
  1. Pierre Le Fou says

    Does Phil Plait have kids? Maybe they could wear biology t-shirts! For balance, you know.

  2. says

    Looking at her T-shirt reminded me of a science fiction short story I read long ago (so long that I can remember neither author nor title) in which aliens intercept a manned spaceship in the outer solar system, and offer to give humans the technology for FTL travel in return for the seventh planet of our solar system.

    After some debate, the trade is agreed. At which point, they find out that the aliens number planets starting with the outermost…

    Of course, the plot doesn’t really work since August 2006, as trading Venus for FTL travel seems to be a good deal.

  3. blf says

    No grandchild of mine is going to be caught in public with a non-biology related shirt! What will people think?

    The individual is sensible, rational, can image black holes, and has nothing to do with those gooey messy biologists… except, the mildly deranged penguin adds, the cheesemakers. Spiders optional, she adds, except when they (spiders or grandchild, or even a messy, gooey, biologist) are at the centre of a black hole or, even more obviously(? obliviously?) make cheese.

  4. robro says

    PZ — They would say you are a kind, generous, and dotting grandfather who appreciates all the natural sciences, including astronomy.

    Paul Durant @ #4 — You’ve hit on a core taxonomic problem. Not only the order of counting the planets, but what do we mean (and the aliens mean) by planet. Which orbs fall into the “planet” class and which fall into the “dwarf planet.” What happens if and when the classification scheme changes? In any case, I would guess that extracting Venus from the solar system would have disastrous effects on Earth. (I make my living nominally as a taxonomist for content.)

  5. komarov says

    Oh, come now, she at least tried to appease her elders with a fish-themed necklace, neckloop or whatever the term may be. You should be more appreciative.

    Also, has she been dragged into arguments with other kids yet over whether there should be a ninth planet on there? And I shall be very generous by assuming the mandatory “not to scale” is printed on the back.

  6. pwdm says

    But we all know that biology is based on chemistry is based on physicss. So an astronomy shirt should be no problem.

  7. jennyjfwlucy says

    I think this is a distraction from the necklace that indicates a profound commitment to ichthyology.

  8. magistramarla says

    The look on her face! That smile! I’m sure that PZ adores her no matter what she wears.
    She is such a cutie.

  9. chrislawson says

    robro@7 —

    I doubt removing Venus would have much effect on Earth now. Possibly in the early solar system is would have made a difference to the extent of meteorite bombardment. Of course the method for removing Venus might be worrying.

  10. steve1 says

    Do the science disciplines have a rivalry? Is the rivalry like Ford Versus Chevy or the Army versus the Marines?

  11. davidc1 says

    “No grandchild of mine is going to be caught in public with a non-biology related shirt! What will people think?”
    Yes yes ,but when she becomes a prof of star gazing and discovers a new star and names it after you ,you will feel
    so proud ,won’t yer .

  12. brightmoon says

    I always wanted to learn the constellations when I was a kid. Finally got 2 easy books when my youngest was about 9 . 365 Starry Nights by Chet Raymo and The Stars by H A Rey ( yes Curious George’s author ) . Spotting planets has become second nature over the years (in fact Venus is out now )

  13. trog69 says

    “She’s taunting me!” Shades of Fallout 3 with Dr. Zimmer complaining about the android. “He’s mocking me!”

    Sorry, you were saying?