Grossest family ever

Elon Musk is terrible enough, but I can see that he gets it all from his dear old dad.

Elon Musk’s father has revealed that he had a second secret, unplanned, child with his stepdaughter three years ago.

Errol Musk, 76, and his stepdaughter Jana Bezuidenhout, 35, had a baby girl in 2019. Two years before that, he had admitted that Ms Bezuidenhout, 42 years his junior, had given birth to a baby boy named Elliot Rush, who is now five years old.

Jana Bezuidenhout was only four when Mr Musk married her mother Heide. They were married for 18 years and had two children, besides Heide’s three children – including Jana – from a previous marriage.

Ick ick ick ick ick ick ick ick. This is a betrayal of the trust that ought to exist between a father and daughter, and I don’t care if there isn’t a genetic relationship. Something is just not right in that family.

Although, to be fair, the other members of the family know this is totally fucked up.

In 2018, Errol admitted that Ms Bezuidenhout had given birth to a baby the two conceived “in the heat of the moment” when his stepdaughter stayed at his home after her boyfriend threw her out. “You have to understand – I’ve been single for 20 years and I’m just a man who makes mistakes,” he told Rapport at the time.

“I told my daughter Ali about him because I thought she would be supportive and understanding,” he said. “She said I was insane, mentally ill. She told the others and they went berserk. They think I’m getting senile and should go into an old age home, not have a life full of fun and a tiny baby.”

Elon Musk, on his part, has branded his father “evil”. He is estranged from his father and described him as a “terrible human being” in an interview with Rolling Stones in 2017.

“You have no idea about how bad. Almost every crime you can possibly think of, he has done. Almost every evil thing you could possibly think of, he has done,” he had said. “It’s so terrible, you can’t believe it.”

The creepy old man does have an excuse, sort of.

While revealing the latest birth to The Sun, Errol Musk seemed to reason that making children was his only purpose. “The only thing we are on Earth for is to reproduce,” he said. “If I could have another child I would. I can’t see any reason not to. If I had thought about it then Elon or Kimbal [Elon Musk’s younger brother] wouldn’t exist.”

Ah! The philosophy of cockroaches! So that’s where Elon learned the meaning of life.


  1. quotetheunquote says

    “Ick” (to the nth power) is right! I’m not sure if he’s more like Woody Allen or Walder Frey – maybe a hideous combination of the two.

  2. says

    Shit like this is going on and they’re trying to outlaw abortion and birth control? If I thought myself some sort of superior alpha male who’s genes were better than anyone else’s, I would hope someone locked me up. I’d rather die than be a narcissist.

    Just remembered, Narciss drowned in that story didn’t he? wrong, but the story goes he became fascinated by his reflection in a lake/river/pond, and floundered.

    Hey Elon, maybe spend some time admiring your reflection in a shallow pool of water. What’s the worst that could happen?

  3. dictyostelium says

    Read about his father before, somehow imagined this stuff to be “the past”, but as with many things, it isn’t..

  4. F.O. says

    So, I’ll confess I am not exactly sure what the argument is here.

    To me this is bad because this man has had authority over her for a lot of her life, which in turn gave him considerable power over her, right?

    Further, it happened when she was in a vulnerable situation (kicked out of home), right?

    Because of this power imbalance, consent becomes quite arguable.

    It is not a matter of age or nominal relationship, it is a matter of power imbalance which gets in the way of actual consent, right?

  5. raven says

    I saw this late last night and commented on the Infinite thread.
    Didn’t read the article because I didn’t want to have nightmares.

    Elon Musk’s 76-year-old dad says he’s had another child with his 35-year-old stepdaughter:
    ‘The only thing we are on Earth for is to reproduce’
    Sarah Jackson Thu, July 14, 2022, 1:30 PM·

    I’m starting to see what is wrong with Elon Musk and where he got it.

    His father doesn’t seem to be all that good a person either or a very competent thinker.
    There is no reason why we are on the earth.
    We just are on the earth as a result of natural processes starting with the Big Bang.

    Which doesn’t mean that our lives are meaningless and have no purpose.
    We create our own reasons for being and our own purposes.
    I’ve got way more things to do than reproduce, not least trying to leave the earth a better place for all the future generations.
    There are 8 billion different versions of “what is our purpose on this earth”.

    Elon Musk’s father just looks like a guy with a barely functioning and completely unimaginative mind.

  6. raven says

    So, I’ll confess I am not exactly sure what the argument is here.

    We are lacking almost all the details to put this event into perspective.

    .1. How wise is it to have a baby at 76? The father might not be around much longer since people at that age tend to you know, die of old age.
    OTOH, this is Elon Musk’s father who apparently doesn’t have a good reputation. That might be a feature, not a bug.

    .2. From Elon Musk’s comments on past “crimes” not specified, and usual family histories, there might be a history of this sort of thing in that family.
    Just guessing here, I have no way of knowing and don’t care to know more anyway.

  7. René says

    Damn. How I hate reading comments by commenters who do not seem capable of stringing together a coherent paragraph. Sentence full stop new line. Sentence full stop new line. Sentence full stop new line. It goddamn is like breathing in my neck.

  8. raven says

    Rene the idiot:

    Damn. How I hate reading comments by commenters…

    I don’t hate reading mindless complainers who are incapable of saying anything interesting. You aren’t worth it.

    Look, I know you aren’t very bright so I typed that as slow as I could in all caps.
    Please also stop replying to my comments. You are dumb and I won’t waste my time reading them.

    Fair is fair. I won’t bother reading your comments or responding in the future either.
    I really wish Freethoughtblogs had an ignore feature. Rene would have disappeared long ago.

  9. René says

    Oh, BTW, Raven I haven’t read anything from you that I didn’t find completely obvious.

  10. says

    This is uncomfortably close to a Buster Bluth/Lucille Austero situation here.
    I would say more about that, but I’m afraid I’ll make myself (and others) slightly sick.
    Actually, I think I just threw up in my nose a little.

  11. drivenb4u says

    Gross. Just another Musk doing their part to keep up (possibly) exponential population growth.

  12. JustaTech says

    F.O. @4: The amount of power and control a parent has over a child is tremendous – guiding huge amounts of their development. There is also an expectation of care (you have a child, you will care for them until they are an adult), and trust. To have a sexual relationship with your child (even adult child) is a huge violation of their trust that their parent will support and protect them, not harm them.

    I’ve never studied anthropology so there may be an example I’m not aware of, but I can’t think of any culture past or present that endorses and encourages parent-child incest. Even in ancient royal families that married their siblings didn’t marry their parents.

    And really, how gross do you have to be for Elon to call you evil?

  13. vereverum says

    @ raven #8

    “Look, I know you aren’t very bright so I typed that as slow as I could”

    Heh heh, made it worth getting up today.

  14. unclefrogy says

    I saw some head lines about this yesterday but did not read any of the articles. Elon’s comment about how bad his father is and how he has committed almost every crime, well I do not know what to make of it he exaggerates and my interpretation of “almost” is rather open ended . This revelation and his comment does help to understand a little about how Elon got to be so f’n nuts.
    Kind of like how dumpster got so f’n f’ up. Amoral people’s children often become strange amoral people in turn. I hesitated to add rich in the description because this kind of shit is not confined to any particular class. It is why i did not read any of the articles I saw yesterday.

  15. chuckonpiggott says

    40 years ago or so I worked at a hotel where one of the restaurant hostesses was married to her ex stepfather. Had several children together. She was 8 when her mother married the man, was 18 when they divorced . The mother also worked at the hotel as a bartender. Dysfunctional family.

  16. F.O. says

    @JustaTech #14

    Thanks for double checking my understanding.

    And yeah, the whole family seems very fucked up.

  17. lanir says

    I suspect no one outside the family will know what Jana really thinks about this until after Errol dies. An inheritance of some sort is probably the only way he’ll be providing for his youngest daughter by the time she reaches adulthood.

    And as bad as doing this to someone who should be able to trust that you’ll take care of them is, on top of doing it he’s also going out of his way to talk to the press about it. He talks about it briefly as if it were a mistake but he’s actually bragging. He couldn’t just let it go, he had to make sure the whole world knew he slept with his step-daughter. Repeatedly, because the article cites him also trying to tell the same story in 2018.

    Even if she’s some kind of terrible person (I have no idea) I would feel sorry for Jana and her child. They’re stuck dealing with this selfish fool until he dies and afterward, now this news article.

  18. StevoR says

    @2. Ray Ceeya :

    Just remembered, Narciss drowned in that story didn’t he? wrong, but the story goes he became fascinated by his reflection in a lake/river/pond, and floundered. Hey Elon, maybe spend some time admiring your reflection in a shallow pool of water. What’s the worst that could happen?

    Depends on the exact variant of the Greek myth – in some he literally transforms into a flower – a daffodil type one it seems – in others, he (including one where he falls in love with his twin sister) – committs suicide.

    See :

    Oh and in other non-creepy family related Musk news Legal Eagle has this 22 min long video on Musk’s twitter deal strife .

  19. silvrhalide says

    @22 Yes, actually. I couldn’t remember the name though.
    Ten bucks says he molested the other kids, at least some of them. You don’t just wake up one morning and put “pick up groceries, mail and start having unprotected sex with my stepdaughter” on a to-do list out of the clear blue sky. I’m betting that there were prior incidents and early warning signs. When all or nearly all of your kids hate you, there’s usually a solid reason why.

    @20 “And as bad as doing this to someone who should be able to trust that you’ll take care of them is, on top of doing it he’s also going out of his way to talk to the press about it. He talks about it briefly as if it were a mistake but he’s actually bragging. He couldn’t just let it go, he had to make sure the whole world knew he slept with his step-daughter. Repeatedly, because the article cites him also trying to tell the same story in 2018.”

    Yeah, so much that. That’s why I think the elder Musk was likely abusive to the kids, sexually or otherwise. If this was really about actual love, regardless of how bizarre, my guess is that they both would have been relatively quiet and discreet about it. By telling anyone who would stand still long enough about his having children, and by extension, sex, with his stepdaughter, that’s a power play. It cuts off any avenue of escape for her, because who else would want to start a relationship with her? It’s also a slam against her mother, his ex, and it also serves to isolate her from her siblings. It’s a power play and really ugly one.

    Who knew that Elon wasn’t actually the creepiest one in that family? Ugh.

  20. lanir says

    @23 To be honest I didn’t realize until awhile after I sent that reply that this was the second child. I have no particular excuse for that. It’s in the first sentence PZ quotes from the article and the title of the article includes that information. I guess I was still parsing that it had happened at all and wasn’t ready to consider sequels.

    I still hope she’s okay. I don’t know why the reporter didn’t seem to ask her anything. The article didn’t even have a “no comment” from her, which looks creepy and disturbing.