Peter Ward and the nautilus

My version of science is puttering around quietly in an air-conditioned lab. Peter Ward’s version involves travel to exotic oceans, pirates, death, and crippling risks to life and limbs. And cephalopods.

Excuse me, I have to go curl up quietly in a dark corner and feel inadequate for a while.


  1. Louis says

    The RSC (Royal Society of Chemistry) ran a campaign when I was an undergrad which had the slogan “not all chemists wear white coats” and various images to demonstrate this. One of which was a scuba diving chemist, collecting samples for analysis I presume. I shared your reaction PZ. Not the inadequate bit*, just the envy bit. I love me some lab, don’t get me wrong, but scuba and boats and sea? Yeah. I’d like a few more days of that in my work schedule. Beats the piss out of meetings.


    * Inadequate? Lab work? Pfffffffff, you knock a natural product with a few contiguous quaternary carbon centres** (for example) together and then tell me you feel inadequate!

    ** Proper ones, none of your heteroatomic nonsense. Something that could have the word “neopentyl” in it. Youth of today, with their “Oh look I’ve put a nitrogen on a carbon with three other carbons attached to it, it’s got no hydrogen, that’s a quaternary carbon that is” rot. Back in my day we called that an amine and not quaternary at all. Yes we were technically wrong but we had it rough it was uphill both ways to the lab. In the snow. And all the reactions were thermodynamically unfavourable with abysmal kinetics. And there were no catalysts because they weren’t invented yet. And delivery from Aldrich took months because things were hand carted across continents. Spectrometer time? Are you kidding me? Tell that to the chemists of today and they wouldn’t believe you. {Drone waffle rhubarb, get off my lawn etc}

  2. unbound says

    If he out exploring in the submarine, shouldn’t Nautilus be capitalized?


  3. Akira MacKenzie says

    Excuse me, I have to go curl up quietly in a dark corner and feel inadequate for a while.

    Take it from an expert, PZ, you get used to it after a while.

  4. Gregory Greenwood says

    Don’t worry PZ; you have us, your loyal Horde who share your love of all things betentacled and/or radiating mind-shattering non-euclidean terror. That has to make you feel better, right?


    OK, I’ll stop talking now…

  5. Ogvorbis, broken failure. says

    I’ve read three of his books: Out of Thin Air: Dinosaurs, Birds, and Earth’s Ancient Atmosphere,
    Gorgon: Paleontology, Obsession, and the Greatest Catastrophe in Earth’s History
    , and Rivers in Time. I like his writing style.

    Sorry, PZed, I haven’t read any of your books yet.

    Though, to be fair, I haven’t read any books on atheism or freethought. Sorry.

  6. azpaul3 says

    I have to go curl up quietly in a dark corner and feel inadequate for a while.

    If you must. But be quick about it. You are one of the leaders of a vital global movement. Enlightenment 2.0. Go cry for yourself for a minute or so then get your ass back here and change the world.

  7. coragyps says

    Louis, didn’t you work down the hall from me in grad school? Were you the one that screwed up the tuning on the JEOLco?

  8. PDX_Greg says

    You’ve been a general publicly fighting on the front lines against the seemingly limitless resources of institutionalized superstition and ignorance for how many years now? Nobly suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous ignorance, privileged obtuseness, and wanton uncouthness from the entrenched patriarchal poison that our society is steeping in.

    Nothing inadequate about that.

    Although, as a mere reader, perhaps I should curl of in the corner of shame. Darn it.

  9. Louis says


    Sadly that wasn’t me. I have only ever treated NMR machines with the greatest of respect. Now mass specs are a different matter, the filthy little minxes. They love a mucky sample. Saucy devils.

    Sorry, I seem to have come over all unnecessarily spectroscopist. (Don’t talk to me about UV/Vis. Pervert)


  10. Rob says

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nothing but a spoon full of gravel for ya tea, lived in a shoe, lab was probably down pit where you worked 25 hours a day etc etc.

  11. Louis says


    I’m sure it was 28 hours a day and we ‘ad t’ pay PhD supervisor t’go to work….

    Actually yeah that does sound about right. Ahhh the good old days when supervisors were supervisors and students were disposable sub human minions to be exploited. Wait….that’s still the case, right?


  12. David Marjanović says

    And all the reactions were thermodynamically unfavourable with abysmal kinetics.


    delivery from Aldrich

    You mean Eldritch. You’re talking of the times of the Elder Gods after all.

    Gorgon: Paleontology, Obsession, and the Greatest Catastrophe in Earth’s History

    Fucking awesome. And hardly outdated yet! :-)

    Wait….that’s still the case, right?

    In the US, yes!

  13. Johnny Vector says

    Don’t worry, PZ. You may not have had as colorful a career, but your writing is an order of magnitude more clear and less overwrought. And your website doesn’t have a stupid overlay on the top so that the space bar advances more than a visible page.

    Still, yay for nautilus research!