tightly-puckered sphincter of a prude would dislike them. They fired him because he had a happy, cheerful sex life, something none of the regents would ever have.

They’re also planning to have his tenure revoked.

Unless there is evidence of non-consensual behavior, none of this should happen. Unless we’re going to fire everyone for the ‘crime’ of being sexual, there are no grounds for dismissal here.

There’s an interesting counterpoint in the case of Bridget Ziegler, the far-right co-founder of Moms for Liberty, who was discovered to have an interesting sex life — she was involved in a three-way sexual relationship. Again, as long as it’s consensual, no big deal; her husband, on the other hand, was accused of raping their partner, which is a big deal. Ziegler was not fired for her sexual activities, and I have no problem with that, although she should have been fired for extraordinary hypocrisy, since she rode into her position by condemning others for their sex acts. At least some people realize that. This student zeroed in on the real problem.

Calls for Ziegler to resign her position on the Sarasota School Board continue to this day, and a public hearing was recently held, with parents and students demanding she step down. One Sarasota parent, Sally Sells, explained the issue wasn’t what the Zieglers do in the bedroom. “Most of our community could not care less what you do in the privacy of your own home, but your hypocrisy takes center stage,” Sells said. Former Sarasota student Zander Moricz drove home that point. “Bridget, you deserve to be fired from your job because you are terrible at your job, not because you had sex with a woman,” Moricz said.

The kids are all right.


  1. says

    It’s Wisconsin. The right wing has been making concerted efforts to take over everything in the state. This is the domain of Ron Johnson, second most stupid senator in congress.

  2. Ada Christine says

    I hope they sue the shit out UWLC. The “significant reputational harm” is coming from inside the house, not from this couple’s after-hours activities. They were even pseudonymous until some jackass decided it’d be funny to fuck with their public lives.

    “Good judgement requires that there are and must be limits on what is said or done by the individuals entrusted to lead our universities,” Rothman wrote.

    They would never fire a professor talking anti-chocie shit or preaching other far-right nonsense on-campus under this rationale–which is actually demonstrably harmful. What a load of bullshit. And I grew up not that far from La Crosse, so I know some thin-skinned conservative Wisconsin bullshit when i smell it.

  3. robro says

    Makes me think of Matthew 23:24: “You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.” The hypocrisy of uptight moralists has been with us a vert long time.

  4. raven says

    I could care less also.

    “People have sex, film on the news at 11:00.”
    Oh wait, not on the TV news. “Story at 11;00 about villagers with torches and pitchforks after those people.”

    These stories are happening quite often now.
    There was a similar one about the Democratic candidate in Virginia. She ended up losing the election but not by much. I’m sure her videos didn’t help her campaign.
    Or that congresswoman from California who ended up resigning.

    I’m wondering a lot about these people’s judgement though.
    They seemed to be making bad decisions about what of their life content they share on the internet.
    The lesson here, which shouldn’t have to be learned the hard way, is that anything you put on the internet could someday be front page news.

    I figured that out decades ago.
    I always assume that any emails I send could end up as front page news somewhere for some reason. In theory anyway. In reality, no one cares about my emails enough to bother with them.
    Ask a lot of politicians or Hillary Clinton how that works.

    The same holds true even more so for explicit videos or explicit photos.

  5. Akira MacKenzie says

    [Deadpan] Oh no. The Chancellor of the UW system’s fifth largest school has made movies of himself and his wife having sex. It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel… utterly unconcerned.

  6. stochastic says

    This is the domain of Ron Johnson, second most stupid senator in congress.

    So who’s first?

    My vote would be for Tuberville, but there’s so much competition.

  7. wzrd1 says

    Wait a minute now, a husband and wife had sex? Whatever will the storks think?!
    Won’t anyone think of the storks?

    Now, anyone wanting to be a real dick about it at that university should lead off with that remark, then put stork stickers everywhere the Board of Regents can possibly see. For, some mythical reputational harm was committed by an anonymous video, whereas they’ve opened their organization to derision and contempt.

    Or go the other route, full far right style and push for a law outlawing sex and when someone becomes pregnant, charge them with a crime and destroy the proceeds of sex. Should be able to get that one in just in time for the next election for them to lose in and the law never passing anyway.
    Especially, given that one smallish segment of far right does want sex outlawed, save for when it’s done for procreational purposes. Which thoroughly explains why they’re such miserable fuckless bastards.
    In short, help them undermine themselves.

  8. wzrd1 says

    Oh, when I saw the headline, I thought it’d have been about that Russian underwear party. Apparently, per official statements, the entire war in Ukraine is over underwear parties or something now. And originally, they simply forgot to mention it or something.
    Putin’s grasping at so many straws, it’s a matter of a short amount of time before the camel’s back snaps.

  9. nomaduk says

    Gah. I remember Wisconsin being Wisconsin even back when I lived in Minnesota; it’s been decades in the making.

  10. andywuk says

    Creeping authoritarianism at it’s finest.

    If they can fire people just because…then given enough effort anyone can be fired/controlled/coerced because dig deep enough and you’ll find “something”.

    No baxies on the elites though.

  11. Pierce R. Butler says

    Per … pornographic videos.

    Someone just made a gigantic value judgment there, far exceeding journalistic standards.

    A “sexual” video? Sure (I suppose, not having seen “Geri & Jay”‘s oeuvre). An “erotic” video? Probably, by majority-hetero criteria. An “explicit” video? By some definitions, assuming exposure of the usual erogenous anatomy.

    But “pornographic”? If even a Supreme Court Justice who claimed to “know it when he saw it” couldn’t define that term, and (I’d bet) the purveyors of such video(s) didn’t use it, what justifies a reporter targeting that product with that adjective?

  12. gijoel says

    If he had made porn with one/some of his graduate students the wingnuts would be falling over themselves.

    Oh! Come and see the hypocrisy inherent in the system!

  13. wzrd1 says

    Pierce R. Butler @ 16, are you suggesting that the correspondent was pulling on the strawman until he started bleeding?

  14. diogenes says

    “’Geri and Jay Hart’ are pseudonyms — they do a lot of sex stuff, and want their privacy.”
    Raven makes a good point. The minute you post anything on the web, you effectively forfeit your “privacy.” Surely this high-octane couple knows that fact. The issue really isn’t sex, but rather exceedingly bad judgment and taste. They get no sympathy from me–this was completely predictable….

  15. jeanmeslier says

    Bridget should be fired cause she’s a fascist, not because she had sex in any way or becuase she is “doing a bad job”

  16. drken says

    Call me a cynic, but I have two takes as to why he was fired:
    1. Big donors didn’t approve and threatened to stop giving. His first job as Chancellor was to raise money for the University. His second job was to raise money for the various Colleges within the University. If that stops or even slows, he’s gone. So, prudery, but not the board’s.
    2. The board wanted to get rid of him anyway but couldn’t fire him for whatever reason they had, so this was the excuse.

  17. John Morales says

    “See select videos and follow them on OnlyFans, X (formerly Twitter), and PornHub @SexyHappyCouple.”

    Sure sounds like pornography to me.

    “You can imagine how that went down.”

    Heh. (So juvenile of me!)

    “Unless there is evidence of non-consensual behavior, none of this should happen.”

    I imagine that had it been Nazi cosplay (entirely consensual) PZ might have had a different take on it.

  18. wzrd1 says

    Pierce R. Butler @ 20, that’s precisely what I said, then she slapped me – with quite a fine pair of bricks.
    What a waste of good, high quality bricks!

    @ 23, or a third choice. He was making money, which the OnlyFans venue provides and it wasn’t as a slave to the University and hence, them, so he had to go. Slaves have to remain 100% dependent upon their masters or their mastery is eroded. After all, they literally, via their termination, stated that they expect 24/7/365 service exclusively to the university and absolutely no service implied to his wife.
    Salary, thy original name was slavery.

    Or maybe I’m just in a rubbish mood. Did just get back from a walk to the supermarket and back and my back and feet are beyond enraged.
    I really think that my toes should take off and nuke the site from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.*

    *Fingers can’t make the trip, they’re recovering from a wonderful bout of Raynaud’s, the most fetching shades of white, red and purple one could get in a pair of hands. :/

  19. wzrd1 says

    So, the very first book Wisconsin will have to dispose of, or at least make unreachable for schools and children is the bible.
    Although, given that no age is given, medical texts for medical schools will also be forbidden, save if the only means of birth is by stork. Anything to do with sexuality and sex in general would be prohibited, which means zero accreditation for the state’s medical schools nationally.
    Boy, but I can take such insane measures for an extremely long walk around the park thoroughly shitting up the place!
    Wait, isn’t cheese a major product for that state? Yeasts and fungi have a sexual reproductive system, that’s forbidden, so cheese books are illegal too! Guess they’ll be stuck with the same exports as their peers, the Taliban – nothing but illicit drugs…

  20. says

    FR? We now fire people for [checks notes] selling vids of consensual marital interactions? I don’t give a fuck what they were doing or how much money they made off it, so long as everyone is a consenting adult, and gets their cut of the proceeds.
    As for the asshole who doxxed them, why aren’t people upset about that? That’s the crime, here, not the vids.

  21. drken says

    @wzrd1 #25:
    Lots of well off people serve as University Presidents/Chancellors, you may be thinking of Student Athletes. But, it does raise the question as to how much more he’s going to get for his OnlyFans now that he’s got all this publicity. There are people making very comfortable livings on that site.

  22. hemidactylus says

    I don’t know how well off this couple is already but quite a few people who are underpaid public employees are doing the OnlyFans type thing in this gig economy. They are walled off from the general public in the agora and not harming anyone.

    The same people who balk at this couple might be fine with violent and/or threatening content created by an elected official or hypocritical saucy stuff caught by the panopticon when a a Colorado representative is getting lewd with her beau in a public venue.

    If this couple were shooting hogs or nutria out of the back of a pickup truck that would be quite fine I guess. I wouldn’t object. Hunting nuisance wildlife serves a purpose. But some do-gooders would complain. They could do both, be intimate for prying eyes AND also curtail invasive species, though preferably not at the same time. That’s TOO niche!

  23. wzrd1 says

    drken @ 29, I’m more than well aware of how much some people (not most) make off of that site.
    And you most conveniently dodged slavery of 24/7/365 service, even unto disservice to familial and self-interests.
    And to be blunt, I’m not thinking extremely kindly of you right now as a person, within that context.
    There’s work and there’s life, there is separation or it’s fucking slavery for a piddling wage and there is not enough money in the universe for me to subvert my entire life to anything beyond family.
    Which is de facto slavery, imposed by nature, no need to subsume nature with artifice.

    hemidactylus @ 30, given I’ve witnessed the destruction of both animals, don’t really get off on seeing them destroyed (although, nutria are good eating, per other accounts and I’d not object to consuming either animal, properly prepared), them screwing, well, if my wife was around, we’d likely view the videos, offer our own personal critiques and suggested improvements, then introduce a superior product that’d likely not go released, due to the current environment, where the sun orbits the earth.
    Should any private video come out, things wouldn’t be pleasant and some abuses of office may very well occur.
    But, she died on me, so any video now, well, that would become personal and I don’t give a shit what continent the SOB is on, they’d get some personal attention and a demise that would be disturbingly prohibitedly pornographic in nature. Yes, I’ll happily let that monster out to roam.
    Let the legalities fall where they may.
    For this couple, they’re a mere curiosity on the intertubes, suddenly thrusted unwillingly and raped by the system of prudes that want all women for themselves.
    Because, that is where it roots upon. A very basic instinct, which for the wealthy, is not curbed properly.

    So, we have Harvard and Wisconsin to target to be obliterated forever, each for a valid reason.
    May no federal dollar ever find their entry to their coffers.
    The retrobates money will soon exhaust and the now bankrupt institutions that self-immolated will be exemplars on how to not behave.
    Or people are indeed slaves, Jews should be slaughtered and the US should be nuked.
    Never was much into gray areas.

  24. John Morales says


    As for the asshole who doxxed them, why aren’t people upset about that?

    Um. Perspective may help you comprehend. People differ.

    The people who are upset about their earning money from pornography probably think that their doxxing is a morally excellent act. And the fact that they were pseudonymous about it shows they knew it would be problematic in other aspects of their life otherwise.

    Put it this way: if they were pseudonymously torturing puppies for money, those who are upset by such activities would hardly get upset about doxxing them, right?

    So there’s your answer.

  25. StevoR says

    So they literally sacked Joe Gow for fucks sake? Well, for the sake of him being seen fucking – in private consensually which, yeah, totally his business and no one else’s unless he was making porn when he was supposed to be working which, apparently he wasn’t so.. yeah. Fuck NO!

  26. John Morales says

    StevoR, “in private”?

    “See select videos and follow them on OnlyFans, X (formerly Twitter), and PornHub @SexyHappyCouple”

    I reckon soliciting pay-for-view is not quite what a normal person would call “private”.

  27. StevoR says

    @ ^ John Morales : Okay but is it that a sacking offence when done anonymously – or fuck it, even openly really? Why?

    How is it even remotely equivalent to “pseudonymously torturing puppies for money” as you put it in # 32 which is illegal and causing suffering animal cruelty, obviously* non-consenusal and well, cruel rather than pleasurable* for some and none of anyone else’s business?

    Just .. FFS. Really John Morales? Really?

    Needless to say is needless to say yet so many needlessly say it but sadly it seems it ain’t needless to say, in which case it seems it needs sayin’.

    .** Okay some people do get off on creulty. SM. Abbreiv there with meaning well known & fine. If its consensual adults well, their business not ours. Okay. But if non-consensual and puppies – can’t really consent so. Fucking no. Not okay. Does this seriously need spelling out?

  28. StevoR says

    Huh. Also seems I didn’t hit the second asterisk on my keyboard hard enough too.. seems it needed to be hit harder for it to uh, come here..

  29. says

    Also: “pornography” = “Nazi cosplay”. You know, the guiding principle ought to be whether an act does harm, and while some forms of porn are based on doing harm, I don’t think “sexyhappycouple” counts.

  30. bcw bcw says

    I think Popehat (Ken White) has missed one thing in his analysis, the couple could claim they WERE acting within the scope of their jobs in that exploring fundraising opportunities is directly part of a Chancellor’s job.

  31. wzrd1 says

    A Spirit gate attendant got fired, due to an unaccompanied minor being misrouted and the whole airline suggesting the family drive 160 miles to collect the child.
    And the mismanager gets to keep the job.

    We had, back when I handled airlines, three biggies. Live animals, human remains and unaccompanied children.
    Usually, human remains got unreported, occasionally, live animals, nearly absent was unaccompanied children, indeed, over three years, absolutely absent.
    To miss that, one has to absent three checkpoints that were designed to be failsafe.
    And given that and regulatory inaction, I’ve have no faith in our air travel system.

  32. wzrd1 says

    BTW, took a dozen retries under various permutations of reboots in my chained systems.
    Thank you, Sol.

  33. wzrd1 says

    After much consideration, incessant effort and phenomenal effects of such effort, I’ve arrived at the following consideration.

    Which, in and of itself took 15 minutes of fucking effort.
    Makes me want to discontinue my blood pressure medication.

  34. John Morales says

    Um. Too much contrast has confused people, evidently.

    I shall try again:

    Me: The people who are upset about their earning money from doing X probably think that their doxxing is a morally excellent act. And the fact that they were pseudonymous about it shows they knew it would be problematic in other aspects of their life otherwise.

    Put it this way: if they were pseudonymously doing Y for money, those who are upset by such activities would hardly get upset about doxxing them, right?

    This does not mean X = Y, what it means is that people upset by X react to X similarly to the way people upset by Y react to Y.

    Also, me: “I imagine that had it been Nazi cosplay (entirely consensual) PZ might have had a different take on it.”

    PZ imagines this means I’m claiming ““pornography” = “Nazi cosplay””.

    Ah well.

  35. wzrd1 says

    John, you might not recognize sex play as such.
    Being married so long, it was well, we put chapters into the Kama Sutra.
    As for pornography, we pretty much invented it and only rejected pornographic holography on technical grounds.
    Despite whips. chains and animals or something.
    And tons of power tools and iron tools and glass tools and well, a literal bed full of toys.
    Feel free to put Nazi anywhere in there, the poor bastard would’ve gotten lost.
    I’ll admit to not being the most imaginative lover in the universe, but I am infamous for being persistent enough to satisfy a partner. With my wife, literally to exhaustion.
    And the GOP’s core is basically INCEL.
    Well, INCEL and paying clients.
    Hence, polar opposites and well, native enemies. To whom I always prescribe a treatment, an enema.
    From a guy who enjoys a warrior’s drink. Prune juice.

    Note to self: make another prune stuffed pork chops dish…
    Extra garlic and onions.

  36. hemidactylus says

    wzrd1 @47
    Have you ever tried habanero? It definitely announces its exit with a roar. One side effect might be a delay from leaving for work which is an awkward excuse to give a supervisor. Being just minutes from work with “birth pangs” is really vexing. Close calls on having to go home for a change of pants. It hasn’t happened to me…yet. It has to have happened to someone who went too spicy on the wild wings the previous night.

    Yet we still buy hot sauce. Why? We need a PSA similar to brain on drugs frying pan metaphor to stop this madness.

    Granted I took the thread in a direction away from porn, puppies and cosplay. But it is an issue affecting members of our population as they drive to work in the morning. We need a task force at the federal level to address our urgent capsaicin expulsion crisis before it causes deadly wrecks due to panicked U-turns or frantically driving off into the woods for privacy and tapping an oak tree or telephone pole.

    Just say no!

  37. chigau (違う) says

    wzrd1 #47

    I’ll admit to not being the most imaginative lover in the universe, but I am infamous for being persistent enough to satisfy a partner. With my wife, literally to exhaustion.

    Yeah. Bin there, done that.
    When Harry Met Sally.

  38. John Morales says

    WMDKitty, heh. Theory of mind seems vile to you, and since I have it, you think I’m vile.

    Ah well. I refer you to my #46, for what good that might do.

  39. wzrd1 says

    Interestingly, in a video interview, the man stated he was previously extorted over said videos, so in response to a renewed threat, made the videos more widely available.
    So, extortion is now legal, apparently, as championed by a college board of regents.

    Naw, let’s go full Monty, make sex entirely illegal and all proceeds of such actions.
    After all, won’t someone think of the children, who would be impossible under a properly moral society or something? Why, we can even have a proper slogan, “BAN BABIES!”.
    Just to properly follow such fuckwittery.

    As for John, I dunno, is John vile enough to revile?
    I’ll just run along now. Hope I can run fast enough…

  40. StevoR says

    @23. jeanmeslier : “But it is Desantis-Land…”

    Is it?

    DeSantis looks pretty faded and like a ione trick pony flash in the pan right now…

    Ain’t got no charisma, ain’t got much appeal, just got the “anti-woke” slogan as his bad deal..

    Hollow without it & hollow with
    DeSantis is empty and shall pass like wizz..

  41. hemidactylus says

    John @51
    I won’t project my own theory of mind on to yours, but my version leans me towards the assumption that others might be a tad put off by puppy torture or Nazi cosplay being compared to a couple frolicking on a community porn site. Your inventive logic chopping sometimes paints you into odd corners. Of course this is coming from someone who thought it important to warn others away from spicy food due to driving concerns.

  42. StevoR says

    My theory of mind is .. never mind .,I dunno.

    But other people are other people and think differently but are no less human for that.

    So remember that always and think and be kind because .. golden rule being do unto others as you’d ideally wish others would treat you and all that jazz..

    Also world is already far bad enough without needing anyone to make it worse so think and be kind and .. that’s my ethical axioms summed up. Now to try to live up to them..

  43. hemidactylus says

    StevoR @53
    If Trump were knocked off his pedestal due to legal issues Desantis would be a contender. Trump is the incumbent in the minds of his followers.

    Desantis is term limited, which in Florida means he has to sit out a term. He might challenge Voldemort or Marco for the Senate, but Voldemort is up for election in 2024 so that window may have closed already. Rubio’s term ends in 2029.

    Desantis could go to FoxNews or Daily Wire if he has no political options in 2026. He not leaving the scene in the near future. I fear what the 2024 legislative session will bring in Florida.

  44. John Morales says

    hemidactylus @55, apparently so, though I consider it “contrasted with” rather than “compared to”. :|

  45. StevoR says

    @57. hemidactylus : I thought DeSantis was fading in the polls and losing the runner up debates and campaign and Nikki Hayley was currently the leading contender for second place and Trump replacement if something somehow stops Mango Mussolini from being the Repug nom? But that is all in flux still I guess just thought DeSantis looks (looked?) increasingly unlikely to take that role being exposed as a charmless, uncharismatic and very much a one gimmick “anti-woke” dullard? Can he still come back from that? Yuck. I hope not.

  46. John Morales says

    [can’t resist, after all the stupid misinterpretations of what I’ve writ]

    I guess just thought DeSantis looks (looked?) increasingly unlikely to take that role being exposed as a charmless, uncharismatic and very much a one gimmick “anti-woke” dullard?

    See, that right there is an intended contrast.

    Had I written that little bit of fluff, others might have said I claim that (DeSantis = Trump), but of course, not being a dullard, I get that you intend to mean that (in contrast to Trump) he is charmless, uncharismatic and very much a one gimmick “anti-woke” dullard.


  47. John Morales says

    [for clarity, and because I remain irritated, and because I’m in my cups and currently maudlin]

    noun: contrast; plural noun: contrasts

    the state of being strikingly different from something else in juxtaposition or close association.
    "the day began cold and blustery, in contrast to almost two weeks of uninterrupted sunshine"

    See, puppy torture vs porn, nazi cosplay vs porn are a type of contrast.

    “the state of being strikingly different”

  48. wzrd1 says

    Ron’s been a distraction from day one, seriously, he tried to out-Trump Trump, badly.
    We still have the god-emperor wannabe, ruining for emperor for life, while facing felony charges.
    Hoping to run out the clock on statute of limitations while delaying proceedings, per usual.
    The God-emperor that fired old God, for being too much of a “pussy” in allowing his kid to get killed, such a sap.
    Everyone goes for the shiny, ignoring the reality present, going for a shiny, as happened the first time he fucked up and ended up in office. Free press for objectionables, yay, go for more!
    Desatin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, the King, ignoring the God-emperor wannabe.
    Fucking pawns, all.
    No clue why you want to be pawns.
    Our history has proved this deficient pathway, it literally lead to a civil war.
    Fight smart, not angry. Disarm their excuses for weapons with reason and well, truth, for truth wins eventually, it just has a tough row to hoe uphill in the current BS environment.

    And having had a stroke last night, erm, you’re not gonna get my best help for a bit.
    Well, probable TIA. Couldn’t figure out how to work my fucking coffee pot, other symptoms wider ranging, called a neighbor to help me out. At least I got that right, calling for help.
    And no, what’ll a hospital do, other than expose me to sick people? What happened cleared eventually, so hospital would’ve done the usual, watched it clear and bill the living dogpiss out of me.
    Still have some language deficit, mild grade. Largely, spoken, rather than thought and typed, go figure.
    Brains, gotta live with them, don’t have to properly figure the damned things out.
    Also had nausea and some vomiting, balance issues of a mild to moderate sort
    And I’m pretty sure someone hit me over the head with a green Buick.*

    *Old Buick joke there…
    But yeah, pretty sure it was a stroke or TIA. Couldn’t figure out how to push two buttons on my coffee maker, lost temper, called for help at that point, as I realized things were out of normal scope of behavior and needed help.
    And overall, felt like poop all day long. Upside, a neighbor moved out and put out some smaller mugs and cups and frankly, was tired of a massive mug with six ounces of frigging coffee in it.
    The assisting neighbor was generous enough to give me a mug the size of Texas…
    Helped with a nuke. Thanks.
    Sense of humor and all…

  49. John Morales says

    And having had a stroke last night, erm, you’re not gonna get my best help for a bit.
    Well, probable TIA.

    Ack! :(

    Welcome to 2024.

    (Sorry, mate)

  50. John Morales says

    BTW, wzrd1, I shacked-up with my now-wife back in 1978. She was 16, I was 18.
    She eloped with me. We married in the mid 80s. Still together even now.

    So I very much fear what you’ve already endured. What you now endure pales.
    I very much doubt I’d cope half as well.

    Respect for how you’re coping, and support for whatever you think you need to do.

  51. Jazzlet says

    wzrd1 @63
    To repeat John’s exclamation – Ack!
    Hope the nausea and vomiting are done, they make you feel awful in themselves, and theat the balance issues are gone too as I guess they may have caused the nausea and vomiting.
    Take it easy?

  52. nomdeplume says

    @62 “what’ll a hospital do, other than expose me to sick people?” Er, no, it will carry put scans to determine exactly what has happened, and then, if a blood clot is the cause, inject thrombolycin to dissolve it and cllear the blockage..This needs to be done within an hour to avoid permanent brain damage. I speak from experience.