
  1. Saad says

    Great video overall. I love that he calls him Donald.

    The only inaccurate part is the ‘they are still your boss and can fire you’ part. We are not the bosses of our politicians. That’s just an illusion built into the system to make us think we are in control.

  2. Rich Woods says

    That was so good, and such a powerful and direct message, that I had to check it was the actual Vicente Fox and not an impersonator or a comedian doing it.

    Seems like a decent chap.

  3. magistramarla says

    Wow! Impressive!
    Vincente Fox obviously understands politics and understands 45 very well. It is so disheartening that we Americans can look around at the leaders of other countries (including our recent past president) and realize that our voters elected such an incompetent one that we are now the laughingstock country.

  4. says

    It is so disheartening that we Americans can look around at the leaders of other countries (including our recent past president) and realize that our voters elected such an incompetent one that we are now the laughingstock country.

    They even speak better English.