
  1. cartomancer says

    I have no idea whether it would cheer you up, but I know for a fact that a video of it would cheer us up…

  2. devnll says

    You laugh, but seriously; try it. Though if you can find a “big kids” playground, the implications about ones hips can be a little less depressing…

    Love me a good swing, still.

  3. FossilFishy (NOBODY, and proud of it!) says

    My daughter’s 11, I’m 52, and going to regret when we no longer go to playgrounds. I love going on the swing but that’s not going to happen by myself. Someone who looks like me alone in a playground is going to make some folk understandably uncomfortable.

  4. methuseus says

    I go on the swings when I bring my kids to the park. My wife and I would go on the swings before we had kids, as well. It’s fun and stress-relief. Go for it!

  5. jazzlet says

    I stopped when I found it made me queasy, but if your inner ears will tolerate the motion go for it!