
For Christmas, my wife and I got a new dishwasher, and I also scanned in a lot of old photos for her. Here’s my mother- and father-in-law in the 1940s.

He was a Marine. Fought in the Pacific. Won a few medals for it, too.

For meritorious service in connection with operations against the enemy while serving with a marine infantry battalion on Iwo Jima, Volcano islands Feb.27, 1945. The light machinegun section of which Cpl. Gjerness was section leader was attached to a rifle platoon assaulting a vital ridge commanding the approaches to Hill 362. The platoon was repulsed by a superior enemy fire. The platoon again assault the ridge, this time suffering heavy casualties, among them the platoon leader. The platoon became disorganized. Cpl. Gjerness, realizing the severity of the situation, and with complete disregard for his own personal safety, took charge of the platoon and through his courageous leadership the platoon was orderly withdrawn and the wounded were evacuated with the highest traditions of the U.S. naval service.

Whoa, I don’t care for that “disregard for his own personal safety” bit. He had an obligation to get home and father my wife 12 years later.


  1. Doc Bill says

    What kind of DW did you get? We put in a Bosch some years ago and it made such a difference to TV watching! So impressed I bought the next level up for my daughter whose old DW sounded like a B-1 on afterburners. It shines a light on the floor to alert you that it is on.


  2. DonDueed says

    Oh man, decorated for action on Iwo Jima. That was one of the nastiest battles of the whole Pacific theater. Well done, Mr. Gjerness. Glad it was you and not me.

  3. mossmjp says

    Woah, I was just in tiny little Sargeant and tiny little Brownsdale. My parents moved to a farmhouse between them after all of us kids moved away. If she still has family there, there’s a decent chance that I met them when my dad passed away recently—a very tight-knit community.

  4. says

    Not likely — they moved to California right after the war, and then to Washington state. I don’t think they maintained any connections.

  5. says

    My father was in the Royal Australian Air Force in WW2 Stationed in Darwin in 1942-43 they flew g raids over indonesia, Timor and surrounding islands in twin engined Lockheed Hudsons which were basically converted airliners. During this time 80% of his squadron were killed and when they were left with only 2 serviceable planes they were sent back south before joining a combined American-Australian squadron flying Liberator heavy bombers. For their service in Darwin the squadron was awarded the US Presidential Unit Citation but were not allowed to accept it because it was a foreign decoration. In 1990 after my father made a nuisance of himself with the US Embassy and the Australian government the surviving squadron members were flown to Darwin for a memorial parade and presentation. He wore the citation bar during Anzac Day marches and was never short of a beer when he met American ex-servicemen.

  6. Jazzlet says

    We have had our Bosch dishwasher for about ten years, and it wasn’t new when we were given it; it has just started to be a little unreliable. Only in that if you fully load it some things will not be properly washed, so we just put it on more often with a lower load. We have a Bosch fridge that is older than that, and have recently bought a new Bosch washing machine to replace the twenty year old one that finally stopped working. All the Bosch products we have bought have lasted way beyond the guaranteed life, and beyond the period Bosch will provide parts – ten years, so well worth the money. No I don’t work for them, I’m just a very impressed consummer.