Not zombies themselves, which are still physiologically impossible, but the way characters deal with them in zombie movies. Horror movies in general are often driven by characters doing absurdly stupid things, and we all say to ourselves “Don’t split up! Don’t go in the basement! Don’t have sex at camp!” and we think the citizenry would never be that idiotic, but nope, they would be.
The Trump era has given me the same thing with lurid tales of Roman Emperors and their excesses. Four years ago I tended to assume that the vast majority of them were very much exaggerated or manufactured whole cloth by rivals, successors or political opponents. Nobody could really behave in that sort of way, could they?
These days a lot of it is much more plausible. Even the really weird stuff in the Historia Augusta.
There’s a new zombie movie made in Taiwan being released soon, which I plan to talk about tonight. It’s predicated on a very timely premise, seemingly aimed at the US.
@2, “[The new zombie movie]’s predicated on a very timely premise, seemingly aimed at the US.”
There are no brainz left to eat?
From 2021 onward, zombie movies will be deemed unrealistic if there aren’t large numbers of people standing out in the open screaming that zombies are fake news/a liberal lie as the shambling hordes approach. And a politician advocating that people go out and willingly allow themselves to be bitten so that we can achieve herd immunity.
Shortly after that, many rural areas of Red states elect Zombies to the US congress.
That the GOP is filled with some sort of Undead is a theory with a lot of explanatory power.
Meanwhile, the party which makes a big deal about being anti-zombie has spent decades assisting the opposition to channel ever more funding into biological weapons research, continually funds candidates in primaries who wear gray makeup and lurch around hallways with their mouths open, and nominate a Presidential candidate who is famous for hanging around with zombies and told the press “the Umbrella Corporation is the best business in the world, I would have voted to fund Raccoon City even if I had known they were actively trying to create zombie viruses”, despite there being several other candidates who have been completely anti-zombie for decades. Then the party is astounded that they can barely squeak out a win at all against a zombie, and lose a lot of offices down-ticket. They decide that the problem is all those protestors who wanted them to turn against zombies completely. They are caught absolutely flat-footed when zombies overrun the capitol building, and many of them who have been quietly assisting zombies for years suddenly erupt into outrage.
Remembering the earlier anti-mask riots pics, you’d swear that they were actual zombies. Especially that woman who pressed her face into the bar window.
Ten years ago I enjoyed a Cuban zombie movie Juan of the Dead (Juan de los Muertos).
“A group of slackers face an army of zombies. The Cuban government and media claim the living dead are dissidents revolting against the government.”
It would be kinda funny if, on the series finale of The Walking Dead, some survivors get on a boat to New Zealand only to discover life is going on normally without hoards of zombies or towns full of cannibals.
That was good.
cartomancer @ #1:
So maybe not quite so bad after all? :) (I’m teasing – you know vastly more about this than I do. I have studied 20th-century authoritarianism, though, so I know what’s possible…)
I was thinking today about how the Nazis took advantage of the fact that many of their early actions weren’t recorded. If others (and they themselves!) had been posting their violence on social media, their later propaganda might have been much more difficult.
BrewDog troll Donald Trump by launching petition to rename Prestwick Airport ‘Joe Biden International’
Kudos for the Ryan George video. (Fellow Canuck.)You NEED to see Julie Nolke’s stuff, too. Explaining Covid-19 to her past self is incredible.
Semi on-topic, my candidate for best “recent” Z-film is Anna and the Apocalypse. Last Z-film I viewed was Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula – not as good as the original, but still okay.
I have to admit the behaviour of the Yanks over the past while is such that you do, to the casual external observer, appear to be mindlessly shuffling along. The hordes overrunning the government houses was so spot-on for the Z-film branding.
As Trump shuffles off to bother the South, I wish you all the best, and note that he is finally doing something to help increase the greatness of your nation – getting the bleeep out of town.
Happy inauguration eve. And remember zombies can smell your brainzzz through your ear-holes. Wear headphones dammit!
The Vicar@6,
There would be idiots insisting that there was really no difference between the pro-zombie and anti-zombie parties, and it would be best if the pro-zombie candidate won the Presidency, to punish the boomers.