I can’t believe the guy sprayed the elk urine in his mouth! Loved the poker shirt too, I bet he bought it in Reno in 1978!
Nice of his wife to help him out!
Big Boppasays
I had a doe come at me like this last summer in Vilas County WI. Fortunately, I was close to my car so I could get in and shut the door. I beeped the horn to scare it away and 2 fawns jumped out of the underbrush just a few feet away. Didn’t even know they were there. Once they were gone, momma walked away and left me in peace.
At least he didn’t end up like the office worker in that Calvin and Hobbes strip where the deer are hunting humans; “Aieee!! They got Frank!!”
I guess I don’t understand the sport of hunting when I end up rooting for the deer–who would’ve guessed an animal would object to some guy stalking them with a bow and arrow? (Or at least be violently attracted to them after putting on some urine-in-a-bottle product.)
Nugent would shit his pants.
Not out of fear, mind you… he’d do it as a deliberate ploy to get out of the action.
Can I be the first to point out that the narrator doesn’t know the difference between a white tail and a mule deer?
I kept waiting or wondering why he the cowboy was not trying to bulldog the dear?
uncle frogy
This is why Murica needs moar guns! To protect ourselves and our families from these… these cervid thugs!
carolw at 6:
Could someone convince The Nuge to try this?
Tell him Obama said spraying elk urine in your mouth is bad for you, and he’d probably drink it by the gallon.
throwaway, never proofreads, every post a gamblesays
I’m almost tempted to start a rumor that prey animals can smell your stomach contents from 5 miles away as well (seeing as how your breath is also affected by your gut) just to have these doofuses drink elk urine.
Ours is the Fury!
Several years ago I worked at Rocky Mountain National Park during the elk rutting season. As part of the training the rangers told several stories. One was about the people (this, apparently, has happened more than once) who actually call elk. If this happened on our watch we were to point out to the caller that elk, at this time, had only two ideas, fight or fuck. Then we were to quiz them on which they would rather do.
spamamander, internet amphibiansays
It’s nice to see idiots on that side of the Cascades. Just sayin’.
What a Maroon, oblivioussays
Leave it to MSNBC to miss the true import of the story. A deer attacks a man stinking of elk urine? This kind of perversion is the inevitable consequence of gay marriage.
That is a horrible imitation elk call.
This is why hunters generally use guns to kill their prey. They lose the boxing matches with them every time.
what more is there to say but…
I’m almost tempted to start a rumor that prey animals can smell your stomach contents from 5 miles away as well (seeing as how your breath is also affected by your gut) just to have these doofuses drink elk urine.
No, no….
Ya gotta be SWEATIN’ elk urine I tells ya… SWEATIN’ it!
gotta drink at least a couple of liters of it.
I think it’s funny that his wife just went on shooting video. Priorities, priorities
I think his wife might have been secretly rooting for the deer.
Can I be the first to point out that the narrator doesn’t know the difference between a white tail and a mule deer?
the narrator was probably told it was a white tail by the hunter.
Hum, tricky. I’m not at all a fan of hunting but then again I’m not keen on people being battered to death either. Or just plain battered. That said, a lot of people around here are hunters although they take a very different approach to it.
1) Noone would wear camo and everyone always has signal colours (orange vests, scarves, or similar) to avoid being shot
2) I doubt anyone would even consider the application of urine no matter the source
3) I’m not sure about the bow. Rifles are the norm here and since hunting is seen as a matter of stewardship rather than a sport or form of entertainment, hunters are expected to dispatch animals as quickly and painlessly as they can. I honestly don’t know either way but would guess a bow doesn’t work so well when compared to a rifle.
But based on what I occasionally hear about hunting in the US – and I freely admit this is in part coloured by a certain song by Tom Lehrer – very little shown in the video surprises me.
Over here you need a license to go hunting and to get that you need to study hard. Apart from regulations you need to know about weapons (including restrictions on what can be used on which animals), signals and a whole lot of stuff about the animals and nature in general. No license, no guns and certainly no hunting.
To be fair, the guy in the video does seem to know a bit about the animals. It’s just everything else that strikes me as slightly disturbing, odd and / or terrible.*
I guess after all this there is only one conclusion:
Yay, deer!
Zero casualties. That animal should consider a career in the military. I’m guessing it’s as American as anyone can be so maybe you folks with a vote should consider voting for it to become your supreme commander at the earliest opportunity. (Think about it, the environmentalist will love it and the right couldn’t possibly refuse because that deer’s family has been living in the US far longer than anybody else apart from actual factual natives. It’s ancestors probably played some crucial role in the fight for independence.)
*Killing is in his blood? Please drop the bow now.
Al Dentesays
komarov @23
Noone would wear camo and everyone always has signal colours (orange vests, scarves, or similar) to avoid being shot
In most US states there are two separate hunting seasons, one for bow hunting and another for gun (rifle or shotgun) hunting. While it is mandatory that gun hunters wear orange (usually vests and hats) bow hunters are allowed to wear cammies. That’s because bows have much shorter range than guns and bow hunters usually have to wait for the deer to get in range.
I doubt anyone would even consider the application of urine no matter the source
I beg to differ. There are countless websites specializing in exactly that.
Some states also have a third season for muzzle loading, unscoped, rifles between the bow season and the rifle season.
Matches this South Park caricature of hunting pretty well… I guess I can no longer call it a caricature.
Wait — he wanted an ELK to charge him? That would have killed him for sure. Far bigger and more cantankerous than a mere blacktail. And how old is this video? Did you see the camera she used? Full sized VHS from 25 years ago?
*waving green pennant with “Go Bambi!” printed on it*
And how old is this video?
this version was uploaded in 2007.
but you have a good eye for cameras. my guess is it’s probably from the late 90s originally.
I’d be OK if 10-30% of hunters were assaulted/killed by deer one year. The ones who need to kill a deer for feeding their family would still be there, and the sport hunters would stay home.
but you have a good eye for cameras. my guess is it’s probably from the late 90s originally.
Mid to late 90s. I first saw this clip on When Animals Attack on FOX back in high school. It’s also popular on those B-list celebrity commentary shows on TruTV (I had a roommate who was addicted to them).
Al Dente, Rogerfirth, #24+25:
I had a brief look online and all the native shops over here seem to sell that stuff for lures rather than personal application.
I also looked up bow hunting and apparently it is legal in large parts of Europe but not everywhere. I’m not sure about specific restrictions, though. Wikipedia mentions fishing in France and another page mentions a rabbit plague in Helsinki in 2009 where bow hunters supposedly helped get it under control.
Regarding camo being limited to bow hunters, I’m glad some common sense seems to have prevailed. However, a lot of the pages on bow hunting were really keen on pointing out just how lethal an arrow is to the animals. While you do have to get closer to your target and have better odds recognising a fellow hunter it still seems a bit fooldhardy to run around like that.
My favourite videos are the bullfighters who get about 12 inches of bull’s horn up their arse. I know it must be painful for them but I can’t help laughing.
the bullfighters can take it,
(cue Monthy Python sequence)
Markita Lynda—threadruptsays
More hunters are killed by white-tailed deer (not the species in the video, I know) than by any other animal except humans. The deer use their sharp front hooves.
Have you got a citation for that?
I kinda think the buck was more amorous that combative. See that tail and the humping posture?
I’m appalled at the wife’s reaction. She even said that she thought she was filming his death.
Maybe I don’t know enough about angry deer or don’t understand how far away the wife really was, but if it were me I wouldn’t hesitate to drop the damn camera and run forward shouting and waving my arms, anything to distract or alarm the animal I believe to be in the process of killing or maiming my husband. Hell, take that clunky video recorder and swing it as a weapon. Something.
I’m also astonished the husband seems to have taken this failure into good part. Got it on tape and got it on TV. Yeah, check your food before you eat it. Something is off.
I’ve done a bit of hunting (mostly for the pot) and I’d say this guy forgot the first rule: you are up against a wild animal that WILL turn the tables on you if given the chance. I guess he won’t make that mistake again.
Oh, and regarding the bow? That looked like a compound/composite medium bow from the view in the video. A modern hunting bow like that hits harder than a .45 rifle round, and does more tissue damage besides. Range is less, and it’s more affected by crosswinds, but it’s definitely a high-lethality weapon suitable for medium to large game.
More hunters are killed by white-tailed deer (not the species in the video, I know) than by any other animal except humans. The deer use their sharp front hooves.
yeah, sounds like a good story, and I know deer “can” be dangerous, but frankly, there are so few hunters killed by anything other than other hunters, it doesn’t even show up in a google search.
Pissed on and thrashed while the whole thing is captured on video.
I would think there might be better, and far less dangerous ways of getting that. For sure there are professionals in Las Vegas that could help you out with that sort of thing. Ask for a golden shower and that you like it rough. They will hook you up with a practitioner experienced in those specialties. Most of the professionals include amenities, like safe words, good lighting, and no need to wear camouflage, unless that is part of the fantasy.
I don’t know about that particular animal but the hooves of white-tailed deer can be quite sharp. I used to work with a guy with a beauty of a tight and clean scar on soft tissue, about eight inches long, that was caused by a single grazing kick from a nearly dead white-tailed deer. Had it been in a spot with major blood vessels he would have bled out.
spamamander, internet amphibiansays
I’m particularly depressed to realize that a Google search comparing mule deer population to white tail and black tail deer in Washington is bringing up myriad articles bemoaning the reintroduction of wolves to the state. Surely one pack cannot take down that many, poor whinyass hunters.
@spamamander- oh, didn’t you know that wolves are super-scary hypercarnivores that exist to do nothing but kill every single non-wolf creature they encounter? Also, they have acid for blood and another mouth inside their mouth in place of a tongue.
Oh, that’s the monsters from Aliens. Sorry, it’s easy to confuse the two.
In other wolf-related news, I saw that for the second straight year, that wolf derby some group in Idaho held has managed to kill zero wolves.
You know, if you can’t even manage to kill a single wolf during your predator-slaughterfest two years in a row, maybe you should consider the possibility that there really aren’t enough wolves to be a problem.
Ask for a golden shower and that you like it rough. They will hook you up with a practitioner experienced in those specialties.
probably even come dressed up in a deer costume for just a bit more money.
chigau (違う)says
I watched an arctic wolf hunting.
She was very successful.
Killed and ate at least 6 lemmings.
More hunters are killed by white-tailed deer (not the species in the video, I know) than by any other animal except humans. The deer use their sharp front hooves.
I would think they’re also one of the most-hunted species, though, so one would have to correct the numbers for that. On the other hand, I don’t know what animal I would expect to be most deadly on average.
I once saw a kid repeatedly try to pet the elk that hang around on the lawn of the main building (ranger station? Don’t remember) at Yellowstone. Parents did nothing, but last I saw as we drove away the rangers were converging at great speed.
I believe at Yellowstone they get more injuries from bison than anything else. Do not pat the bison during mating season – you would not think that had to be said.
@48: What I recall from Yellowstone (and other western parks on both sides of the 49th) was fuckwits feeding the bears by the side of the road, despite the rangers repeatedly explaining why it was a Very Bad Idea and illegal. That was ~40 years ago, but I doubt much has changed.
I believe at Yellowstone they get more injuries from bison than anything else. Do not pat the bison during mating season – you would not think that had to be said.
I can’t believe the guy sprayed the elk urine in his mouth! Loved the poker shirt too, I bet he bought it in Reno in 1978!
Nice of his wife to help him out!
I had a doe come at me like this last summer in Vilas County WI. Fortunately, I was close to my car so I could get in and shut the door. I beeped the horn to scare it away and 2 fawns jumped out of the underbrush just a few feet away. Didn’t even know they were there. Once they were gone, momma walked away and left me in peace.
At least he didn’t end up like the office worker in that Calvin and Hobbes strip where the deer are hunting humans; “Aieee!! They got Frank!!”
I guess I don’t understand the sport of hunting when I end up rooting for the deer–who would’ve guessed an animal would object to some guy stalking them with a bow and arrow? (Or at least be violently attracted to them after putting on some urine-in-a-bottle product.)
I think it’s funny that his wife just went on shooting video. Priorities, priorities….. ;-)
Could someone convince The Nuge to try this?
Nugent would shit his pants.
Not out of fear, mind you… he’d do it as a deliberate ploy to get out of the action.
Can I be the first to point out that the narrator doesn’t know the difference between a white tail and a mule deer?
I kept waiting or wondering why he the cowboy was not trying to bulldog the dear?
uncle frogy
This is why Murica needs moar guns! To protect ourselves and our families from these… these cervid thugs!
carolw at 6:
Tell him Obama said spraying elk urine in your mouth is bad for you, and he’d probably drink it by the gallon.
I’m almost tempted to start a rumor that prey animals can smell your stomach contents from 5 miles away as well (seeing as how your breath is also affected by your gut) just to have these doofuses drink elk urine.
Ours is the Fury!
Several years ago I worked at Rocky Mountain National Park during the elk rutting season. As part of the training the rangers told several stories. One was about the people (this, apparently, has happened more than once) who actually call elk. If this happened on our watch we were to point out to the caller that elk, at this time, had only two ideas, fight or fuck. Then we were to quiz them on which they would rather do.
It’s nice to see idiots on that side of the Cascades. Just sayin’.
Leave it to MSNBC to miss the true import of the story. A deer attacks a man stinking of elk urine? This kind of perversion is the inevitable consequence of gay marriage.
That is a horrible imitation elk call.
This is why hunters generally use guns to kill their prey. They lose the boxing matches with them every time.
what more is there to say but…
No, no….
Ya gotta be SWEATIN’ elk urine I tells ya… SWEATIN’ it!
gotta drink at least a couple of liters of it.
I think his wife might have been secretly rooting for the deer.
the narrator was probably told it was a white tail by the hunter.
Hum, tricky. I’m not at all a fan of hunting but then again I’m not keen on people being battered to death either. Or just plain battered. That said, a lot of people around here are hunters although they take a very different approach to it.
1) Noone would wear camo and everyone always has signal colours (orange vests, scarves, or similar) to avoid being shot
2) I doubt anyone would even consider the application of urine no matter the source
3) I’m not sure about the bow. Rifles are the norm here and since hunting is seen as a matter of stewardship rather than a sport or form of entertainment, hunters are expected to dispatch animals as quickly and painlessly as they can. I honestly don’t know either way but would guess a bow doesn’t work so well when compared to a rifle.
But based on what I occasionally hear about hunting in the US – and I freely admit this is in part coloured by a certain song by Tom Lehrer – very little shown in the video surprises me.
Over here you need a license to go hunting and to get that you need to study hard. Apart from regulations you need to know about weapons (including restrictions on what can be used on which animals), signals and a whole lot of stuff about the animals and nature in general. No license, no guns and certainly no hunting.
To be fair, the guy in the video does seem to know a bit about the animals. It’s just everything else that strikes me as slightly disturbing, odd and / or terrible.*
I guess after all this there is only one conclusion:
Yay, deer!
Zero casualties. That animal should consider a career in the military. I’m guessing it’s as American as anyone can be so maybe you folks with a vote should consider voting for it to become your supreme commander at the earliest opportunity. (Think about it, the environmentalist will love it and the right couldn’t possibly refuse because that deer’s family has been living in the US far longer than anybody else apart from actual factual natives. It’s ancestors probably played some crucial role in the fight for independence.)
*Killing is in his blood? Please drop the bow now.
komarov @23
In most US states there are two separate hunting seasons, one for bow hunting and another for gun (rifle or shotgun) hunting. While it is mandatory that gun hunters wear orange (usually vests and hats) bow hunters are allowed to wear cammies. That’s because bows have much shorter range than guns and bow hunters usually have to wait for the deer to get in range.
I beg to differ. There are countless websites specializing in exactly that.
Some states also have a third season for muzzle loading, unscoped, rifles between the bow season and the rifle season.
Matches this South Park caricature of hunting pretty well… I guess I can no longer call it a caricature.
Wait — he wanted an ELK to charge him? That would have killed him for sure. Far bigger and more cantankerous than a mere blacktail. And how old is this video? Did you see the camera she used? Full sized VHS from 25 years ago?
*waving green pennant with “Go Bambi!” printed on it*
this version was uploaded in 2007.
but you have a good eye for cameras. my guess is it’s probably from the late 90s originally.
I’d be OK if 10-30% of hunters were assaulted/killed by deer one year. The ones who need to kill a deer for feeding their family would still be there, and the sport hunters would stay home.
Mid to late 90s. I first saw this clip on When Animals Attack on FOX back in high school. It’s also popular on those B-list celebrity commentary shows on TruTV (I had a roommate who was addicted to them).
Al Dente, Rogerfirth, #24+25:
I had a brief look online and all the native shops over here seem to sell that stuff for lures rather than personal application.
I also looked up bow hunting and apparently it is legal in large parts of Europe but not everywhere. I’m not sure about specific restrictions, though. Wikipedia mentions fishing in France and another page mentions a rabbit plague in Helsinki in 2009 where bow hunters supposedly helped get it under control.
Regarding camo being limited to bow hunters, I’m glad some common sense seems to have prevailed. However, a lot of the pages on bow hunting were really keen on pointing out just how lethal an arrow is to the animals. While you do have to get closer to your target and have better odds recognising a fellow hunter it still seems a bit fooldhardy to run around like that.
It’ not just animals that are fighting back:
My favourite videos are the bullfighters who get about 12 inches of bull’s horn up their arse. I know it must be painful for them but I can’t help laughing.
the bullfighters can take it,
(cue Monthy Python sequence)
More hunters are killed by white-tailed deer (not the species in the video, I know) than by any other animal except humans. The deer use their sharp front hooves.
Have you got a citation for that?
I kinda think the buck was more amorous that combative. See that tail and the humping posture?
I’m appalled at the wife’s reaction. She even said that she thought she was filming his death.
Maybe I don’t know enough about angry deer or don’t understand how far away the wife really was, but if it were me I wouldn’t hesitate to drop the damn camera and run forward shouting and waving my arms, anything to distract or alarm the animal I believe to be in the process of killing or maiming my husband. Hell, take that clunky video recorder and swing it as a weapon. Something.
I’m also astonished the husband seems to have taken this failure into good part. Got it on tape and got it on TV. Yeah, check your food before you eat it. Something is off.
I’ve done a bit of hunting (mostly for the pot) and I’d say this guy forgot the first rule: you are up against a wild animal that WILL turn the tables on you if given the chance. I guess he won’t make that mistake again.
Oh, and regarding the bow? That looked like a compound/composite medium bow from the view in the video. A modern hunting bow like that hits harder than a .45 rifle round, and does more tissue damage besides. Range is less, and it’s more affected by crosswinds, but it’s definitely a high-lethality weapon suitable for medium to large game.
yeah, sounds like a good story, and I know deer “can” be dangerous, but frankly, there are so few hunters killed by anything other than other hunters, it doesn’t even show up in a google search.
Pissed on and thrashed while the whole thing is captured on video.
I would think there might be better, and far less dangerous ways of getting that. For sure there are professionals in Las Vegas that could help you out with that sort of thing. Ask for a golden shower and that you like it rough. They will hook you up with a practitioner experienced in those specialties. Most of the professionals include amenities, like safe words, good lighting, and no need to wear camouflage, unless that is part of the fantasy.
I don’t know about that particular animal but the hooves of white-tailed deer can be quite sharp. I used to work with a guy with a beauty of a tight and clean scar on soft tissue, about eight inches long, that was caused by a single grazing kick from a nearly dead white-tailed deer. Had it been in a spot with major blood vessels he would have bled out.
I’m particularly depressed to realize that a Google search comparing mule deer population to white tail and black tail deer in Washington is bringing up myriad articles bemoaning the reintroduction of wolves to the state. Surely one pack cannot take down that many, poor whinyass hunters.
@spamamander- oh, didn’t you know that wolves are super-scary hypercarnivores that exist to do nothing but kill every single non-wolf creature they encounter? Also, they have acid for blood and another mouth inside their mouth in place of a tongue.
Oh, that’s the monsters from Aliens. Sorry, it’s easy to confuse the two.
In other wolf-related news, I saw that for the second straight year, that wolf derby some group in Idaho held has managed to kill zero wolves.
You know, if you can’t even manage to kill a single wolf during your predator-slaughterfest two years in a row, maybe you should consider the possibility that there really aren’t enough wolves to be a problem.
probably even come dressed up in a deer costume for just a bit more money.
I watched an arctic wolf hunting.
She was very successful.
Killed and ate at least 6 lemmings.
I would think they’re also one of the most-hunted species, though, so one would have to correct the numbers for that. On the other hand, I don’t know what animal I would expect to be most deadly on average.
I once saw a kid repeatedly try to pet the elk that hang around on the lawn of the main building (ranger station? Don’t remember) at Yellowstone. Parents did nothing, but last I saw as we drove away the rangers were converging at great speed.
I believe at Yellowstone they get more injuries from bison than anything else. Do not pat the bison during mating season – you would not think that had to be said.
@48: What I recall from Yellowstone (and other western parks on both sides of the 49th) was fuckwits feeding the bears by the side of the road, despite the rangers repeatedly explaining why it was a Very Bad Idea and illegal. That was ~40 years ago, but I doubt much has changed.
Bison are the Happy Fun Ball of Yellowstone.