Hey, Ken Ham: don’t run away!

The Houston Atheists have a challenge for you. Aron Ra and I are willing to lower ourselves to engage you in debate. This is a very rare exception to my policy of refusing to debate clowns — you should take advantage of it.

Houston. 1 August. You’re going to be there anyway. We’ll meet you to discuss your belief that the earth is only roughly 6000 years old, and that common descent is false. Imagine the prestige you’ll acquire when you rout the scientists with your logic and evidence! Imagine real hard!

If you don’t show up, Houston Atheists will be putting on a series of talks that directly refute the nonsense Answers in Genesis peddles, without you there to challenge it.


  1. Owlmirror says

    Is that like a bizarro Steve Austin?

    Wasn’t there an episode of that show that featured an anti-matter universe? Or something like that?

  2. Owlmirror says

    I see here that one episode featured “Down-on-his-luck boxer Johnny Dine has had plastic surgery to make him Steve’s double. He then infiltrates the OSI building when Steve is on a fishing holiday.”

    There you go. Antibionic man.

    (Oy, did that show have some trippy shit. Bigfoot robots controlled by aliens. Psychics. Psychic computers. Not one but two killer robots space probes. Fear them Russians!)

  3. says

    @ Nottim Heywood


    The word is from the Greek (αθεοι )and it refers to christians. It means “those who do not believe in the Gods (plural)”. The Gods of Olympus. As you do not believe in Almighty Zeus, you are an atheist.

    You are also an idiot (διώτης).

    I have written a short play about Tim (aka Philly) Heywood’s formative years.

    “Young Nottimmy at school.”
    (A play in one act.):

    [The scene: A class of young children seated before their teacher.]

    Biology Teacher {holds up a leaf}: “Hi class, what is this?

    Class {In unison except for Nottimmy}: It’s a leaf!
    Nottimmy {loudly}: It’s an aardvark!

    Biology Teacher {holds up an acorn}: “Hi class, what is this?

    Class {In unison except for Nottimmy}: It’s an acorn!
    Nottimmy {loudly}: It’s a computer!

    Biology Teacher: “Can you tell me what type of tree these grow on?”

    Class {In unison except for Nottimmy}: An oak tree!
    Nottimmy {loudly}: Lord Kelvin!!!elebenty!!!

    etcetera, etcetera, ad nauseum

  4. anteprepro says

    Your God always turns up in the end. He is the one who “did it”. He is the one you will certainly call on when facing down terror.

    Did what? You idiotic creationists can’t even get your projection right. You are the ones who think your God did everything. You are the mouthbreathers who think abiogenesis, evolution, and the Big Bang are all Darwinism. You are the one’s who think that your preacher and a 2000 year old book are a unified theory of everything. We don’t actually think there is one universal thing responsible for every other thing, unlike yourself. We don’t actually look to broad scientific for emotional comfort. Besides, who the fuck looks to evolution for comfort? I thought it was supposed to be a pessimistic ideology full of despair and what not? Creationists constantly say that you should not believe in evolution entirely because it isn’t cheerful enough and doesn’t make them less sad like believing in space ghosts does. For fuck’s sake, get your talking points right. Either evolution is an ideology of utter woe and despair, or it is a source of naive hope used to cope with negative situations. I suppose creationists should get the Brain Trust together on the subject to decide which of the two is Really Real. Could publish a peer reviewed article on the subject and add it to the vast catalog of Creation Science lore. Maybe they can move on from there and finally have a foothold to complete the Creation Science opus “Why There Should Really Not Still Be Monkeys: A Completely Informed Exercise In Rigorous Logic and Applied Biology”.

    There is, ‘try- nitty’, which is the quote above, found in the 67th book of the Bible, REVELATIONS 2. Internet were lots of fishies. That’s there, try MATTHEW MARK LUKE and JOHN. Antibionic man is there too; that’s PZ: and America is where it’s all at (when it’s not somewhere else, such as on the summit of Mt. Popacetle on the horns of a dilemma) so that’s there 2. In Rev.’s 2. You know, keep at it, you’ll graduate yet.

    Okay, so:
    “try nitty” is the same as “trinity” and not just a weird slang way to tell someone to start knit-picking.
    “try nitty” is an actual phrase.
    “try nitty” is in the Bible.
    The internet isn’t a series of tubes, it’s a pile of fish.
    Antibiotic is the same as antibionic.
    Antibionic actually means something.
    PZ is antibionic.
    PZ is an antibionic/antibiotic character in the Bible.
    And America is where everything in the Bible happened.

    I’m sorry, but are we supposed to do anything in response to that aside from let our eyes bleed? There’s no rebuttal for nonsense like that. It’s not even “not even wrong”. It is absurdity heaped upon absurdity. It is too nonsensical, baffling, and asinine to even warrant a proper chuckle, even to laugh at Heywood. And warrants much less of a chuckle if Heywood was actually attempting humor, because there is no point, no joke, nothing but inanity for inanity’s sake. All I can think to do, upon seeing this, is to crawl into the fetal position and weep for the fate of mankind. For on this day, I have the place where mere mortal logic goes to die.

  5. David Marjanović says

    I’m now a grandfather.

    Yes. I know I don’t look it. But I am. For the last 7 months or so.

    And if I have anything to do with it, this kid is gonna be pretty fucking awesome.

    …Fucking awesome!

    Why Esperanto, though?

    There is no such thing as speciation events. There can’t be: you must not investigate your deity: it just does things, no questions asked, no need for science. Goddidit; enquire no more, lest thou be heretical heretics.

    …Why are there books on speciation, then? Why have all the greatest minds in evolutionary biology – Mayr, Gould, Dawkins – written so much about it?

    Opa is

    also German.

    He is the one you will certainly call on when facing down terror. There are no honest hard-line atheists

    Not true. There are plenty of people who have faced terror, even thought they were certainly going to die, and didn’t even think of praying. When asked later, they say things like “uh, I guess I was too busy staying alive/saving other people’s lives to get such an abstruse idea”. Some of them have told their stories on this very blog.

    Tell me: do you know anything? Anything at all?

    There is, ‘try- nitty’, which is the quote above, found in the 67th book of the Bible, REVELATIONS 2. Internet were lots of fishies. That’s there, try MATTHEW MARK LUKE and JOHN. Antibionic man is there too; that’s PZ: and America is where it’s all at (when it’s not somewhere else, such as on the summit of Mt. Popacetle on the horns of a dilemma) so that’s there 2. In Rev.’s 2. You know, keep at it, you’ll graduate yet.

    0.8 Tc.

    That’s 100 x my previous estimate.

    Mr Heywood, I think you need professional help. I’m completely serious. This is not mockery or sarcasm.

  6. says

    Remember, chaps, the PZ’s motto. “I don’t debate, clowns!” Or is it his blotto? Now don’t disturb me, I’m reading the 67th book of the Bible. You lot keep searching for it.

  7. John Morales says

    Heywood @511, a couple of things:

    1. That comma in your attempted paraphrase of PZ’s motto entirely changes its meaning.

    (Presumably you’re trying to throw it back)

    2. It is you who has come here with your opinions (silly and inchoate as they may be) and it is you who by now has given up any pretence of attempting to sustain them.

    PS have you yet discovered PZ’s email address?

    (Hint: it’s immediately below his visage :) )

  8. says

    Nobody’s disturbing you. You’re the one who came here, pretended that you were entitled to PZ’s personal attention, spouted nonsense from the word go and have now devolved into something resembling a high schooler’s first draft at a chat bot.

    I’d call you a joke, but you’re honestly not that funny.

  9. anteprepro says

    Now don’t disturb me, I’m reading the 67th book of the Bible.

    67th book of the Bible: “Nature” according to pig-ignorant creationists who want to make pompous, presumptive claims about how reality is Christian property, while ironically unaware of the fact that the Protestant Bible isn’t the only Bible out there. Otherwise, if my wikipediaing is accurate, it is 1 Peter to Catholics, and 2 Timothy to Eastern Orthodox.

  10. Owlmirror says

    Mr Heywood, I think you need professional help.

    While I agree that he needs professional help, I wouldn’t base that diagnosis on his vomited stream of confabulated word salad that you blockquoted. He’s just given up on giving a shit, and has decided to just give us shit.

    I suspect that “Revelations 2” is the way that a pathetically stupid and fraudulent assclown trying to be “clever” might refer to “Google”. See, it contains all the words…

    That, or THE BOOK OF MORON (sic).

  11. says

    He is smart enough to glean PZ’s ‘motto’, despite all appearances to the contrary, yet is unable to locate an email address…

    Still can’t figure why anyone would attempt to debate Homophobic NotTim

  12. says

    David Marjanović:

    …Fucking awesome!

    Thanks! I just got into Portland last night to hang out with daughter, her husband, and the grandkid.

    Why Esperanto, though?

    Really, it’s because my wife doesn’t want to be known as “grandma,” especially since she’s really the step-grandma, and she and my daughter have really only bonded over the last 6 years or so. So she’s going with Lola. She spent a couple of months looking for a good name for me. “Lola and Avo” has a good ring to it.

  13. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    Still no evidence for not-Tim’s imaginary deity or babble not being mythology fiction. Color me not surprised, and bored to death. *Ack, runs from Redhead in her Pullet Products Supersonic Wheelchair flashing her Kninja Knitting Kneedles*

  14. says

    “Thanks! I just got into Portland last night to hang out with daughter, her husband, and the grandkid.”

    Thank heavens for someone around here that does real science. He has now observed this kid, and seen the hairy body, long arms, King Kong, heard the chesty beating and got hit by it as it bowled out of a tree at head height. Hence the bad language which preceded his observation.

    The ancient horse, of course (don’t tell me you read mainstream science Amphiox, despite all your refusal to lift a finger to learn anything so far on this blog!) likewise gives birth to an animal the size of a hare, named HYRACOTHERIUM. Amphiox rides one when inspecting his miniature crocuses. Gee up.

    Never heard about heredity, never heard about the laws of biology, only ever heard a sermon from Dippy Dawkins? I would check the dating methods used on that house skull, incidentally — nothing sinister but probably plenty that’s stupid. Accurate dating of items such as this isn’t a foregone conclusion. Especially with religion at stake.

  15. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    Accurate dating of items such as this isn’t a foregone conclusion. Especially with religion at stake.

    Which is why science, which is accurate, rules, and religion, which is fictitious, DROOLZ. But then it does take someone who isn’t convinced in phantasms to see reality from delusion. Your religion is nothing but a delusion. Based on the twin fallacies of your imaginary deity and mythical/fictional babble. You haven’t/can’t prove otherwise….

  16. Amphiox says

    The ancient horse, of course (don’t tell me you read mainstream science Amphiox, despite all your refusal to lift a finger to learn anything so far on this blog!) likewise gives birth to an animal the size of a hare, named HYRACOTHERIUM.

    Not without a time machine it doesn’t.

    To see le pauvre Heywood try to talk about accurate dating after fapping out that pathetic piece of inanity is rich indeed.

    Le pauvre Heywood! The brain rot that is creationism has robbed his poor little brain even of the ability to count….

  17. says

    HEYWOOD: You are now confined to the Thunderdome. Only post your comments there. Posting in any other thread will result in your immediate banning. And that means here: don’t reply in this thread even to acknowledge your confinement. I am quite ready to ban your incoherent lazy ass on the slightest pretext, and you’ll only be safe in the Thunderdome.