“Chinese genocide bill”? Is this an example of expert messaging?

Just so you know, Tom Emmer is an old school conservative Republican who was in the state House for about as long as I’ve lived in Minnesota — he then moved up to the US House to replace Michele Bachmann in 2014, and is currently chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee. He’s the guy whose job it is to help elect more Republicans to the House. It just makes it particularly piquant that he went on Fox News to announce that he trusted his candidates to know how to ‘message’ the Republican party position on abortion.

…good luck to them [the Democrats] trying to defend their extreme position. Every one of them voted for what I call the Chinese genocide bill, which would allow abortion up to moments before a child takes its first breath. I think our candidates know how to message that and be just fine in the midterms.

Lead on, Tom Emmer! Your party’s candidates can follow by example and learn how to both misrepresent the law and be achingly racist in the moments before they lose elections.

He emerged out of the white suburbs that ring Minneapolis on the eastern side of the state. He does do a fine job of representing his people, I’m sorry to say.


  1. mastmaker says

    Thank the Lords that the Great Republican Dumbification project is working on their own people before it has begun to affect the rest of the country. The current crop of Republican politicians (with very, very few exceptions) are too dumb to Fascist successfully! ….with the dumbest of them all reaching the topmost level of government in 2016!

  2. mordred says

    And here I thought this was about US politicians talking about the actual genocide against the Uigurs…

  3. raven says

    Every one of them voted for what I call the Chinese genocide bill,…

    He is referring here to the Chinese “One Child” policy.
    Which has nothing to do with auto-genocide.
    If it did, it failed big time. There are now 1.4 billion Chinese.

    …which would allow abortion up to moments before a child takes its first breath.

    So GOP messaging is to flat out lie about everything?
    This isn’t news. We already knew that.

    Third trimester abortions are rare at less than 1% and usually done for nonviable fetuses or women who have life threatening medical problems.

  4. raven says

    He is referring here to the Chinese “One Child” policy.

    This draconian policy gets heavily criticized all the time.

    I don’t see why. I even lived at the time it was enacted, although comfortably distant in the USA.

    At the time, China had just come through the disasters of the failed Great Leap Forward and the famines of the 1950s that killed millions.

    The Chinese state was struggling to feed its population and was desperately poor.
    The population was 800,000 and the average Chinese woman was having 6 children.
    China was looking at a disaster here if they didn’t do something and fast.

    Someone once asked Chou En-Lai (second in command to Mao leader) what his greatest accomplishment was.
    “I managed to keep 800,000 people fed.”

  5. raven says

    Well, you can tell it is early in the morning on the West coast.
    That population should be 800 million not 800,000.

  6. silvrhalide says

    @2 Don’t feel bad, that was my first thought too, followed closely by “that can’t be right, since when do Republicans care about nonwhite people”, then read further and found out, sadly, that I was right.

    Mind you, if the Republicans ever did pretend to care about the Uighurs, it would only be to stick a thumb in the Chinese government’s eye…

  7. Pierce R. Butler says

    … currently chair of the National Republican Congressional Committee.

    Who picks these guys? Emmer hasn’t (quite, yet) done as much damage to the GOP’s collective efforts in the House as Rick “$100M+ … Poof!” Scott has to their Senate-side striving, but between them they’ve done more to save the nation and the world than any pair of Democrats.

  8. Akira MacKenzie says

    @ 3

    So GOP messaging is to flat out lie about everything?

    Why do we have to assume they are lying? Do you believe that this hick and other fetus fetishists know how rare “late-term” abortions are and that they are only performed in the most dire of circumstances, but claim otherwise for… reasons?

    Here’s my crazy theory: Emmer, like all the other reactionary slobs on the right, ACTUALLY believe the shit they spout. There are no false pretenses or cynical cash or power grab behind their efforts. They deny all evidence to contrary because it comes from “tainted” sources out to enslave them and persecute them
    In the name of “evil.” (E.g. either secular tyranny like “Communism” or even outright supernatural malignancy.)

    Maybe, if we started to react to the right as if they were true believers rather than dismissing them as mere grifters, then maybe we can combat them better; you have a fight a zealot differently than a con-artist.

  9. robro says

    Akita MacKenzie @ 8 — Does it have to be an either/or? I would think that any absolutist approach would make it more difficult to counter their agenda. Of course, some are true believers…an astonishing large number of the rank-and-file. Some are grifters…Chump being an obvious champion of that position. And quite a few are probably in-between. Emmer may be a believer, mostly, but have some inkling of the issues. Still, the money in the proposition is nice so why get into questions like late-term abortions or when a woman and her doctor should make the decision to pull the plug on an aborting fetus, late term or otherwise. It’s much easier to promote a simplistic position than anything involving nuance, even if he’s aware of some of those nuances.

  10. Jim Balter says

    Do you believe that this hick and other fetus fetishists know how rare “late-term” abortions are

    Him, yes. Others, most of them.

    and that they are only performed in the most dire of circumstances

    Him, yes. Others, most of them.

    but claim otherwise for… reasons?

    Him? Yes, and this isn’t just a belief, this is an obvious and well established fact.

  11. ilr1950 says

    Please notice how quickly the Republicans lie. No one is having an abortion minutes before giving birth. It doesnt happen. They cant actually address what is going on because the truth just does not help them. And I have no cue what the Chinese have to do with any of this. Too bad reporters cant just say ‘That’s not the truth’.