I sort of watched the presidential debate last night (actually, I was working on my computer the whole time with the debate on in the background — I am so far behind in everything). It was…disappointing. Both sides swapped exaggerations, Romney, as usual, dodged on all the specifics and successfully avoided mentioning any details that he could be pinned down on, while someone slipped Obama a mickey. He was sluggish and hesitant, and seemed to be taking the safe strategy of avoiding any conflict. In a debate. In a campaign he could still lose. It was a debate about domestic issues and the economy, and Obama didn’t bother to mention that Romney has written off 47% of the electorate as moochers.
Getting sucked into bickering over how many billions of dollars are going to which program is pointless when it fails to expose the substantial ideological differences between the two parties. It was like watching two accountants bicker. Except I did notice one of the accountants invoking God at length near the end.
Can Jim Lehrer retire now? Please?
Audley Z. Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Glad I was too busy putting together a baby swing to watch that shit.
Is it just me or is there something very… uncanny valley about him?
Gregory in Seattle says
I don’t bother watching debates, ever: I know that in-depth, on-going “analysis” will be unavoidable for week after. Why bother adding to the misery?
Ing:Intellectual Terrorist "Starting Tonight, People will Whine" says
People are calling a Romney win. Id be upset but I honestly think the media declaration of who won influences the election far more than the debate
Ing:Intellectual Terrorist "Starting Tonight, People will Whine" says
Also reminds me of the old Adam West Batman where Batman basically loses election to Penguin because he insists on only focusing on issues and not mud slinging (like bringing up that his opponent is a frelling super villian)
carlie says
That’s the sad part – he already did. Somebody talked him out of retirement to do this.
There are professional debate moderators, right? I mean, there are national forensics competitions and stuff. Can’t we get one of them?
Markita Lynda—damn misogyny! says
When someone who is usually awesome is relatively lacklustre, it often turns out that they had a raging fever and should have been home in bed. So they were only awesome by comparison to how ill they were. I’m wondering if that’s what happened here.
robb says
i was underwhelmed.
i can’t believe how inanimate romney is. i imagine he has a microphone in his ear and every once in a while a handler tells him “psst, smile. smile.” then he turns to the camera and forces on a completely disingenuine smile.
mythbri says
Well, the Twitters were amusing, at least.
Poor Jim Lehrer.
allencdexter says
I watched and was horrified. That sleazy, lying Romney managed to completely steal the night and I can’t understand how. Truth and honesty are supposed to win, the way I see it.
I don’t like so-called debates. They never accomplish anything except to give advantage to the slickest and smoothest.
nullifidian says
Getting sucked into bickering over how many billions of dollars are going to which program is pointless when it fails to expose the substantial ideological differences between the two parties.
Perhaps that’s not coincidental. As a poster at a forum I frequent quipped:
psocoptera says
I want the guy from the Newsroom to moderate. Unfortunately, he suffers from an serious case of Fictionalism.
w00dview says
@ Ing: There was an episode where Batman ran for election? Good God, I love that show.
Who knows, the way things are going, the GOP might well have Penguin as a future candidate for the presidential election. He would fit in well with them.
Lynna, OM says
Sleazy, lying, bully Romney reached new lows when it comes to simply refusing to consider the consequences of his claims. That’s were the $5 trillion argument went off the rails. Obama didn’t seem to know how to deal with this trait of Romney’s.
anteprepro says
Hmmm. The bulleted “summary” seems to imply that there are equal exaggerations from Both Sides. Yet the bottom part hints at that not being true, by admitting that Romney is a “serial exaggerater”. So, here is a more accurate summary of the info, so that we can see just how JUST AS BAD the two slimy politicians are.
-Said Romney is after $5 trillion in tax cuts but that ignores some other stuff in Romney’s plan to offset it.
-Said health care premiums are going up slower than last 50 years, but that is only true of spending and not premiums and it is not entirely due to his plan.
-Obama said 5 million jobs were created but it is really only 4.6 million.
-Obama said he’d raise taxes on the rich to same as Clinton’s, but they would actually pay because of a tax on investment income and a 1% Medicare surcharge, both for the rich.
-Obama’s $4 trillion deficit reduction plan includes $1 trillion from wars that are ending anyway.
Scores: Technically wrong, pretty stupid/dishonest, the high crime of rounding up, Serious Business, and mildly dishonest(and yet suggesting that Obama is wrong to include Ending Wars as part of his deficit reduction implies that Romney would be Ending Wars as well, ignoring that he seems deadset on starting some).
Verdict: Meh.
-Romney’s tax plan is incoherent
-Romney cites “studies” that include blog items and work done by people that work for him, with the only one that wasn’t done by an advisor being done by a former economic advisor for Bush.
-Romney says Obama doubled deficit yet it is actually the same.
-Romney states the average household has lost $1000 more than they actually have.
-Romney states that the price of gasoline has doubled by looking only at the abnormally low price on the exact week (in the winter!) that Obama took office and not bothering to look at prices at any other point before then .
-Romney said 20 million will lose insurance under certain laws where the actual estimate is 3-5 million.
-Romney’s 23 million “out of work” includes 8 million people who work part-time and want to work full-time .
-Romney says that 50% of recent college grads are unemployed when really 50% are either unemployed or underemployed .
-Romney says, multiple times, that Obama cut Medicare by $716 billion when that is just a reduction of future growth, money that is supposed to be spread out over a longer period of time.
Scores: Important little detail, WTF, stupid/dishonest, really stupid, mildly stupid, profoundly stupid/dishonest (seriously, people should fucking know that gas wasn’t consistently $2 a gallon 4 years ago!), pretty damn stupid/dishonest, entertainingly stupid/dishonest, entertainingly stupid/dishonest, mildly stupid/dishonest compounded in severity due to the fact that he tried to get so much mileage out of it.
Verdict: Holy. Shit.
When will people stop implying that Democrats are Just As Bad as Republicans, even when presenting crystal-clear examples of how Republicans are FAR FUCKING WORSE. How does this continue? I don’t fucking get it.
Childermass says
So long as the bipartisan committee still does the debates and/or the candidates have any sort of veto, what you saw with Jim Lehrer will continue regardless if it is Lehrer or not.
After if you give the moderator the right to go after the candidates AND have moderator willing to do so, the candidate with the most to fear will object. And possibly both will. The candidates are not trying to get us informed, they are trying to win an election.
What is needed is a movement to demand that a third party run the debates. The rules should be set up BEFORE it is known who will win the primaries. If Obama wins reelection, it will be completely unknown who the nominees in 2016 will be and thus a great time to propose meaningful debates and the pressure candidates to agree to them if they win the nomination. Both primary races could have debates similar to the general election ones (with modifications for having more than two candidates) so both parties have a chance to get candidates who could hold their ground with substantial questions.
mjmiller says
Maybe this was a case of “Rope-a-Dope”. The more Romney punches, the weaker he gets. Let him spew his lies. The fact checkers will be all over him, I suspect. I didn’t see “assertive” anyway, I saw rude, privilidged & childish, (Obama’s inexplicably deferential demeanor notwithstanding).
Lynna, OM says
Link to details to back up the fact that the “six other studies” that Romney referenced do not, nope, do NOT say what he thinks they say about his tax plan.
Romney has proven over and over again that he fails at reading comprehension, and that he does not know how to vet his sources. (Same for his staff, presumably.)
This article goes on to take a close look at Romney’s other references, namely Martin Feldstein, Harvey Rosen, John Diamond, and the Heritage Foundation’s Curtis Dubay.
And here’s a summary from another source:
Lynna, OM says
An excerpt from Steve Benen’s analysis:
I think Romney “won” in the minds of those who like the bully style. He ran roughshod over Jim Lehrer.
Obama seemed flustered by Romney’s blatant reversals of some of his previous positions. I think that in debating Romney, one has to be ready to quote Romney back to himself, noting date, place, or paper. Don’t let the weasel squirm away.
Menyambal --- Sambal's Little Helper says
Romney keeps saying that his plan will cut the tax rates, and will pay for that by eliminating deductions, and will wind up not taking in less money. Leaving out the fact that there aren’t enough deductions to eliminate, and that he’s the poster boy FOR deductions, the end result is supposed to be revenue-neutral, which is to say it won’t make a bit of difference in the world.
Romney’s tax plan is pointless, overall, and he says so pretty plainly, but not plainly enough, I guess. Obama should have hammered that into the fricking ground.
Obama and his campaign have been doing pretty well, but last night Obama went back to the old Democrat problem of being polite and reasonable and patient, while sharing the stage with a rude and crazy and blustering speaker. Mitt ran the show his way, and won for his kind of people. Obama should have been less passive.
If Obama had been stronger, he might have come across as an angry black man, though. I wonder if Fox News bring up that old video where he was “acting black” was deliberately timed.
Romney did better, both as performance art and as campaign strategy. The Democrats may be able to later show that he made factual errors, but that isn’t going to make a difference to Romney’s base.
Come on, Democrats. You know why you don’t debate the crazies, and you had time to prepare.
Lynna, OM says
Yeah, the false equivalency crap is really starting to get to me too. And many media outlets assume that they must pay lip service to the political correctness of saying, “both guys lied, both guys exaggerated.” Balderdash.
Here’s Paul Krugman’s take:
sireccles says
The thing about the 47% thing not being brought up. You know Romney would have been heavily briefed about it and have a slick answer ready to explain it away to the millions watching. Why give him the platform to explain it? Better to leave it hanging without an opportunity to be fixed.
Lynna, OM says
Steve Benen on the Medicare ($716 billion) part of the debate.
jose says
I appreciate Obama’s refusal to easy point-scoring. Romney is known as the etch-a-sketch flip-flop guy. He could easily have used direct quotes of promises he made to the crazies of the republican base during the primary and force Romney to confront them, but he took the high road – maybe he shouldn’t have.
Lynna, OM says
I wish kids could vote. After all, Mitt Romney promised to kill Big Bird. He’s going to defund PBS, a measly $400 million or so. Yeah that’ll pay for 20% tax cuts across the board.
Big Bird has probably been doing too much edumacation for Romney’s tastes:
As an aside, where the hell was the debate on women’s rights, on reproductive health, on Republican anti-biology?
skeptifem says
I think romney came across like a used car salesman. He is selling himself as having a plan free of problems or complications. I hope people remember that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Lynna, OM says
The peculiarly mormon take on Romney’s debate performance (excerpted from a report by an ex-mormon):
anteprepro says
Oh, I cannot wait for those coming up in a later debate. I just hope that they do. He will either reveal that he has monstrous policies or wind up alienating his base. I look forward to either revelation.
And I really hope that Obama can nail down Romney’s slimy plans regarding education. I mean, he really fucking hates teachers. It is just fucking bizarre.
raven says
crosspost from Mano Singham’s FTB: Didn’t watch the TV but read a few summaries. Watching Darth Romney is asking too much.
I’ve tried to figure out just what Romney’s and Ryans plans are for taxes and Medicare. As Bill Clinton said, It’s the economy, stupid!!! That is our main problem and it’s balancing on a knife edge right now.
1. They are vague about it. Ryan claims to be able to cut taxes 20% and have it be “revenue neutral” by closing loopholes. He refuses to say how or what loopholes. This is impossible. It’s simply gibberish.
2. Ryan plans to save money on Medicare by just not paying out much money. That will work all right, especially when old people start dying en masse.
3. They also keeping changing their plans. Romney is an empty suit. No one knows what he believes and it is likely he believes nothing but that he deserves lots of power and money. Even if he got specific, it’s useless. You know he could say something different a day later with the same (lack of) sincerity.
Bush managed to wreck the country and create a lost generation. The Fed projects recovery by 2018, maybe. Romney/Ryan seem determined to make that two lost generations.
raven says
Enough base-broadening, through the elimination of tax expenditures, to fully pay for policies 1 through 3.
The only way a 20% tax cut can be revenue neutral is to cut federal spending 20% or so. 80% of the budget is social security, Medicare, defense, and safety net.
This is why they can’t say how they are going to do it. All of these programs are running lean already. Somebody is going to get hammered here. I suspect it will be the safety net, those 47% moochers Romney hates. You know old people on social security and Medicare, poor kids on food stamps and so on.
ChasCPeterson says
believe it or not, it only endured for 90 minutes.
Please. Formal competitive debating bears about as much resemblance to last night’s TV show as opera auditions do to American Idol. Completely different animals.
Lehrer was bound by the preconditional rules of this particular debate. Specifically: all questions from the moderator, no time limits, and a structure of six 15-minute segments focusing on :
The Economy – I
The Economy – II
The Economy – III
Health Care
The Role of Government
If your favorite issues are not on that list (they’ll never even come close to touching mine with 10-foot poles), you were just shit out of luck.
grumpypathdoc says
As I posted over at the Daily Kos: Style triumphs over truth and substance all the time.
It has been mentioned before also that Obama hates debates.
I hope the Obama machine is working hard to counter the lies that the Romney camp continues to use. Not that it makes that much difference, although greater than 30% of the electorate is in the independent category.
I think independently as well, generally vote Democratic.
However, deep inside I’m a anarchistic, leftist libertarian Trotskyite (-6.62, -6.51 on the “Political Compass)
unclefrogy says
being generous to the President he often acts like he feels like the only black guy in the room which he often is and so he acts in such a way so as to not sound like Samuel Jackson, not sound like a big scary black guy. He has a difficulty going for the kill.
The difference is clear when you contrast with Clinton who has nothing to loose and from experience knows that “they” will never agree with him and will do anything and say anything to beat him regardless of what he does or says. So in his down home style he can call them on the lies point blank.
If he is going to be resorting to his professorial personality it should be the one where he is grading the papers he has been given just do it in full public view, in front of the whole class the voters!
election debates pretty much suck!!
uncle frogy
timdiaz says
Wolf Blitzer for debate moderator.
Randomfactor says
On a Facebook discussion this morning someone trotted out the “both of them are lying” statement. So I demanded a concrete example.
“Well, what about the birth certificate?” she demanded.
If this country falls to ruin because of people that stupid being allowed to vote, they deserve it but I don’t.
Randomfactor says
Jon Stewart for debate moderator.
fullyladenswallow says
I would have loved to have seen Christopher Hitchens as moderator. Or maybe Matt Dillahunty. “No, no, no, you’re done!”
Amphiox says
Long stretches of the US-Canada border are unguarded, and we have a comparatively generous refugee policy.
Margaret says
That’ll make good inroads into that 47% who are moochers! Ryan and Rmoney probably see this as a plus, not a minus.
Rey Fox says
If Michael Jordan can score 38 points in the NBA Finals with the flu…
tmruwart says
IMHO: Obama can afford to “lose” the first 3 debates but he must “win” the last one because people, in general, only remember the last thing the saw/heard and form decisions on that. I learned a long time ago that when you do not know much about what your opponent is going to do [in a meeting] then you sit back and watch and listen and keep your mouth shut as much as possible. That can provide significant intell about their strengths and weaknesses that can be far more effectively used in subsequent encounters with said adversary. Now the Obama debate team can craft much stronger responses for the coming debates. If that is not the case and Obama wimps out on them then I will be truly disappointed – at lest for 10 minutes until something more interesting catches my attention. Oh look! A ball! I gotta go…
Lynna, OM says
‘Tis Himself, Pharyngula regular and economist, for debate moderator.
Lynna, OM says
Obama should have countered those lies, Clinton style, during the debate.
I think Obama made the mistake of thinking he had to reply to each of Romney’s idiot lies, and that he had to present his more reasonable case at the same time. What he really needed to do was to eviscerate, to demolish at least one (preferably, two) of Romney’s lies. That would have made Romney look like the liar he is and no one would have trusted another word out of his mouth.
Lynna, OM says
Meanwhile, to intimidate voters in mostly black neighborhoods, right-wing fanatics are putting up billboards like this.
anteprepro says
betheves says
I’m surprised that more people haven’t let Romney have it about the “We’re all children of the same God” remark and Creator-isms near the end of the debate.
Lynna, OM says
Mix voter suppression with repetitive lying, add piles of money. The Republican recipe for winning.
Masquirina says
It’s a fine line between febrile and trying-hard-not-to-double-face-palm, so I’m not sure what Obama was up to.
Audley Z. Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Jesus Christ, that’s disgusting.
And I shouldn’t have read the comments. There’s far too much
bullshit going on over there. Yeah, like African Americans have never dealt with baseless accusations and have never been arrested/imprisioned for crimes which they didn’t commit. *spits*Besides the fact that if there was to be any fraud, it would necessarily have to be on a much larger scale than a few people from the projects voting twice. I mean, wouldn’t it just be easier to fuck with the tallies after all of the votes had been cast?
(I feel there’s a relevant Stalin quote… “The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”)
Lynna, OM says
This is a follow up to my comment @46 about voter suppression in New Mexico. It seems that the person training right-wingers to suppress the vote is also a racist, a racist that holds persons with disabilities in contempt. Double whammy of stupid. Now is the trainer turns out to be mormon, we will have hit the trifecta.
Video can be viewed here:
Lynna, OM says
I thought he was ducking his head to hide eye-rolling and eyebrow-raising.
tmruwart says
So if Stephen Hawking was a US citizen he would not be able to vote on several levels. Can’t speak his own name, probably doesn’t have a driver’s license, probably doesn’t have a gun permit… etc. Do you think the Brits let him vote?
BTW: if you haven’t seen it, the Sarah Silverman video on Voter ID is most excellent. Find it on YouTube.
Lynna, OM says
Excerpt from a post-debate speech given by Obama today:
Video here:
What a Maroon, el papa ateo says
So she’s established that the Republicans lie….
Lynna, OM says
From Tim Dickerson at RollingStone:
NitricAcid says
A Mormon friend of mine emailed me last night almost in tears, afraid that Romney might get elected…..
shripathikamath says
Well what did one expect? Instant fact-checking to basically confirm that they exaggerate or lie?
Still, Romney got away with murder, and that too was expected, since Obama is used to caving in. Lotsa practice over the years.
My take on it is here: http://bit.ly/Ufi74M
DLC says
I couldn’t stomach much of the mindboggling punditry after the debate, so I cranked up World of Warcraft and blew stuff up for a while.
Some points to consider:
While I wouldn’t call Romney a dope, there was definitely a touch of the old Muhammad Ali boxing strategy. Let Romney get in his shots, let him flail away, gently leading him into making definitive statements. Statements which the Romney machine will now have to spend time dealing with. “Oh, the Governor didn’t really mean he wasn’t going to cut taxes on the rich” was already being punted about by the conservatives last night and this morning. Romney bought himself a brief uptick in insta-polls and focus groups, but he did not do himself any favors.
Marcus Ranum says
A FB friend mentioned they had fasted prayed for Romney to do well in the debate and they are so glad they fasted, since it obviously helped Romney do well. Apparently there was another e-mail that went around the membership to fast and pray before each debate that Romney would do his best.
Puny god, if that’s the best it can do. You’d think that a divinely backed candidate would suddenly burst out with the silver tongue of a Shakespeare, not a used car salesman who is struggling not to stumble over his own feet.
dianne says
I watched part of the debate while exercising last evening as the gym had it on the TVs they put on the exercise machines. My extraoccular muscles got an excellent workout as I rolled my eyes nearly continually.
microraptor says
I think too many of us were already trying to ctrl+alt+del Romney’s obnoxious voice from our heads by the time that rolled around.
Ing:Intellectual Terrorist "Starting Tonight, People will Whine" says
Ctrl alt del brings up task manager…not anything that deletes data
Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Oven says
I caught a bit of it when a classmate was streaming it in the electronics lab. Mercifully I was drunk and then had to leave to go to a Tau Beta Pi meeting after about ten minutes.
mikeyb says
The truth is maybe Obama doesn’t wanna be president any more. Maybe he’s sick of being called an anti-colonial Marxist Islamist who wasn’t born in the USA.
Or maybe he doesn’t care. As an ex president, he can do the ex president circuit, write a few books and make a few extra million dollars and be in the 15% tax bracket, plus have his own global foundation.
Or maybe he knows in the near future the economy is going to tank really really bad far worse than now, and he doesn’t want his name associated with it. Collect your millions and leave the country before it’s too late.
Or maybe it was the altitude like Al Gore suggested.
Ichthyic says
what’s really interesting is that factcheck.org used that as their very first example of a misrepresentation by Obama, when in their very analysis, they link to the exact figures the Obama team used to come up with the figure.
this tells me factcheck is now failcheck. I looked at some of their other commentary over the course of this election season, and there is similar obfuscation of what the ACTUAL facts are.
this, to me, is very sad indeed.
Ichthyic says
there was definitely a touch of the old Muhammad Ali boxing strategy.
that’s the impression I got.
Mitt is so good at sticking his foot in his mouth, I think that Obama’s strategy was simply to wait and see if he did it again this time.
regardless of how “smooth” Romney came across, if you look at what the Obama team is saying about Romney’s points today (like: Where was the Mitt Romney we have seen up to now in last nights debate?), then yeah, Romney has again put his foot in his mouth; he just did it with more aplomb than usual.
how will Romney reconcile all the entirely different directions his publicly stated policies go?
Obama clearly does not take this man seriously, and any rational person wouldn’t either.
but then, it appears that the irrational authoritarians currently are having their time in the sun, so…
I predict a Romney victory, and it matters not what Obama does or does not do. Which again, might explain why he didn’t “bring it” during the debate.
what would be the point?
Ichthyic says
oh, by “romney victory”, i mean within the debates.
Obama will get reelected, unless he is assassinated or a piano falls on his head or something like that.
mikeyb says
“Debating” Romney isn’t qualitatively any different than “debating” a creationist or Dinesh D’Souza.
Ichthyic says
“Debating” Romney isn’t qualitatively any different than “debating” a creationist or Dinesh D’Souza.
there was indeed a very “gish gallop” feel to that debate.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
Gasp. Lying presupposition hiding under verbiage???? Gasp…. ;)
Ichthyic says
Instant fact-checking to basically confirm that they exaggerate or lie?
well, why not?
it’s not like it couldn’t have been done.
can you imagine:
A debate where every time someone answers a question, there is a team of factcheckers on hand to analyze it for accuracy.
given the interwebs, it would be faster than replay review during a televised sporting event.
Ichthyic says
I’m surprised that more people haven’t let Romney have it about the “We’re all children of the same God” remark and Creator-isms near the end of the debate.
GoP pandering to the religious right is taken as a given.
Ichthyic says
-Said Romney is after $5 trillion in tax cuts but that ignores some other stuff in Romney’s plan to offset it.
no, it doesn’t.
one, that figure is accurate, and two, Romney has NEVER specified exactly how he would counter the losses of tax revenue.
he didn’t last night, either.
again, i don’t understand why factcheck presented it like Obama was making this up.
he wasn’t.
mikeyb says
With the exit of Lehrer and Big Bird, make way for the new Faux corporate sanitized kid show:
New adventures of the magic underwear man from Kolob
Ichthyic says
… I don’t fucking get it.
i do:
to get funding in the US, even orgs like factcheck have to come across as “fair and balanced”, even when the reality is far from it.
this is why factcheck is no longer of any value.
Lynna, OM says
Yeah, I’ve noticed that as well. Fucking discouraging is what it is.
The only news anchor that I’ve seen call so-called fact-checkers on their failures is Rachel Maddow.
“So egregiously bad …” and “sully the whole concept of fact checking..”
Here’s another one, “bewilderingly bad”:
Lynna, OM says
I think factcheck is looking at it from Romney’s perspective. Mitt didn’t actually say, “I’m going to cut taxes by $5 trillion dollars.” What he did say, about the 20% across the board lowering of rates, does add up to a $5 trillion cut. Romney has never been good at acknowledging the consequences, the inescapable conclusions, of what he says. Therefore, in Romneyland, if he didn’t utter the words “$5 trillion in cuts,” then that mathematical conclusion simply doesn’t exist.
It reminds me of mormon prophets who say all manner of jaw-dropping stuff, but who deny the logical outcome of the pronouncements.
Romney seems to think that by denying the $5 trillion he can magically make it disappear. Or better yet, he can uphold the myth that what he says is true, and anything he, the Great RomneyBot, has not said out loud, is not true. Damn the math. Damn the facts. Hear the words of the Romney mouth, oh ye 47% percent.
Ichthyic says
Therefore, in Romneyland, if he didn’t utter the words “$5 trillion in cuts,” then that mathematical conclusion simply doesn’t exist.
but factcheck isn’t supposed to be examining things fucking subjectively.
that’s my current issue with them.
Lynna, OM says
It’s one thing to condemn the President’s debate performance, and it is quite another to take the approach to criticism that Romney surrogate John Sununu took.
He called the President “lazy” and “incompetent.” He also said the President is not bright: “When you’re not that bright you can’t get better prepared.”
From an interview with Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC today.
Ichthyic says
yeah, I see Maddow gets what is going on there.
she’s usually on track with such things.
see, here’s what really galls me about factcheck:
it’s been the go-to source for years now, as evidence by the fact that several people in this thread used it, including PZ, so it really is sad when it is relied on for accuracy… and the people relying on it don’t fact check … factcheck!
any tool that becomes regularly used on the internet like this, will inevitably become tainted by the need to sustain itself, or make profit.
such is the fate of factcheck.
long live its successor. Well, for at least the year or so IT will remain an actual useful resource.
Lynna, OM says
Well, of course not. But they fucking well are.
Romney and his right-wing ilk are, in part, responsible for this lapse in standards.
F says
Ing @61
The colloquial use of references to the Three-Fingered Salute call back to the days when this immediately rebooted the system (or closed a hanging app, where saluting twice would cause a reboot), assuming it wasn’t too borked to do even that. Which, incidentally, would cause loss of any unsaved data (including data you thought you had saved but actually hadn’t been written yet).
Also, on more modern Windows systems, it doesn’t bring up the task manager but a security dialog box with several options. Ctrl+Shift+Esc calls the task manager.
But these things vary by OS and configuration. The intent of usage is still meant to signify a soft reboot without a normal shutdown.
For those who have unfortunately saved the debate, find the appropriate directory and rm -rf. Don’t execute this command in the root directory of your mind.
Ichthyic says
Don’t execute this command in the root directory of your mind.
the root directory of my mind…
i rather like the imagery that invokes.
but where is it, exactly?
Aratina Cage says
Now there is a theory that Obama was lucky to not have mentioned the 47% remark of Romney’s at all last night. You see, today, Romney went on the racist Hannity show and said he was wrong to have said that and that he will be a president for the 100%. There is a good chance this fauxpology would have been used at the debate to win sympathy if Obama had brought it up.
I also wonder after seeing Romney get a whole day’s worth of being fact-checked and even getting LeVar Burton at PBS pissed off at him to the point of saying that Romney is attacking our children, perhaps his win will turn out to be more of a loss enhancement by the end of the week? And maybe Obama did a lot better than I had thought.
Ichthyic says
even getting LeVar Burton at PBS pissed off at him to the point of saying that Romney is attacking our children
butbutbut… he said he liked Big Bird and everything!
anyone seen any “Baby got Beak” video parodies yet?
Aratina Cage says
“The forest bandit–did you ever catch him?”
“Oh yes.”
“How did you do it?”
“We burned down the forest.”
Big Bird was only the first fatality because he makes a nice big easy to hit target. Elmo and all the rest are next!
Lynna, OM says
That seems to be exactly what’s happening, but not in right-wing media sources.
Loops of Romney pronouncing that he’s going to cut taxes 20% across the board are being played. There’s Romney, in many different settings (but the same hair) giving plenty of support to the claim that he has a $5 trillion (or a $4.8 trillion) tax cut plan. These images are interspersed with him saying during the debate that he is not going to cut taxes for the wealthy.
Lynna, OM says
There’s some good news for Obama in the latest job report:
Lynna, OM says
Mr. Rogers defends PBS to the US Senate in 1969, video.
Take that Mitt Romney.
Lynna, OM says
Aratina Cage @83, yes, Romney has now disavowed his 47% remarks. However, before he disavowed those remarks, he stood up for them, allowing only that he may have stated his case inelegantly:
So, there’s the Romney talking to his homies, the Romney admitting to not being elegant, and the Romney who says he was “completely wrong.” Which Romney do you believe?
Lynna, OM says
In reference to my post @87
Oh to be a Republican and have the dark hole of my mind filled with batshit conspiracy theories.
Janine: Hallucinating Liar says
Lynna, that is not a new concept. That is called a memory hole.
Lynna, OM says
Rick Santorum not only wants to kill Big Bird, he wants to eat him. In this Republican game of oneupmanship over defunding PBS, I wonder what will be next.
Lynna, OM says
Another view of Romney Business Land:
We can also hear Romney describing his visits to Chinese factories in the same video in which he expressed contempt for the 47%. He knew about the conditions.
Janine: Hallucinating Liar says
And some people dare to complain that what has been done to redefine the name, Santorum, is tasteless.