Around FtB

I gave an exam yesterday, and worked like a madman to get it all graded. I’m giving another exam today (In a different class! Not the same one! What kind of sadist do you think I am?), and I expect I’ll be frantically working to get it all graded quickly, too. Sometimes it’s good to be on a network where other people write stuff when I’m too busy to contribute.

  • If ever Calvin Trillin disappears under mysterious circumstances, I think the police might want to look into The Digital Cuttlefish.

  • Comrade Physioproffe makes Rigatoni With Sausage, Tomato, and Goat Milk Ricotta. I skipped breakfast this morning. This just isn’t fair.

  • Greta Christina is off the drugs and is beginning to get antsy. Somebody harsh her mellow so she’ll start writing ferociously again.

  • Hank Fox took a few pictures at Eschaton.

  • Jason Thibeault has accomplished nothing other than playing his video games. Jason, clean your room and take out the garbage! Right now!

  • Wait, what? Elizabeth Cady Stanton fought for women’s right to vote while opposing suffrage for blacks and immigrants? Sikivu Hutchinson, why must you always shatter my delusions? Fortunately, she also names some new heroes.

  • I’ve noticed that a scientist declaring that they believe in god seems to be major news. So has Taslima Nasrin. She’s kind of cranky about it. So am I.

  • Zinnia Jones doesn’t seem to be much of a fan of Dinesh D’Souza, although the Salvation Army is.

  • Brianne Bilyeu wants to tell everyone how to have sex.

  • Aron Ra is a movie star! He’s been cast against type as a “random biker” in fantastic new film, The Zombie Christ. I already have doubts about its accuracy.

  • I cannot resist linking to Miriam’s link roundup in my link roundup. If we all did this, we could turn the whole internet into a virtual Klein bottle, and next thing you know we’d pop into a wormhole and travel to another dimension. It’s good to have aspirations.

  • Those damned evil atheists. Now NonStampCollector is fantasizing about Hitler winning his war. (This summary may not be entirely accurate.)

  • Avicenna answers 15 questions about atheists. How could he have answered them without the brain god gave him, huh? Checkmate, atheists!

  • Hey! Near-Earth Object is still not on the FtB main page! I shall have to nag the powers-that-be about that.

    Meanwhile, you can read about Paul Fidalgo’s gadget fetish. If you’ve followed him on twitter, you know that all he talks about are a) children and b) electronic toys. I fear for his family if Apple ever comes out with iBaby. Now watch: he’s going to scan all the Mac rumors sites for news about iBaby.


  1. shouldbeworking says

    I’m busy marking exams too. I now have a powerful feeling of déjà moo, the feeling I’ve read this bullshit before.

  2. TGAP Dad says

    What kind of sadist do you think I am?

    So you admit to being a sadist? You’re just arguing over type?

  3. Fern says

    Wait, what? Elizabeth Cady Stanton fought for women’s right to vote while opposing suffrage for blacks and immigrants? Sikivu Hutchinson, why must you always shatter my delusions?

    Yeah, sadly, there was a large faction of women’s suffragists that had some pretty appalling things to say about race. Many of them had previously been aligned with abolitionists, but following the passage of the 15th Amendment, there was a lot of frustration that women were still disenfranchised, and that frustration was often expressed in really ugly and indefensible ways. (Susan B. Anthony, I’m looking at you.)

  4. grumpyoldfart says

    Hey! Near-Earth Object is still not on the FtB main page! I shall have to nag the powers-that-be about that.

    Do they even care? They’re obviously in no hurry to help the poor guy out.

  5. birgerjohansson says

    If I was a Near-Earth Object I would know how to deal with unhelpful terrestrials.