I’ve been hearing so much over the years about this guy, George Soros, who is supposedly my puppetmaster. Unfortunately, I knew nothing about Soros except that he was a really rich guy, and right-wing nutjobs seemed to think he was hiding under their bed. Now, all is explained.
OK, so he’s a billionaire philanthropist who donates to good causes. That’s about it.
The truth at last! (Now I know why my checks have been so late.)
Is the whole Soros thing anti-semitism?
I suspect that anti-semitism plays into it but, as PZed points out, he’s a billionaire philanthropist who donates to rational, pragmatic and effective causes (which means left wing progressive commie anti-American causes) is the real reason. If everything were the same except that he supported Trump and the Kochification of Amerika, he would be a hero to the right.
Oh yeah?
Explain this then!
More to the point he does seem to cut across the grain of rational actor libertarian economic theory. So he’s a Gorn for sure:
I wonder if he masterminded the new Belluminati commercials.
In a post about making fun of the right-wing over boogeyman George Soros we actually get the word “Kochification”.
Chuck Stanley @6:
Well, what would you call it? Koch family monies feed multiple right-wing think tanks that provide already-written legislation to lawmakers across the country. The Koch family dumps huge amounts of money into groups, like The Heartland Institute, whose only reason for existence is climate change denial and keeping the US dependent on fossil fuels. The GOP, at the national, state, and local level, basically dances to the tune played by Koch family money (there are other families involved, of course). So what would you call the current right-wing paradigm of give-aways to the rich and the fossil fuel companies, deregulation of any and all industry and finance, gutting of environmental laws, etc? I think that Kochification of Amerika is a pretty good way to describe it.
So what think-tanks does Soros support that exist to lie? What industry is Soros protecting? What laws that make the world a better place is Soros trying to gut? Is Soros raping the world for short-term profits?
I’m still waiting on those big Soros dollars I was supposed to have received for protesting.
Ogvorbis @7
Relax, I found it funny. PZ keeps us well informed of the Koch brothers’ “devious agenda”.
George Soros is old. When he dies, the right will pick on some other rich Jewish progressive, someone you currently haven’t heard of, because they aren’t actually that famous or politically relevant.
(Aside from those who conclude that Soros must have faked his death and his very mortality.)
@ 2 Marus
Is the whole Soros thing anti-semitism?
By now, perhaps, but I suspect it was incidental originally. In fact, it may be post hoc rationalization.
For some reasons, (I think it helps to be able to hold five contradictory conspiracy theories at the same time when trying to follow this and I cannot do it.) the nutty far-right decided many years ago that Maurice Strong (white, anglophone Canadian mining exec and later ecologist and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations) and George Soros, (billionaire hedge fund manager) were heading the drive to implement the NEW WORLD ORDER, cue the black helicopters.
Since Strong has died, Soros is their man. Unless Strong is not dead but in hiding as he raises the dark legions needed to implement the NEW WORLD ORDER.
Oh damn! I may have started a new rumour.
Soros sends you checks? Damn, all he sends me is Confederate money, counterfeit yet!
@ 8 Vivec
I’m still waiting on those big Soros dollars
Because of George Soros’ earlier connection with the Canadian, Maurice Strong, he is very cleverly routing the payments through the Canadian Gov’t payroll system to disguise you as a part-time civil servant.
There is an excellent chance that you will be paid, underpaid, overpaid or all of the above within the next five or so years.
“Kochification of America”…I chuckled…coin away. The only possible problem with it is it turns the Kochs into THE left-wing boogeyman, and we might forget that there are many others.
We could have a lot of fun with this “Kochification of America” thing: the Adelsonization of America, Mercering the World, Bannonism is dead, he’s a Thielist.
By the way, Soros gets the heat but according to the Washington Post his contribution to Democrats in 2016 was a mere $17.5m while Tom Steyer went to $66.3m (and $70m in 2014). Steyer is a multi-billionaire investment fund manager in San Francisco.
I’m glad there are super-wealthy people with enough social conscience to pour money into politics for the “other side.” But, whether Republican or Democrat, these are obscene amounts of money to be pouring into politic campaigns. We need to stop it.
Carlitos@LX @4: If you believe your source depicts a really existing Hungarian banknote, I have a bridge to sell.
The pill shaped UFO the Navy pilot saw has an easy explanation. That’s Soros’ favorite mode of transportation between countries he is currently destabilizing.
Ok I hope I didn’t pull a Poe with that last one.
I’m always amused by the right wing randos that spout the Soros line who, when questioned, don’t even know who Soros is. He’s just “the bad man with money,” and they know nothing else beyond that.
#19- Matrim
Now that Zbig has passed Soros must bear the full weight of “global evil shenanigans speculation du jour” upon his shoulders.
Sadly Soros helped never launch a Trilateral Commission. He just has those pesky Open Society Foundations. Global conspiracy isn’t what it used to be in the old days.
And given the snake fungus their days calling shots from underground lairs are numbered:
lumipuna @ 10
Nonsense! Since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion, Soros has been able to stockpile vast amounts of unbaptized baby blood! He’ll be seated that the head of the Interdimensional Satanic Jew Lizardman Cabal for centuries to come!
Kochroach Infestation.
Or Pufoxtin & Kochroach Bros, UnLimited.