Now I know it must be Xmas

Iliana seems to be getting into the lefse spirit. The homemade stuff is so much better than store bought — stupid pandemic! If it weren’t for that, I’d drive 4 hours to snatch it out of the baby’s hand.


  1. numerobis says

    Don’t lie. If not for COVID you’d drive four hours to snatch the kid out of the lefse’s entourage.

  2. davidc1 says

    What a lovely xmas image that is , grumpy bearded atheist spider breeding leftie breaks lock down rules to steal food from babe in arms .
    My dog ,i should be working for foxed news .

    Happy holidays Doc .

  3. markgisleson says

    We have a Norwegian bakery one town over. If they have any lefse left as the holiday approaches, the cashiers give you dirty looks for buying the last rounds that they were planning to take home with them.

    I am sure your granddaugher would gladly trade you her lefse for a PBJ on Wonder Bread. I would have at that age.

    Like Aquavit, lefse is an acquired taste and is best thought of as a delivery vehicle for butter.

    And in a pinch, you can make lefse by rolling Wonder Bread super thin with an Eveready C battery (which mom made us stop doing for some reason).

  4. blf says

    baby (n.): late 14c., babi, “infant of either sex,” diminutive of babe with -y. Meaning “childish adult person” is from c.1600. Meaning “youngest of a group” is by 1897. […]

    Clearly a lefse plot.

  5. birgerjohansson says

    (Thinks back at old B films with Gregory Peck and Sam Neill)
    -Is this the time the Evil Powers will start to manifest themselves? Or are we in a “Good Omens”/Terry Pratchett scenario? Will there be Tibetan bicycle repairmen? Will 300-ton nuclear reactors go walkabout? So many questions…
    Your current cat would make a good substitute for the infernal dog.

  6. PaulBC says

    And in a pinch, you can make lefse by rolling Wonder Bread super thin with an Eveready C battery (which mom made us stop doing for some reason).

    Sounds like a communion host, which reminds me of cajeta obleas, a confection that one of my coworkers at a previous company brought to the office. They are essentially goat’s milk caramel between two communion wafers. Pretty good, just a little incongruous.

  7. PaulBC says


    Will there be Tibetan bicycle repairmen?

    The COVID relief bill reaffirms Tibet’s choice of the next Dalai Lama, so I don’t see why not.

    Plus, they have bicycles in Tibet, don’t they? I bet it’s easier to get one repaired there than around here.

  8. birgerjohansson says

    The only thing that warms my heart more than cute photos of kids, cats and puppies is the news that the Dem senator candidates are leading over the [ extreme expletive that would melt your eyes if you read it ] in the runoff election. And I do not even live in USA.

  9. larpar says

    I don’t think she’s a lefse. She’s holding whatever she’s holding in her rightse hand.

  10. maireaine46 says

    I too had to look up Lefse. It sounds good, not unlike potato pancake but flatter with more ingredients. Iliana is just beautiful, what a sweet baby!

    Greetings of whatever you choose to celebrate. I know it is not spiders, but from a previous eight legged enthusiasm, have you seen the octopus punching fish?

  11. says

    WHAT? No waxing eloquent on the delicious wonder of lutefisk????? Ah every Christmas such an anticipated treat!!!!!! (We were not allowed to leave the table until we took at least one bite which was done without chewing, and washed down with copious amounts of milk) btw my neighbor brought by homemade lefse last night. warm with butter and sugar yum! Now all I need is my grandma’s hoska, kolache and some krumkaka and I’ll be set.

  12. PaulBC says

    Huh. I can’t think of any Irish Christmas foods. When I was growing up, we had a lot of the usual things like eggnog, plum pudding with hard sauce, and fruitcake (which I know has a terrible reputation; I personally think it’s not bad and I remember once tasting one that was made with high quality ingredients and really good). In the 70s, someone used to send us a cheese board gift package that got progressively smaller over the years, which I took to be a reaction to inflation, but maybe it was personal.

    My family had a recipe for Irish soda bread. I’m not sure how the tradition lasted so many generations, but if that was for an occasion, it was probably St. Patrick’s Day.

    I have a random Christmas now, depending on motivation level. This year it’s low and my daughter is kind of bummed out about the whole thing.

  13. davidc1 says

    @20 Paul ,i cooked the worst xmas meal ever yesterday ,don’t know what happened ,but it really
    was disgusting ,didn’t cook a proper whole turkey ,used one of them turkey crown thing that came in a box .
    Didn’t cover it with foil ,so it came out of the oven with skin like an aged repub voter who lives in Florida .
    And the stuffing balls and little sausages wrapped in bacon had been in the freezer for a couple of years ,lucky
    we didn’t come down with food poisoning .
    Might make a special effort for new years day ,or i might just stay in bed .

  14. PaulBC says

    davidc1@21 I thought I was bad. I just cooked some Italian sausage that has been in a chest freezer we bought when our main refrigerator broke last August and it was really hard to get any replacement on short notice. I think they were a little rancid, but not likely to be harboring pathogens. They weren’t that new when the fridge broke, and it was warming for hours before we had anywhere to put them. Waste not, want not. It’s how I was raised. (Kids refuse to eat them though.)

  15. blf says

    PaulBC@20, “I can’t think of any Irish Christmas foods.” I can’t either! There are a variety of meal traditions, but as to an actual food which is Irish and closely-associated with the holidays, I can’t think of one.

    davidc1@21 et al., I was a bit worried here also. For various reasons I had decided on a Canard Magret but didn’t really think though the dinner. So I wound up doing a Risotto-style dish with MUSHROOMS! and a fairly rich sauce, but worried all the time the Canard would be overcooked. As it happens, I timed it just right: The Canard was as I like it, pink on the inside, juicy, still quacking, and drunk from the sauce. (So was I, after the dinner. Not too sober, that is, don’t think I quacked.) Blued cheese, ice cream, moar Porto, and a long sleep to follow. There was smoked salmon in there somewhere, probably as a starter. (No snails just year, albeit I do have a jar of nude snails just begging to be eaten…)

  16. steve1 says

    Lefse. I remember that stuff. It has been years. My Mom had a lefse maker she would plug in to the wall and bow a fuse with it. Well there is always lutefisk.

  17. davidc1 says

    Re my comment on the xmas lunch from hell ,i bought two of those turkey crown in a box things .
    Was looking at the instructions ,it seems the paper that the lump of meat was wrapped in ,was Not meant to be removed .
    I bought a fresh chicken for tomorrow ,,and some more stuffing balls and little sausages wrapped in bacon ,so
    might have another go cooking the boxed turkey on Jan 1st .
    Talking of Jan 1st ,any Brits on here ,what do you think of johnsons deal ?