This is the lounge. You can discuss anything you want, but you will do it kindly. That dog is so unnaturally and frighteningly adorable, I should have used it on the new Thunderdome thread.
Recipe time!
Made this (Flaky buttermilk and chive biscuits) tonight and they are delicious. I don’t think I’ve ever put chives in anything sweet, but it tastes great. Especially with a bit of salty something-that-we-have-here-that-is-not-quite-butter spread on them, while they’re still warm.
“Anthem” is also the title for a good graphic novel with The Midnighter, where whole towns sign away their liberties to a security company (using people with superpowers as enforcers) to get a bogus sence of “security”. The enforcers are called “bellweathers” and wear masks with the American flag, as they patro the towns. If you have allowed your flag to get dirty or ragged…BLAM! goes your head. Same if you do not greet people politely or otherwise fail to live up to an image of fifties America. Scary.
Jenny Quantum has grown up to almost a teenager, her predecessor Jenny Sparks lived and died with the 20th entury, being a manifestation of it, but Quantum as a manifestation of the 21st is just as kick-ass.
— — — —
The artificial dog is a Cyberdyne Systems infiltration unit. Bring the plasma rifle.
— — — —
The Swedish media are just as obseqious to the popeman as in the other countries. very few questions about his past.
David Marjanovićsays
Oh wow. Look what was just posted to the Dinosaur Mailing List.
Xiaoting Zheng, Jingmai O’Connor, Fritz Huchzermeyer, Xiaoli Wang, Yan
Wang, Min Wang & Zhonghe Zhou (2013)
Preservation of ovarian follicles reveals early evolution of avian
reproductive behaviour.
Nature (advance online publication)
doi:10.1038/nature11985 [paywall]
The two groups of archosaurs, crocodilians and birds, form an extant phylogenetic bracket for understanding the reproductive behaviour of dinosaurs. This behaviour is inferred from preserved nests and eggs, and even gravid individuals. Data indicate that many ‘avian’ traits were already present in Paraves—the clade that includes birds and their close relatives—and that the early evolution of the modern avian form of reproduction was already well on its way. Like living neornithine birds, non-avian maniraptorans had daily oviposition and asymmetrical eggs with complex shell microstructure, and were known to protect their clutches. However, like crocodilians, non-avian maniraptorans had two active oviducts (one present in living birds), relatively smaller eggs, and may not have turned their eggs in the way that living birds do. Here we report on the first discovery of fossilized mature or nearly mature ovarian follicles, revealing a previously undocumented stage in dinosaur reproduction: reproductively active females near ovulation. Preserved in a specimen of the long bony-tailed Jeholornis and two enantiornithine birds from the Early Cretaceous period lacustrine Jehol Biota in northeastern China, these discoveries indicate that basal birds only had one functional ovary, but retained primitive morphologies as a result of their lower metabolic rate relative to living birds. They also indicate that basal birds reached sexual maturity before skeletal maturity, as in crocodiles and paravian dinosaurs. Differences in follicular morphology between Jeholornis and the enantiornithines are interpreted as forming an evolutionary gradient from the reproductive condition in paravian dinosaurs towards neornithine birds. Furthermore, differences between the two enantiornithines indicate that this lineage might also have evolved advanced reproductive traits in parallel to the neornithine lineage.
The artificial dog is a Cyberdyne Systems infiltration unit. Bring the plasma rifle.
I knew it was evil. I just knew it.
Also from Week in Geek: A general relativistic visualization of a supercomputed magneto-hydrodynamic simulation of a disk and jet around a black hole can be viewed in seven versions, all of which were created with Black Hole Flight Simulator. One video explains the software. There are simulations of a black hole with mass, but no charge and no spin; a charged black hole with a wormhole and a white hole connecting to a new universe; a wormhole that is destroyed by the mass inflation instability; and more.
There is nothing cowardly about withdrawing from a discussion that triggers you. It is self preservation.
One of the working definitions of a coward is someone who cares too much about himself and not enough about others in danger. And yet, one of the things I teach when I give CPR, AED and first aid classes is that it is essential to protect yourself first — if the scene is dangerous, don’t add yet another victim. I just have a hard time transferring that from first aid to me aid.
I have to wonder if the perception that “retreating” is something shameful is bound up in toxic masculinity. The notion that men are supposed to be steadfast and strong, never buckling under pressure and always willing and able to fight is wrongheaded and confines men (and, by extension, women) to rigid gender roles of acceptable and unacceptable actions.
No question. One of the first things through my head on the Steubenville thread, when I read that the victim had testified, was that she is much braver than I will ever be and she is a girl (Yes, I know. Bad Ogvorbis! That was sexist stereotyping to toxic masculinity extreme.). I’m a man. I should be strong and brave and outspoken and I still haven’t told anyone in real life or under my own name because I am too weak and to cowardly and too frightened to speak. So, yeah, toxic masculinity. I has it.
Crip Dyke, MQ, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaidensays
How do I put a picture in my post? I’ve never needed to before…
Crip Dyke, MQ, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaidensays
So sorry, Og.
Here’s to psychic chelation. [may it work better than the ‘natural chelation’ my acquaintances keep going on about]
More from Week in Geek: In this video a camera registers the vibrational signature of the sound coming out of a speaker as it affects the nozzle of the hose. The water effects are freakier than my description.
David Marjanovićsays
Heh. Looking for Freude, schöner Götterfunken, I found this glorious parody in Classical Viennese (linked to straight from the German Wikipedia page). I wonder, though, if I’m the only one here who can understand it. :-( There are words in there that I’ve never encountered and that are probably extinct.
The Swedish media are just as obseqious to the popeman as in the other countries. very few questions about his past.
My theolatrous brother* says the popeman hid several people from the junta.
However, like crocodilians, non-avian maniraptorans had two active oviducts (one present in living birds), relatively smaller eggs,
…but like modern birds, they only produced, shelled and laid one egg per oviduct at a time. Crocodiles, like evidently sauropods and others, do all that en masse.
UK RESIDENTS are to be reclassified as snails, in a government bid to avoid the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights.
Heh. Britain’s finest news source!
A 13-year-old kid in Kenya rigged up an LED light system to save his family’s cattle from lions:
Yay, 13-year-olds! *clenched-tentacle salute*
a charged black hole
I can’t imagine that it’d stay charged for long. It’d lose its charge as Hawking radiation. Like… let’s say it has one negative elementary charge, a virtual positron/electron pair appears next to the event horizon, the positron is attracted by the charge and falls in, the electron finds itself isolated and can’t repay its energy to the vacuum, the now neutral black hole pays it from its mass, the electron becomes real and wanders off.
One of the working definitions of a coward
I’ve always been proud to be a confessing coward.
How do I put a picture in my post?
You don’t. It’s not possible here. It’s usually not possible in blog comments. Upload the pic somewhere and post a link.
David Marjanovićsays
Uh, one more thing. My theolatrous brother explained that, by default, communion is granted to anyone who wants it, just short of Satan himself. That’s sufficient to explain why there’s that photo of popeman giving communion to the dictator of Argentina, even assuming heroic courage on the part of popeman. My brother added that there’s a story of some saint refusing communion to the Roman emperor because his troops were committing a massacre somewhere else, and that this quickly stopped the massacre, but he also said that that story was made up.
Hi there
Thanks everybody.
I think that Mr. was really and truely sorry when I confronted him with the emotional silencing. I swear that sometimes he forgets that he’s not at work, where it is indeed part of his job to smooth things over for employees who fucked up a little, focussing on calm discourse and not mistakes-made-in-the-past but things-to-be-done-better-in-the-future.
That’s a wonderful idea when the one hurt is either the multinational company he works for or the person who made the mistake by disregarding safety protocols themselves.
But it’s a horrible strategy in a personal relationship when yes, sometimes the only right thing to say is “sorry, my mistake”.
And he’s really bad at using language. He will say “that was not what I wanted to say, I’m sorry you understood it like that” and then be surprised when I think he’s blaming me….
+++ Ogvorbis
You like Pratchett the same as I do, I think. Remember when in Thief of Time Lobsang turns back to get Lu Tze and therefore doesn’t make it in time? Susan calls him “a hero” and he’s surprised it sounds like an accusation. Being brave, sacrificing oneself is a noble thing if and when there’s a real chance that it will do good and work. If there isn’t, it’s just stupidity.
Your contributions in such threads are brave, they’re powerful. But they’re not worth it if you go on to suffer for a lot of time afterwards because you got triggered. The aim of those threads is to change things to reduce suffering. And your suffering counts, too!
+++ beatrice
They look gorgeous. I was looking for something to serve with tomorrow’s soup without going for Polenta again…
Crip Dyke, MQ, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaidensays
No pictures?
Well, here’s this little meme that I’ve been meaning to create for some time, and finally did b/c of Steubenville. It’s about rape culture.
I think your Mr and Husband would have a lot to talk about. “So I should guess what you mean from your thoughts rather than listening to what you say?” “Exactly! Then you’d know I didn’t mean it that way even though that’s what I said!” And all the why-are-you-bringing-up-the-past stuff (because one should ways look forward rather than bring up all that Old Stuff from last week…). Ugh. *hugs*
chigau (違う)says
I’m up to St. Patrick’s day 2010 on SinFest.
3 more years to go!
Your contributions in such threads are brave, they’re powerful. But they’re not worth it if you go on to suffer for a lot of time afterwards because you got triggered. The aim of those threads is to change things to reduce suffering. And your suffering counts, too!
Sometimes, though, I wonder if going onto these threads, threads I know may trigger me, is a way for me to exorcise my personal demons. Being an advocate, trying to help others, maybe it helps me?
Sometimes, though, I wonder if going onto these threads, threads I know may trigger me, is a way for me to exorcise my personal demons. Being an advocate, trying to help others, maybe it helps me?
In that case: Do it!
But please don’t do it because you think you have to do it no matter what the personal cost.
Now I’m being told that pedophiles “deserve compassion” because they’re “ill”, and we “can’t lock people up” for having sexy thoughts about children.
Never mind that pedophiles, left to their own devices, WILL offend at the first opportunity.
Never mind that the victims get to serve out a life sentence.
We must be compassionate and coddle the baby-rapers, because they can’t help it!
Fuck. That.
I’m not willing to risk children’s well-being on the chance that a pedophile might decide not to act on his urges… this time. (And what about next time, and the time after that? Just because you haven’t caught him preying on one child doesn’t mean shit — he’s probably preying on other kids, and your kid got lucky.)
Ugh! I listened to the entire Sarah Palin CPAC speech.
(No, I didn’t seek it out, (I’m not that masochistic) it was just on the radio as I drove to work.)
Twenty minutes of the usual Tea Party blather, Birther bile, Obama-bashing. But my favorite part was where she told a sexist/objectifying joke- about herself!
Sarah Palin- Hockey Mom & Chill Girl!
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trollssays
Help! Forgot to make the lime Jello to go the corned beef. The Redhead transferred to her Kninja Knitter chair, but Irish goods are being sold on QVS. Interesting dilemma…
Belated *hugs* for carlie, and anyone else who needed ’em.
iJoe, glad your ‘occasion’ went well. Shame about the dog pee, though.
– *drooool*
Blackberry cobbler…. *wiping chin*
But YES!!! I noticed it! I refused to be silenced and shamed and “the problem.”
JAL! *pouncehug*
I can feel the beginnings of a trigger. Backing out now. Being a coward might work.
Thanks to all who humored me with the “accent thing” discussion. It was extremely enlightening and the first time I’ve been able to talk about it with others who “do it” as well. You all are the best!
– Giliell
Well done. *hugs*
– Lynna, OM
Sometimes I think she is too reticent when in a group situation like that. I think she is polite by nature, reluctant to interrupt.
If he was hating being on a panel with Rachel Maddow, I would assume it was because she was taking him to school.
– bluentx
1. You listened to the whole thing? Talk about my middle name is glutton for punishment!!
2. That dog video made me giggle, even when I knew exactly what was going to happen. That sort of joy is contageous.
Yeah, I listened to the whole thing. Kinda like watching those dash cam videos. You know it’s going to make you cringe but you just can’t seem to stop once you’ve started.
The “accent thing”: Watching Educating Rita messes me up every time- in a good way. :)
Okay, the whole CSS is hosed. The page is just a mess in the formatting. I hope it gets better soon.
—- Beatrice, rq,
I too work at an international physics laboratory equivalent to CERN. As FossilFishy said @ 476 the work these high finance guys do isn’t all that different in some ways. I’ve known a few people who lost their way and wandered away to the financial sector. On the other hand, in general, banking pays much better. I had a headhunter cold call me to recruit me into the finance. I didn’t call him back (because, yeah, physics is cool and because I’m a bit of a coward and don’t much like change in my career work). But I did google around and I estimate I could double or triple my salary making the jump.
Besides, bankers rarely get stuck with a week of night shifts a few times a year. I find those harder to do the older I get. But I have shift obligations if I want my name on the papers.
Just spent time smearing gook on the spawn’s finger and gauzing/taping them up. Apparently some people have a reaction to some viruses by having their fingerprints fall off; 2nd hand it sounded like the pediatrician wasn’t overly concerned. I think this happened once before to him. But the tips of his fingers are an awful sight. And of course he’s sensitive (on the spectrum, or something like it) so the gauze and tape bother him and his mother had to re-do what I had done — because obviously I suck at being that kind of doctor and I have the bedside manner of Doc Martin.
All I’m seeing is a bunch of people saying that it’s okay to fantasize about children during sexy-times, and comparing pedophiles to homosexuals.
I did point out that homosexuality involves two consenting adults. Pedophilia, by contrast, is defined entirely by the fact that one partner is a prepubescent child, unable to give consent, and that child will suffer permanent, life-long repercussions.
Way I see it, if you’re messed up enough to think a child is sexy or seductive*, whether you’ve acted on it or not, you ought to be (at the very least) heavily supervised, if not completely segregated from society. (Part of me says, “yeah, segregated with a bullet,” and that is a pretty horrible thing to think.)
I’m completely baffled, though — why am I angry about that particular discussion? I was not, to my knowledge, molested as a child. I have no vested interest in keeping pedophiles away from my children, as I don’t have any children, nor do I want them. Dafuq, Subconscious-Kitty?
*I’ve heard some of them describe how a toddler or young child “seduced” them. I won’t say anything further than that, because… well… I really don’t want to think about it, myself.
Also, if I just triggered anyone, I apologize.
..obviously I suck at being that kind of doctor..
Maybe, but at least you can explain physic-y stuff.
I’m completely baffled, though — why am I angry about that particular discussion?
Could it be that dirty word some people hate—empathy?
PSG (pharmscigrad)says
I’m not so much a social psych person myself, but there may be something to the way we are raised which has your hackles up. Protecting children and such – the collective group of children, even those not our own. The reason why a school shooting of teenagers upsets us but one of young children unravels us.
– TW: pedophilia
As far as that discussion goes, I’m with you 100%. No child can give consent. The power differential between adult and child is prohibitive towards any sort of egalitarian relationship. Pursuit or exclusive desire of sexual relationships with minors requires segregation from minors for their protection. As has been stated many times, on other threads, victims are victims for life, and children should be protected from victimization.
As for being “seduced” by a child… as someone put it earlier… *spits*
Fuck, I rage-vomited. That’s not an unusual euphemism. I literally was so angry that I vomited.
I’m gonna have to have a sit-down with my parents and ask them if anything… untoward… happened to me as a child. There is a significant chunk of my childhood that is a near-complete blank, and it bothers me. I mean, I think I’d know if I was molested or something… but I also know that that’s the exact type of thing I’d go to great lengths to block out. I almost don’t want to know. (Is that weird?)
(Also, am I the only one who spontaneously vomits when overwhelmed?)
PSG (pharmscigrad)says
Trigger Warning for pedophilia and rape
That is some seriously messed up logic on that thread. But, but… urges! And the difference between pedophiles and people who like to have sex with minors. *gags* Oh yes, the dreaded thoughtcrime – what are you, the gestapo?!
I can vouch for not wanting to know, as someone who lived for three years in denial of my own rape, it is just so much easier to deny and not have to deal with the reality of one’s existance, when it doesn’t mesh with one’s expectations. Three cheers for the internet, where I was able to read words on a page and realize, “That exact thing happened to me and it was not okay,” and embrace the rage I had so long suppressed.
When you are ready, the answers will be there. When you are ready, the questions bubble up from a place inside and almost ask themselves.
But as someone who vomits approximately once a year, usually due to excessive alcohol intake, I can’t speak to the rage-vomit. Stomach like a steel trap. Got plenty of other issues to compensate for that small blessing though.
Azkyroth Drinked the Grammar Too :)says
All I’m seeing is a bunch of people saying that it’s okay to fantasize about children during sexy-times, and comparing pedophiles to homosexuals.
I did point out that homosexuality involves two consenting adults.
While actual child molestation is a horrific crime that should be punished to the maximum extent of the law,thinking about something while masturbating involves one consenting adult. Unless you’d also argue for locking up everyone who enjoys “stealing cop cars and running over the cops” in GTA, refusing to distinguish between fantasies, and harmful actions, because EWW EWW EWW, isn’t really defensible. No matter how many “EWW”s you string together, or how justified they are.
*looks around Lounge for ednaz*
I’m heading home now to start my weekend. You can get that pitcher of sangria ready.
(Nope I didn’t forget you generous offer from the other night).
I’ll have the home USB port open in about an hour. :)
PSG (pharmscigrad)says
Enjoy your weekend bluentx! Color me jealous though…
Good morning, and *roundofhugs* because, although I am back to typing on a computer (somewhat temporarily) my time is limited (work to do, apparently…). So, no real catching up but the afore-mentioned *roundofhugs* for those once again making a stand in the rape threads (seriously, all you survivors are to be admired for your strength and ability to express the truth), for those experiencing relationship/familial/financial/other difficulties, for those simply in need of some comfort or a presence or a kind word.
** hugs may be replaced with various other things, such as shoulder-pats, waves, drinks, scritches, etc., according to preference!
I think this applies to you.
Last night I had a dream I was playing pharmaceutical monopoly (yeah, I know…) and while I don’t remember the details (I remember waking and thinking, This dream is awesome, I have to remember it! and then quickly typing in pharmaceutical monopoly into my phone…), I know that there were levels of players, and the highest player level was Pharmaceutical Science Graduate (I know you’re “-gard“, but hey…). There was a whole lot more that was fun and interesting, but… dreams…
Enjoy your weekend!
No fingertips?? Eek! I hope they heal soon, and I hope the virus passes soon, too!
Also, night shifts in a lab is one thing I don’t envy myself at all. Not anymore, at any rate, although there’s something to be said for the peace and quiet of a near-empty lab…
A real computer!? I was beginning to look forward to your mobile contributions (except there weren’t enough).
Such fun, such anticipation: ‘What unusual Tpyos* will we find this time?”
Jeez, the stupid is strong over on the ‘dog-piling’ thread.
Accuse me of being pro-rape once more and I will fucking launch legal action.
Nick Gotts (formerly KG)says
Britons reclassified as snails – birgirjohansson
Oh noes! Does that mean I have to slither off to the slymepit?
Herr Weisskopf is getting recognition for beating the Wright brothers!
— — — — — — — — — — —
Britons reclassified as snails
“Oh noes! Does that mean I have to slither off to the slymepit?”
No…but the Brit politicians who cut a deal with BAE about the corruption charges and closed the investigation after giving BAE hardly a slap on the wrist… those critters are not vertebrates at all.
If you can find a predator that wants to eat those revolting organisms, I wish you luck.
birgerjohansson Somebody has to eat them, we don’t want them poisoning the environment without some kind of processing.
Don’t worry, it’s temporary for now, I just have it for the duration of finishing these two big translations for this week. After that it’ll be mobile again for a while, probably… Computers don’t fix themselves (though they really should). Anyway, this keyboard has some weird setting on it, so you’ll probably find some odd lettering in between the English every now and then (not much of a tpyo, I know, but it’ll have to do for now!). ;)
Good morning.
Expecting 4 to 6 inches of snow to be followed by freezing rain and sleet. Oh, what fun.
Shitty night. Knew it was going to be. Even with some non-narcotic sleeping pills I had some bad nightmares (the 9/11 ones are the good nightmares!).
In that case: Do it!
But please don’t do it because you think you have to do it no matter what the personal cost.
Not sure if my personal cost really matters to me. Supporting others and bashing trolls is almost a bizarre form of therapy.
Guess who has a child with an eye-infection…
I had just arrived at college (about 18 miles) I got a call from kindergarten. But I still took the 30 minutes to get at least 2 of the 4 important things done. And then I spent the next 3 hours picking her up, taking her to the doc, taking her to lunch, getting the rest of the 7 dozen fucking chores done. But I have a new backpack.
And now for why abortion is a damn good idea.
I also went to the second hand to pick up some denim jackets for the kids. While I was there I couldn’t help listening to the tale of the other customer (seriously, why do people think it’s appropriate to tell their whole family story in a shop?)
Well, she’s going to be a grandma. Totally unwanted and unplanned. Prospective mother is 17, “father” left her. Could she reserve something until Friday? Because no she has not even 10 bucks right now to make a deposit. Did the kid forget to take the pill, the sympathetic sales-assistant asked. Well, no, they hadn’t bothered to get her on the pill, no time. They had no fucking time to visit a Gyn, they don’t have 10 bucks avaible right now but they totally think that this is a situation into which they should bring a child.
Tell me again about all those people who are so concerned for the fetus.
*rape culture warning* *and guns*
This is probably too OT for the rape culture thread, but FFS… this is why the NRA’s full of shit when they talk about protecting rape victims by suggesting they all buy guns.
Domestic violence survivors and victims’ rights groups have long advocated for stricter laws to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers, but powerful lobbying by the National Rifle Association has succeeded in keeping such regulations from taking effect in all but a handful of states.
As the Times notes, the NRA and other gun-rights groups have defeated measures that would protect women like Deborah Wigg by arguing that ”gun ownership, as a fundamental constitutional right, should not be stripped away for anything less serious than a felony conviction — and certainly not, as an NRA. lobbyist in Washington State put it to legislators, for the ‘mere issuance of court orders.’”
Wigg’s tragic, violent and wholly preventable death was far from an isolated incident. Federal statistics show that domestic violence-related homicides account for nearly half the women killed every year, and more than half of these women are killed with a gun.
and considering I just linked to information that police officers are 2-4 times as likely as the general population to commit domestic violence in their families, FFFFS. (for fuckin’ fuckbrained fucks sakes!)
If I were a bolt of silk, is there some documentary or book that might detail the route that I would go and the hazards I encounter on my trip from China to Rome? I’m toying around with making a space kind of game, but I’m going to base it on an economic system that I’ve already got largely figured out. I think that I want something along the lines of the Silk Road and I don’t know where I can find that kind of information.
I do not remember the year, but National Geographic did an entire issue (or maybe a cover story?) on the silk road. This one, Silk Road; a new history, is not one I have read but it is supposed to be very good. This one is by Oxford and their histories tend to be very conservative, very well documented, and fairly readable. I haven’t read this one, either, but both are of recent vintage and would, presumably, be fairly up to date. Sorry I can’t give you more but it is a little outside of my corpus of knowledge.
It’s a good start. Thank you. :)
The Oxford histories are excellent for general knowledge and will usually give you clues as to where to go next.
Maybe, but at least you can explain physic-y stuff.
[Sadface] No that’s another thing I suck at: explaining things. This is why my wife is the (adjunct) professor and I won’t even consider attempting to get a university tenure track position. For certain things I’m fine. But other times I fall into a mindset and find myself carving the same ruts rather than truly bringing the other person along. At least when doing it verbally. When written, I find I need an editor as I tend to leave out stuff (important words, etc) that my mind dust reads into place when I look at what I wrote.
Also, night shifts in a lab is one thing I don’t envy myself at all. Not anymore, at any rate, although there’s something to be said for the peace and quiet of a near-empty lab…
Yeah, I used to enjoy that. Not that the control room was particularly quiet (computers, fans, steady “beep-beep” of monitoring equipment and occassional alarms, etc) but at least there weren’t other people bothering me. Alas, a few years back they combined the control rooms for a few different experiments. So no more solitude where I can crank up my choice of tunes and kick back a bit to work with my feet up on the desk.
I hope that link works. Work has started blocking Photobucket, so I had to pull up the page on my mobile and then manually type it.
Portia, contentedsays
Audley: Squuuueeee. :D
Esteleth: Moar squee, that hat is really cute. I’ve been wanting to try something like that (maybe a strawberry?) but haven’t been knitting much lately.
Ogvorbis: Hugs and/or high fives for persevering and/or stepping back from that thread. I haven’t read it, but I hope you are ok after your bad night
I’m not rupt but I can’t make my brain register the things I wanted to talk to people about. So, consider yourself hugged.
Portia, that pattern is super-simple, and a strawberry would result just by using red yarn rather than purple. It is on Ravelry. It is called “Berry Baby Hat.”
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
Oh, and Dan Fincke is following me on twitter…
…would it be bad of me to just post “FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKmisogynists” ?
Adorable, indeed!!!
Yeah, cranking the tunes, I think, was the best part of it all… Plus making my own schedule and not needing to co-ordiante any equipment with anyone else (mind you, I’m in a forensics DNA lab), that was a lot of fun, too.
But I find sleep deprivation from too many a mere three children is hitting me hard in the staying-up-late category. Ah well, life goes…
Hello, Portia!
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
Thanks Esteleth!
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
Hello to you, too, rq! And thank you…*slurpslurpslurp*
Beatrice (looking for a happy thought)says
Creepy Dude at work, don’t give me that creepy look. And I caught you looking at my ass today.
I have no idea who you are and whether giving you my fuck off and die look could cause me trouble, but I really really don’t want to see your creepy smile again or know that you are sizing me up when my back is turned (or when it’s not, it’s not like you care). Fuck off.
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
Good for you.
I would certainly hope that as low-level a response as a deserved dirty look wouldn’t cause any trouble for you.
Fucking creeps.
How to make a bad situation worse: you’re already on trial for hacking and general internet mayhem, so what do you do? Convert to mormonism.
“I’m a Mormon now,” Auernheimer said, as if converting to Mormonism was as natural a thing for a twenty-something to do as getting a tattoo. “I don’t buy cigarettes anymore.”
Auernheimer has spent his life on the margins of cyberspace, a harbinger of online chaos. And his life’s work reached an unfortunate culmination last week, when he was convicted in Newark of computer crimes for his role in a 2010 breach of AT&T’s customer data. He could now be sentenced to up to ten years in federal prison. But even in his final days of freedom, Auernheimer lives a troll’s life, accompanied by a background noise of bedlam wherever he goes. And at that moment it was the back seat of the Buick speeding to Newark. As we swerved around an SUV in the passing lane, my large intestine reached out to touch the door handle.
“I just got introduced to some fantastic new designer drug. I’m pretty happy with it,” Auernheimer had told me a few days earlier in a Gchat. “I’m on like an hour of sleep a day now. The minutes before trial are precious. Plenty of time to sleep in prison.”
Lynna, a question for you if you’re still around: Do mormons believe in health insurance? The health insurance rates in Utah are lower than I’d expect compared to average income and was wondering if religion could explain the discrepancy…
Beatrice (looking for a happy thought)says
I catch him ogling me again and I probably won’t be able to hide my disgust anyway.
There are people who can give you an interested or assessing look, but there is just that kind of look/staring/ogling that makes you want to take a shower. With bleach.
Izzard tomorrow (for you)! Yay!
I feel like I’m going twice :)
Keeping my fellow Pharyngulites up to date on the goings on at CPAC …
“Don’t tell me Republicans are the party of millionaires and billionaires… The GOP is not beholden to any special interests.” — Mitch McConnell
Next week, McConnell and his wife, former Labor secretary Elaine Chao, will fly to Palm Beach, Florida, for a fundraiser at the home of millionaire John Castle, according to the Palm Beach Daily News. Then, after the Castles’ fundraiser, Wilbur Ross (net worth $2.6 billion) and his wife, Hilary, will wine and dine McConnell at their house, which is so extravagant that it has its own name, Windsong. (So does the guest house: Windsong Too.) Tickets range from $1,000 to $5,000 for the night’s events; to co-chair the event, you’ve got to pony up $15,000 to $30,000.
McConnell’s itinerary is courtesy of Mother Jones.
I think McConnell is in full fund-raising and campaigning mode because he is afraid of Ashley Judd.
Continuing the annoying CPAC coverage, here are some excerpts from Sarah Palin’s speech:
“Mr. President, we admit it: You won! Now accept it and step away from the teleprompter and do your job.” [translation: Obama is both too lazy and too stupid to write his own speeches. He also wastes time speaking to the American people when he should be talking to House Republicans.]
“More background checks? Dandy idea, Mr. President. Shoulda started with yours.” [translation: birth certificate, friends who are former members of the Weather Underground, sneaking into Harvard, Muslim!, etc. dog whistles.]
“[Obama] is considered a good politician—which is like saying Bernie Madoff was a good salesman.” [no translation needed]
“We’re not here to put a fresh coat of rhetorical paint on our party.” [translation: I’m too stupid to change, and you should be just like me.]
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
Yeck. I know that feeling.
On a separate note: Raise your hand if you have a ticket to see Rachel Maddow give a lecture. *flails wildlly*
Always amazes me that conservatives do not consider big business, the wealthy, energy companies, banks, brokerage firms, and defense contractors to be special interests.
Yep, same here! Maybe we should have bought two tickets, just for the empty seat. ;) (Couldn’t really afford it, though, too bad we’re not filthy rich!)
I don’t think you should hide your disgust. Blech. I’m never capable of even trying, if it’s bad enough, and I make an effort not to care that I can’t hide it. Politeness and all that be damned.
[whiny] Yeah, but Eddie Izzard is tomorrow (or Sunday, if you ask Beatrice). [/whiny]
Lynna, a question for you if you’re still around: Do mormons believe in health insurance? The health insurance rates in Utah are lower than I’d expect compared to average income and was wondering if religion could explain the discrepancy…
Do you think that Mitt Romney was/is a big supporter of health insurance? He more or less hides from the success of the Massachusetts health care plan. He continues to rail about repealing Obamacare. He is a mormon who has only helped other mormons when it comes to health issues (see the examples he provided during the Republican Convention).
Like most mormons, he thinks you signed up in the preexistence for whatever difficulties you face in this life. This attitude does not translate well to good healthcare.
Examples of the effects of the mormon belief in the preexistence:
1. Blacks are dark-skinned because they were “fence sitters” or followers of The Adversary in their pre-earth lives.
2. If you get raped, it is because you signed up for just such a “test” of your faith in the pre-existence, knowing, I guess, that you would need to be sorely tested before becoming “worthy” of the Celestial Kingdom.
3. If you get sick it could be because you signed up for such a “test” in the pre-existence, or you have not been praying enough, or you have not been reading the Book of Mormon enough, or you have been drinking coffee (or otherwise not following the mormon Word of Wisdom guidelines), etc.
Mormons are two-faced about most healthcare issues. There are a plethora of good doctors and medical education institutions in Utah. It’s like they’re always being pulled in two directions, one toward excellent healthcare and compassion, and one toward blaming the victim.
Some of the progress in Utah stems from non-mormons, or from mormons who are acting outside of their church callings, or from mormons who are making big money in the health and health-woo industries. It’s a mixed bag.
I also think mormons have a vested interest in protecting the health of mothers while they have as many mormon babies as possible.
Always amazes me that conservatives do not consider big business, the wealthy, energy companies, banks, brokerage firms, and defense contractors to be special interests.
Yeah, their own hypocrisy escapes their notice. Or, more tellingly, they consider your list of special interests to simply be The Good Guys.
Sarah Palin got all practical and machiavellian about it in her speech:
“If you don’t have a lobbyist in DC, you are not at the table, you are on the menu.”
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
Awwwww poor rq, it’ll be here before you know it! I’m pretty jealous of you two. I adore Eddie Izzard. I hope it’s a great time : )
Beatrice (looking for a happy thought)says
If I were filthy rich, I’d send my private jet for you on Sunday. ;)
Rachel Maddow giving a lecture… Cool. Have fun!
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
Sarah Palin got all practical and machiavellian about it in her speech:
“If you don’t have a lobbyist in DC, you are not at the table, you are on the menu.”
I love the word “Machiavellian.” It just makes me smile for some reason. And that quote makes me laugh as well. Aren’t they the first to rail on about “speshul intrests?”
Thanks! It’s part of her book tour, and it’s only two hours drive from me :D I was pleasantly surprised that the ticket total is $20, $15 of which gets you an autographed copy of her book. Sweet! Made me glad I had procrastinated buying her book.
OK – I can’t find the original thread in which PZ declared he was done with HBO’s ‘Game of Thrones’. Probably from a couple years back. In that thread many readers shared their preference for fantasy series and one that kept coming up was the Malazan series. After a year or so I actually started into the series and I can’t say enough about it. It is absolutely refreshing and complex – you are dumped into the middle of this world with it’s myriads of gods and ascendants, soldiers and leaders, magic and lore. Even dragons. But with NONE of the tired cliches that permeate most other series in the genre. Women are strong, intelligent, and capable, the stories are multi-faceted. It’s such a delight. I just wanted to thank those who opened up this amazing, brilliant world to me. I am halfway through book 7 but restarted the series again because I am dreading it’s eventual end, and with all the details and twists and turns I really needed a refresher.
Mine would be picking you up tomorrow. ;) (I know, I know, weekdays and all that… :P) With champagne. The expensive kind.
That is an amazing deal. When is it? I hope it’s awesome!
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
Funny anecdote I wanted to share here that happened last night:
Cousin’s Dudebro friend: “Yeah, [Cousin’s boss] is horrible; I don’t even consider her a human being. This girl is the manager, and–”
Me: “They let a child manage the whole place?!”
Dudebro, sheepish: “‘Woman’, sorry.”
Guy’s such a toolbag.
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
It’s April 13. I’m soooooo stoked for it. The theatre apparently holds 1000 and the guy at the affiliated bookstore said they’ve sold 700 of the tickets.
(As a sidenote, you will be proud of me: I have thus far resisted inviting S to go along with me. I am done setting myself up like Charlie Brown with a football).
Stay strong! I am proud. Stick with it! *hugs*
Hey Portia, nothing much here. I see you’re going to get a signed book! :)
I wish I could convince myself to leave the house more. I always enjoy it when I manage to go out, I just have a hard time motivating myself.
Also, a definite “hey hey hey” to rq and Beatrice before either of you go to bed. :)
Do you really want to know? Not much to tell…
Mondays are long days now, but at least since everyone’s healthy, I’m not getting incredibly frustratedd from sitting inside all the time. We took a walk to the train station (luckily there was some electric wire repair going on along the tracks, so things to see!!) and I think I packed Youngest a little too tightly because it’s supposed to be getting warmer but today was actually colder than yesterday. Oops! Still, everyone seems to have survived. Also, in the Good Things stack, the translations are progressing but I procrastinate and waste time waaay too much.
Hello, Joe!
Improbable Joe
Ha, I’m going to be here for another couple of hours. As long as the kids fall asleep fast, my work hours are just beginning. ;)
Beatrice (looking for a happy thought)says
Hey Joe!
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
I feel you. Getting out of the house to do things is a conscious effort for me a lot of the time.
I only ask when I want to know :)
Glad you got out with the kiddies. Sorry things are a bit rutty.
I am SO with you on the procrastinating. I’ve been sitting at my computer for four hours and only just got one little bit of work done. And it’s work that could be really lucrative if I just get on it. What’s up with the procrastination pattern?
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
Yeah, I’m not getting it properly either. It’s been a couple of days of this.
I’m going to cook some soup and drink some beer. Not necessarily in that order, so good luck with the soup… right? *grins*
I don’y have celery. I DO have celery seed. Close enough. Carrots, onion. Potato or orzo? I’ve got some instant green chile stew mix… no, that’s just going too far/not far enough.
Prior to having lost Internet at home, my subscriptions were screwed up for months. I still get random updates from several other FtB bloggers whom I never subscribed to (or followed specific posts), but no updates to the Lounge in specific or Pharyngula in general.
I cannot believe FOX news released the name of the rape victim in the Steubenville case! Douchebags.
It’s just that there are so many interesting things to read… And I know I’m behind, because Nasty Pea-ridden Computerses, but… But…!!!
Beatrice (looking for a happy thought)says
I sort of made chilli con carne for tomorrow. Except that there is no chilli in it. Mum would spontaneously combust if she ate something that hot.
I don’t know what you call chilli con carne without chilli.
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
Yeah I’m shamefully behind myself.
I’ve started to learn to live with it. : P
There’s so much I have to read.
So many things that would make me better at my job, I feel guilty when I read one, because I haven’t read five.
And weirdly guilty for not keeping up on the main page here.
OMG how do you people keep up with this thread? It doesn’t ever move when I’m refreshing it, and then I go do something else and it leaps forward by miles!!!
I don’t know what you call chilli con carne without chilli.
Beef stew?
OMG how do you people keep up with this thread?
Obviously, I can’t speak for others, but I have no life.
I think Ogvorbis can speak for me on this one. “I have no life” pretty much covers it.
Beatrice (looking for a happy thought)says
Who cares about names anyway. It’s delicious and I’m going to eat it with rice tomorrow.
Beatrice (looking for a happy thought)says
Thirding “I have no life”.
When I leave for an evening out you all hear about it. :)
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
It doesn’t ever move when I’m refreshing it, and then I go do something else and it leaps forward by miles!!!
We’re sneaky like that }:) Seriously, though, I often play catch-up when I have a spare hour or two. : p
That’s the spirit! Sounds yummy.
Mayonnaise Jane
Yeah, what Ogvorbis said…
Actually, I’ve learned to cope with the speed (and time zones and stuff). The best part about this place is that sometimes, people will respond to comments written nearly hundreds of comments earlier, because they’re only just catching up… I swear, some of the conversations here are glacial. It takes time to sort out all the noise and what refers to you and where you want to get involved, but even all the entr’actes are interesting and often educational.
As it is, we are all entr’actes to someone’s conversation.
And yeah, this reply is so long because…. procrastination!!!
(PS I’m in a European time zone, and during the day, when I can sit here and mosey about, very few people are around, and right when all conversation heats up, I have to go and make dinner/put children to sleep/speak with Husband/do work/etc. etc. and I miss a lot of good stuff…)
I feel permanently behind.
I feel guilty that I’m not doing much to get back into the education circuit.
I feel guilty that I could finish these translations in about half the time, but I’m too lazy to make the effort.
I feel guilty that I spend too much time online, even though I can’t exactly say that anyone’s suffering at the moment (I mean, I could always sit around blankly waiting for someone to make me useful, but…).
I feel guilty for trying to work because that means Husband has to deal with the kids, even though I know he can and doesn’t really mind and we both know we need the extra work…
Oy, this list is getting too long, too.
About ten years ago, I told Wife I was going to make chili. But I was more in the mood for something sweeter so I said that I would use paprika rather than the Mexican chilies and maybe add some potatoes and carrots and celery. She looked at me and said, “So you’re making Hungarian Goulash, not chili?”
Also, LykeX, I’m still trying to put my finger on what it was that you said, exactly, but your #57 on the Do You Deny thread put a whole lot of rape culture into perspective for me. Really horrifying, terrible perspective.
I think I’m supposed to say thanks, but I’m reeling a bit. Definitely a *click* moment.
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
Self-punishment is quite the cycle, isn’t it?
Sometimes, I’ll tell my mom I feel guilty for neglecting this or that, usually spending time with a friend or relative. She’ll say “Did anyone say anything that made you feel that way?” and I’ll realize that no one is really upset with me besides me. It doesn’t solve the problem, but it helps.
Beatrice (looking for a happy thought)says
I can never name things I cook properly. I rarely follow recipes without changing anything, so recipe for chili turns into something more like stew. Or goulash. Or it ends up in a pie.
Gah. I’ll resign myself to never becoming a proper food elitist.
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
Seconding rq’s 617. Went and read that comment and it shifted several pieces of the sociological puzzle into place for me.
I do not even pretend to keep up. I used to, by speed reading. But now work, post-stroke disability, and other obligations get in the way.
I have convinced myself that I should be happy with a little dip in the pool once in awhile. Whatever I miss, I miss. Whatever I catch, I enjoy.
Oooh boy… Youngest has learned to throw a (mild, so far) tantrum when Husband or I tell him he should not do something (e.g. put the remote control down and come play with colourful blocks instead). As in, leaning onto the couch and crying loudly. He didn’t do this yesterday… And I know from which brother he learned that trick. ;)
This is a general announcement that I will be meandering eastwards across NY and MA along I-90 on Friday the 29th and making the return trip Sunday the 31st. People who are either along this corridor or in the Pioneer Valley are invited to let me know, for the sake of Shenanigans.™
Well, thanks guys. Although, I’m not sure “Really horrifying, terrible perspective” is really a compliment :)
Also, thanks for the feedback on the subscription issue. I hope it sorts itself out. I rely on those subscription to keep track of everything.
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
Gotta learn it sometime, right? ;)
moar hugs for Pteryxx and Caine, if they’re around. Jebus.
Yeah, piling on with the *safehugs* for Pteryxx and Caine, because Wow. Just wow.
Well, as I said, something about what you said just left me reeling, and while ‘thank you’ and bouquets of flowers might not be the way to go here, I really appreciate you putting a few pieces in place for me. Probably things rolling around in the background, but you nailed them down for me, and made (by connection) several other things make sense.
Esteleth, I wish I could join in some shenanigans! Hope you find some! : D
Adding to the pile of *safe hugs* to Pteryxx and Caine.
You are both so valuable and so needed and so necessary.
Please take care. ♥
I want shenanigans, but I’d be willing to settle for hijinks.
Seconding Lynna, OM @621
I have convinced myself that I should be happy with a little dip in the pool once in awhile. Whatever I miss, I miss. Whatever I catch, I enjoy.
Portia @ 618
Many many *hugs* for You when you feel this way.
rq @ 614
You are an amazing person doing the most exhausting job there is. I don’t know how you do it. I could never do all the things you do (or anywhere near as well). Raising children is oh so important and oh so thankless.
Please do not think you are wasting time when you’re here. You are not. You are bringing joy and interest into our lives and we are thankful for it. ♥
And I laughed out loud when you spoke of (possibly) bundling up the Little One a little too tight. : D
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
ednaz, thanks. You are too sweet.
I second your 632 about rq. Wouldn’t be the same here without her. :D
bluentx @ 545
I am sending you a pitcher of Brazilian Sangria through the USB right now. : ) (Sorry I wasn’t around when you got off work.)
I will also send one tonight (tomorrow morning?) to make up for missing you earlier (previously?) (I’m so confused right now.) : D
I’ll take ‘Hijinks With IJoe’ for $200, Alex!
*sending a big hug your way, Joe* : )
Also, yes, the self-punishment is self-propelling. What gets to me, even though nobody really knows how fast I work or how much more I do, is the deadlines. I know how fast I work, and I have (rarely) missed a deadline (those times that I did – because I actually forgot I had a page to send in, which I promptly completed within the hour). But I hate the looming feeling, and I’m always terrified that this time I’ve bitten off more than I can handle, and while nobody else is upset with me right now, they may very well be in the future!!
That being said, thank you for your 633, and ednaz for your 632! You both have made me smile and feel a wee bit warm inside. Also, ednaz, I love reading your posts and I wish there were more of them, and I wish I could converse with you more, but… Time Zones (must be in league with the Evil Pea-Loard Xirself).
Giliell @ 555 –
Hope your Little One feels better soon. And Congratulations on getting all your errands done.
I understand the ‘7 dozen fucking chores’ all too well. : p
HI there
So, now #1 is really sick. Probably more than just an eye-infection, but totally not forseeable this morning.
But the little one gets full marks for trying to outsmart me. She’s a bit “Whatever you cook is disgusting, I won’t eat it, make me my favourite meal RIGHT NOW” at the moment. But no, doesn’t fly around here. You can eat what I cook or you can go hungry.
So, when it didn’t work out she was “but my sister is sick. She wants to eat starfish soup and sick kids get a special meal!”
Nice try, only that her sister had been asleep for an hour already….
Safe hugs
Caine, Pteryxx
So, as I needed the placement from three different departments in college I will now be alternately a 4th, 6th and 8th semester student…
Portia @ 633 – Yes! And may we never have to find out. : )
Starfish soup? I may want some, as well! If I throw a tantrum, will I get it?
Additional hugs for Caine and Pteryxx. Monomaniacal obsessives are never a good thing.
Ogvorbis @510
It always seems the more bravery you show, especially when you’re on your own (such as inwardly battling one’s own demons), the easier it is to berate yourself and attack yourself for not being even braver. You have shown on these various threads for the last while that you are an incredibly brave individual.
Sometimes the bravest actions are simply small actions of fighting and standing against a part of one’s self that means to do one great harm. That’s of course not to say that moments where you feel weak are non-bravery. We all need to collapse and recharge sometimes and that’s part of the internal battle. It doesn’t make you weak or less brave.
Giant hug!
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
Good point over there at 278, rq. Well said.
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
Hi, Cerberus!
Thank you, Portia. *bows*
I’ve been thinking about venturing outside of this place a little from time to time, and I just couldn’t bear to see someone being so Evil against Caine and Pteryxx.
Besides, I may not be a lawyer, but I handle evidence on a daily basis (at least, I do so when not on maternity leave), and, really, it’s… well, evidence can cut both ways, needs to be presented right, and all laws are horribly fallible and are easily twisted no matter the evidence standing before them. In my (limited) experience.
(From my personal archive – seeing a multiply offending pedophile once again on trial for murder (they couldn’t get the rape charge) of a young (13.y.o.) girl get another fucking slap on the wrist and no publicity about his past… Going to search his car, the leading inspector was cursing roundly in the car on the way there, about how this guy has been a convicted child rapist and I think killer, too, though my memory is a bit shady, and how he is out again doing the same thing even though there is evidence against him and (supposedly) laws against the things that he does… Don’t know why, but that whole conversation is bringing all of that to mind. Should get back to the EU stuff. :P)
So I’m making chicken soup tonight, with chicken stock made from the carcass of the chicken I cooked for company Saturday night. I hadn’t looked at it beyond straining it and refrigerating it. The congealed fat on top of the stock is green, like olive drab. I’m not sure if I boiled chicken bones or vintage G.I. Joe action figures, it is so infused with celery and sage and rosemary and thyme. So of course I’m caramelizing onions in the chicken fat, with some salt and pepper and garlic, and occasionally deglazing the pan with a splash of white wine. Holy crap this is going to taste amazeballs. The stock is so rich I might have to dilute it with a little water.
K, for some healthy cheer (well, a little bit), and I think I’m done for the night.
Those of you carrying on into the fray, my thoughts and best wishes go with you.
*moarsafehugs* for Caine and Pteryxx, and for anyone else who wishes – may be replaced with assorted other items, such as scritches, pats, drinks, cookies, and, just for tonight, pancakes.
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
Ok, I am closing the computer to go hang out with my mom since I’m leaving tomorrow.
Tah, everyone, and have fun with the assclam.
I went to school not far from there. NC is oddly Bible-belt and also containing some incredibly progressive people. Not progressive because of political alliance, but because they’re too decent to act otherwise. The sort of folks who still register Republican and yet in local politics stand against that party on every issue.
I know they’re not the prettiest ones around, but I’ve been salivating over these forever.
I think they are very nice looking, and boy oh boy, do they look comfortable. I’m a 6 wide, and it’s damn near impossible to find shoes that fit properly.
Rev. BigDumbChimpsays
I went to school not far from there. NC is oddly Bible-belt and also containing some incredibly progressive people. Not progressive because of political alliance, but because they’re too decent to act otherwise. The sort of folks who still register Republican and yet in local politics stand against that party on every issue.
Some of the most progressive people I know are from NC.
Rev. BDC:
My home town too.
*fist bump* I was born there. Moved away when I was very young, though.
I don’t know what a “6 wide”, but I know what an 11-4E looks like… a small canoe. :) Sneakers cost me $140. Leather dress shoes? I’ve never owned a pair that fit correctly and didn’t look like an orthopedic shoe.
IJoe, yeah, it’s remarkably annoying that most major shoe makers act as though everyone has uniform feet that only vary in length. I generally have to pay a fortune just for a pair of shoes that actually fit, and that has nothing to do with the style – finding shoes that fit and are the style I like or particularly want? That kind of money I don’t have.
Refresh my memory. Has Matt Penfold always been a wishy washy, dishonest douchenozzle?
Haven’t been able to catch up thoroughly on the ‘Do You Deny’ thread (do I want to?) but gak!
Not near sufficient I know. but *hugs* offered if they help.
And *hugs*, *thumbs up* and all other ineffectual affirmations to all involved in the trenches fighting back against the ‘non-exsistant rape culture’ asshats. Being an inarticulate oaf (and usually late to the party) I don’t often jump in with a comment but I am readling and thanking all those who do fight back.
And speaking of oafishness–Sorry,Caine, if I’m dragging negativity into the safe space of The Lounge.
Not to feel too sad for myself in the face of greater pain… but the only shoe I really like? It is called “The Beast”… fucking lovely, I’m a designated fucking monster because I’m fat and my feet are big.
bluentx @664:
You have the right idea here. While we can indeed discuss anything here, it is best to leave such frustrations out of The Lounge (talking negatively about another commenter-however warranted it may be-crosses a line, IMHO). In the interest of keeping things kind, I’d suggest any further comments be made in the Thunderdome.
(please note this is not me disagreeing with your assessment).
chigau (違う)says
Trying for catch-up but really just tossing *hugs*
I’m a 6 wide
I’m 8 and a half plus.
Width increases with the bunions.
chigau (違う)says
I missed some stuff in other Threads.
Got it Tony. Just saw (in Thunderdome) what else happened.
Again, Caine: My Apologies!
PSG (pharmscigrad)says
It’s totally “grad” ;)
Now I’m intrigued by the concept of Pharmaceutical Monopoly in the non-Rockefeller sense of the term… what does the game entail? Do you buy companies instead of properties? Or products perhaps? Do people pay you royalties when they land on your square? Or license fees? Or is it more of a WOW type game with guilds and such, not so much strictly like Monopoly the game? [/nerd]
– Portia
You have a ticket to see RM in person?! *so jealous*
Blue, no worries. I’m very sedated right now and okay. It seems Matt has a history of calling people liars whenever there’s some sort of miscommunication or misunderstanding. I can’t say I noticed it before, but we’re often in different threads, so I haven’t read as much of him as other people have.
PSG (pharmscigrad)says
*hugs* to all from the thread that shall not be named
extra safe *hugs* to Caine & Pteryxx
This thread is appropriate… I just picked up my Zappos order from the management office.
One of them is a definite no… One of them is a maybe. I’m going to try them on again tomorrow and walk around in them a bit.
They are both size 8 W. One of them is too big but might fit in a 7.5. The other seems to fit fine.
This is typical. I’m a 7.5 or 8 W, depending on shoe. Nothing ever fits right, either. Stupid bunion.
And they are flats, of course. Fuck heels.
I give up trying to figure where this would be on-topic. Adam Lee (of Daylight Atheism) has just written a call-to-arms for Surly Amy’s Speaking Out Against Hate series.
But the sexists are not the future of atheism. No matter how much noise they make, they’ll never be anything but an ignorant, resentful minority. I’m confident that most atheists are good, decent people who don’t condone harassment. But to those good and decent people, especially us atheist men, I want to say this: This isn’t just a women’s fight, it’s your fight too. We all have a stake in the future of this movement, so raise your voice, speak out, make yourself heard! Call out the trolls and the harassers; tell them that their behavior is wrong and unacceptable. Don’t sanction them by your silence. They do what they do because they believe that it’s socially condoned, that people who don’t speak up must approve of their behavior. They get agitated and defensive when confronted with evidence that this isn’t true, which is why we need to do it more often. As with other kinds of predators, the way to stop them is by taking away their social license to operate.
chigau (違う)says
Fine, then.
Everything on the netbook is either whirly-of-death or “Whatever is not responding”
I cut your power!
I turn you off!
Good night, all.
Sleep well.
Just popped in to say hi & offer hugs to Caine & Pteryxx
MP continues assholish behaviour on that thread, so I advise staying out. But do be reassured – lots of people are calling him out, and others are ostentatiously ignoring him and changing it into a discussion of pancakes, and no-one is defending him.
Here, have some virtual blueberry pancakes. Ichthyic made them and they are good.
PSG (pharmscigrad)says
In the short stack of life, you’re the first pancake.
I <3 you guys…
Beatrice (looking for a happy thought)says
No time to read all three threads now (Loung, Thunderdome and DO you deny….), so I’ll just drop lots of *hugs* and *chocolate* and *warm blankets* for everyone.
I’ll read up as much as I manage, but I’m hoping things got better through the night.
[crossposted from the Thunderdome – damned time zones and my need to sleep]
*headbonks, purrs, and “biscuits”[1] for Caine and all the other decent people in That Thread*
You guys fucking rock.
[1] You know, that kneading thing that cats do.
Beatrice (looking for a happy thought)says
Sorry. I did not mean to be elitist. Intent is not magic, but I really didn’t intend to imply that you had done something wrong.
No! I didn’t read you as elitist, it was just a general joke about how I’ll never learn all the dish names. No apology needed, really, I was just doing that self-depreciating joke thing, with an extra dig at food elitists. Damn, I’m not even sure what makes one a food elitist.
[note to self : take care with bad jokes]
I’m kinda emotionally falling apart. Management responded to my plea for them not to take it out on the kids with “ooh, you say that’s your weak spot for massive damage? Excellent!” Shoe dropped this Friday with my Big Boss telling the entire Labs Department that everyone (cute, real cute response to my noting that rules have not been consistently applied and still aren’t consistently applied considering other lab instructors have been showing me things I was banned from doing already as new things they were doing without official comment) now had to refrain from teaching in [exactly my style and parts of my style that few other teachers engage in and which were previously praised before I was dumb enough to ask to wear skirts and be visibly out]. All the parts of my style so I’m starting from scratch and every time I have to teach subpar to the kids and make rookie mistakes that I’ve long since found a good solution for because “it’s the policy” it hurts my very soul.
As I was fucked up from that complete sniping, the HR director makes an unprecedented visit to see me immediately after to let me know that “she checked into it, and she can totally confirm that what I thought was happening totally isn’t”. It’s just that there was an odd timing with my skirt wearing and the departure of my awesome boss and that this was just a rule change in the wake of that. But that I shouldn’t worry, if I got written up for teaching in the style that had been praised on every level including by the new CEO, it would be stricken from my record (you know, because they are so nice like that). I wasn’t much in the mood for the bullshit game so I basically asked that “if I decide to believe this and act accordingly, will I be dealing with another sudden style shift the second I do that” (like has been happening with the burns so far (they haven’t been able to go more than a week without dropping a shoe so far)) and I asked to send me her assurance in writing (though it probably won’t be that as she played dumb when I asked for that).
Having to suck and start completely from scratch when I know better hurts me bad and I’m pretty sure they know it.
That’s pretty bad. What’s worse though is that I’m just completely falling apart emotionally. Standing up and doing the right thing spent a lot of bravery and I’m feeling pretty low on it. Which is bad because my partner who’s had a lot of issues with stress has never been able to handle me not being a strong dryad for her very well and has turned on me a bit. Seeing me in pain hurts her too much and she’s been getting some nasty anxiety attacks and getting stuck in an ACOA cycle and so has straight up let me know I can’t be showing how hurt and angry and in pain I am when I’m in home.
Unfortunately, given that she’s been in a bad state, she said it in a way that’s got me scared to show pain to anyone because she told me that being visibly in pain is strongly hurting anyone who sees it and so I’m now paranoid about letting anyone see me hurting or reaching out for support because I tend to be the personality type that never wants to hurt others if they can at all avoid it.
Even now, I’ve been writing and rewriting paragraphs of this entry because I’m worried I’m hurting people on here even though I know that’s stupid bullshit. I’ve even been having difficulty letting myself express these emotions when I’m all by myself because I’m trying so hard to bottle it up in all the other parts of my life. And I’m sorry if that… I’ve been saying “I’m sorry” a lot and it’s mostly just to the world in general.
And I’m sorry if that sounds super emo, I’m working on it. Oh yeah, and I’ve still been having pretty consistent rape flashbacks for the last several months so in my current state, I get moments where I’m twitching like Glory-era Tara and feeling incredibly guilty for not pulling it together.
Ironically enough, I really can’t afford to collapse even a little bit. I have already been delaying therapy on transgender issues because I can’t afford it, so I really can’t afford therapy and psychiatric medicine especially now that they’ve been slashing my hours (yeah, I’m often working 2 days a week while other members of the group are worried they might spill over into overtime, but there’s no “make you so miserable you quit” bullshit games going on) and I really need to be solid and steady on applying for new jobs and finalizing all the paperwork so I can start applying to all the local community colleges to teach there (hopefully).
I’m sorry for the massive dump and if anyone is super bummed out by this, I strongly apologize. And I think I’m going to quit here while I still have some dignity and reputation left to salvage.
*hugs* The Lounge is a place where everyone can share their pain, no worries there. My entire sympathies, and I wish I could do something more tangible.
oh Cerberus, I’m sorry. It’s like they’re being the absolute biggest shits in every possible way.
Hello again everybody.
@Cerberus: That sucks. Hugs and more hugs, and then some to everyone else too.
Trying to not be callous following on from Cerberus’ post, but just wanted to say I’ve missed a couple of months here due to overwork, where I’ve been challenged and gained lots of amazing experience. Nothing quite like a series of floods to improve civil engineering skills, and get me into the terrible habit of working 60 hour weeks at something I enjoy.
My haphazard reading has caught the ongoing Shermer debacle, the UCL debacle, International Women’s day posts, Crommunist’s intersectionality posts, Serkeesian’s first video. Any other particularly excellent blog posts I might have missed since mid-January?
Oh, cerberus. You can dump whatever needs dumping whenever you need to. Someone will come along and throw you some cushions and a rug (or a tent) over anything that’s a bit ugly.
And you can sip hot chocolate or anything else you fancy while you admire the mysterious exterior of the attractive new construction (alright, covered up heap, but we can all dream – including you).
Try to take the best care of yourself that you can. We’ll be here when you need us.
Came in to whinge about work, but yeah… forget it. I’m sorry, Cerberus, that your bosses are assholes. I’m sorry about everything you are going through.
*safe hugs*
Cerberus, please feel free to fall apart here anytime you need to. Nobody should have to be strong everywhere.
*hugs* if you want them, *pancakes* if you'd prefer (of choice).
I always though that the purpose of the first pancake was that you had something to nibble on while you’re making the rest of them…
I always though that the purpose of the first pancake was that youthe kids had something to nibble on and keep them quiet while you’re making the rest of them…
I’m much bigger than the kids and I make the fucking things.
I get the first.
Although it’s been ages since I made ordinary pancakes or German Pfannkuchen. But I frequently make German pancakes since they’re so esy to make…
I also have a big fat case of teh dumb I canno rite .
I’m starting most sentences like 3 or 4 times but there are just so many varieties of “agrees with” or “is different from” that you can use and by page 20 it’s getting repettitive no matter what….
OK, I can’t find the photocopied text anymore and I just got up from the computer (in the kitchen because sick kid has the living room) to go to the computer (usual place: living room) to get to you folks to complain about it.
I’m going to take a break and a shower….
Hey Beatrice, are you ready to go tonight? ;)
I’m getting excited.
Also, found out that Eddie Izzard made the effort to speak Latvian, which is a gesture I always find rather touching from visiting foreign celebrities.
(His pronunciation is shit, by the way, but that’s ok!)
Beatrice (looking for a happy thought)says
Someone actually called right now with “hello, (little) girl*”. Yeah, I’m going to go look at your printer when hell freezes over.
Well, no, actually, I’ll go right away if there are problems, but fuuuuuck. My life was better when I could avoid most of humanity.
I hate my voice.
*the word for girl here can also be a word for little girl, so I don’t know how insulting he was meaning to be
Beatrice (looking for a happy thought)says
I’m having a day from hell, so I could really use some fun this evening. I’ll enjoy Izzard by proxy :)
I’ll connect you psychically. ;) I hope your day gets better (even if marginally)!! *hugs*
More hugs for Caine and Pteryxx. Left you some in the Thunderdome, but I don’t frequent there so I won’t be back in up over there.
Portia, what on EARTH is a SPARE HOUR? You have spare hours? Can I borrow some hours? I don’t have enough. I’m a Sysadmin. Srsly, I have a spare 5 minutes here or there, and then the badge system goes down over the whole building and no one can get anywhere and the people are screaming that they’re going to be marked down as late back to their shifts and…
You’ll excuse me because that did actually just happen…
I don’t really know much of your background, but I read a bit out of your post and it sounds pretty shitty. I hope you can somehow work it out or at least keep your head above water. Don’t feel bad about unloading, everybody needs to sometime.
*Hugs, boggling rats and pancakes*
I watched the BBC/Science Channel co-production last night, “The Challenger“, starring William Hurt as Richard Feynman, in the investigation of the Challenger disaster. A great drama documentary, which I recommend to anyone who can watch it on the BBC iPlayer. If not, catch it when the Science Channel shows it.
And it had a shout-out for his atheism – whether or not he actually said this, he was given a line of, roughly, “look, I’m an atheist, so I don’t think those astronauts are ‘touching the face of God’, but I do want to know what happened to them”.
Good morning.
Happy Wednesday.
Really shitty night.
I dreamt about scouts again. Remembered a night in which we put on skits — some of us in girl’s clothing. And it got much worse. I also remember, that night (and maybe other times?) a super-8 movie camera being used to record the activities. I think the ‘do you deny’ thread set me off more than I thought it did. We’ll see.
/Trigger Warning Ends
Hugs to all who suffered because of one.
I’m really still ill. Wrote “suchlike” with a space in the middle.
Where do you want your space? Near the end: “suchlik e”?
Closer to the start: “Suc hlike”?
More than one: “S u chl ike “?
Decisions, decisions, …
(And get better soon.)
Hello people :)
First a bit of back story: My father is a Mason, currently serving as Master of his Lodge. The annual Ladies’ Night is coming up (don’t get me started), where all the members bring their wives and there’s a big dinner. The Master gets to bring his kids too, and he wants me to do the Grace. I’m more than happy to do so but obviously don’t want a Goddy one; so I’ve written one. I’d appreciate people’s thoughts/constructive criticism.
As we are seated let us think of those who
May perish this night through a privation of food
Or for lack of medicine or want of clean water
Of those whose end comes in ignominious slaughter
And with them in mind let’s give thanks most sincere
To all those responsible for putting this food here
To the Farmers and Growers, to the Butchers and Bakers
To the Waiters and Waitresses, the Cooks and the Caterers
For bringing this food from the field to the table
And pledge to enjoy it, as well as we’re able
I’ll not labour the point, I’m sure you’d like to begin
So for now, I’ll take a bow and say you all: Tuck in.
Youbr ing upsomev eryi nterest ingphilos ophica lques tions.
Getting caught up in older threads I missed. Not going to rehash them, or anything.
Hugs for anyone that needs it.
Just to be happy, a cute kid story. This weekend, I was folding clothes and my little girl decided to help me. I showed her how to fold the socks. She didn’t quite get it, and did the fold to each individual sock. I let that go. Then she started to tell me that her grandma taught her the very thing I just showed her. And apparently her grandma taught her about Rock Lee which is a very famous thing according to my daughter.
Later, the little one was inadvertently honest. I was washing dishes, and I couldn’t see her. So I called out and asked what she was doing. “Anything!” was the reply back. Pretty sure she meant nothing, but it was an entirely accurate account of her actions, I’m sure.
Youbr ing upsomev eryi nterest ingphilos ophica lques tions.
That’s actually a lot easier to read that you’d think.
Overall good; bit of humor and a bit of solemnity. Not quite happy with the “bakers…caterers” rhyme, though.
Not quite happy with the “bakers…caterers” rhyme, though.
I noticed the same thing. Perhaps find a way to put ‘waiters’ at the end of the line/verse?
Youbr ing upsomev eryi nterest ingphilos ophica lques tions.
That’s actually a lot easier to read that you’d think.
One of the reasons that there are so many typos in the bible is that the spacing between words was not used. Whichmeansthattheclerkswerecopyingoutentirelinesthatlookedlikethisinalanguagethatformostofthemwasasec
ondsanguageandalsohadnopunctuation. Even random spacing, without regard to the beginning or ending of words, is easier to read than that. (sourse: one of the Ehrmann books on early Christianity. Lost Christianities?
Thanks Ogvorbis :)
LykeX: Thanks, that’s what I was going for. I want it to have a message, but I don’t want it so heavy it ruins the evening. Yeah I’m not entirely happy with that either. I want to make people realise it doesn’t just appear by magic, but it’s hard to fit everyone in who contributes and still make it rhyme :-S any suggestions would be appreciated.
Dinosaurs/birds are cool.
The mildly deranged penguin agrees. And adds, so is cheese.
Expecting 4 to 6 inches of snow to be followed by freezing rain and sleet. Oh, what fun.
You prefer, what? Hail the size of icebergs and fog so thick the machete bounces off of it?
the NRA’s full of shit when they talk about protecting rape victims by suggesting they all buy guns.
Isn’t that the Nutty Raving Army’s suggested solution to everything?
Fog so thick the machete bounces off of it… Buy a gun and shoot it! Or better, a field piece (howitzer, cannon, mortar, …) and blast it.
Can’t open the can of tuna… Use the field piece again.
Tripped over your untied shoelace… Shoot it! (Not clear here if the “it” is the shoelace or the foot. Or gravity.)
The gun is empty… Use another gun and shoot it!
And so on… … Fire!
Ogvorbis #715 and LykeX #714
“To the Farmers and Growers, to the Butchers and Bakers
To the Cooks and the Caterers, the Waitresses and Waiters”
I like that. It’s in the order each profession will have to deal with the meal, and it puts the women of the serving profession first, which is a break with tradition which might make the audience think a bit, if I’m lucky. That said, it might just annoy the more Conservative members, but Dad’s done that already :)
Thanks guys :) this is much appreciated.
Hi thumper1990!
I really like the non-goddy grace! Couldn’t resist just a couple of possible suggestions of tweaks for scansion – any of these use at all?
As we are seated let us think of those who
May perish this night through privation of food
Or for lack of medicine or want of clean water
Or whose end comes too soon in inglorious slaughter [OR “Or whose end comes too soon amidst conflict and slaughter”]
And with them in mind let’s give thanks most sincere
To all those whose labour has put this food here
To the Farmers and Growers, the Butchers and Bakers
The Waiters and Waitresses, doers and makers,
For bringing this food from the field to the table
And pledge to enjoy it, as well as we’re able.
I’ll not labour the point, we’d all like to begin
So for now I’ll bow out, and I bid you: Tuck in.
Youbr ing upsomev eryi nterest ingphilos ophica lques tions.
That’s actually a lot easier to read that you’d think.
A number of scripts are written with minimal spacing. Not just ancient texts, but modern as well — As an example, isn’t Arabic written without spaces?
And English has always been quite tolerant of variant spellings. My two favourite examples are a bit old, but: (1) William Shakespeare, in his six surviving signatures, spelled his own name six different ways. And (2) The first English dictionary spelled the word word in two different ways on its cover.
Well, it is a goode thinge that we no longer have to shoppe around to decide which spellinge best fits our humours of the day, right?
the kid isn’t doing himself any favors, using Twitter to publicly broadcast his various prejudices against black people, women, Jews, and his job. “Getting sick of picking up all these obama lovers and taking them to the hospital because their medicare pays for an ambulance and not a cab,” he tweeted last month. And that’s one of the delicate ones.
Some other assorted Cassano wisdom in 140 characters or less:
“MLK could go kick rocks for all I care, but thanks for the time and a half today.”
“News flash to half of the island, ur white! Stop talking like ur a shwoog.” (Yes, shwoog means what you think it means.)
“I like jews about as much as hitler #toofar? NOPE.”
Tweets like those could lose a politically unconnected person a job.
Wow. What an asshole. Here’s hoping reality kicks this loser hard.
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
Portia, what on EARTH is a SPARE HOUR? You have spare hours? Can I borrow some hours?
That was a little bit facetious of me, I usually only intend to spare five minutes and then I look at the clock and WHOA I’ve been in the Lounge for a long time! :)
I like the secular “prayer” and might use it with permission :) My only quibble would be that I never liked being called a waitress. *shrug*
Gawd I should have known better than to get involved in a discussion about race with my mormon libertarian friend. When will I ever learn. Blah.
Megahugs to Cerberus. I’m so sorry it sucks so much :(
Rev. BigDumbChimpsays
Tweets like those could lose a politically unconnected person a job.
Yep. Now his dad is feeling it hard. What a moron.
And there was much more than those.
Well, the update to the story is a somewhat happy ending:
Update: Little Cassano is set to resign over the above tweets, the Post reports. “I found the messages offensive,” said Mayor Bloomberg today. “It is my understanding that he has chosen to resign from the fire department. I think that’s the appropriate thing and I’ll leave it there.”
It probably would have cost him his position. All the bigoted jackass needed to do was not mouth off on Twitter. I guess that was too hard from him to resist.
So the little tweet twit is out? Good news.
Quick work, horde. A mention on Pharyngula and within 15 minutes the asshole is resigning.
What other injustices can Pharyngula take care of today?
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
Glad the asshole “chose to resign.” Jebus. The fact that so many more remain in positions of power scares me.
Portia, it's not Monday if I say it's not Monday.says
You have a ticket to see RM in person?! *so jealous*
Hah! I’ve figured out the problem with the subscriptions. Some change in gmail has landed all the notifications in the spam folder.
Hi Opposeablethumbs :)
Heh some poet I am, I had to look up scansion.
Thanks very much for the suggestions. I like the changes to the start of the second stanza; I wanted to work labour in somehow. I also agree that ignominious doesn’t quite fit.
OK, here’s how it now reads:
As we are seated
let us think of those who
May perish this night
through a privation of food
Or through lack of medicine
or for want of clean water
Of those whose end comes too soon
amidst conflict and slaughter
And with them in mind
let’s give thanks most sincere
To all those whose labour
Has put this food here
To the Farmers and Growers,
to the Butchers and Bakers
To the Cooks and the Caterers,
the Waitresses and Waiters
For bringing this food
from the field to the table
And pledge to enjoy it,
as well as we’re able
I’ll not labour the point,
I’m sure you’d like to begin
So for now, I’ll take a bow
and bid you all: Tuck in.
Thank you, Portia :) Sorry about the waitress thing, but I can’t think of any other term I can make rhyme. Do people in the profession commonly object to it? I’d obviously like to avoid insulting the people who I am trying to thank.
And good (not to mention fast) work on the politically-connected racist, everyone! :) It’s nice he didn’t get away with that.
I’ve figured out the problem with the subscriptions. Some change in gmail has landed all the notifications in the spam folder.
OMG THERE’S my notifications!! Sheesh I missed some stuff that was addressed to me.
thumper: I don’t know that everyone in the industry objects to it, but it’s sort of akin to the stewardess thing. Flight attendant:stewardess::server:waitress. Not a huge deal, and changing it would certainly screw up the flow.
The following is an actual memo I received a few minutes ago. I’ve slightly altered it for obvious reasons.
To: All Employees From: CEO
One of our newest pieces of bullshite is to deny and lie about everything, especially to you, our serfs. I am announcing another grand waste of time — DESTROY —to do the following: 1. Ensure you never accomplish want we want. 2. 75% of the time you will do the wrong thing, and the remaining 32% of the time is ours to feck you over. 3. We will feck you faster by insisting on more pointless meetings where you don’t know the agenda or subject, frantic work which we could have predicted in advance but didn’t bother, and not listening to anything you say.
DESTROY is designed to discourage and unmotivate our worthless staff. DESTROY the serfs! DESTROY the serts! This is not required, but if you fail to fail, we will track you down and feed you to the peas.
I have sent the goon squads out to ensure everyone volunteers for this phase of our exploitation. We will support them with all the incompetent managers and kleptomaniac executives we have:
● Any manager whose project is not late, over-budget, and fails to generate customer complaints will be fed to the horses. And peas.
● Electrons will be wasted at a new site which will fail to give anyone any useful information or data. Slowly.
● Your incoming e-mail will be filled with meaningless blatter. I mean, more meaningless blatter, such as this very memo.
● Our non-existent training programme will continue to do nothing.
● Everyone will have a webcam trained on them. Anyone found to be doing something we want will be visited by the goon squad for remedial education in subservience.
I appreciate your excitement over this enhanced fecking you over. Tomorrow, I will announce something else. I haven’t decided what yet, but will all like it… Or else.
Good suggestion, but Bussers and Busboy isn’t a term used in the UK. To be honest I’m not really sure what they do :-/ I get the impression they clean the tables rather than serve people? The serving staff do that as well over here.
Yes I think it would. As long as you think it won’t detract from what is supposed to be a thank you to them, I’ll leave it. Thank you though.
I am in fits of laughter :) Your CEO really sent you that? What a legend.
Cerberus, I am so sorry. Your bosses are complete fucking assholes. What they are doing is completely inexcusable.
I wish I could do something. All I know is that you don’t have to hold back here.
*hugs* if you want them
Crudely Wrottsays
The server that channels my words to you and yours to me must be a schizophrenic. On, off . . . on, off . . .
A quick return of greetings and virtual hugs to Portia, Ednaz, Giliell, Opposablethumbs, Nick Gotts and RQ.
A wink and a smile and a tip o’ the hat to all.
I’m threadrupt and just did a quick scan of this and the previous thread so if the list of well wishers above is incomplete I’m sorry.
When I finish this post, or after watching the thread for a little while, this computer is going to be unplugged, boxed and loaded into V’Ger. I’ll be off line a lot in the coming days and weeks. An occasional visit to the Lounge will be possible from eldest daughter’s house* and from other terminals should I encounter them.
Today begins Crudely’s Next Big Adventure. I’m throwing my fate to the wind and placing my body and mind into the hands of doctors and counselors and therapists and probably others I am yet ignorant of.
My pain and depression has reached a level that demands attention. Plus, I’m flat broke. Going to doctors is something I’ve little experience with, having enjoyed robust health and a willing body for about sixty years. Over the course of the last two I’ve been avoiding the necessity of seeking help for my poor old vertebra. Thinking that natural healing would slowly achieve painless motion, thinking that I can tough it out and so on. The passing of time has cured me of that, unfortunately it took arriving at a nadir to sufficiently motivate me. It doesn’t help that I am a world class procrastinator.
So . . .
I’ll miss my nightly lurking here (when the server is on, that is). I will take every opportunity to stop in as might occur. I’ll post updates of CNBA as able so you will at least know that I’m still alive even if I’m not kickin’ so much.
That reminds me: WMDKitty wondered where I was and I, thinking geographic location, tell her that I’m in east central North Carolina. Goldsboro.
Well, that’s about it. I’ve got to get about my loading up. Daylight’s burning (and so is my lower back from the stooping and bending and lifting. Ouch!).
Enduring thanks to those of you who sent some dollars my way last month. You made it possible to keep things together for a whole month. If anyone feels motivated and has a shekel to spare, contact Esteleth. She knows the secret combination to my wall safe.
I’ll be checking back between trips to the van for the next hour or less.
I’m gonna miss all of you.
*things are not as bad as I thought at my daughter’s house. There may be hope. Her husband is getting counseling and daughter does love him. I’d like to see their marriage heal and prosper even though I have some doubts; their on a tough road.
Good suggestion, but Bussers and Busboy isn’t a term used in the UK. To be honest I’m not really sure what they do :-/ I get the impression they clean the tables rather than serve people? The serving staff do that as well over here.
What should happen here is that the server should clear the plates and all as the diners finish their meals. The idea is that the diner shouldn’t be staring at their empty plates. The bussers here should just remove the drinks after the diners leave, and do a quick clean to help reset the table for the next guests as a means of reducing the time people spend waiting.
This doesn’t always happen. And it varies. Some places here don’t have bussers. In that case, the hosts and the servers try to do the job as best they can. Servers should also try to keep the floors clean as best they can.
This doesn’t always work out like that because of either being too busy, or just not motivated to do so. With the high rate of turnover in the industry, many end up leaving the job rather than putting up with the bullshit.
Crudely Wrot:
Hugs and best wishes. I hope you get what you need to be you again.
Portia, more snowbound (damn lake effect)says
You will be missed too. Take as much care of yourself as you can.
Good news about daughter’s husband getting counseling. I hope it really helps and everyone is safe and happy.
The official Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (mormons) is very picky when it comes to associating them with polygamy. If you connect them to polygamy, even within the context of their history, they will most likely have some flunky contact you to make sure you add “members of the LDS Church no longer practice “plural marriage,” known as polygamy” or some other such “we don’t do that anymore” phrase.
But a lot of mormons know different. They see polygamists attending their wards. They see polygamists shopping at Wal-Mart in St. George after attending official mormon sunday school. We the outside world see a long history of Utah inexplicably failing to prevent child abuse in polygamist colonies, (Texas and Arizona stepped up to legal plate and showed Utah how it is done).
There are hundreds of small plyg groups and thousands of non-group associated plyg families wherever there are mainstream mormons. The polygamists and plyg sympathizers often have callings and attend regular ward meetings. They like the community and some of them have faith in temples and like to keep a TR to participate in the rituals.
Some of my relatives are polygamists who particpate in regular wards while keeping their fundamentalist beliefs secret.
The bishops and other members are usually unaware or they sometimes look the other way.
I grew up in a home where we harbored polygamist wives married to our prophet of choice in trailers on our farm. On Sundays we attended mainstream mormon meetings and on Friday or Saturday nights we held meetings in our living room for polygamists. It was a small group with a dozen or so men half of whom had more than one wife and one prophet. This went on from the time I was six to about fifteen when the group fell apart and scattered.
I doubt the story I read on RfM this morning about a MP recruiting sister mishies as wives. But I can vouch for stories of polygamists in mainstream wards since I lived it and still have relatives continuing in the same way. Busy members often don’t notice and not all wards are affected, but in a few parts of Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, Idaho, and California it’s more common than you might think.
My brother and I have often come across polygamists and/or their compounds in the rural, BLM, or national forest lands of Utah. They’re everywhere.
Take care and best wishes. I hope everything works out for the best.
Or has a boss with one hell of a sense of humor.
Or the boss is refreshingly honest.
My office has, for past three months, instead of planning our summer season, been sitting around afraid to do anything because we are waiting for our new boss. Since December. I feel like her name should be Godot.
Azkyroth Drinked the Grammar Too :)says
…so, it seems that every single scholarship at my school that I might be eligible for next year requires full time enrollment. I’ll have either 3 or 2 classes left to take after this semester and I’ll be taking one of them in summer. Ugh. >.>
Beatrice (looking for a happy thought)says
You had me laughing out loud.
Crudely Wrott,
Best wishes (both to you and your daughter), good luck, *hugs* and I hope to read you soon!
Most of the news sources in Utah and southern Idaho are heralding news about women being allowed to offer invocations, (lead prayers), at the upcoming General Conference of mormons. They are heralding this as evidence of how tolerant the LDS Church is, how it treats women well …. and on and on.
Oh, fer pete’s sake. Letting or allowing women to lead prayers at major mormon meetings is, uh, an opportunity for the rest of the world to say, “What! Mormons didn’t allow women to lead prayers?” It is a step forward, since in earlier days, mormon women were not allowed to give speeches at General Conference. For some years now they’ve allowed a least one sugary, grating, mind-numbing speech by a woman, pre-approved by several men. And they’ve held to a ration of about twenty speeches by men to one by a woman. All in all, quite tolerable to patriarchs.
The Salt Lake Tribune has learned that LDS women are scheduled, as of now, to offer invocations or benedictions at next month’s General Conference — an apparent first in the faith’s 183-year history….
Good luck, Crudely, and a huge heap of best wishes and chocolatebaconhugs for you, your health and your daughter’s and family’s wellbeing. I hope it works out for you, and I’m glad we’ll be hearing from you as connections and servers permit.
Just wanted to add my voice to the chorus directed at Crudely Wrott :) Good luck mate, I’ve enjoyed the posts of yours which I’ve seen. I hope everything works out for you.
@ Lynna OM
What is meant by “Prophet” in that excerpt? I get the feeling they’re using it in some other context than the norm.
Madonna dressed as a Boy Scout and made a plea for the organization to lift its ban on gays. Salt Lake Tribune link.
Thanks for the info! :) yes, serving staff do that over here as well as the responsibilities their state-side compatriots have. Better pay (marginally) but more work.
She’s actually dressed in a cub scout uniform, not boy scouts. that’s the uniform I wore when
Sorry. Gottoa agback out here sorry.
*offers anklehugs (with or without pouncing) to Ogvorbis, Crudely, and Cerberus just to name a few*
Melissa McEwan’s responded again to PZ and commenters:
Not a few atheist men, in comments here and in my inbox, were eager to tell me that I was really only talking about a “small but vocal group.”
Which of course I knew, because it is always, always, a “small but vocal group” of men who marginalize, harass, and threaten me in response to having said something they don’t like.
But of the “large but silent group” of all these communities, who supposedly don’t agree with the hostile disgorgements of the “small but vocal group,” the people most likely to speak up do so primarily to defend themselves, to distance themselves from that “small but vocal group,” to oblige me to reassure them that I know there is a “large but silent group” who is totally on my side, even though their silence indicates otherwise.
Portia, more snowbound (damn lake effect)says
She makes a great point. If you want to be definitively separated from the asshole masses, then separate yourself. If you don’t want to take the risk of being vocal about it in a positive way, then you’re to blame if someone assumes you’re part of the problem, not part of the solution.
I was going to copypasta an offensive comment from Mormonfriend but he deleted the facebook post where he accused me of “writing off everybody who doesn’t agree with me” because I said that some people can’t be convinced not to be bigots. He said I was shutting down dialogue and clearly I shouldn’t be a part of trying to educate people out of bigotry. Which is extremely insulting to me, given that that’s what I spend 90% of my internet time doing*, and I usually don’t let social consequences outweigh a calling-out. So fucking offensive.
*included in that total is self-education.
Dear Crudely,
I am sending a box of hugs to you, for use whenever you want.
I am so glad to learn you are taking care of yourself (for most of us, this is the hardest thing to do).
Also glad to know we will hear from you from time to time.
May everything go better than you expect. ♥
What is meant by “Prophet” in that excerpt? I get the feeling they’re using it in some other context than the norm.
I assume you are referring to this, “I grew up in a home where we harbored polygamist wives married to our prophet of choice in trailers on our farm,” from the longer excerpt in comment 747.
There are multiple crazy dudes who claim to be the “Prophet” for the mormon kingdom.
Thomas S. Monson, crazy dude who is President of LDS Corp., and the official Prophet, Seer, and Revelator
Warren Jeffs, Prophet of the largest polygamist, fundamentalist mormon colony (FLDS) in the USA.
Wallace B. Smith (1929-) prophet of the RLDS (Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)
Ken Asay, Church of Jesus Christ in Zion, established 1984; Asay claims to be the reincarnation of Joseph Smith.
Christopher Nemelka, Worldwide United Foundation, Nemelka claims to be the reincarnation of Hyrum Smith and also claims that he possesses the Gold Plates and the Urim and Thummim. We’ve discussed him on Pharyngula before, as part of the woo-woo health-related scams run out of Utah. Nemelka claims to be part of a Native America tribe, and therefore that his pyramid schemes for selling woo products are not subject to most USA laws.
Goker Harim III, Brotherhood of Christ Church (a former RLDS member)
Matthew Gill, The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ, based in England, organized in 2007
…. and there are lots more. Crazy is not amenable to control. It spreads.
She’s actually dressed in a cub scout uniform, not boy scouts. that’s the uniform I wore when
Quite right. Madonna wore a Cub Scout uniform replica, and she was not interested in authenticity.
I really like your godless grace. *thumbsup*
Please let me know if anybody says ‘Amen’ at the end. : p
I was going to copypasta an offensive comment from Mormonfriend but he deleted the facebook post where he accused me of “writing off everybody who doesn’t agree with me” because I said that some people can’t be convinced not to be bigots. He said I was shutting down dialogue and clearly I shouldn’t be a part of trying to educate people out of bigotry.
Wait… what?
I mean, you’re right. Some people aren’t willing to listen. There are people that jump through every hoop imaginable in the hopes of justifying their bigotry. That’s how we get crap like racial realism.
Besides, if you really wanted to shut down the dialogue, you could have just hit him over the head with his own religion.
Scroll down in this article to see a nice list of news sources covering the pain caused by sequestration cuts.
Portia, more snowbound (damn lake effect)says
Glodson: Thank you.
My point started out with “We should leverage social pressure so that people who insist on being hateful don’t subject the targets of their hate to the hate. You can’t force people to not be bigots.” So of course, I just think everyone is irredeemable.
This all started with him posting the “Being White in Philly” article with commentary from him that included scarequotes around the word “controversial.” Because he “doesn’t consider it to be controversial.” I explained to him that controversial is not a subjective term…
Whoa. I’m really still ill. Wrote “suchlike” with a space in the middle.
Part 2 of 2:
The paper (link to open-access pdf).
The paper with full-color figures and supplementary quotations from one of the references (HTML). Also comes with a second page that shows some reactions, including French ones, some of which reference a poisson d’avril ( = April Fools joke).
Turns out horses are involved. Peas, suspiciously, have not yet been sighted.
Maybe a documentary team should try something similar with the new Pope?
The Act of Killing
Fuck you, second page. I figured you all out.
Recipe time!
Made this (Flaky buttermilk and chive biscuits) tonight and they are delicious. I don’t think I’ve ever put chives in anything sweet, but it tastes great. Especially with a bit of salty something-that-we-have-here-that-is-not-quite-butter spread on them, while they’re still warm.
“Anthem” is also the title for a good graphic novel with The Midnighter, where whole towns sign away their liberties to a security company (using people with superpowers as enforcers) to get a bogus sence of “security”. The enforcers are called “bellweathers” and wear masks with the American flag, as they patro the towns. If you have allowed your flag to get dirty or ragged…BLAM! goes your head. Same if you do not greet people politely or otherwise fail to live up to an image of fifties America. Scary.
Jenny Quantum has grown up to almost a teenager, her predecessor Jenny Sparks lived and died with the 20th entury, being a manifestation of it, but Quantum as a manifestation of the 21st is just as kick-ass.
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The artificial dog is a Cyberdyne Systems infiltration unit. Bring the plasma rifle.
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The Swedish media are just as obseqious to the popeman as in the other countries. very few questions about his past.
Oh wow. Look what was just posted to the Dinosaur Mailing List.
Dinosaurs/birds are cool.
— — — — — —
Britons reclassified as snails
UK RESIDENTS are to be reclassified as snails, in a government bid to avoid the jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights.
David M., I enjoyed your comment on the numerology thread, (see comment #500 on page 1 of this edition of the [Lounge]). Clear and concise.
From the Week in Geek series, this seems like it might be a nice game/experiment to add to one’s iPad:
Meteors can leave a 200 mile long streak of debris when they hit the rings of Saturn:
A 13-year-old kid in Kenya rigged up an LED light system to save his family’s cattle from lions:
In the numerology thread an off-topic poster has been railing against TED, perhaps TED deserves it, but hey also make some good stuff available, like a video of the LED anti-lion system in Kenya:
I knew it was evil. I just knew it.
Also from Week in Geek: A general relativistic visualization of a supercomputed magneto-hydrodynamic simulation of a disk and jet around a black hole can be viewed in seven versions, all of which were created with Black Hole Flight Simulator. One video explains the software. There are simulations of a black hole with mass, but no charge and no spin; a charged black hole with a wormhole and a white hole connecting to a new universe; a wormhole that is destroyed by the mass inflation instability; and more.
One of the working definitions of a coward is someone who cares too much about himself and not enough about others in danger. And yet, one of the things I teach when I give CPR, AED and first aid classes is that it is essential to protect yourself first — if the scene is dangerous, don’t add yet another victim. I just have a hard time transferring that from first aid to me aid.
No question. One of the first things through my head on the Steubenville thread, when I read that the victim had testified, was that she is much braver than I will ever be and she is a girl (Yes, I know. Bad Ogvorbis! That was sexist stereotyping to toxic masculinity extreme.). I’m a man. I should be strong and brave and outspoken and I still haven’t told anyone in real life or under my own name because I am too weak and to cowardly and too frightened to speak. So, yeah, toxic masculinity. I has it.
How do I put a picture in my post? I’ve never needed to before…
So sorry, Og.
Here’s to psychic chelation. [may it work better than the ‘natural chelation’ my acquaintances keep going on about]
More from Week in Geek: In this video a camera registers the vibrational signature of the sound coming out of a speaker as it affects the nozzle of the hose. The water effects are freakier than my description.
Heh. Looking for Freude, schöner Götterfunken, I found this glorious parody in Classical Viennese (linked to straight from the German Wikipedia page). I wonder, though, if I’m the only one here who can understand it. :-( There are words in there that I’ve never encountered and that are probably extinct.
My theolatrous brother* says the popeman hid several people from the junta.
* Phrase stolen from here.
…but like modern birds, they only produced, shelled and laid one egg per oviduct at a time. Crocodiles, like evidently sauropods and others, do all that en masse.
Heh. Britain’s finest news source!
Yay, 13-year-olds! *clenched-tentacle salute*
I can’t imagine that it’d stay charged for long. It’d lose its charge as Hawking radiation. Like… let’s say it has one negative elementary charge, a virtual positron/electron pair appears next to the event horizon, the positron is attracted by the charge and falls in, the electron finds itself isolated and can’t repay its energy to the vacuum, the now neutral black hole pays it from its mass, the electron becomes real and wanders off.
I’ve always been proud to be a confessing coward.
You don’t. It’s not possible here. It’s usually not possible in blog comments. Upload the pic somewhere and post a link.
Uh, one more thing. My theolatrous brother explained that, by default, communion is granted to anyone who wants it, just short of Satan himself. That’s sufficient to explain why there’s that photo of popeman giving communion to the dictator of Argentina, even assuming heroic courage on the part of popeman. My brother added that there’s a story of some saint refusing communion to the Roman emperor because his troops were committing a massacre somewhere else, and that this quickly stopped the massacre, but he also said that that story was made up.
Hi there
Thanks everybody.
I think that Mr. was really and truely sorry when I confronted him with the emotional silencing. I swear that sometimes he forgets that he’s not at work, where it is indeed part of his job to smooth things over for employees who fucked up a little, focussing on calm discourse and not mistakes-made-in-the-past but things-to-be-done-better-in-the-future.
That’s a wonderful idea when the one hurt is either the multinational company he works for or the person who made the mistake by disregarding safety protocols themselves.
But it’s a horrible strategy in a personal relationship when yes, sometimes the only right thing to say is “sorry, my mistake”.
And he’s really bad at using language. He will say “that was not what I wanted to say, I’m sorry you understood it like that” and then be surprised when I think he’s blaming me….
You like Pratchett the same as I do, I think. Remember when in Thief of Time Lobsang turns back to get Lu Tze and therefore doesn’t make it in time? Susan calls him “a hero” and he’s surprised it sounds like an accusation. Being brave, sacrificing oneself is a noble thing if and when there’s a real chance that it will do good and work. If there isn’t, it’s just stupidity.
Your contributions in such threads are brave, they’re powerful. But they’re not worth it if you go on to suffer for a lot of time afterwards because you got triggered. The aim of those threads is to change things to reduce suffering. And your suffering counts, too!
They look gorgeous. I was looking for something to serve with tomorrow’s soup without going for Polenta again…
No pictures?
Well, here’s this little meme that I’ve been meaning to create for some time, and finally did b/c of Steubenville. It’s about rape culture.
I think your Mr and Husband would have a lot to talk about. “So I should guess what you mean from your thoughts rather than listening to what you say?” “Exactly! Then you’d know I didn’t mean it that way even though that’s what I said!” And all the why-are-you-bringing-up-the-past stuff (because one should ways look forward rather than bring up all that Old Stuff from last week…). Ugh. *hugs*
I’m up to St. Patrick’s day 2010 on SinFest.
3 more years to go!
Sometimes, though, I wonder if going onto these threads, threads I know may trigger me, is a way for me to exorcise my personal demons. Being an advocate, trying to help others, maybe it helps me?
In that case: Do it!
But please don’t do it because you think you have to do it no matter what the personal cost.
Good night, everybody
Oh. My. Ceiling Cat.
Now I’m being told that pedophiles “deserve compassion” because they’re “ill”, and we “can’t lock people up” for having sexy thoughts about children.
Never mind that pedophiles, left to their own devices, WILL offend at the first opportunity.
Never mind that the victims get to serve out a life sentence.
We must be compassionate and coddle the baby-rapers, because they can’t help it!
Fuck. That.
I’m not willing to risk children’s well-being on the chance that a pedophile might decide not to act on his urges… this time. (And what about next time, and the time after that? Just because you haven’t caught him preying on one child doesn’t mean shit — he’s probably preying on other kids, and your kid got lucky.)
Ugh! I listened to the entire Sarah Palin CPAC speech.
(No, I didn’t seek it out, (I’m not that masochistic) it was just on the radio as I drove to work.)
Twenty minutes of the usual Tea Party blather, Birther bile, Obama-bashing. But my favorite part was where she told a sexist/objectifying joke- about herself!
Sarah Palin- Hockey Mom & Chill Girl!
Help! Forgot to make the lime Jello to go the corned beef. The Redhead transferred to her Kninja Knitter chair, but Irish goods are being sold on QVS. Interesting dilemma…
When the humans are away- the animals will play:
Why the whole video this time?
Okay, got WAY diverted from work today, what with Steubenville and my own personal freakout.
So, anyway, after making that little meme thing above, I went back and poked around on the site just now, and got some good advice:
Don’t pray for a bike.
Belated *hugs* for carlie, and anyone else who needed ’em.
iJoe, glad your ‘occasion’ went well. Shame about the dog pee, though.
Blackberry cobbler….
*wiping chin*
Strategic redeployment.
But they will be.
How Beer Gave Us Civilization
Thanks to all who humored me with the “accent thing” discussion. It was extremely enlightening and the first time I’ve been able to talk about it with others who “do it” as well. You all are the best!
Well done. *hugs*
Lynna, OM
If he was hating being on a panel with Rachel Maddow, I would assume it was because she was taking him to school.
1. You listened to the whole thing? Talk about my middle name is glutton for punishment!!
2. That dog video made me giggle, even when I knew exactly what was going to happen. That sort of joy is contageous.
Yeah, I listened to the whole thing. Kinda like watching those dash cam videos. You know it’s going to make you cringe but you just can’t seem to stop once you’ve started.
The “accent thing”: Watching Educating Rita messes me up every time- in a good way. :)
Okay. So… no more discussion of pedophilia for me if it’s going to make me that fucking angry.
WMDKitty: I know I’m probably going to regret this, but… what thread is that discussion happening in??
Okay, the whole CSS is hosed. The page is just a mess in the formatting. I hope it gets better soon.
Beatrice, rq,
I too work at an international physics laboratory equivalent to CERN. As FossilFishy said @ 476 the work these high finance guys do isn’t all that different in some ways. I’ve known a few people who lost their way and wandered away to the financial sector. On the other hand, in general, banking pays much better. I had a headhunter cold call me to recruit me into the finance. I didn’t call him back (because, yeah, physics is cool and because I’m a bit of a coward and don’t much like change in my career work). But I did google around and I estimate I could double or triple my salary making the jump.
Besides, bankers rarely get stuck with a week of night shifts a few times a year. I find those harder to do the older I get. But I have shift obligations if I want my name on the papers.
Just spent time smearing gook on the spawn’s finger and gauzing/taping them up. Apparently some people have a reaction to some viruses by having their fingerprints fall off; 2nd hand it sounded like the pediatrician wasn’t overly concerned. I think this happened once before to him. But the tips of his fingers are an awful sight. And of course he’s sensitive (on the spectrum, or something like it) so the gauze and tape bother him and his mother had to re-do what I had done — because obviously I suck at being that kind of doctor and I have the bedside manner of Doc Martin.
It’s happening over on Friendly Atheist.
All I’m seeing is a bunch of people saying that it’s okay to fantasize about children during sexy-times, and comparing pedophiles to homosexuals.
I did point out that homosexuality involves two consenting adults. Pedophilia, by contrast, is defined entirely by the fact that one partner is a prepubescent child, unable to give consent, and that child will suffer permanent, life-long repercussions.
Way I see it, if you’re messed up enough to think a child is sexy or seductive*, whether you’ve acted on it or not, you ought to be (at the very least) heavily supervised, if not completely segregated from society. (Part of me says, “yeah, segregated with a bullet,” and that is a pretty horrible thing to think.)
I’m completely baffled, though — why am I angry about that particular discussion? I was not, to my knowledge, molested as a child. I have no vested interest in keeping pedophiles away from my children, as I don’t have any children, nor do I want them. Dafuq, Subconscious-Kitty?
This goes with the asterisk in my post @537.
*I’ve heard some of them describe how a toddler or young child “seduced” them. I won’t say anything further than that, because… well… I really don’t want to think about it, myself.
Also, if I just triggered anyone, I apologize.
Maybe, but at least you can explain physic-y stuff.
Could it be that dirty word some people hate—empathy?
I’m not so much a social psych person myself, but there may be something to the way we are raised which has your hackles up. Protecting children and such – the collective group of children, even those not our own. The reason why a school shooting of teenagers upsets us but one of young children unravels us.
TW: pedophilia
As far as that discussion goes, I’m with you 100%. No child can give consent. The power differential between adult and child is prohibitive towards any sort of egalitarian relationship. Pursuit or exclusive desire of sexual relationships with minors requires segregation from minors for their protection. As has been stated many times, on other threads, victims are victims for life, and children should be protected from victimization.
As for being “seduced” by a child… as someone put it earlier… *spits*
Fuck, I rage-vomited. That’s not an unusual euphemism. I literally was so angry that I vomited.
I’m gonna have to have a sit-down with my parents and ask them if anything… untoward… happened to me as a child. There is a significant chunk of my childhood that is a near-complete blank, and it bothers me. I mean, I think I’d know if I was molested or something… but I also know that that’s the exact type of thing I’d go to great lengths to block out. I almost don’t want to know. (Is that weird?)
(Also, am I the only one who spontaneously vomits when overwhelmed?)
Trigger Warning for pedophilia and rape
That is some seriously messed up logic on that thread. But, but… urges! And the difference between pedophiles and people who like to have sex with minors. *gags* Oh yes, the dreaded thoughtcrime – what are you, the gestapo?!
I can vouch for not wanting to know, as someone who lived for three years in denial of my own rape, it is just so much easier to deny and not have to deal with the reality of one’s existance, when it doesn’t mesh with one’s expectations. Three cheers for the internet, where I was able to read words on a page and realize, “That exact thing happened to me and it was not okay,” and embrace the rage I had so long suppressed.
When you are ready, the answers will be there. When you are ready, the questions bubble up from a place inside and almost ask themselves.
But as someone who vomits approximately once a year, usually due to excessive alcohol intake, I can’t speak to the rage-vomit. Stomach like a steel trap. Got plenty of other issues to compensate for that small blessing though.
While actual child molestation is a horrific crime that should be punished to the maximum extent of the law,thinking about something while masturbating involves one consenting adult. Unless you’d also argue for locking up everyone who enjoys “stealing cop cars and running over the cops” in GTA, refusing to distinguish between fantasies, and harmful actions, because EWW EWW EWW, isn’t really defensible. No matter how many “EWW”s you string together, or how justified they are.
*looks around Lounge for ednaz*
I’m heading home now to start my weekend. You can get that pitcher of sangria ready.
(Nope I didn’t forget you generous offer from the other night).
I’ll have the home USB port open in about an hour. :)
Enjoy your weekend bluentx! Color me jealous though…
Good morning, and *roundofhugs* because, although I am back to typing on a computer (somewhat temporarily) my time is limited (work to do, apparently…). So, no real catching up but the afore-mentioned *roundofhugs* for those once again making a stand in the rape threads (seriously, all you survivors are to be admired for your strength and ability to express the truth), for those experiencing relationship/familial/financial/other difficulties, for those simply in need of some comfort or a presence or a kind word.
** hugs may be replaced with various other things, such as shoulder-pats, waves, drinks, scritches, etc., according to preference!
I think this applies to you.
Last night I had a dream I was playing pharmaceutical monopoly (yeah, I know…) and while I don’t remember the details (I remember waking and thinking, This dream is awesome, I have to remember it! and then quickly typing in pharmaceutical monopoly into my phone…), I know that there were levels of players, and the highest player level was Pharmaceutical Science Graduate (I know you’re “-gard“, but hey…). There was a whole lot more that was fun and interesting, but… dreams…
Enjoy your weekend!
No fingertips?? Eek! I hope they heal soon, and I hope the virus passes soon, too!
Also, night shifts in a lab is one thing I don’t envy myself at all. Not anymore, at any rate, although there’s something to be said for the peace and quiet of a near-empty lab…
A real computer!? I was beginning to look forward to your mobile contributions (except there weren’t enough).
Such fun, such anticipation: ‘What unusual Tpyos* will we find this time?”
Jeez, the stupid is strong over on the ‘dog-piling’ thread.
Oh noes! Does that mean I have to slither off to the slymepit?
Herr Weisskopf is getting recognition for beating the Wright brothers!
Gustave Whitehead – Pioneer Aviator
— — — — — — — — — — —
Britons reclassified as snails
“Oh noes! Does that mean I have to slither off to the slymepit?”
No…but the Brit politicians who cut a deal with BAE about the corruption charges and closed the investigation after giving BAE hardly a slap on the wrist… those critters are not vertebrates at all.
If you can find a predator that wants to eat those revolting organisms, I wish you luck.
Somebody has to eat them, we don’t want them poisoning the environment without some kind of processing.
Don’t worry, it’s temporary for now, I just have it for the duration of finishing these two big translations for this week. After that it’ll be mobile again for a while, probably… Computers don’t fix themselves (though they really should). Anyway, this keyboard has some weird setting on it, so you’ll probably find some odd lettering in between the English every now and then (not much of a tpyo, I know, but it’ll have to do for now!). ;)
Good morning.
Expecting 4 to 6 inches of snow to be followed by freezing rain and sleet. Oh, what fun.
Shitty night. Knew it was going to be. Even with some non-narcotic sleeping pills I had some bad nightmares (the 9/11 ones are the good nightmares!).
Not sure if my personal cost really matters to me. Supporting others and bashing trolls is almost a bizarre form of therapy.
About face and advance?
Gang of chimpanzees kills their alpha male (a sad picture of the late Pimu) We are related to “American Psycho” :(
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The guys who wrote this apocryphal scripture were smoking something cool.
“Shape-Shifting Jesus Described in Ancient Egyptian Text”
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That’s a lot of Alien eggs. Lake Michigan must be an interesting place.
Guess who has a child with an eye-infection…
I had just arrived at college (about 18 miles) I got a call from kindergarten. But I still took the 30 minutes to get at least 2 of the 4 important things done. And then I spent the next 3 hours picking her up, taking her to the doc, taking her to lunch, getting the rest of the 7 dozen fucking chores done. But I have a new backpack.
And now for why abortion is a damn good idea.
I also went to the second hand to pick up some denim jackets for the kids. While I was there I couldn’t help listening to the tale of the other customer (seriously, why do people think it’s appropriate to tell their whole family story in a shop?)
Well, she’s going to be a grandma. Totally unwanted and unplanned. Prospective mother is 17, “father” left her. Could she reserve something until Friday? Because no she has not even 10 bucks right now to make a deposit. Did the kid forget to take the pill, the sympathetic sales-assistant asked. Well, no, they hadn’t bothered to get her on the pill, no time. They had no fucking time to visit a Gyn, they don’t have 10 bucks avaible right now but they totally think that this is a situation into which they should bring a child.
Tell me again about all those people who are so concerned for the fetus.
*rape culture warning* *and guns*
This is probably too OT for the rape culture thread, but FFS… this is why the NRA’s full of shit when they talk about protecting rape victims by suggesting they all buy guns.
Main article:
and considering I just linked to information that police officers are 2-4 times as likely as the general population to commit domestic violence in their families, FFFFS. (for fuckin’ fuckbrained fucks sakes!)
If I were a bolt of silk, is there some documentary or book that might detail the route that I would go and the hazards I encounter on my trip from China to Rome? I’m toying around with making a space kind of game, but I’m going to base it on an economic system that I’ve already got largely figured out. I think that I want something along the lines of the Silk Road and I don’t know where I can find that kind of information.
I do not remember the year, but National Geographic did an entire issue (or maybe a cover story?) on the silk road. This one, Silk Road; a new history, is not one I have read but it is supposed to be very good. This one is by Oxford and their histories tend to be very conservative, very well documented, and fairly readable. I haven’t read this one, either, but both are of recent vintage and would, presumably, be fairly up to date. Sorry I can’t give you more but it is a little outside of my corpus of knowledge.
It’s a good start. Thank you. :)
The Oxford histories are excellent for general knowledge and will usually give you clues as to where to go next.
[Sadface] No that’s another thing I suck at: explaining things. This is why my wife is the (adjunct) professor and I won’t even consider attempting to get a university tenure track position. For certain things I’m fine. But other times I fall into a mindset and find myself carving the same ruts rather than truly bringing the other person along. At least when doing it verbally. When written, I find I need an editor as I tend to leave out stuff (important words, etc) that my mind dust reads into place when I look at what I wrote.
Yeah, I used to enjoy that. Not that the control room was particularly quiet (computers, fans, steady “beep-beep” of monitoring equipment and occassional alarms, etc) but at least there weren’t other people bothering me. Alas, a few years back they combined the control rooms for a few different experiments. So no more solitude where I can crank up my choice of tunes and kick back a bit to work with my feet up on the desk.
So, I took a brief (i.e. 4-hour) break from working on the Darkling’s blankeh (current size: 32 inches by 21 inches) to make an
aubergineeggplant.It is ADORBS
I hope that link works. Work has started blocking Photobucket, so I had to pull up the page on my mobile and then manually type it.
Audley: Squuuueeee. :D
Esteleth: Moar squee, that hat is really cute. I’ve been wanting to try something like that (maybe a strawberry?) but haven’t been knitting much lately.
Ogvorbis: Hugs and/or high fives for persevering and/or stepping back from that thread. I haven’t read it, but I hope you are ok after your bad night
I’m not rupt but I can’t make my brain register the things I wanted to talk to people about. So, consider yourself hugged.
need cawfey.
Portia, that pattern is super-simple, and a strawberry would result just by using red yarn rather than purple. It is on Ravelry. It is called “Berry Baby Hat.”
Oh, and Dan Fincke is following me on twitter…
…would it be bad of me to just post “FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKmisogynists” ?
Adorable, indeed!!!
Yeah, cranking the tunes, I think, was the best part of it all… Plus making my own schedule and not needing to co-ordiante any equipment with anyone else (mind you, I’m in a forensics DNA lab), that was a lot of fun, too.
But I find sleep deprivation from
too manya mere three children is hitting me hard in the staying-up-late category. Ah well, life goes…Hello, Portia!
Thanks Esteleth!
Hello to you, too, rq! And thank you…*slurpslurpslurp*
Creepy Dude at work, don’t give me that creepy look. And I caught you looking at my ass today.
I have no idea who you are and whether giving you my fuck off and die look could cause me trouble, but I really really don’t want to see your creepy smile again or know that you are sizing me up when my back is turned (or when it’s not, it’s not like you care). Fuck off.
Good for you.
I would certainly hope that as low-level a response as a deserved dirty look wouldn’t cause any trouble for you.
Fucking creeps.
I hope the fucking creep fucks off, Beatrice.
How to make a bad situation worse: you’re already on trial for hacking and general internet mayhem, so what do you do? Convert to mormonism.
Gawker link.
Lynna, a question for you if you’re still around: Do mormons believe in health insurance? The health insurance rates in Utah are lower than I’d expect compared to average income and was wondering if religion could explain the discrepancy…
I catch him ogling me again and I probably won’t be able to hide my disgust anyway.
There are people who can give you an interested or assessing look, but there is just that kind of look/staring/ogling that makes you want to take a shower. With bleach.
Izzard tomorrow (for you)! Yay!
I feel like I’m going twice :)
Keeping my fellow Pharyngulites up to date on the goings on at CPAC …
“Don’t tell me Republicans are the party of millionaires and billionaires… The GOP is not beholden to any special interests.” — Mitch McConnell
McConnell’s itinerary is courtesy of Mother Jones.
I think McConnell is in full fund-raising and campaigning mode because he is afraid of Ashley Judd.
Continuing the annoying CPAC coverage, here are some excerpts from Sarah Palin’s speech:
“Mr. President, we admit it: You won! Now accept it and step away from the teleprompter and do your job.” [translation: Obama is both too lazy and too stupid to write his own speeches. He also wastes time speaking to the American people when he should be talking to House Republicans.]
“More background checks? Dandy idea, Mr. President. Shoulda started with yours.” [translation: birth certificate, friends who are former members of the Weather Underground, sneaking into Harvard, Muslim!, etc. dog whistles.]
“[Obama] is considered a good politician—which is like saying Bernie Madoff was a good salesman.” [no translation needed]
“We’re not here to put a fresh coat of rhetorical paint on our party.” [translation: I’m too stupid to change, and you should be just like me.]
Yeck. I know that feeling.
On a separate note: Raise your hand if you have a ticket to see Rachel Maddow give a lecture. *flails wildlly*
Always amazes me that conservatives do not consider big business, the wealthy, energy companies, banks, brokerage firms, and defense contractors to be special interests.
Yep, same here! Maybe we should have bought two tickets, just for the empty seat. ;) (Couldn’t really afford it, though, too bad we’re not filthy rich!)
I don’t think you should hide your disgust. Blech. I’m never capable of even trying, if it’s bad enough, and I make an effort not to care that I can’t hide it. Politeness and all that be damned.
[whiny] Yeah, but Eddie Izzard is tomorrow (or Sunday, if you ask Beatrice). [/whiny]
Diane @575:
Do you think that Mitt Romney was/is a big supporter of health insurance? He more or less hides from the success of the Massachusetts health care plan. He continues to rail about repealing Obamacare. He is a mormon who has only helped other mormons when it comes to health issues (see the examples he provided during the Republican Convention).
Like most mormons, he thinks you signed up in the preexistence for whatever difficulties you face in this life. This attitude does not translate well to good healthcare.
Examples of the effects of the mormon belief in the preexistence:
1. Blacks are dark-skinned because they were “fence sitters” or followers of The Adversary in their pre-earth lives.
2. If you get raped, it is because you signed up for just such a “test” of your faith in the pre-existence, knowing, I guess, that you would need to be sorely tested before becoming “worthy” of the Celestial Kingdom.
3. If you get sick it could be because you signed up for such a “test” in the pre-existence, or you have not been praying enough, or you have not been reading the Book of Mormon enough, or you have been drinking coffee (or otherwise not following the mormon Word of Wisdom guidelines), etc.
Mormons are two-faced about most healthcare issues. There are a plethora of good doctors and medical education institutions in Utah. It’s like they’re always being pulled in two directions, one toward excellent healthcare and compassion, and one toward blaming the victim.
Some of the progress in Utah stems from non-mormons, or from mormons who are acting outside of their church callings, or from mormons who are making big money in the health and health-woo industries. It’s a mixed bag.
I also think mormons have a vested interest in protecting the health of mothers while they have as many mormon babies as possible.
Yeah, their own hypocrisy escapes their notice. Or, more tellingly, they consider your list of special interests to simply be The Good Guys.
Sarah Palin got all practical and machiavellian about it in her speech:
“If you don’t have a lobbyist in DC, you are not at the table, you are on the menu.”
Awwwww poor rq, it’ll be here before you know it! I’m pretty jealous of you two. I adore Eddie Izzard. I hope it’s a great time : )
If I were filthy rich, I’d send my private jet for you on Sunday. ;)
Rachel Maddow giving a lecture… Cool. Have fun!
I love the word “Machiavellian.” It just makes me smile for some reason. And that quote makes me laugh as well. Aren’t they the first to rail on about “speshul intrests?”
Thanks! It’s part of her book tour, and it’s only two hours drive from me :D I was pleasantly surprised that the ticket total is $20, $15 of which gets you an autographed copy of her book. Sweet! Made me glad I had procrastinated buying her book.
OK – I can’t find the original thread in which PZ declared he was done with HBO’s ‘Game of Thrones’. Probably from a couple years back. In that thread many readers shared their preference for fantasy series and one that kept coming up was the Malazan series. After a year or so I actually started into the series and I can’t say enough about it. It is absolutely refreshing and complex – you are dumped into the middle of this world with it’s myriads of gods and ascendants, soldiers and leaders, magic and lore. Even dragons. But with NONE of the tired cliches that permeate most other series in the genre. Women are strong, intelligent, and capable, the stories are multi-faceted. It’s such a delight. I just wanted to thank those who opened up this amazing, brilliant world to me. I am halfway through book 7 but restarted the series again because I am dreading it’s eventual end, and with all the details and twists and turns I really needed a refresher.
Mine would be picking you up tomorrow. ;) (I know, I know, weekdays and all that… :P) With champagne. The expensive kind.
That is an amazing deal. When is it? I hope it’s awesome!
Funny anecdote I wanted to share here that happened last night:
Cousin’s Dudebro friend: “Yeah, [Cousin’s boss] is horrible; I don’t even consider her a human being. This girl is the manager, and–”
Me: “They let a child manage the whole place?!”
Dudebro, sheepish: “‘Woman’, sorry.”
Guy’s such a toolbag.
It’s April 13. I’m soooooo stoked for it. The theatre apparently holds 1000 and the guy at the affiliated bookstore said they’ve sold 700 of the tickets.
(As a sidenote, you will be proud of me: I have thus far resisted inviting S to go along with me. I am done setting myself up like Charlie Brown with a football).
Stay strong! I am proud. Stick with it! *hugs*
Say, is anyone else having trouble with their FtB thread subscriptions? I’m not getting the notifications I should.
Hugs back! you make me smile, thank you.
I’m procrastinating on some work. How’s your day going?
Hey hey hey!
Hey Joe! What’s shakin’?
Hey Portia, nothing much here. I see you’re going to get a signed book! :)
I wish I could convince myself to leave the house more. I always enjoy it when I manage to go out, I just have a hard time motivating myself.
Also, a definite “hey hey hey” to rq and Beatrice before either of you go to bed. :)
Do you really want to know? Not much to tell…
Mondays are long days now, but at least since everyone’s healthy, I’m not getting incredibly frustratedd from sitting inside all the time. We took a walk to the train station (luckily there was some electric wire repair going on along the tracks, so things to see!!) and I think I packed Youngest a little too tightly because it’s supposed to be getting warmer but today was actually colder than yesterday. Oops! Still, everyone seems to have survived. Also, in the Good Things stack, the translations are progressing but I procrastinate and waste time waaay too much.
Hello, Joe!
Improbable Joe
Ha, I’m going to be here for another couple of hours. As long as the kids fall asleep fast, my work hours are just beginning. ;)
Hey Joe!
I feel you. Getting out of the house to do things is a conscious effort for me a lot of the time.
I only ask when I want to know :)
Glad you got out with the kiddies. Sorry things are a bit rutty.
I am SO with you on the procrastinating. I’ve been sitting at my computer for four hours and only just got one little bit of work done. And it’s work that could be really lucrative if I just get on it. What’s up with the procrastination pattern?
Yeah, I’m not getting it properly either. It’s been a couple of days of this.
I’m going to cook some soup and drink some beer. Not necessarily in that order, so good luck with the soup… right? *grins*
I don’y have celery. I DO have celery seed. Close enough. Carrots, onion. Potato or orzo? I’ve got some instant green chile stew mix… no, that’s just going too far/not far enough.
Prior to having lost Internet at home, my subscriptions were screwed up for months. I still get random updates from several other FtB bloggers whom I never subscribed to (or followed specific posts), but no updates to the Lounge in specific or Pharyngula in general.
I cannot believe FOX news released the name of the rape victim in the Steubenville case! Douchebags.
It’s just that there are so many interesting things to read… And I know I’m behind, because Nasty Pea-ridden Computerses, but… But…!!!
I sort of made chilli con carne for tomorrow. Except that there is no chilli in it. Mum would spontaneously combust if she ate something that hot.
I don’t know what you call chilli con carne without chilli.
Yeah I’m shamefully behind myself.
I’ve started to learn to live with it. : P
There’s so much I have to read.
So many things that would make me better at my job, I feel guilty when I read one, because I haven’t read five.
And weirdly guilty for not keeping up on the main page here.
“Carne con carne”?
OMG how do you people keep up with this thread? It doesn’t ever move when I’m refreshing it, and then I go do something else and it leaps forward by miles!!!
Beef stew?
Obviously, I can’t speak for others, but I have no life.
Mayonnaise Jane,
I think Ogvorbis can speak for me on this one. “I have no life” pretty much covers it.
Who cares about names anyway. It’s delicious and I’m going to eat it with rice tomorrow.
Thirding “I have no life”.
When I leave for an evening out you all hear about it. :)
We’re sneaky like that }:) Seriously, though, I often play catch-up when I have a spare hour or two. : p
That’s the spirit! Sounds yummy.
Mayonnaise Jane
Yeah, what Ogvorbis said…
Actually, I’ve learned to cope with the speed (and time zones and stuff). The best part about this place is that sometimes, people will respond to comments written nearly hundreds of comments earlier, because they’re only just catching up… I swear, some of the conversations here are glacial. It takes time to sort out all the noise and what refers to you and where you want to get involved, but even all the entr’actes are interesting and often educational.
As it is, we are all entr’actes to someone’s conversation.
And yeah, this reply is so long because…. procrastination!!!
(PS I’m in a European time zone, and during the day, when I can sit here and mosey about, very few people are around, and right when all conversation heats up, I have to go and make dinner/put children to sleep/speak with Husband/do work/etc. etc. and I miss a lot of good stuff…)
I feel permanently behind.
I feel guilty that I’m not doing much to get back into the education circuit.
I feel guilty that I could finish these translations in about half the time, but I’m too lazy to make the effort.
I feel guilty that I spend too much time online, even though I can’t exactly say that anyone’s suffering at the moment (I mean, I could always sit around blankly waiting for someone to make me useful, but…).
I feel guilty for trying to work because that means Husband has to deal with the kids, even though I know he can and doesn’t really mind and we both know we need the extra work…
Oy, this list is getting too long, too.
About ten years ago, I told Wife I was going to make chili. But I was more in the mood for something sweeter so I said that I would use paprika rather than the Mexican chilies and maybe add some potatoes and carrots and celery. She looked at me and said, “So you’re making Hungarian Goulash, not chili?”
Er, yeah.
Fourthing the “no life”.
Also, LykeX, I’m still trying to put my finger on what it was that you said, exactly, but your #57 on the Do You Deny thread put a whole lot of rape culture into perspective for me. Really horrifying, terrible perspective.
I think I’m supposed to say thanks, but I’m reeling a bit. Definitely a *click* moment.
Self-punishment is quite the cycle, isn’t it?
Sometimes, I’ll tell my mom I feel guilty for neglecting this or that, usually spending time with a friend or relative. She’ll say “Did anyone say anything that made you feel that way?” and I’ll realize that no one is really upset with me besides me. It doesn’t solve the problem, but it helps.
I can never name things I cook properly. I rarely follow recipes without changing anything, so recipe for chili turns into something more like stew. Or goulash. Or it ends up in a pie.
Gah. I’ll resign myself to never becoming a proper food elitist.
Seconding rq’s 617. Went and read that comment and it shifted several pieces of the sociological puzzle into place for me.
I do not even pretend to keep up. I used to, by speed reading. But now work, post-stroke disability, and other obligations get in the way.
I have convinced myself that I should be happy with a little dip in the pool once in awhile. Whatever I miss, I miss. Whatever I catch, I enjoy.
Oooh boy… Youngest has learned to throw a (mild, so far) tantrum when Husband or I tell him he should not do something (e.g. put the remote control down and come play with colourful blocks instead). As in, leaning onto the couch and crying loudly. He didn’t do this yesterday… And I know from which brother he learned that trick. ;)
*anklehugs* for Pteryxx, if you’re reading
This is a general announcement that I will be meandering eastwards across NY and MA along I-90 on Friday the 29th and making the return trip Sunday the 31st. People who are either along this corridor or in the Pioneer Valley are invited to let me know, for the sake of Shenanigans.™
Well, thanks guys. Although, I’m not sure “Really horrifying, terrible perspective” is really a compliment :)
Also, thanks for the feedback on the subscription issue. I hope it sorts itself out. I rely on those subscription to keep track of everything.
Gotta learn it sometime, right? ;)
moar hugs for Pteryxx and Caine, if they’re around. Jebus.
Yeah, piling on with the *safehugs* for Pteryxx and Caine, because Wow. Just wow.
Well, as I said, something about what you said just left me reeling, and while ‘thank you’ and bouquets of flowers might not be the way to go here, I really appreciate you putting a few pieces in place for me. Probably things rolling around in the background, but you nailed them down for me, and made (by connection) several other things make sense.
Esteleth, I wish I could join in some shenanigans! Hope you find some! : D
Adding to the pile of *safe hugs* to Pteryxx and Caine.
You are both so valuable and so needed and so necessary.
Please take care. ♥
I want shenanigans, but I’d be willing to settle for hijinks.
Seconding Lynna, OM @621
Portia @ 618
Many many *hugs* for You when you feel this way.
rq @ 614
You are an amazing person doing the most exhausting job there is. I don’t know how you do it. I could never do all the things you do (or anywhere near as well). Raising children is oh so important and oh so thankless.
Please do not think you are wasting time when you’re here. You are not. You are bringing joy and interest into our lives and we are thankful for it. ♥
And I laughed out loud when you spoke of (possibly) bundling up the Little One a little too tight. : D
ednaz, thanks. You are too sweet.
I second your 632 about rq. Wouldn’t be the same here without her. :D
bluentx @ 545
I am sending you a pitcher of Brazilian Sangria through the USB right now. : ) (Sorry I wasn’t around when you got off work.)
I will also send one tonight (tomorrow morning?) to make up for missing you earlier (previously?) (I’m so confused right now.) : D
I’ll take ‘Hijinks With IJoe’ for $200, Alex!
*sending a big hug your way, Joe* : )
Also, yes, the self-punishment is self-propelling. What gets to me, even though nobody really knows how fast I work or how much more I do, is the deadlines. I know how fast I work, and I have (rarely) missed a deadline (those times that I did – because I actually forgot I had a page to send in, which I promptly completed within the hour). But I hate the looming feeling, and I’m always terrified that this time I’ve bitten off more than I can handle, and while nobody else is upset with me right now, they may very well be in the future!!
That being said, thank you for your 633, and ednaz for your 632! You both have made me smile and feel a wee bit warm inside. Also, ednaz, I love reading your posts and I wish there were more of them, and I wish I could converse with you more, but… Time Zones (must be in league with the Evil Pea-Loard Xirself).
Giliell @ 555 –
Hope your Little One feels better soon. And Congratulations on getting all your errands done.
I understand the ‘7 dozen fucking chores’ all too well. : p
THIS. 1000 times.
Every. Single. Word.
HI there
So, now #1 is really sick. Probably more than just an eye-infection, but totally not forseeable this morning.
But the little one gets full marks for trying to outsmart me. She’s a bit “Whatever you cook is disgusting, I won’t eat it, make me my favourite meal RIGHT NOW” at the moment. But no, doesn’t fly around here. You can eat what I cook or you can go hungry.
So, when it didn’t work out she was “but my sister is sick. She wants to eat starfish soup and sick kids get a special meal!”
Nice try, only that her sister had been asleep for an hour already….
Safe hugs
Caine, Pteryxx
So, as I needed the placement from three different departments in college I will now be alternately a 4th, 6th and 8th semester student…
Portia @ 633 – Yes! And may we never have to find out. : )
Starfish soup? I may want some, as well! If I throw a tantrum, will I get it?
Hey ednaz! *hugs back* Hijinks it is! Reminds me of this one time in the Marine Corps… *grins*
Giliell, good luck with your little shit-machines.
Sorry. I did not mean to be elitist. Intent is not magic, but I really didn’t intend to imply that you had done something wrong.
Best wishes for little ones recovery.
Additional hugs for Caine and Pteryxx. Monomaniacal obsessives are never a good thing.
Ogvorbis @510
It always seems the more bravery you show, especially when you’re on your own (such as inwardly battling one’s own demons), the easier it is to berate yourself and attack yourself for not being even braver. You have shown on these various threads for the last while that you are an incredibly brave individual.
Sometimes the bravest actions are simply small actions of fighting and standing against a part of one’s self that means to do one great harm. That’s of course not to say that moments where you feel weak are non-bravery. We all need to collapse and recharge sometimes and that’s part of the internal battle. It doesn’t make you weak or less brave.
Giant hug!
Good point over there at 278, rq. Well said.
Hi, Cerberus!
Thank you, Portia. *bows*
I’ve been thinking about venturing outside of this place a little from time to time, and I just couldn’t bear to see someone being so Evil against Caine and Pteryxx.
Besides, I may not be a lawyer, but I handle evidence on a daily basis (at least, I do so when not on maternity leave), and, really, it’s… well, evidence can cut both ways, needs to be presented right, and all laws are horribly fallible and are easily twisted no matter the evidence standing before them. In my (limited) experience.
(From my personal archive – seeing a multiply offending pedophile once again on trial for murder (they couldn’t get the rape charge) of a young (13.y.o.) girl get another fucking slap on the wrist and no publicity about his past… Going to search his car, the leading inspector was cursing roundly in the car on the way there, about how this guy has been a convicted child rapist and I think killer, too, though my memory is a bit shady, and how he is out again doing the same thing even though there is evidence against him and (supposedly) laws against the things that he does… Don’t know why, but that whole conversation is bringing all of that to mind. Should get back to the EU stuff. :P)
On a lighter note, this comment “only” needs a
So I’m making chicken soup tonight, with chicken stock made from the carcass of the chicken I cooked for company Saturday night. I hadn’t looked at it beyond straining it and refrigerating it. The congealed fat on top of the stock is green, like olive drab. I’m not sure if I boiled chicken bones or vintage G.I. Joe action figures, it is so infused with celery and sage and rosemary and thyme. So of course I’m caramelizing onions in the chicken fat, with some salt and pepper and garlic, and occasionally deglazing the pan with a splash of white wine. Holy crap this is going to taste amazeballs. The stock is so rich I might have to dilute it with a little water.
K, for some healthy cheer (well, a little bit), and I think I’m done for the night.
Those of you carrying on into the fray, my thoughts and best wishes go with you.
*moarsafehugs* for Caine and Pteryxx, and for anyone else who wishes – may be replaced with assorted other items, such as scritches, pats, drinks, cookies, and, just for tonight, pancakes.
Ok, I am closing the computer to go hang out with my mom since I’m leaving tomorrow.
Tah, everyone, and have fun with the assclam.
I keep wanting to call shenanigans, but I’ve lost the number. *badum-tssshh*
Nice one!
I know they’re not the prettiest ones around, but I’ve been salivating over these forever. One of these years I’ll have enough to buy a pair.
No, this is apropos of nothing. Just trying to find topics that distract me from the Matt black hole.
carlie, I’ll talk shoes with you if you like. I believe in the power of a good shoe, and I don’t care what they look like. :)
My wife wears Alegria shoes, which I guess can be a little clunky but are so so so comfy that it is worth it.
NC Church stops performing straight marriage until gay marriage legal
My home town too.
Rev. BigDumbChimp,
I went to school not far from there. NC is oddly Bible-belt and also containing some incredibly progressive people. Not progressive because of political alliance, but because they’re too decent to act otherwise. The sort of folks who still register Republican and yet in local politics stand against that party on every issue.
I think they are very nice looking, and boy oh boy, do they look comfortable. I’m a 6 wide, and it’s damn near impossible to find shoes that fit properly.
Some of the most progressive people I know are from NC.
Rev. BDC:
*fist bump* I was born there. Moved away when I was very young, though.
I don’t know what a “6 wide”, but I know what an 11-4E looks like… a small canoe. :) Sneakers cost me $140. Leather dress shoes? I’ve never owned a pair that fit correctly and didn’t look like an orthopedic shoe.
IJoe, yeah, it’s remarkably annoying that most major shoe makers act as though everyone has uniform feet that only vary in length. I generally have to pay a fortune just for a pair of shoes that actually fit, and that has nothing to do with the style – finding shoes that fit and are the style I like or particularly want? That kind of money I don’t have.
Refresh my memory. Has Matt Penfold always been a wishy washy, dishonest douchenozzle?
Haven’t been able to catch up thoroughly on the ‘Do You Deny’ thread (do I want to?) but gak!
Not near sufficient I know. but *hugs* offered if they help.
And *hugs*, *thumbs up* and all other ineffectual affirmations to all involved in the trenches fighting back against the ‘non-exsistant rape culture’ asshats. Being an inarticulate oaf (and usually late to the party) I don’t often jump in with a comment but I am readling and thanking all those who do fight back.
And speaking of oafishness–Sorry,Caine, if I’m dragging negativity into the safe space of The Lounge.
Not to feel too sad for myself in the face of greater pain… but the only shoe I really like? It is called “The Beast”… fucking lovely, I’m a designated fucking monster because I’m fat and my feet are big.
bluentx @664:
You have the right idea here. While we can indeed discuss anything here, it is best to leave such frustrations out of The Lounge (talking negatively about another commenter-however warranted it may be-crosses a line, IMHO). In the interest of keeping things kind, I’d suggest any further comments be made in the Thunderdome.
(please note this is not me disagreeing with your assessment).
Trying for catch-up but really just tossing *hugs*
I’m 8 and a half plus.
Width increases with the bunions.
I missed some stuff in other Threads.
Got it Tony. Just saw (in Thunderdome) what else happened.
Again, Caine: My Apologies!
It’s totally “grad” ;)
Now I’m intrigued by the concept of Pharmaceutical Monopoly in the non-Rockefeller sense of the term… what does the game entail? Do you buy companies instead of properties? Or products perhaps? Do people pay you royalties when they land on your square? Or license fees? Or is it more of a WOW type game with guilds and such, not so much strictly like Monopoly the game? [/nerd]
You have a ticket to see RM in person?! *so jealous*
Blue, no worries. I’m very sedated right now and okay. It seems Matt has a history of calling people liars whenever there’s some sort of miscommunication or misunderstanding. I can’t say I noticed it before, but we’re often in different threads, so I haven’t read as much of him as other people have.
*hugs* to all from the thread that shall not be named
extra safe *hugs* to Caine & Pteryxx
This thread is appropriate… I just picked up my Zappos order from the management office.
One of them is a definite no… One of them is a maybe. I’m going to try them on again tomorrow and walk around in them a bit.
They are both size 8 W. One of them is too big but might fit in a 7.5. The other seems to fit fine.
This is typical. I’m a 7.5 or 8 W, depending on shoe. Nothing ever fits right, either. Stupid bunion.
And they are flats, of course. Fuck heels.
I give up trying to figure where this would be on-topic. Adam Lee (of Daylight Atheism) has just written a call-to-arms for Surly Amy’s Speaking Out Against Hate series.
Fine, then.
Everything on the netbook is either whirly-of-death or “Whatever is not responding”
I cut your power!
I turn you off!
Good night, all.
Sleep well.
Thanks, PSG.
Pteryxx, I’ve been spreading that message myself. It needs to be everywhere.
Gracie is sprawled across the bed.
*eyeballs the couch*
bluentx If you’re around, I’m sending a pitcher right now. : D
Just popped in to say hi & offer hugs to Caine & Pteryxx
MP continues assholish behaviour on that thread, so I advise staying out. But do be reassured – lots of people are calling him out, and others are ostentatiously ignoring him and changing it into a discussion of pancakes, and no-one is defending him.
Here, have some virtual blueberry pancakes. Ichthyic made them and they are good.
I <3 you guys…
No time to read all three threads now (Loung, Thunderdome and DO you deny….), so I’ll just drop lots of *hugs* and *chocolate* and *warm blankets* for everyone.
I’ll read up as much as I manage, but I’m hoping things got better through the night.
[crossposted from the Thunderdome – damned time zones and my need to sleep]
*headbonks, purrs, and “biscuits”[1] for Caine and all the other decent people in That Thread*
You guys fucking rock.
[1] You know, that kneading thing that cats do.
No! I didn’t read you as elitist, it was just a general joke about how I’ll never learn all the dish names. No apology needed, really, I was just doing that self-depreciating joke thing, with an extra dig at food elitists. Damn, I’m not even sure what makes one a food elitist.
[note to self : take care with bad jokes]
Impending Unemployment Update-
I’m kinda emotionally falling apart. Management responded to my plea for them not to take it out on the kids with “ooh, you say that’s your weak spot for massive damage? Excellent!” Shoe dropped this Friday with my Big Boss telling the entire Labs Department that everyone (cute, real cute response to my noting that rules have not been consistently applied and still aren’t consistently applied considering other lab instructors have been showing me things I was banned from doing already as new things they were doing without official comment) now had to refrain from teaching in [exactly my style and parts of my style that few other teachers engage in and which were previously praised before I was dumb enough to ask to wear skirts and be visibly out]. All the parts of my style so I’m starting from scratch and every time I have to teach subpar to the kids and make rookie mistakes that I’ve long since found a good solution for because “it’s the policy” it hurts my very soul.
As I was fucked up from that complete sniping, the HR director makes an unprecedented visit to see me immediately after to let me know that “she checked into it, and she can totally confirm that what I thought was happening totally isn’t”. It’s just that there was an odd timing with my skirt wearing and the departure of my awesome boss and that this was just a rule change in the wake of that. But that I shouldn’t worry, if I got written up for teaching in the style that had been praised on every level including by the new CEO, it would be stricken from my record (you know, because they are so nice like that). I wasn’t much in the mood for the bullshit game so I basically asked that “if I decide to believe this and act accordingly, will I be dealing with another sudden style shift the second I do that” (like has been happening with the burns so far (they haven’t been able to go more than a week without dropping a shoe so far)) and I asked to send me her assurance in writing (though it probably won’t be that as she played dumb when I asked for that).
Having to suck and start completely from scratch when I know better hurts me bad and I’m pretty sure they know it.
That’s pretty bad. What’s worse though is that I’m just completely falling apart emotionally. Standing up and doing the right thing spent a lot of bravery and I’m feeling pretty low on it. Which is bad because my partner who’s had a lot of issues with stress has never been able to handle me not being a strong dryad for her very well and has turned on me a bit. Seeing me in pain hurts her too much and she’s been getting some nasty anxiety attacks and getting stuck in an ACOA cycle and so has straight up let me know I can’t be showing how hurt and angry and in pain I am when I’m in home.
Unfortunately, given that she’s been in a bad state, she said it in a way that’s got me scared to show pain to anyone because she told me that being visibly in pain is strongly hurting anyone who sees it and so I’m now paranoid about letting anyone see me hurting or reaching out for support because I tend to be the personality type that never wants to hurt others if they can at all avoid it.
Even now, I’ve been writing and rewriting paragraphs of this entry because I’m worried I’m hurting people on here even though I know that’s stupid bullshit. I’ve even been having difficulty letting myself express these emotions when I’m all by myself because I’m trying so hard to bottle it up in all the other parts of my life. And I’m sorry if that… I’ve been saying “I’m sorry” a lot and it’s mostly just to the world in general.
And I’m sorry if that sounds super emo, I’m working on it. Oh yeah, and I’ve still been having pretty consistent rape flashbacks for the last several months so in my current state, I get moments where I’m twitching like Glory-era Tara and feeling incredibly guilty for not pulling it together.
Ironically enough, I really can’t afford to collapse even a little bit. I have already been delaying therapy on transgender issues because I can’t afford it, so I really can’t afford therapy and psychiatric medicine especially now that they’ve been slashing my hours (yeah, I’m often working 2 days a week while other members of the group are worried they might spill over into overtime, but there’s no “make you so miserable you quit” bullshit games going on) and I really need to be solid and steady on applying for new jobs and finalizing all the paperwork so I can start applying to all the local community colleges to teach there (hopefully).
I’m sorry for the massive dump and if anyone is super bummed out by this, I strongly apologize. And I think I’m going to quit here while I still have some dignity and reputation left to salvage.
Fucking oppression, man. Fucking oppression.
*hugs* The Lounge is a place where everyone can share their pain, no worries there. My entire sympathies, and I wish I could do something more tangible.
oh Cerberus, I’m sorry. It’s like they’re being the absolute biggest shits in every possible way.
Hello again everybody.
@Cerberus: That sucks. Hugs and more hugs, and then some to everyone else too.
Trying to not be callous following on from Cerberus’ post, but just wanted to say I’ve missed a couple of months here due to overwork, where I’ve been challenged and gained lots of amazing experience. Nothing quite like a series of floods to improve civil engineering skills, and get me into the terrible habit of working 60 hour weeks at something I enjoy.
My haphazard reading has caught the ongoing Shermer debacle, the UCL debacle, International Women’s day posts, Crommunist’s intersectionality posts, Serkeesian’s first video. Any other particularly excellent blog posts I might have missed since mid-January?
Oh, cerberus. You can dump whatever needs dumping whenever you need to. Someone will come along and throw you some cushions and a rug (or a tent) over anything that’s a bit ugly.
And you can sip hot chocolate or anything else you fancy while you admire the mysterious exterior of the attractive new construction (alright, covered up heap, but we can all dream – including you).
Try to take the best care of yourself that you can. We’ll be here when you need us.
*hugs* to Cerberus
I think you’ll be disappointed in starfidh soup. It’s basically just chicken stock, a diced carrot and some star-shaped soup pasta.
Good news is that the kid feels much better today
Anybody else watching the papal inauguration?
Came in to whinge about work, but yeah… forget it. I’m sorry, Cerberus, that your bosses are assholes. I’m sorry about everything you are going through.
*safe hugs*
Cerberus, please feel free to fall apart here anytime you need to. Nobody should have to be strong everywhere.
*hugs* if you want them, *pancakes* if you'd prefer (of choice).
A laudable mission.
I always though that the purpose of the first pancake was that you had something to nibble on while you’re making the rest of them…
Fixed that for you. ;)
I’m much bigger than the kids and I make the fucking things.
I get the first.
Although it’s been ages since I made ordinary pancakes or German Pfannkuchen. But I frequently make German pancakes since they’re so esy to make…
I also have a big fat case of teh dumb I canno rite .
I’m starting most sentences like 3 or 4 times but there are just so many varieties of “agrees with” or “is different from” that you can use and by page 20 it’s getting repettitive no matter what….
OK, I can’t find the photocopied text anymore and I just got up from the computer (in the kitchen because sick kid has the living room) to go to the computer (usual place: living room) to get to you folks to complain about it.
I’m going to take a break and a shower….
Hey Beatrice, are you ready to go tonight? ;)
I’m getting excited.
Also, found out that Eddie Izzard made the effort to speak Latvian, which is a gesture I always find rather touching from visiting foreign celebrities.
(His pronunciation is shit, by the way, but that’s ok!)
Someone actually called right now with “hello, (little) girl*”. Yeah, I’m going to go look at your printer when hell freezes over.
Well, no, actually, I’ll go right away if there are problems, but fuuuuuck. My life was better when I could avoid most of humanity.
I hate my voice.
*the word for girl here can also be a word for little girl, so I don’t know how insulting he was meaning to be
I’m having a day from hell, so I could really use some fun this evening. I’ll enjoy Izzard by proxy :)
I’ll connect you psychically. ;) I hope your day gets better (even if marginally)!! *hugs*
Christopher Dorner, the former Los Angeles cop who killed three people in January, used these silencers NRA want them to be more easily available.
— — — — — — — — — — —
Lie by Lie: A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq
— — — — — — — — — — —
Charts: Bush Lowballed Us on Iraq by $6 Trillion
More hugs for Caine and Pteryxx. Left you some in the Thunderdome, but I don’t frequent there so I won’t be back in up over there.
Portia, what on EARTH is a SPARE HOUR? You have spare hours? Can I borrow some hours? I don’t have enough. I’m a Sysadmin. Srsly, I have a spare 5 minutes here or there, and then the badge system goes down over the whole building and no one can get anywhere and the people are screaming that they’re going to be marked down as late back to their shifts and…
You’ll excuse me because that did actually just happen…
Mayonnaise Jane
You sound very popular. ;)
Wooo-hoo, I think I mostly finished my paper. One text is still missing, though, but it can stay where the sun doesn’t shine.
*hugs and chocolate to beatrice*
I don’t really know much of your background, but I read a bit out of your post and it sounds pretty shitty. I hope you can somehow work it out or at least keep your head above water. Don’t feel bad about unloading, everybody needs to sometime.
*Hugs, boggling rats and pancakes*
I watched the BBC/Science Channel co-production last night, “The Challenger“, starring William Hurt as Richard Feynman, in the investigation of the Challenger disaster. A great drama documentary, which I recommend to anyone who can watch it on the BBC iPlayer. If not, catch it when the Science Channel shows it.
And it had a shout-out for his atheism – whether or not he actually said this, he was given a line of, roughly, “look, I’m an atheist, so I don’t think those astronauts are ‘touching the face of God’, but I do want to know what happened to them”.
Good morning.
Happy Wednesday.
Really shitty night.
I dreamt about scouts again. Remembered a night in which we put on skits — some of us in girl’s clothing. And it got much worse. I also remember, that night (and maybe other times?) a super-8 movie camera being used to record the activities. I think the ‘do you deny’ thread set me off more than I thought it did. We’ll see.
/Trigger Warning Ends
Hugs to all who suffered because of one.
Where do you want your space? Near the end: “suchlik e”?
Closer to the start: “Suc hlike”?
More than one: “S u chl ike “?
Decisions, decisions, …
(And get better soon.)
Hello people :)
First a bit of back story: My father is a Mason, currently serving as Master of his Lodge. The annual Ladies’ Night is coming up (don’t get me started), where all the members bring their wives and there’s a big dinner. The Master gets to bring his kids too, and he wants me to do the Grace. I’m more than happy to do so but obviously don’t want a Goddy one; so I’ve written one. I’d appreciate people’s thoughts/constructive criticism.
As we are seated let us think of those who
May perish this night through a privation of food
Or for lack of medicine or want of clean water
Of those whose end comes in ignominious slaughter
And with them in mind let’s give thanks most sincere
To all those responsible for putting this food here
To the Farmers and Growers, to the Butchers and Bakers
To the Waiters and Waitresses, the Cooks and the Caterers
For bringing this food from the field to the table
And pledge to enjoy it, as well as we’re able
I’ll not labour the point, I’m sure you’d like to begin
So for now, I’ll take a bow and say you all: Tuck in.
Youbr ing upsomev eryi nterest ingphilos ophica lques tions.
Getting caught up in older threads I missed. Not going to rehash them, or anything.
Hugs for anyone that needs it.
Just to be happy, a cute kid story. This weekend, I was folding clothes and my little girl decided to help me. I showed her how to fold the socks. She didn’t quite get it, and did the fold to each individual sock. I let that go. Then she started to tell me that her grandma taught her the very thing I just showed her. And apparently her grandma taught her about Rock Lee which is a very famous thing according to my daughter.
Later, the little one was inadvertently honest. I was washing dishes, and I couldn’t see her. So I called out and asked what she was doing. “Anything!” was the reply back. Pretty sure she meant nothing, but it was an entirely accurate account of her actions, I’m sure.
Sounds good. It’ll hopefully make someone think.
That’s actually a lot easier to read that you’d think.
Overall good; bit of humor and a bit of solemnity. Not quite happy with the “bakers…caterers” rhyme, though.
I noticed the same thing. Perhaps find a way to put ‘waiters’ at the end of the line/verse?
One of the reasons that there are so many typos in the bible is that the spacing between words was not used. Whichmeansthattheclerkswerecopyingoutentirelinesthatlookedlikethisinalanguagethatformostofthemwasasec
ondsanguageandalsohadnopunctuation. Even random spacing, without regard to the beginning or ending of words, is easier to read than that. (sourse: one of the Ehrmann books on early Christianity. Lost Christianities?
Thanks Ogvorbis :)
LykeX: Thanks, that’s what I was going for. I want it to have a message, but I don’t want it so heavy it ruins the evening. Yeah I’m not entirely happy with that either. I want to make people realise it doesn’t just appear by magic, but it’s hard to fit everyone in who contributes and still make it rhyme :-S any suggestions would be appreciated.
The mildly deranged penguin agrees. And adds, so is cheese.
You prefer, what? Hail the size of icebergs and fog so thick the machete bounces off of it?
Isn’t that the Nutty Raving Army’s suggested solution to everything?
Fog so thick the machete bounces off of it… Buy a gun and shoot it! Or better, a field piece (howitzer, cannon, mortar, …) and blast it.
Can’t open the can of tuna… Use the field piece again.
Tripped over your untied shoelace… Shoot it! (Not clear here if the “it” is the shoelace or the foot. Or gravity.)
The gun is empty… Use another gun and shoot it!
And so on… … Fire!
Ogvorbis #715 and LykeX #714
“To the Farmers and Growers, to the Butchers and Bakers
To the Cooks and the Caterers, the Waitresses and Waiters”
I like that. It’s in the order each profession will have to deal with the meal, and it puts the women of the serving profession first, which is a break with tradition which might make the audience think a bit, if I’m lucky. That said, it might just annoy the more Conservative members, but Dad’s done that already :)
Thanks guys :) this is much appreciated.
Hi thumper1990!
I really like the non-goddy grace! Couldn’t resist just a couple of possible suggestions of tweaks for scansion – any of these use at all?
As we are seated let us think of those who
May perish this night through privation of food
Or for lack of medicine or want of clean water
Or whose end comes too soon in inglorious slaughter [OR “Or whose end comes too soon amidst conflict and slaughter”]
And with them in mind let’s give thanks most sincere
To all those whose labour has put this food here
To the Farmers and Growers, the Butchers and Bakers
The Waiters and Waitresses, doers and makers,
For bringing this food from the field to the table
And pledge to enjoy it, as well as we’re able.
I’ll not labour the point, we’d all like to begin
So for now I’ll bow out, and I bid you: Tuck in.
A number of scripts are written with minimal spacing. Not just ancient texts, but modern as well — As an example, isn’t Arabic written without spaces?
And English has always been quite tolerant of variant spellings. My two favourite examples are a bit old, but: (1) William Shakespeare, in his six surviving signatures, spelled his own name six different ways. And (2) The first English dictionary spelled the word word in two different ways on its cover.
Well, it is a goode thinge that we no longer have to shoppe around to decide which spellinge best fits our humours of the day, right?
New York City Fire Commissioner Salvatore Cassano’s son who is enjoying nepotism and being fast tracked to a firefighter position uses twitter to let everyone know just what kind of asshole he is.
Tweets like those could lose a politically unconnected person a job.
Wow. What an asshole. Here’s hoping reality kicks this loser hard.
That was a little bit facetious of me, I usually only intend to spare five minutes and then I look at the clock and WHOA I’ve been in the Lounge for a long time! :)
I like the secular “prayer” and might use it with permission :) My only quibble would be that I never liked being called a waitress. *shrug*
Gawd I should have known better than to get involved in a discussion about race with my mormon libertarian friend. When will I ever learn. Blah.
Megahugs to Cerberus. I’m so sorry it sucks so much :(
Yep. Now his dad is feeling it hard. What a moron.
And there was much more than those.
Well, the update to the story is a somewhat happy ending:
It probably would have cost him his position. All the bigoted jackass needed to do was not mouth off on Twitter. I guess that was too hard from him to resist.
So the little tweet twit is out? Good news.
Quick work, horde. A mention on Pharyngula and within 15 minutes the asshole is resigning.
What other injustices can Pharyngula take care of today?
Glad the asshole “chose to resign.” Jebus. The fact that so many more remain in positions of power scares me.
Yep :D (squeeee) I’m pretty excited.
Hah! I’ve figured out the problem with the subscriptions. Some change in gmail has landed all the notifications in the spam folder.
Hi Opposeablethumbs :)
Heh some poet I am, I had to look up scansion.
Thanks very much for the suggestions. I like the changes to the start of the second stanza; I wanted to work labour in somehow. I also agree that ignominious doesn’t quite fit.
OK, here’s how it now reads:
As we are seated
let us think of those who
May perish this night
through a privation of food
Or through lack of medicine
or for want of clean water
Of those whose end comes too soon
amidst conflict and slaughter
And with them in mind
let’s give thanks most sincere
To all those whose labour
Has put this food here
To the Farmers and Growers,
to the Butchers and Bakers
To the Cooks and the Caterers,
the Waitresses and Waiters
For bringing this food
from the field to the table
And pledge to enjoy it,
as well as we’re able
I’ll not labour the point,
I’m sure you’d like to begin
So for now, I’ll take a bow
and bid you all: Tuck in.
Thank you, Portia :) Sorry about the waitress thing, but I can’t think of any other term I can make rhyme. Do people in the profession commonly object to it? I’d obviously like to avoid insulting the people who I am trying to thank.
And good (not to mention fast) work on the politically-connected racist, everyone! :) It’s nice he didn’t get away with that.
How about the Bussers and Waiters?
OMG THERE’S my notifications!! Sheesh I missed some stuff that was addressed to me.
thumper: I don’t know that everyone in the industry objects to it, but it’s sort of akin to the stewardess thing. Flight attendant:stewardess::server:waitress. Not a huge deal, and changing it would certainly screw up the flow.
The following is an actual memo I received a few minutes ago. I’ve slightly altered it for obvious reasons.
Sounds sensible to me, blf ;)
Once again, Captain Awkward hits way too close to home.
@Mayonnaise Jane
Good suggestion, but Bussers and Busboy isn’t a term used in the UK. To be honest I’m not really sure what they do :-/ I get the impression they clean the tables rather than serve people? The serving staff do that as well over here.
Yes I think it would. As long as you think it won’t detract from what is supposed to be a thank you to them, I’ll leave it. Thank you though.
I am in fits of laughter :) Your CEO really sent you that? What a legend.
Cerberus, I am so sorry. Your bosses are complete fucking assholes. What they are doing is completely inexcusable.
I wish I could do something. All I know is that you don’t have to hold back here.
*hugs* if you want them
The server that channels my words to you and yours to me must be a schizophrenic. On, off . . . on, off . . .
A quick return of greetings and virtual hugs to Portia, Ednaz, Giliell, Opposablethumbs, Nick Gotts and RQ.
A wink and a smile and a tip o’ the hat to all.
I’m threadrupt and just did a quick scan of this and the previous thread so if the list of well wishers above is incomplete I’m sorry.
When I finish this post, or after watching the thread for a little while, this computer is going to be unplugged, boxed and loaded into V’Ger. I’ll be off line a lot in the coming days and weeks. An occasional visit to the Lounge will be possible from eldest daughter’s house* and from other terminals should I encounter them.
Today begins Crudely’s Next Big Adventure. I’m throwing my fate to the wind and placing my body and mind into the hands of doctors and counselors and therapists and probably others I am yet ignorant of.
My pain and depression has reached a level that demands attention. Plus, I’m flat broke. Going to doctors is something I’ve little experience with, having enjoyed robust health and a willing body for about sixty years. Over the course of the last two I’ve been avoiding the necessity of seeking help for my poor old vertebra. Thinking that natural healing would slowly achieve painless motion, thinking that I can tough it out and so on. The passing of time has cured me of that, unfortunately it took arriving at a nadir to sufficiently motivate me. It doesn’t help that I am a world class procrastinator.
So . . .
I’ll miss my nightly lurking here (when the server is on, that is). I will take every opportunity to stop in as might occur. I’ll post updates of CNBA as able so you will at least know that I’m still alive even if I’m not kickin’ so much.
That reminds me: WMDKitty wondered where I was and I, thinking geographic location, tell her that I’m in east central North Carolina. Goldsboro.
Well, that’s about it. I’ve got to get about my loading up. Daylight’s burning (and so is my lower back from the stooping and bending and lifting. Ouch!).
Enduring thanks to those of you who sent some dollars my way last month. You made it possible to keep things together for a whole month. If anyone feels motivated and has a shekel to spare, contact Esteleth. She knows the secret combination to my wall safe.
I’ll be checking back between trips to the van for the next hour or less.
I’m gonna miss all of you.
*things are not as bad as I thought at my daughter’s house. There may be hope. Her husband is getting counseling and daughter does love him. I’d like to see their marriage heal and prosper even though I have some doubts; their on a tough road.
What should happen here is that the server should clear the plates and all as the diners finish their meals. The idea is that the diner shouldn’t be staring at their empty plates. The bussers here should just remove the drinks after the diners leave, and do a quick clean to help reset the table for the next guests as a means of reducing the time people spend waiting.
This doesn’t always happen. And it varies. Some places here don’t have bussers. In that case, the hosts and the servers try to do the job as best they can. Servers should also try to keep the floors clean as best they can.
This doesn’t always work out like that because of either being too busy, or just not motivated to do so. With the high rate of turnover in the industry, many end up leaving the job rather than putting up with the bullshit.
Crudely Wrot:
Hugs and best wishes. I hope you get what you need to be you again.
You will be missed too. Take as much care of yourself as you can.
Good news about daughter’s husband getting counseling. I hope it really helps and everyone is safe and happy.
*gentle hugs*
Thumper: I assumed blf “translated” it.
The official Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (mormons) is very picky when it comes to associating them with polygamy. If you connect them to polygamy, even within the context of their history, they will most likely have some flunky contact you to make sure you add “members of the LDS Church no longer practice “plural marriage,” known as polygamy” or some other such “we don’t do that anymore” phrase.
But a lot of mormons know different. They see polygamists attending their wards. They see polygamists shopping at Wal-Mart in St. George after attending official mormon sunday school. We the outside world see a long history of Utah inexplicably failing to prevent child abuse in polygamist colonies, (Texas and Arizona stepped up to legal plate and showed Utah how it is done).
In this discussion, For newbees, you might not know that polygamy is alive & well within many mormon wards, mormons are talking about present-day polygamists integrated into mormon wards, or flying just under the radar.
My brother and I have often come across polygamists and/or their compounds in the rural, BLM, or national forest lands of Utah. They’re everywhere.
Or has a boss with one hell of a sense of humor.
Take care and best wishes. I hope everything works out for the best.
Or the boss is refreshingly honest.
My office has, for past three months, instead of planning our summer season, been sitting around afraid to do anything because we are waiting for our new boss. Since December. I feel like her name should be Godot.
…so, it seems that every single scholarship at my school that I might be eligible for next year requires full time enrollment. I’ll have either 3 or 2 classes left to take after this semester and I’ll be taking one of them in summer. Ugh. >.>
You had me laughing out loud.
Crudely Wrott,
Best wishes (both to you and your daughter), good luck, *hugs* and I hope to read you soon!
Take care, Crudely Wrott! Best wishes.
Most of the news sources in Utah and southern Idaho are heralding news about women being allowed to offer invocations, (lead prayers), at the upcoming General Conference of mormons. They are heralding this as evidence of how tolerant the LDS Church is, how it treats women well …. and on and on.
Oh, fer pete’s sake. Letting or allowing women to lead prayers at major mormon meetings is, uh, an opportunity for the rest of the world to say, “What! Mormons didn’t allow women to lead prayers?” It is a step forward, since in earlier days, mormon women were not allowed to give speeches at General Conference. For some years now they’ve allowed a least one sugary, grating, mind-numbing speech by a woman, pre-approved by several men. And they’ve held to a ration of about twenty speeches by men to one by a woman. All in all, quite tolerable to patriarchs.
Good luck, Crudely, and a huge heap of best wishes and chocolatebaconhugs for you, your health and your daughter’s and family’s wellbeing. I hope it works out for you, and I’m glad we’ll be hearing from you as connections and servers permit.
Just wanted to add my voice to the chorus directed at Crudely Wrott :) Good luck mate, I’ve enjoyed the posts of yours which I’ve seen. I hope everything works out for you.
@ Lynna OM
What is meant by “Prophet” in that excerpt? I get the feeling they’re using it in some other context than the norm.
Madonna dressed as a Boy Scout and made a plea for the organization to lift its ban on gays.
Salt Lake Tribune link.
Thanks for the info! :) yes, serving staff do that over here as well as the responsibilities their state-side compatriots have. Better pay (marginally) but more work.
She’s actually dressed in a cub scout uniform, not boy scouts. that’s the uniform I wore when
Sorry. Gottoa agback out here sorry.
*offers anklehugs (with or without pouncing) to Ogvorbis, Crudely, and Cerberus just to name a few*
Melissa McEwan’s responded again to PZ and commenters:
She makes a great point. If you want to be definitively separated from the asshole masses, then separate yourself. If you don’t want to take the risk of being vocal about it in a positive way, then you’re to blame if someone assumes you’re part of the problem, not part of the solution.
I was going to copypasta an offensive comment from Mormonfriend but he deleted the facebook post where he accused me of “writing off everybody who doesn’t agree with me” because I said that some people can’t be convinced not to be bigots. He said I was shutting down dialogue and clearly I shouldn’t be a part of trying to educate people out of bigotry. Which is extremely insulting to me, given that that’s what I spend 90% of my internet time doing*, and I usually don’t let social consequences outweigh a calling-out. So fucking offensive.
*included in that total is self-education.
Dear Crudely,
I am sending a box of hugs to you, for use whenever you want.
I am so glad to learn you are taking care of yourself (for most of us, this is the hardest thing to do).
Also glad to know we will hear from you from time to time.
May everything go better than you expect. ♥
thumper1990 @756
I assume you are referring to this, “I grew up in a home where we harbored polygamist wives married to our prophet of choice in trailers on our farm,” from the longer excerpt in comment 747.
There are multiple crazy dudes who claim to be the “Prophet” for the mormon kingdom.
Thomas S. Monson, crazy dude who is President of LDS Corp., and the official Prophet, Seer, and Revelator
Warren Jeffs, Prophet of the largest polygamist, fundamentalist mormon colony (FLDS) in the USA.
Wallace B. Smith (1929-) prophet of the RLDS (Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints)
Ken Asay, Church of Jesus Christ in Zion, established 1984; Asay claims to be the reincarnation of Joseph Smith.
Christopher Nemelka, Worldwide United Foundation, Nemelka claims to be the reincarnation of Hyrum Smith and also claims that he possesses the Gold Plates and the Urim and Thummim. We’ve discussed him on Pharyngula before, as part of the woo-woo health-related scams run out of Utah. Nemelka claims to be part of a Native America tribe, and therefore that his pyramid schemes for selling woo products are not subject to most USA laws.
Goker Harim III, Brotherhood of Christ Church (a former RLDS member)
Matthew Gill, The Latter Day Church of Jesus Christ, based in England, organized in 2007
…. and there are lots more. Crazy is not amenable to control. It spreads.
If you interested in mormon prophets and splinter groups, here are some links:
Quite right. Madonna wore a Cub Scout uniform replica, and she was not interested in authenticity.
I really like your godless grace. *thumbsup*
Please let me know if anybody says ‘Amen’ at the end. : p
Wait… what?
I mean, you’re right. Some people aren’t willing to listen. There are people that jump through every hoop imaginable in the hopes of justifying their bigotry. That’s how we get crap like racial realism.
Besides, if you really wanted to shut down the dialogue, you could have just hit him over the head with his own religion.
Scroll down in this article to see a nice list of news sources covering the pain caused by sequestration cuts.
Thank you.
My point started out with “We should leverage social pressure so that people who insist on being hateful don’t subject the targets of their hate to the hate. You can’t force people to not be bigots.” So of course, I just think everyone is irredeemable.
This all started with him posting the “Being White in Philly” article with commentary from him that included scarequotes around the word “controversial.” Because he “doesn’t consider it to be controversial.” I explained to him that controversial is not a subjective term…