For all of his flaws, he’s one of those rare people in the media who is able to step back and provide an appropriate perspective. Here, he goes after the Brian Williams story, making the point that it is important for news sources to maintain their credibility…but then why are they going after this trivial Williams story and completely ignoring the major media lies that led to war?
I’d like to see journalists apply this new-found probity to a few other of their fellows. Can we start with Wolf Blitzer? And every one of the Sunday morning pundit exhibitions?
Apologies for the annoying autoplay — I can’t turn it off. The source is Breitbart, so of course it’s formatted to enhance obnoxiousness.
Much prefer John Oliver; he’s far less inclined to splash damage, while Stewart chooses the joke over the marginalised most times. :/
Agree on John Oliver. I wasn’t enjoying him during his stint as replacement host on The Daily Show, but wow, did he ever come into his own on HBO. He hits hard in ways I only wish Jon Stewart would.
Still love Stewart: he’s the best we’ve got in an imperfect media, but Oliver has really proven just how strong he is; some of his pieces have managed to combine investigative journalism of the old, longed for variety with humor, and it’s really kind of beautiful to see.
Speaking of Oliver; I’m sure you must know that Oliver’s show has returned!! Last Week, Tonight had it’s 2nd Season Premiere, Sunday.(HBO, BTW). His story was a brilliant takedown of the “real sins” of Big Pharma. No, not bad chemicals being sold as health enhancers, but the metaphorically said “insider trading” between Pharma and local Doctors. They even did a mock-PSA asking us if our doctor is a receiver of Pharma contributions.
(((((and while Oliver is a brilliant comedian, being British, (certainly,, John Cleese) he clearly got all his news-comedy smarts from Jon Stewart’s tutelage. nyuck, nyuck, nyuuuck ))))
Democracy Now
Speaking of John Oliver’s return (Yay!) his segment covering pharmaceutical business was brilliant.
Scroll down for video.
I’m sure Brian Williams has told more lies in 15 years than Fox News does in one show, but it’s not by much.
Why the trivial Williams story? Scapegoating, I would guess. Now that the sacrificial ritual has cleansed us of all falsehood, we can go back to believing everything we see in the news. Also bemused how media that type press releases verbatim can get so exercised over a plagiarism case. And how I once got exposed to a truly stultifying half-hour of “Fair Game? / Not Fair Game?”. Euch!
Just wondering; what did Rachel Maddow do to miss making PZ’s “worth listening to” list?
PZ apparently has the touch of death. PZ, are you sure you didn’t mean to say Bill O’Reilly is the only one worth listening?
What did you do PZ?! You jinxed him!
Comedy Central makes the story official… PZ Myers is kiss of death….
Dammit, PZ!
I wonder if Samantha and/or Jason will be taking over. Seniority wise, they’d be next in line. I was a bit surprised one or both didn’t get Colbert’s slot.
Oh good. I can’t wait to see which neoliberal stooge takes his place.
@14 Whoever it is, we can be assured that he or she, unlike the conservatives, will have a sense of humor…
@15, Yes, presumably a sense of humour that is at it’s sharpest when mocking protest movements that might stand a chance in hell of creating real positive change. Because we all know caring about stuff is dum.
Argh, fucking autoplay.
My RSS reader lets me easily spawn 20+ new tabs of posts I haven’t yet read so I can quickly and methodically read and close the tabs.
Instead of this, I’ve been searching for the past 5 minutes trying to find which fucking tab was emitting feculent news. Given I use a screen reader, you can understand how this already irritating-as-fuck thing has left me now feeling rather murderous.
So, no hard feelings, PZ, but please, please, please, just link to autoplaying things in future. Please.
While I’d certainly watch Democracy Now over any mainstream media outlet, its programming tends to skew towards conspiracy-think a tad much.
And although Stewart veered too often into “both sides do it-ism,” I will miss his show.
Dude, you jinxed it. Now he’s leaving…
re 14&16:
dysomniak “They are unanimous in their hate for me, and I welcome their hatred!”
Well, that latter phrase [with added emphasis] is good to know; that you will not be offended by my hatred of you and you dispeptic comments about Jon Stewart and The Daily Show. The Daily Show mocks more than
And they don’t the movement itself, just some of the absurd behaviors of some of the individuals of that movement.
Have you ever watched an entire episode of the show, or just the clips that FOXNoise rails about?
I’m glad you welcome my hatred of you, you shall receive it in great abundance.
[I’m just morose after watching Stewart’s resignation last night, I have to rant at somebody, and you are the perfect target]
Only a few thousand of them, going back to the Craig Kilborn days. But obviously that’s not enough to form a fair opinion. Is your political world really so small that you think the only criticism of Saint Stewart can come from the right? You do know that there are political perspectives out there other than “republican” and “democrat”, right?
Oh and let’s not forget that he’s an anti union bully as well.
Watched Stewart and the Daily Show since 2000, when I was a wee middle schooler. Didn’t always agree with the implicit stance behind his humor; was always news-ertained. I’ll miss you, funny man.
I reall;y am just baffled by why anyone who isn’t a pro-capitalist neoliberal technocrat would have anything good to say about JS. You are all part of the problem.
dysomniak, I watch Jon Stewart when I get the chance, because I like his humor. I don’t regard him as a liberal god, or even an ideal. I don’t get why you are raving against his worshippers here, because there aren’t many …. PZ regularly posted about not having any heroes. He hasn’t made an exception for Stewart. Not that I need PZ’s permission, or even his opinion, because he is not my hero.
@25, Why don’t you ask “Brilleg” and the rest of the Stewart fanatics about it?
So am I the only one detecting strong, rather obvious hints of sarcasm in that Daily Banter piece, which reads as if it’s making fun of the articles it’s citing?
“True warriors for liberalism”
This is sarcastic. He obviously disagrees with Irin Carmon, and wants you to read Emily Gould’s response.
There’s that “true liberal” again.
Oh come on. How is this not sarcasm? It’s coming off here in spades.
I’ll stop here. dysomniak, if you’re being serious and not being as sarcastic as the piece you quoted, you picked a terrible link to prove your point.
I’ll help you out, because I actually have a better one. There’s a critique of Jon Stewart that I think is worth reading by anyone and everyone. It was written by Jamie Kilstein and Allison Kilkenny of Citizen Radio, and first appeared in their book #Newsfail, before being republished in Salon:
The day Jon Stewart quit: Why “The Daily Show” isn’t the satire America needs
I should note that I am a fan of Jon Stewart. But I think this critique is worth reading and considering.
I hate that Jon Stewart has essentially created a crop of young Hardcore Apathists. I hate the Both Sides insinuations and his endless, compulsive need to play false equivalence. I hate that he constantly gives pointless softball interviews to horrible people and that his primary focus, in terms of coworkers and interviewees, has always been Straight White Male, like himself.
But I love that he has brought issues to light like no one else could. I love that he has done well to show the right-wing in particular to be amoral, irrational hypocrites. I love that he, on his once meek little show on a comedy channel, has held the actual news media, especially Fox News, accountable for their absurd irresponsibility.
Some of his audience might buy his cries to meet in the Middle and sing kumbaya and just chillax bros, but the actual fact-checking done by the show illustrates a clear pattern for those paying attention. Honestly, I could probably say that I am a Pharyngulite because of Jon Stewart. Ignoring the fig leaf of “Moderation”, The Daily Show has done a great job throughout the years of showing just how unhinged the right-wing has become, and has done well to point out and mock the role of religion in politics. Whether that was its intention or not, it has been an absolutely vital resource as well as great entertainment for years (though I will admit I didn’t watch as much during the times when Jon was his most militant in apathy, having mostly watched in the last year and during the Bush administration).
Jon Stewart will be missed, but we can do better and hopefully they will. They have already been gradually diversifying the Daily Show crew more. John Oliver is already showing how to do it better in his own way, and hopefully the next host of The Daily Show will have the actual goddamn courage to unabashedly criticize the right-wing and not fall into the trap of saying “Democrats are Just As Bad”. And maybe just get rid of the damn interview segments: it avoids the problem of being too afraid to criticize a politician straight to their face, while also ensuring that the whole show can be political criticism instead of half commentary and then half plug for a new book or movie.
One can always dream.