
  1. davidnangle says

    Kimchi has the wonderful property of lighting your colon on fire, then filling it full of high-pressure gas. I’m not sure how explosions are so rare. There’s some magic going on there.

  2. jonmoles says

    At least kimchi doesn’t flout Article III of the Geneva Convention. I would assume that Cream of Lutefisk is some sort of ancient Viking ritual to weed out the weak or those with a properly developed sense of taste. I choose to believe this is Photoshop fakery, if only to not think less of Scandinavia.

  3. Ice Swimmer says

    As someone who ate lutefisk every Xmas for over 20 years and liked it, I’d like to point out that it doesn’t really taste much of anything, it just has an appetizing fishy aroma. What give the taste are: The white (Béchamel) sauce, Jamaican allspice, salt and potatoes.

  4. Thomas Scott says

    Lutefisk, at the point of serving, is bland and nearly odorless. In cooking however, its odor can cause widespread panic. In the Seattle neighborhood of Ballard, they have been forced to call an end to the century old Lutefisk Festival because the increasing number of urban residents complained of the smell.

  5. blf says

    As the mildly deranged penguin points out, there are good things and bad things here. The good: It isn’t Cream of Peas, or Cream of Walrus. The bad: It isn’t Cheese, or Moar Cheese, or even just Cheese.

  6. chigau (違う) says

    Babies will eat anything, you could mix the kimchi and the lutefisk together.
    and get someone else to change the diaper.

  7. What a Maroon, living up to the 'nym says

    If you really want to torture the poor thing, wouldn’t it be easier to get your hands on a jar of Marmite? Or I suppose in Korea Vegemite would be easier to find.

  8. erichoug says

    Why do you hate that kid so much?

    I seem to call that there was no threat or inducement that could ever get my brother and I, or our sister, to eat Lutefisk after we tried it for the first time.

    So, if you really want that kid to eat it, you need to get him hooked early.

  9. octopod says

    Kimchi’s great for babies! Just gotta rinse off what my toddler refers to as the “ouch!” first. On the other hand, there are a number of cheeses he finds Highly Objectionable, and I suspect lutefisk would be similar.

  10. emergence says

    Speaking of horrifying Scandinavian fish dishes, how does surstromming compare to lutefisk?

  11. jack16 says

    Guess I should remark on kimchi and hope someone with better information will chip in. Arriving in Korea the first thing i noticed when deplaning was the odor of garlic.

    Kimchi is a pickle and I found the Koreans to be masters of the art. There are rows of fermentation pots everywhere.
    What most Americans encounter is the kimchi made with cabbage and hot peppers but in fact the variety of content is vast. Garlic is a popular ingredient and I loved it.


  12. What a Maroon, living up to the 'nym says


    Babies will eat anything, you could mix the kimchi and the lutefisk together.
    and get someone else to change the diaper.

    Our daughter was like that, and she’s continued to be like that to this day. Stinky cheese, spicy fish, olives, beans–she would try everything, and like most of it. I’m sure she would have tried kimchi and lutefisk if we had offered them to her. Of course that was a reflection of our parenting skills.

    Sadly those skills left us by the time our son was born…..

  13. blf says

    horrifying Scandinavian fish dishes

    Some Scandinavians (presumably deliberately) frighten their food? Do you have a recipe for Screaming Cod with Frantic Potatoes (or whatever)?

    I know the French try, Roast Beef in La Cuisine Des Cavernes with Sébastien Chabal (video; English).† Frightening food is also why only frog’s legs are served, the idea of having to always walk on your “hands” is is rather horrifying to most amphibians. They don’t actually mind their legs are eaten, it’s far more sensible and understandable than being turned into a Frog Leg Umbrella Stand. Also scary, of course, is being chased around by a madman with a harpoon, although that is not something most frogs need to worry about.

      † Mr Chabal is a French rugby star(now retired), and this video is just winding-up the English (rosbifs) prior to this weekend’s Le Crunch annual Six Nations rugby match.

  14. lucifersbike says

    Fritto misto alla piemontese is an assortment of dainty morsels fried in batter served on special occasions such as weddings. One of the dainty morsels is frog. Minus the head but otherwise whole. The Piedmontese think their French cousins waste the best bits by only eating the legs.

  15. davidc1 says

    Just had a look on Wikipedia ,seems a lot of trouble to make it.

    Saw this .
    The Wisconsin Employees’ Right to Know Law specifically exempts lutefisk in defining “toxic substances”.
    That will make me sleep easier .

  16. Derek Vandivere says

    A buddy of mine is a professor of the history of mathematics (I think) at Bergen, and a new grandpa – I could check with him to see if he’s got any cream of lutefisk around the house…

  17. rrhain says

    I toured Norway back in the early 80s and asked the guides what they thought of lutefisk.

    They all had to blink a minute before saying, “Oh! That! That’s what you American Norwegians eat.”

    Christmas was a horrible time for me. The only thing I could eat on the table were the boiled potates, peas, and lefse. Lutefisk and meatballs? YUCK! “But it tastes like lobster!” No, it doesn’t. I’ve had lobster and lutefisk tastes nothing like it. Perhaps you’re confusing the drawn butter for “lobster.”

    Fish jello with bones in.