Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Best pratfall ever.
Rudy Giuliani, who has spent the last several years hitting rock bottom and somehow keeps hitting rock bottom again and again and again, has been ordered to pay an astonishing $148 million in damages to Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss, the election workers he defamed in an effort to keep Donald Trump in power. The figure is more than three times the high-end amount that the women had been seeking, which the former mayor’s lawyer had warned earlier in the week would constitute a civil “death penalty” and “be the end of Mr. Giuliani.”
The jury came to the $148 million by awarding Freeman $16,171,000 for the damage Giuliani had caused to her reputation, awarding Moss $16,998,000 for the damage to her reputation, giving each woman $20 million for emotional distress, and adding $75 million in punitive damages.
He’s been disintegrating for years. Freeman & Moss shouldn’t count on getting the money they’re owed, because I bet Giuliani crumbles into dust and slime before he pays up.
Even if he evaporated, his estate would still be liable. Well, at least we know that he has no cats to starve. Rats don’t own cats.
Rudy Only Fans Porn to raise cash?
I recall SNL lampooning Giuliani and his son (Chris Farley) in an unflattering way in mid 90s. Then the SNL cast looked after 9-11 to “America’s Mayor” for a cue. It was further downhill from there until we got to this nadir:
hemidactylus, not bad, that. Heh.
Bring back a one-off debtors prison.
Grift, grift, grift.
An elderly grifter, whose lawyer couldn’t prevent from constantly screwing himself over both in and out of court, got into big legal trouble despite their sizable wealth and fan base of the extreme reich-wing political crazies. And besides Trump, Giuliani also got worse legal news than he dared to imagine.
And the dumbass still can’t keep his mouth shut about the Big Lie,either.
That GIF is an insult to Nosferatu everywhere in this context. How dare you compare Rudy to noble sewer dwelling rat suckers!
Giuliani’s been repeating his lies about Freeman and Moss even after the award. Of course he can appeal, but there ought to be a provision that repeating defamation when such a case has been decided against you means prison.
“When you find yourself in as hole, stop digging.”
Perhaps Giuliani’s plan was to dig down to China, where American jurisprudence doesn’t apply.
During his tenure as mayor he took credit for the drop in crime created by policies enacted by his predecessor.
Giuliani’s own zero-tolerance policy did not work, and yet it was copied all over the world.
My feelings toward this charlatan are on a Cersei-level of maleovalence. Mere fines and paying damages are not enough.
He was supposed to testify a couple of days ago. The night before that he insisted to a news reporter that he had tons of evidence that the two women were stuffing the ballot box…so defaming them yet again. Then, he declined to testify. I wish I thought he would ever pay them a dime of this $148 million but I won’t hold my breath.
He said “the end of Mr. Giuliani” like it was a bad thing. I was told that, because the tort was intentional, he cannot declare bankruptcy.
Ruby Freeman has already started a lawsuit against right wing Gareway Pundit. The retribution train is coming around the bend.
Gateway Pundit is arguing their ‘reporting’ was so over the top no normal person would believe a word of it. But the right winged goons who harrased Ruby and her daughter Shaye believed it, and acted on it.
Oh NO! How’s he going to pay for his Viagra and shoe-polish brill cream.
The damages were a bit high and will probably be reduced on appeal, but not enough to matter. Even cutting by 90% leaves $14,800,000, which is far more than Rudy has.