In my development class, students have been blogging away for the last few weeks, and I asked them to send me links to ones they wouldn’t mind seeing advertised. I’ve told them that an important part of effectively blogging is to link and comment, so they’re supposed to write something this week that adds to one of these posts and links to it on their own blog, and they’re also supposed to leave a comment on their fellow students’ work.
I warned them too that I’d highlight these publicly and urge my readers to look and say a few things: so go ahead and comment, criticize, praise, whatever — I told them that the good will come with the bad.
I suspect I’ll have to explain to them how to kill spam and remove irrelevant or outrageous comments in the next class…
Our gross observations of nematode worms.
The concepts of mosaicism vs. regulation.
The concept of morphogens, specifically decapentaplegic.
The lab is a lot of photomicrography, and sometimes making photomontages is useful.
Spectacular gynandromorphy.
I wanted to comment on the pelvic spurs, but I can’t, because name/URL commenting is switched off. So here goes:
The pelvic spurs of legless geckos and the pelvic spurs of boid snakes must have evolved independently, so maybe they’re not both homologous to legs…
Me neither.
On bisphenol A, there’s this…
“Spectacular gynandromorphy” gives a “403-forbidden” error.
I liked this post about herptile bone growth since I did my PhD in bone biology (generally) and I only focused on mammals. Also “herptile”, hur hur.
Yea I wanted to toss a comment into BPA as well as in my Public Health class I had to compile a bit of literature on it in comparison to BPS. In regards to human models the consideration of absorption to elimination considerations need to be quantified but the clinical studies are still invaluable.
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
There was a symposium on BPA at the AAAAS meeting in Boston in Feb. I haven’t seen any of the papers but there is a report on the Health Report from Australian Radio National featuring a couple of the presenters that is interesting.
Radio National
Wow! Throwing them to the wolves!
I use blogs as a teaching tool for anthropology and love the interaction we get between the students. There are some wonderfully creative students out there and the blogging system allows for this creativity to shine. I think it also encourages students to clean up their grammatical acts, so to speak, since their writing is being perused by not just the instructor but other students as well.
So far I’ve been able to keep the student blogs away from the input of the outside world except for a few non-students wandering in now and again and leaving the occasional constructive comment. Nothing nasty yet. I think I will be following your students to see if they get hit by any vicious commenters. Is learning how to deal with internet trolls one of the expected student learning outcomes for this class? :-)
I wanted to comment on the gynandromorphy post, but it seems I need a Univ. of Minnesota account. Will this be fixed?
Are you aware that you can create a guest UMM account? Here.
No, I hadn’t. Thanks!