A man has torn down the Satanic Temple’s display in the Iowa state capitol.
A former congressional candidate from Mississippi has been charged with allegedly vandalizing the Satanic Temple of Iowa’s statue depicting the pagan idol Baphomet at the Iowa State Capitol.
Michael Cassidy, 35, of Lauderdale, Mississippi, was charged with fourth-degree criminal mischief on Thursday, according to the Iowa Department of Public Safety. The charge could carry one year in prison and a $2,560 fine.
The whole point of the display in the first place was to highlight the intolerance and hypocrisy of conservative Christianity, and it served that purpose well. It got national attention. It was great PR. When the Baptists put up a manger in a public place, no one cares. A Satanist display provokes outrage, and everyone who is not a conservative Christian is made aware that there are haters out there who want to demand that you follow their religion.
Then some sanctimonious wackaloon tears it down, and there’s a second surge of PR that paints certain Christians as assholes and non-Christians as victims. Ha. Keep making our point for us, arrogant xian thugs, especially when it’s as ineffectual as knocking down cheap statues.
Nobody worshipped that display, and it doesn’t even need to come back as a Force Ghost. The bully has been exposed, that’s all anyone wanted.
Ah come on “fourth-degree criminal mischief” is a genius thing to get done for.
It’s a Bertie Wooster style crime.
“All I did, Tuppy, was pinch a policeman’s helmet on Boat Race night, and I was up in front of the beak at Bosher St. I gave my name as Ephraim Gadsby as per, but I was before Sir Watkyn Basset. Instead of the usual fine, I was given 30 days without the option for engaging in fourth-degree criminal mischief.”
I expected this.
The probability of a nonxian Holiday display in a public park or building being vandalized is around 100%.
Fundie xians never, ever miss a chance to display the moral bankruptcy of their religion.
I was hoping they didn’t sink too much money and effort into their display.
And that they had a spare rams head skull covered with mylar or whatever to fix their display when it inevitably got attacked.
Fourth degree criminal mischief.
That shows that the Iowa authorities are taking this hate crime seriously.
The probability that this will even come to trial is about zero.
The loon is from Mississippi and was already released.
I don’t see that he has any intention of being in Iowa when this goes to trial.
Well, a Polish lawmaker topped his antics. On government property, he took a fire extinguisher to a menorah. Because Jesus hated Jews or something.
Honestly, I’m surprised none have tried to bulldoze the Taj Mahal. But then, they probably think Trump owns it and it’s a casino…
When I read about FFRF asking for compliance in separation of church and state violations, there is always much harping about “outsiders” or “an out of state organization” interfering in local matters, as though that were a valid objection. I look forward to hearing humble, pious Iowans complain that this person who is clearly ‘not from around here’ is imposing his views on others. I suspect I will be looking forward a long, long time, because they are a bunch of raving hypocrites.
example: Marshalltown Times-Republican: Commenters weigh in on nativity controversy at Toledo city council meeting
@4: This may have been the article I saw the other day.
FauxNews via Yahoo:
Iowa town removes Nativity scene after out-of-town atheist steps in
I think the Cassidy should be sentenced to public service polishing the goats horns several times a day. Either that or offer up his firstborn son as sacrifice. Maybe just the horn polish.
‘Polishing the goat’s horn’ several times a day in public sounds like exactly the sort of thing that would lead to violent ejection from any Baptist community (and many far more reputable communities as well for that matter.)
In the old testament, it is estimated that god killed more than two million human beings, but Satan only killed 10. Who’s the fictional bad guy? Why did god create Satan?
@6 — let’s not perpetuate outdated stereotypes–Cassidy should be given the opportunity to offer up his firstborn child, regardless of the child’s sex.
I’m pretty sure Jesus himself would endorse the Satanic Temple’s seven fundamental tenets.
@4 Reginald Selkirk:
I am a Cedar Rapids, IA resident. I reside roughly 60 miles to the east of Toledo, IA and so this has been in the local news. The local news highlighted some older white lady bemoaning how Christians are the majority and it’s majority rules. That was a bit frightening. Little wonder such people like Donald Trump.
Unfortunately, that display is back up on public property as of yesterday as they themselves figured out a way to exploit this loophole that allows for multiple displays: They added Santa to the display and have declared that, since Santa is a secular symbol and not a Christian symbol, they should be in compliance with the law. I fear they are likely correct.
And they don’t necessarily have to worry about a Satanist display. I sure ain’t going to pay for one to sit on firehouse grounds that may not be under camera surveillance.
Which brings me to a bit of a problem with the issue at the capitol: None of that money this Michael Cassidy is going to be fined is going to go to the Satanic Temple to cover the costs of the damage done to their property, is it? And, if so, that surely discourages people to challenge displays of Christianity, does it not? I’m not going to put money into a display that will certainly be vandalized if I’m not going to receive money for those damages.
The mistake here was charging him w/ a crime, thus giving him martyr and legal status, rather than simply trespassing his ass and bouncing him off the capitol grounds w/ a warning.
“Son, come on down from that silly cross you erected. You are not Jesus and besides we need the timber and the nails. We’re trying to raise a barn here.”
IANAL, and I don’t think so. But of course they could file a civil suit (i.e. sue him) to recover damages.
If anyone is having a hard time thinking of a Holiday gift, there are multiple all Zombie Nativity scenes for sale.
There are also all dinosaur Nativity scenes.
I’ve been calling for all dinosaur Nativity scenes for decades now. I actually finally saw one last year. It was a lot of large blow up dinosaurs surrounding a manger. It was hard to see because it was in someone’s yard on a busy highway with no shoulder but it did look well done.
I also saw one where someone just left their Halloween decorations up and dressed them for the Holidays with Santa hats and so on. The skeletons with Santa hats looked like they were ready for Xmas.
A Display with Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and Jar-Jar Binks as the baby Jesus. Throw in Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and Chewbacca as the three wise men and the next raving Christian fundie who attacks ti will have the Star Wars Universe to contend with. May the Farce be with you.
I’m just trying to figure out precisely when and where the Constitution is from out of town. And why they want such foreign assistance whenever a disaster strikes.
i should probably be more johnny-on-the-spot with posting this whenever the satanic temple is getting positive press, even if i have no problem with how they’ve conducted themselves in the free speech trolling department. i just don’t think we should be helping those motherfuckers by giving them positive press:
I think the proper State Capitol Christmas display should be a cuckolding scene where hapless betaboy Joseph is watching Mary getting impregnated by the Holy Spirit. Maybe add sound effects: “Oh God! My Jesus!”
Great American Satan @17
Thanks for posting that. I had been getting some food for thought negative vibes already.
Um, hemidactylus, it was a different era, to the degree that you are kinda inadvertently advocating for child pr0n.