I completely missed this when it was said back in October:
Dr. Monica Miller of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, one of the main organizers of this weekend’s protest rallies at Planned Parenthood clinics, said on Tuesday that even if Planned Parenthood were to stop performing abortions, she would still want to strip it of federal funding because it promotes a
corrupt view of human sexualityincludingsex for recreation, sex for mere pleasure.
Planned Parenthood from the top to the bottom is a corrupt organization,Miller told Ave Maria Radio’s Teresa Tomeo,corrupt in its view of the sanctity of human life and corrupt in its view of human sexuality. And I say even if Planned Parenthood didn’t perform one single abortion, just the mere fact that its sexual ethic is corrupted means right there, should be the reason right there, that they should not receive any federal money. The kind of sexual ethic that Planned Parenthood promotes is sex for recreation, sex for mere pleasure.
Wow. At least she openly admits that having sex for pleasure is bad.
I guess I’ll have to stop. Oh, my–I was supposed to stop about 25 years ago.
I think I know who is corrupt, twisted, and in opposition to reality, and it sure isn’t Planned Parenthood.
Stop!? You weren’t supposed to start in the first place, you heathen beast.
Well, going by that, I would never have been allowed to start. Probably would have gotten locked up in a nunnery. Or a laundry. Who knows.
Caine, If it had been Ireland, you might have been locked up in a laundry in a nunnery.
I’m going to be quote frank about this. As a man, it is impossible for me to have sex without pleasure and expect to ejaculate. How would I have sex, not enjoy it, and expect to procreate? Or am I to understand this to mean women aren’t suppose to have sex for pleasure? Probably the later, which is just awful coming from a woman. Besides, IMHO, ‘sex’ without pleasure is not sex. Sex without pleasure would be a weird form of exercise, at best, and rape, otherwise. Neither is sex.
What a lot of people have been saying: the anti-abortion movement is not anti-abortion, it is anti-contraception, anti-freedom, anti-people-making-their-own-sexual-choices.
Anti-choice is entirely appropriate.
Anyone know if she’s weighed in on food for pleasure? I can just imagine her calling on US food makers to only offer flavourless mush, because some people eat food for mere pleasure, not to keep from starving.
I think the men are still allowed to have fun, it’s the women that she wants to punish, especially the back sliders and heathens. She probably cried out in pleasure once and has been self flagellating ever since.
not just wrong or bad not an ethical failure but sinful and sin is an offense against the god she and they believe in who decreed it so.
rights and reason have absolutely no effect what so ever.
uncle frogy
“sex for mere pleasure.”
The idea is actually supposed to be that pleasure is fine, but that you gotta also express love (otherwise you’re not being Jesus-like and do your best to reproduce (otherwise you’re disrespecting both “God’s plan” as well as your partner by “rejecting their body”). Like sex is only viewed positively if it’s part of this romantic happy Disney fairy-tale marriage. “Mere pleasure” is being selfish like the devil bla bla etc. etc.
But yeah, my parents and all those Catholic books repeating “sex is good! (in marriage)” doesn’t actually mean their position isn’t that sex is bad.
@Lofty #7
Or self-flagellated once and being crying out in pleasure since? (You can trust a masochist to pretend pleasure is overrated).
Is she married, and–if so–how many kids does she have? If it’s less than about one half the number of years she was married before menopause, then she has some explaining to do.
Robro @ 3:
Yeah, seriously. Especially as I did get pregnant at 17, and PP facilitated my termination, for which they have my eternal thanks. If Miller had her way, oh man.
I think the idea of having sex just for fun is absurd.
Of course, I also feel the same way about watching football, playing football, watching birds, knitting, collecting stamps, and building model trains. I wouldn’t want to ban or discourage any of those things either because, unlike Miller, I have the self-awareness to understand that my personal preferences are personal preferences and not Universal Human Defaults willed by God.
I will occasionally mock people who knit stamps for their model trains while having sex and watching birds play football though.
Isn’t it amazing how their god created hundreds of billions of galaxies, averaging hundreds of billions of stars each, yet he seems totally preoccupied with who has sex!
I don’t think the evangenitals out there understand much about the universe.
Dr. Monica Miller’s comments seemed so familiar and Catholic. She has a PhD in theology and works at a Catholic University. Now it all makes sense. Initially, I thought that she was a medical doctor…
I’m sure that’s intentional.
Apart from the very few times having sex with the intent to procreate, it was always for pleasure. Still is, and I sure as hell am not procreating any more. Religious people seem to almost inevitably have hangups about sex.
It’s a puzzle, though, that their god would imbue them with such a powerful desire for sexual pleasure, only to have them feel that they need to suppress it to be seen as being good in the eyes of their god. Freaky.
Honestly, Monica Miller sounds like a curtain twitching pervert.
We shouldn’t fund schools either. My whole life, ever since I escaped from school, I’ve taken a perverse pleasure in trying to learn stuff. I’ve clearly been seduced by corrupt teachers who have (for undoubtedly nefarious reasons I can’t even articulate) instilled in me through their State-funded propaganda a wretched desire to learn for recreation or mere pleasure. Obviously, it’s bad to have good experiences, because what’s good must be opposed to anything resembling human pleasure or happiness or welfare, obviously.
I guess in its place, the would-be schoolchildren could put on hair shirts and flog themselves, while reading the Bible or something. That’ll teach ’em right from wrong. But I’m open to other ideas I suppose (other conservative Christian ones) — what else could we spend all of this federal money on? Should we buy some more guns, screw over people who don’t look or think like us, bail out a few more wealthy corporate fucks? Should we all keep it for ourselves so we can buy a little more junk for Christmas? What would be the least pleasurable and therefore the most ethically sound decision? We definitely can’t just kill them, because they would spend less time suffering in this horrible plane of existence, like they’re supposed to do.
Rick Santorum is of that same mindset. On birth control:
It’s a pretty safe bet he’s never used food products to enhance “that bond”.
Miller has served as an active pain in the ass for the anti-abortion movement for decades; she claims to have taken many of the bloody photos of “aborted” (many were miscarriages) “babies” (fetuses) used for antis’ signs.
I recall, but have not succeeded in finding either online or in my archives, a news story from a decade or more back about Miller’s arrest for leaving an infant untended in a parked car.
However, I did find (in an archived story about rejection of evolution in the US from http://www.theoaklandpress.com/stories/082806/loc_2006082839.shtml, no longer online), these quotations:
Why does she care whether adults are having consensual sex? Absolutely none of her business. These people are infuriating and need to be defeated.
I’m tempted to go out and have a one-night-stand just to spite her.
translation: “if i can’t enjoy sex, nobody can!”
Dr Monica Miller of the Southern Christians League, one of the main organizers of this weekend’s protest rally at Congress against the ratification of the 13th Amendment, said that even if the amendment was not approved, she would still want the Confederacy to secede because the union promotes a
includingMiller told this newspaper,
You have to admit, at least Ms Miller is being honest. The baby is god’s punishment for having pleasure. That explains why abortion, contraception, homosexuality etc must be stopped. It is allowing humans to avoid god’s wrath. Once you understand that, ALL the rest makes perfect sense. Even why they don’t give a damn about the kid in the end.
I’ve been having sex for almost two decades now and a full 5 times or so were for procreation. Where do I get my slut badge?
Apart from that, does that mean they approve of the tons of ways to have sex in which nobody can get pregnant?
“Dr.” Miller and her husband, who, by the way, also appears to be involved with an anti-choice organization, have 3 kids. I take it, taking into account maybe a couple of tries, Mrs Miller and husband have only had sex between 3 and, let’s be generous, 30 times.
Have a guess…
Dreaming of an Atheistic Newtopia, I’ve heard of aural sex…
I try really hard to feel sorry for these rabid evangelicals who follow the “I am miserable so I must make everyone else miserable too” philosophy, but damn, its difficult.
What a profoundly unhappy person Miller must be. Ugh, what a horrible life.
I quite admire people who manage that, actually.
Hell, I might actually watch birds playing football.
@timguegen #6:
There’s no pleasing some people.
Edmund: Heaven forbid, no! Here, we feast only on God’s lovely turnip — mashed.
Aunt: [stands suddenly] Mashed?!
Edmund: Yes…
Aunt: [slaps him twice] Wicked child!!! Mashing is also the work of Beelzebub — for Satan saw God’s blessed turnip, and he envied it and mashed it to spoil its sacred shape.
timgueguen wrote:
It doesn’t come up as much today as it used to, but in the 19th century there were prominent proponents of that idea. John Harvey Kellogg (inventor of Corn Flakes) believed that flavourful food was bad because it would inflame carnal urges, and that bland tasteless foods would combat this. The inventor of the graham cracker, Rev. Sylvester Graham, believed the same.
I knew of the Kellogg one, but Graham? I actually find those crackers immensely flavorful.