I just haven’t figured out where to enter it yet. idspispopd will let you walk through walls. Holler if you find the right keyboard to enter these on, I could use them.
^ is it odd that I remember all the doom cheat codes off the top of my head, despite not having played it in something like 18 years?
I realise it’s harder to be a woman than it is to be a man, but, genuine question, do you think being gay more adversely affects a man or a woman? Or is it about equal? Because most of the hate spewed against homosexuality (that I see anyway) is about ‘faggots’ and people with ‘loose anuses’ and the like, it rarely seems to be so directed at lesbians. But I don’t live in America, so it might just be an incorrect outsider’s perspective from England, wherein homosexuals are treated (almost) equally; where being gay might make some people feel ‘uncomfortable’ or might disappoint your parents a bit, but won’t (generally) get you outcast from society.
Because most of the hate spewed against homosexuality (that I see anyway) is about ‘faggots’ and people with ‘loose anuses’ and the like, it rarely seems to be so directed at lesbians.
and lesbians instead get “if you think your daughter might be a lesbian, just get a friend of your to fuck her straight”
comparing oppressions and trying to figure out which is worse is Oppression Olympics and best avoided.
Dave, the Kwisatz Haderachsays
And if this is a game, then the graphics are fantastic but the writer should be shot.
I’m not; this piece (which I agree with) is, by saying ‘gay minority female’ is the hardest; but I’m just wondering if being a gay female is necessarily harder than being a gay male.
You seem to think it’s not, I have no reason to doubt you, so fair enough.
I like the metaphor. Misses some important things (probably because he only touched on them briefly) but a pretty good explanation of what privilege is.
this piece (which I agree with) is, by saying ‘gay minority female’ is the hardest
it doesn’t. “hardcore” != “hardest”. and it’s undeniably true that “gay minority female” is a really fucking hard setting. so is “disabled minority male”, or “trans female” or any number of other sets of oppressions.
I’m just wondering if being a gay female is necessarily harder than being a gay male.
You seem to think it’s not
you seem to like to jump to conclusions.
Tyrant of Skepsissays
Wait, do you have any idea how bad you make straight white male loosers feel with this kind of talk?
I’m just wondering if being a gay female is necessarily harder than being a gay male.
This would be one of the failings of the difficulty setting metaphor.
It isn’t a tier or anything like that. It isn’t Easy->Casual->Normal->Expert->Hard->Insane. It’s closer to “begin with X items, Y approval, Z gold” settings, where the character is assigned initial items, npc interaction level and gold. Obviously the nicer the items and the more gold the easier the challenges will be because you can afford options other players can’t and the more responsive (or at least less hostile) npcs are the smoother the play experience will be.
I’m just wondering if being a gay female is necessarily harder than being a gay male.
to speak about “necessarily harder” is to even completely miss the point of the article. it’s not “necessarily harder” to be something other than a straight white male, because maybe you lucked out on some other variables; but that doesn’t change the fact that “straight”, “white”, and “male” are variables on which you did luck out. And it says that right there in the article:
Likewise, it’s certainly possible someone playing at a higher difficulty setting is progressing more quickly than you are, because they had more points initially given to them by the computer and/or their highest stats are wealth, intelligence and constitution and/or simply because they play the game better than you do
Legally speaking, it would be harder to be a gay man. Most anti-homosexuality laws were worded as anti-sodomy laws while sex between two women was notoriously hard to define.
Okay then you don’t think it’s harder, I apologise.
I think that I have no means of knowing either way (and neither does anyone else, for lack of a reliable method of measuring oppressions that look completely different from each other), but it very likely is one or the other, because it’s highly unlikely that they are actually really equally oppressive.
also, if “you don’t think it’s harder” is supposed to be the opposite of “You seem to think being a gay female is not necessarily harder than being a gay male”, one of us is having a massive communication failure
I’m sorry, obviously ‘You don’t think it’s harder’ contradicts ‘I think that I have no means of knowing either way’ and means the same thing as ‘You think it’s the same’ or ‘You think the other is harder’.
Legally speaking, it would be harder to be a gay man. Most anti-homosexuality laws were worded as anti-sodomy laws while sex between two women was notoriously hard to define.
PZ following the ways of the Tea Party will indeed unlock all of your powers but once you stop following their rules the powers are gone. I would suggest reading or rereading KJV before attempting to reach the Jedi level or for that matter even before joining the Rebel Alliance.
“Size matters not, … Look at me. Judge me by size, do you?”
Actually, the code is really quite simple: Step One: Go to Spain Step Two: Start a pro tennis or soccer or road racing cyclism career
This analogy is stupid. In life, consuming jugs marked “XXX” and whole roasted fowl at a sitting makes your hit points go down faster, grunt generators are unlimited, and there’s no point at which shots don’t hurt other players yet, if my memories of junior high are at all reliable.
Dave, the Kwisatz Haderachsays
…What the hell did I just watch?
If the the ways of the Tea Party gets me Jedi powers, who do I talk to about hooking up with the Sith? I just want Force lightning, is that too much to ask?
See? I can’t even find the generator that spawned dano; how can I destroy it?
My one serious question and response to the article is “So what?”.
Jadehawk, mostly off-topic, but I have something here that is Weirder Than We Can Suppose. I’m not sure what else to say, but like an unidentified species, I want to show you it.
thanks! that’s… deeply, awesomely weird.
*off to read paper*
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐsays
I dunno about Scalzi, but I’d like you to call your Senators and Representative, and tell them to support the Paycheck Fairness Act.
not whine about how mean/racist/sexist affirmative action is
not pull shit like this
not bullshit about politics of victimization
not bullshit about how being “colorblind” or “genderblind” or any of that shit is better than actually talking about race, gender, etc.
support legislation and social movements that seek to give “better armor” (to stick with the metaphor) to those playing at the harder settings so as to make playing at the higher difficulty levels a bit more equal to playing at the easier ones
be actively against any legislation or social movements that seeks to take away of these equalizing measures
this is not actually difficult, once you’ve understood the concept. really.
or, strictly speaking, what you’re supposed to do is not Scalzi’s point in that particular essay; this essay is merely an explanation.
But assuming fairness and equality are things you give a fuck about, the consequent actions of the situation he’s explaining are pretty obvious, and include but aren’t limited to the things I list in my previous post.
Back in my day, we had pinball and I don’t remember anybody complaining. None of this “difficulty settings” affirmative action crap. It was a level playing field, except for the slight tilt of the table, and the flippers worked the same for everyone.
(Ducks while point flies over head)
@life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ
Of course it is based on it’s history. But I think that history speaks a great deal about the lasting social stigma. I took a look at some statistics here: http://www.avp.org/publications/reports/documents/NCAVPHateViolenceReport2011Finaledjlfinaledits_000.pdf On page 24 there is a chart showing violence perpetrated against gay men in 2010 was almost half and lesbians a quarter. Of course this might be subject to a reporting bias and says nothing about the general social climate for lesbians.
Personally, I see the religious right speaking out much more about gay men than gay women. In a patriachal society, heterosexual men “get” why women are attractive to other women. They are much more fearful of the desire (perhaps their own?) for sex with other men.
Personally, I see the religious right speaking out much more about gay men than gay women. In a patriachal society, heterosexual men “get” why women are attractive to other women. They are much more fearful of the desire (perhaps their own?) for sex with other men.
Do you live under a motherfucking rock? Are you not familiar with the omnipresent narratives about converting women? It’s because we’re ‘not really’ lesbians. Lesbians aren’t allowed to actually exist. We’re here to put on a show for dudes before getting into a 2 women/1 man threesome with one, by and large. Fuck, if being lesbian is supposed to be so awesome, why do you think that these same idiots try to discredit feminism by calling feminists lesbians?
What is his point? What does he want me to do?
His point is that you have it easier. What to do about it varies. Broadly, it’s “stop pretending you don’t have it easier”. If you have values on things like equality, then it behooves you to work to help make them reality.
They are much more fearful of the desire (perhaps their own?) for sex with other men.
I haven’t seen it. Lesbian sex is relegated to fetish territory where it is only for masturbation. When the women aren’t “attractive” or there’s any threat to the man’s masculinity dyke quickly becomes an insult.
I think as a very simple clue-by-four, Scalzi’s post seems pretty good in explaining privilege.
Back in my day, we had pinball and I don’t remember anybody complaining. None of this “difficulty settings” affirmative action crap. It was a level playing field, except for the slight tilt of the table, and the flippers worked the same for everyone.
And those kids better get offa your lawn… yadda yadda… :)
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐsays
On page 24 there is a chart showing violence perpetrated against gay men in 2010 was almost half and lesbians a quarter. Of course this might be subject to a reporting bias and says nothing about the general social climate for lesbians.
You’ll find a lot of reports that say men are victims of violence by strangers more often than women, regardless of sexual orientation.
From one measure like violence by strangers, you cannot conclude that it is easier to be a man than a woman.
Rev. BigDumbChimpsays
This analogy is stupid. In life, consuming jugs marked “XXX” and whole roasted fowl at a sitting makes your hit points go down faster,
That was the wrong thing to say, man.
d(thunk) over d(MQ) = SQRRAWK!says
Ryanwilkinson: Nice derail. Now will you stop cosmically missing the point with your oppression olympics and complaining that we’re overreacting? You’re obviously being an idiot or troll. Fuck off either way.
And go take a porcupine on the way out.
consciousness razorsays
So many people on this website really need to calm down.
<Walter> Calmer than you are. </Walter>
I’ll note that it’s much easier to be calm when you’re playing the easiest difficulty setting. So why do others need to calm down? Because that would make you even more comfortable than you already are? What would be the point of that?
Well, I guess this could serve as a starting point to explaining privilege. But as everyone here knows, race, gender, and sexual orientation are not the only forms of privilege. I can personally assure those who doubt that being a Straight White Male™ isn’t so easy when you aren’t neurotypical.
it sounds like your initial question is trying to establish a ranking of oppressions, so that the variables can be ordered and the ‘level of difficulty’ a person experiences can be established by some sort of arithmetic sum… except that the way oppression intersect one another is complicated… some gay women may experience less homophobia than gay men, but that is more than compensated by experiencing more pervasive sexism. So it isn’t a simple case of taking each variable separately and doing some sort of mathematical sum in your head to predict a person’s relative level of disadvantage.
As for Jordan Chandler’s question, does it bother you that there is racist violence? Does it bother you that there is violence against the queer community? Would it surprise you to learn that the subsection of the LGBT community who are most likely to suffer from queer hatred are trans women of colour, who are grossly over-represented in violence (including murder) against queers? If you have to ask your question in the first place, forgive some of us for thinking you’re one of the navel-gazing straight white males Scalzi was writing for.
I can personally assure those who doubt that being a Straight White Male™ isn’t so easy when you aren’t neurotypical.
True. As a popular, socially competent individual adept at communicating, interpreting social cues and using those skills to my advantage, I can only wonder at what life would be like as someone like Ryan.
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐsays
I can personally assure those who doubt that being a Straight White Male™ isn’t so easy when you aren’t neurotypical.
Easier than being a gay white male who is similarly not neurotypical.
'Tis Himselfsays
As a popular, socially competent individual adept at communicating, interpreting social cues and using those skills to my advantage, I can only wonder at what life would be like as someone like Ryan.
As someone with a fucking clue, I can only wonder what life would be like for someone like Ryan.
FossilFishy (Lobed-finned Killer of Threads)says
Shit, Brownian you’re better than that. Being an asshole =/= to having an neuro-atypical brain.
This is my point, I asked a simple question, read an answer, and accepted it. I wasn’t trying to establish a social hierarchy, I wasn’t drawing a diagram, I was simply asking. The article discusses *exactly* “difficulty settings”, and yet I have taken all the flak for trying to establish a ‘ranking of oppressions.’ I do not recall doing that. I do not recall saying ‘gay men get discriminated against more than gay women therefore ignore women and therefore women don’t have any problems.’
Now I understand that most people on this site are atheists and feminists living in a somewhat backwards nation, and a lot of the time people you encounter who you disagree with are trying to do something ferociously stupid, and that you get angry at them, and that’s fine.
I asked if being a homosexual man, in America, could result in more discrimination than if you were a homosexual woman. Then everyone started swearing and shouting and I resulted in being a socially inept person without a fucking clue who can’t interpret social cues, nor am I popular, nor am I able to communicate.
So I will very happily stand by my original point that people on this website need to calm down; and if you genuinely believe my question was the gateway to me trying to oppress or justify oppression of any sort of person, I am genuinely sorry for giving off that impression, but at the same time, I am sure I didn’t.
if you genuinely believe my question was the gateway to me trying to oppress or justify oppression of any sort of person
what the fuck are you talking about. people have been pointing out to you that you’re playing Oppression Olympics; no one accused you of you trying to oppress of justify oppression. so, which hole did you pull that one out of?
Brother Ogvorbis: Advanced Accolyte of Tpyossays
That was not a communications failure. Xe is just asking questions.
As soon as you responded I said ‘I have no reason to doubt you, so fair enough’ and you continued. I apologised for misunderstanding, and yet you continued. I notice you didn’t reply to how I pointed out that ‘You don’t think it’s harder’ means literally that, and that you jumped to conclusions as much as I did, but, that’s irrelevant.
If you think ‘Do you live under a motherfucking rock?’ (Comment not directed at me) is calm or that I am in engaging in ‘oppression Olympics’ is calm, then, what?
There was an episode of Scrubs, I recall, where Turk and Elliot were discussing whether it was harder to be black or a woman in the workplace.
Please reply in one post, it’d be a lot easier. And don’t get mad at me for asking that, I swear down, if it’s significantly easier for you to reply in several or more, that’s fine, that’s so fine.
Um, I said ‘if’. I was just trying to cover all the bases. The you was a royal you.
‘People who participate in Oppression Olympics tend to ignore the fact that it’s possible for multiple groups to be oppressed.’
We’ll compare this to my question. ‘I realise it’s harder to be a woman than it is to be a man, but, genuine question, do you think being gay more adversely affects a man or a woman? Or is it about equal?’
I notice you didn’t reply to how I pointed out that ‘You don’t think it’s harder’ means literally that, and that you jumped to conclusions as much as I did, but, that’s irrelevant.
because it’s just another example of you suffering from communication failure, since 1)you basically repeated yourself in #6 and #14 (which you still haven’t noticed, have you), and 2)I have at no point said that your generic “you don’t think it’s harder” is incorrect, only that you’re jumping to conclusions, which prompted me to explain in detail, since you were being simplistic
If you think ‘Do you live under a motherfucking rock?’ (Comment not directed at me) is calm or that I am in engaging in ‘oppression Olympics’ is calm, then, what?
I’m sorry, but what about either of these statements shows a lack of calmness? no one is yelling, and no one is abusing Capslock or exclamation marks, which are the bare minimum indication that someone is losing their cool. because other than that, I could be pissed as fuck and use polite language on the internet, and similarly I can use coarse language while being in a midafternoon stupor. it’s entirely correlation-free.
that you jumped to conclusions as much as I did
quote or it didn’t happen.
Do you know what didn’t happen? This.
yeah. amazing. a fictional conversation in a piece of fiction that isn’t part of a social justice space ignores the fact that such comparisons are worthless ignore core concepts of intersectionality.
All of the “It’s not easy being a straight white male with <another problem>” misses the point that it’s still harder being an LGBT brown female with the same problem.
I’m not jumping to conclusions, you’d already said that you didn’t think it was harder, so I apologised for implying otherwise. Then you had your mini-essay attempting to rebut my ‘generic’ comment but in no way contradicted it, but go ahead, claim you meant that all along.
I would like to know where I have engaged in Oppression Olympics moreso than the author of the article when he explicitly says some disadvantages are harder than others, and I simply asked if it was harder to be a gay man, or a gay woman.
At no point did I say ignore the oppression of lesbians.
At no point did I say ignore the oppression of women.
At no point did I say ignore any oppression of anyone.
You clearly got so excited during your last sentence you couldn’t construct it.
I asked a question, you answered, I said ‘I have no reason to doubt you. Fair enough.’ What are you doing?
Rev. BigDumbChimpsays
All of the “It’s not easy being a straight white male with ” misses the point that it’s still harder being an LGBT brown female with the same problem.
For example the commentor there who thought he was being clever when he said this
This post is spot on, but there are two things I want to add.
1. There are other variables involved. Stephen Hawking comes readily to mind. He is successful, but I wouldn’t call his life easy.
2. The quickest way to fail at this or any other game is to spend all your time complaining about how unfair and difficult it is rather than playing.
“2. The quickest way to fail at this or any other game is to spend all your time complaining about how unfair and difficult it is rather than playing.”
You could apply that bit to straight white males who complain about being oppressed.
. I can personally assure those who doubt that being a Straight White Male™ isn’t so easy when you aren’t neurotypical.
Easier than being a non-neurotypical female, let me assure you. For some reason, when the non-neurotypical SWMs throw a pity party about their lack of a love life, they explicitly leave me out of it.
you’d already said that you didn’t think it was harder, so I apologised for implying otherwise
please reread your comment at #6, slowly. also, revisit the chronology of this conversation. you are confused about something, and I’m not entirely certain what that is, but it may be that you’ve typed something you didn’t mean to type, and are now assuming your comments are saying something else than you meant them to.
Then you had your mini-essay attempting to rebut my ‘generic’ comment but in no way contradicted it, but go ahead, claim you meant that all along.
your comment was wrong in #6, and #14 just repeated that wrongness. the wrongness was in its imprecision, and in the fact that I had in fact not said or in any way implied that I didn’t think that being gay and female was necessarily harder than being gay and male. you jumped to a conclusion; which would be true regardless of whether you guessed correctly, btw.
he explicitly says some disadvantages are harder than others
quote or it didn’t happen.
At no point did I say ignore the oppression of lesbians.
At no point did I say ignore the oppression of women.
At no point did I say ignore any oppression of anyone.
since no one said anything of the sort, you’re just pulling more crap outta your ass. what for? we can all read this thread, we can all see that this is bullshit.
You clearly got so excited during your last sentence you couldn’t construct it.
yes, that’s the only possible explanation. being dead-tired is of course not a possible explanation, and neither is simple typoing.
I asked a question, you answered, I said ‘I have no reason to doubt you. Fair enough.’ What are you doing?
you jumped to conclusions that were nowhere in what I posted, and I corrected you on that, and been trying to do so ever since (plus the new stuff you’re being wrong about). what are you doing?
You’re right, FossilFishy, asshole move on my part. I’m sorry for the implication, and for coopting A.R’s otherwise salient point.
Ah I see my repetition, haha no yeah that was an error on my part, awkward.
I’ll clarify: The first time I meant you don’t seem to think it’s harder being a gay male, the second time I meant you don’t think it’s harder being a gay female.
That was bad on my part, I apologise. Entirely my error. I’m tired too…
By very virtue of having a ranking system he says some are harder than others!
I mean really; where the fuck in comment #4 do I say that I don’t think it’s harder to be female and gay than it is to be male and gay?
all that comment does is point out one example of how female homosexuals are abused, and pointing out that making such comparisons is both futile and playing Opression Olympics.
not a fucking word about how I don’t think homosexual women have it harder than homosexual men
I, too, take all my life lessons on how things should work from Scrubs, so when janitors threaten to kill me, or straight up, abduct me, or create bizarre inventions such as a knife-wrench and declare it to be for kids, I shrug and accept it as part of a normal day for anyone.
You said you didn’t know, which means you don’t think it’s harder for either! Surely! Because you don’t know! “I think that I have no means of knowing either way”
You said you didn’t know, which means you don’t think it’s harder for either! Surely! Because you don’t know! “I think that I have no means of knowing either way”
yep. after you made a statement about my beliefs, twice, without any evidence either way.
so I explained.
FossilFishy (Lobed-finned Killer of Threads)says
[Extricates himself from Louis’ Groop Sehx pile, brushes the lube out of his beard, goes to stand in the Brownian’s Ghay Sehx queue]
which means you don’t think it’s harder for either!
incidentally, are you aware that this is an ambiguous statement? it can mean both that I think they have it equally hard, and that I don’t have any thoughts on who has it harder (i.e. an agnostic position).
and that’s the second admission that was necessary.
now if you could admit that Scalzi isn’t grading some oppressions as worse than others, and that no one accused you of supporting the oppression of anyone, we can finish talking (as long as you don’t introduce any new points into this conversation, anyway)
oh, I guess admitting that you had no reason to claim that people here weren’t calm would be nice too… but I suppose I’d settle for the other two.
A. Rsays
What I don’t think Ryan gets, is that people who are oppressed are still oppressed no matter what their particular oppression is. That’s not saying that having multiple oppressions isn’t worse than only having one.
The title is ‘Straight White Male.’ Maybe that implies that’s what he thinks are the three most important things (to me, it seems to). Maybe not, which I’m sure is what your opinion is, but I guess we can’t really tell without asking; and being asked, he’d almost certainly say they’re all roughly the same; perhaps putting trans as being more difficult than gay in *some* geographical areas, but I suppose I don’t know.
Also, TOLD YOU, I TOLD YOU people thought I would be like reducing the severity of oppression!
you claimed people were already doing that. which wasn’t true. call it a self-fulfilling prophecy if you will, but that doesn’t make your comments correct. unless you’re unglued in time, of course.
If you want something for your blog, there’s a video very relevant to your first statement (about lesbians being ‘fucked straight’) you might wanna look at and be horrified exists.
But it is porn… and some people might get angry for not finding it relevant to the original post.
I’m surely not the only one that thinks mainstream porn enacting raping lesbians straight is wrong, but anyway fine, sorry.
I knew someone would!
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trollssays
But this is all entirely irrelevant now.
As has all your posts since your first fuckwitted question, followed by your inane trolling (all trolling is inane). The hole is well over your head. Remember the first rule of holes, and cease your fuckwitted trolling. Ideally, apologize to the regulars and fade into the bandwidth.
If I’d realised asking what seemed like an innocuous question would cause all this, I would not have asked. I didn’t ask it to ‘troll’ pharyngula, I asked out of curiosity.
I’m sick of being attacked by people whose opinions include world war one being caused by masculinity issues.
d(thunk) over d(MQ) = SQRRAWK!says
If I’d realised asking what seemed like an innocuous question would cause all this, I would not have asked. I didn’t ask it to ‘troll’ pharyngula, I asked out of curiosity.
If you honestly asked, the initial question would have been fine. But when we corrected you on that, you started whining, derailing and saying “I didn’t do X, I did Y”. That is why you are a fuckwit.
consciousness razorsays
I didn’t ask it to ‘troll’ pharyngula, I asked out of curiosity.
It’s not merely the asking, but the obtuse idiocy that followed.
Genuine Questions™: When else have you commented at Pharyngula, except for the other thread I linked above? Do you do anything other than ask stupid questions and engage in apologetics for bigots?
Or the opinion that say, two examples of white on black crime means that “This shit is increasing. This shit is increasing” without citing any statistics or studies of the sort. But then again you know this person is “Cassandra” in her ability to predict the future but never be believed.
I wonder, Audley, how you’d react to two examples of black on white crime being cited in a blog and then that person writing “This shit is increasing!”
On the ‘Goddamned Racist America’ thread, I said that Call of Duty isn’t that bad compared to a game called ‘Ethnic Cleansing’, in which you go around and kill black people, Latino people, and Jews.
On the ‘Goddamned Racist America’ thread, I said that Call of Duty isn’t that bad compared to a game called ‘Ethnic Cleansing’, in which you go around and kill black people, Latino people, and Jews.
what relevance can your “dear Muslima…” moment possibly have to this thread…?
“Instead of your trite answers, try this: Instead of insisting that any Muslim is a potential threat to our security*, let’s say that any Jew is a potential threat to our security.”
‘Engaging with Christians is a problem’ however isn’t bigoted because … it’s less hyperbolic? It’s less paranoid? I’m not quite seeing the distinction.
And thanks Jadehawk, for equating one Jew with every Jew ever. That was kind of you.
“Genuine Questions™: When else have you commented at Pharyngula, except for the other thread I linked above?” – Consciousness Razor.
I also said I personally didn’t like Call of Duty and that in most installments you rarely play as one country and never as the other, if that helps you not want to say ‘Dear Muslima…’. I was simply paraphrasing.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
I haven’t read the comments in this thread but I already know they’re going to be full of fucking fail. How do I know that? Why, because 122 comments in a short time on a topic like this is bound to bring out fuckers.
evidently. sad too, since your rhetorical questions are actually pretty fucking close, only missing the question of relative power dynamics
And thanks Jadehawk, for equating one Jew with every Jew ever. That was kind of you.
you’re adorable when you’re flailing about. But FYI, I haven’t done any such thing. I merely made fun of you for trying to explain to a jewish person what a jew is.
Esteleth, Raging Dyke of Fuck Mountainsays
Josh, the cupcake who tried to tell Audley that he knew more about Judaism and Jewish people than she does is back.
Why, because 122 comments in a short time on a topic like this is bound to bring out fuckers.
just one, and the conversation left the original topic a long time ago, to instead focus on the many ways in which ryan is wrong about almost anything he chooses to talk about.
Or the opinion that say, two examples of white on black crime means that “This shit is increasing. This shit is increasing” without citing any statistics or studies of the sort.
Where the hell is this coming from? Did I miss part of this thread?
Here’s the thing, genius, I’m well read enough to know that racially motivated crime is on the increase. I’ve often linked to the Southern Poverty Law Center because they’re a handy-dandy resource when it comes to hate crimes/hate groups of all stripes. So, because I’m not a complete ignoramus, I know that shit is happening without demanding that stats are given.
But I wouldn’t be offended if someone else asked for stats, if that’s what you’re getting at.
I wonder, Audley, how you’d react to two examples of black on white crime being cited in a blog and then that person writing “This shit is increasing!”
I’d look up numbers or ask for clarification, dumbass.
Really, what was the point of all of this?
would you be offended and declare such a quip by Brownian to be antisemitic?
No, but then again, I know what antisemitic actually means. (Without using Wikipedia, even!)
I’m sick of being attacked by people whose opinions include world war one being caused by masculinity issues.
If you were truly sick of the responses you have received, you would have faded into the bandwidth thirty posts ago oh pointless fuckwit. You don’t tell your betters what to think. Your betters don’t troll.
hell, it’s in fact the same way I feel about the “die cis scum” thing that blew up on the internet while back.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
‘I don’t like Christians.’ How do you feel about that sentence?
I feel just fine about it. I don’t like you, and I don’t like ‘Christians.’ You’re a cancer on civilized society. Your outlook on life and human interactions is evil and retrograde, and I enjoy watching generations of you die off so you fade into cultural obscurity. The more of you who die off the fewer there are to torment people like me.
Did you expect someone to object to that sentiment?
When someone here says something that could be seen as bigoted by an outsider, it’s obviously not! Of course it’s not!
this is awesome, especially in light of the pushback Brownian just got for making an ableist joke. in this very thread.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
the same way i feel about “I don’t like white people” vs “I don’t like black people”
Oh, Jadehawk, you give him cheap points too easily. It isn’t at all the same thing. Not in his formulation. “Christians,” for him, are hateful judgmental bigots (though he’d deny it). Don’t bend over backwards to concede ethical territory he hasn’t earned.
Genuinely have no idea what Josh is going on about.
Colin Jsays
On a thread about racism you introduce a neo-Nazi, ethnic cleansing video game. And on this thread about privilege you want us all to look at “raping the lesbian straight” porn.
Did you expect someone to object to that sentiment?
no, he expects it to prove his point that saying things against jews as a whole is more bigoted than saying things against muslims as a whole, because the latter supposedly only includes believers regardless of context, while the former supposedly always includes believers and nonbelievers, also regardless of context.
he’s rehashing an old argument, basically, and he’s trying to do so by claiming that those who identify as cultural christians are lying about it for some reason.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
I don’t give a flying fuck who you like shitstain. I hate people like you. I hate people who base their identities on exercising power over others and making their lives miserable in order to claim cultural supremacy. That’s evil. And you’re evil.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
Genuinely have no idea what Josh is going on about.
I’ve been clear. I loath you and I loath your Christianity. There’s nothing to be confused about.
Oh, Jadehawk, you give him cheap points too easily. It isn’t at all the same thing. Not in his formulation. “Christians,” for him, are hateful judgmental bigots (though he’d deny it). Don’t bend over backwards to concede ethical territory he hasn’t earned.
I’m not. the parallel is that I belong both to the cultural Christian group, which is privileged, and the white group, which is also privileged. and in both cases, expression of hatred against this privileged group I’m a member of doesn’t phase me in the slightest. we do tend to be fucking assholes, because of privilege.
Audley, you might want to have a go at Josh, he just said something that if you replaced ‘Christian’ with ‘Jew’ would definitely sound antisemitic. But I doubt you will.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
I’m an atheist.
OK, I stand corrected. I apologize.
Audley, you might want to have a go at Josh, he just said something that if you replaced ‘Christian’ with ‘Jew’ would definitely sound antisemitic. But I doubt you will.
So, I was wrong. Hate crimes have remained steady over the past few years. *shrugs* It happens.
Here’s a couple of things to consider:
-All violent crimes has been decreasing steadily in the past decade.
-We don’t have stats for 2011 or the beginning of 2012
-Hate groups and hate group activity is on the rise. It would not be unreasonable to expect hate crimes to increase in the next few years.
Why do you think that you can get under my skin, RyRy? It didn’t work last time, why do you think it’s cute now?
Hardly. If ‘Jews are a threat to national security’ is antisemitic, I don’t see why ‘ Jews are a cancer on society’ and ‘I can’t wait for Jews to die out’ wouldn’t be.
OK, so you’re not a Christian. Just what are you, Ryan?
nigel circles the frozen body, his eyes like two unpowered lasers. He pokes the specimen with various implements: first, a shovel, then a pipette, and later the feather of a banty rooster. The latter he places in a machine about the size and shape of an 800W microwave. Turning this on, nigel purses his lips and nods.
Yes, Dr. OSG, this is a very interesting specimen, at least on the surface, Under the skin, however, it is nothing more than the common North American common troll. This one simply suffers from mange and poor intellectual diet.
Audley, you might want to have a go at Josh, he just said something that if you replaced ‘Christian’ with ‘Jew’ would definitely sound antisemitic. But I doubt you will.
please learn why, for example, “die cis scum” is not bigoted, while “die trans scum” is. then maybe you’ll understand the difference between wanting chistians to die out, wanting jews to die out, and wanting muslims to die out.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
I don’t see why ‘ Jews are a cancer on society’ and ‘I can’t wait for Jews to die out’ wouldn’t be.
That’s because you’re too goddamned willfully stupid to understand the difference between bigoted persecution of a minority group to satisfy the tribalism of the majority, and justified hatred of an oppressive majority group by the people it victimizes.
Did someone scramble your brains with an egg beater when you sloshed out of your mom?
Why am I not surprised that our little RyRy completely misses the point about privilege (you know, the topic of this thread before he decided to get dumbass all over it).
In the US (and Europe, where I assume you’re from) Christians are the privileged group. What you’re doing, RyRy, is arguing that “cracker” has same hateful connotations as “nigger”.
Right, so saying horrible, murderous, ‘tarnishing them all with the same brush’ things about Christians (despite Christians having the exact same cultural connotations as Jew does) is okay?
I’m literally repeating Audley’s argument here Josh, I wouldn’t get too vitriolic.
the argument Audley made was to substitute one minority group (Jews) for another minority group (Muslims). Substituting a dominant group for a minority group is not even close to the same argument.
See, Audley, the fuck of it is he’s pretending not to understand the difference between insulting an oppressor and kicking down at someone lower than you. He’s pretending not to know the difference between “cracker” and “nigger.” That makes him so much worse—it’s the mark of an actual sociopath.
“I feel just fine about it. I don’t like you, and I don’t like ‘Christians.’ You’re a cancer on civilized society. Your outlook on life and human interactions is evil and retrograde, and I enjoy watching generations of you die off so you fade into cultural obscurity. The more of you who die off the fewer there are to torment people like me.”
That’s because you’re too goddamned willfully stupid to understand the difference between bigoted persecution of a minority group to satisfy the tribalism of the majority, and justified hatred of an oppressive majority group by the people it victimizes.
What you’re doing, RyRy, is arguing that “cracker” has same hateful connotations as “nigger”.
the argument Audley made was to substitute one minority group (Jews) for another minority group (Muslims). Substituting a dominant group for a minority group is not even close to the same argument.
And yet he questions us. Apparently, someone didn’t understand the point of Scalzi’s post about privilege.
No, fuck that Christians aren’t a minority! I don’t give a shit! It wouldn’t be considered ‘okay’ if a black person called white people a cancer on society! It wouldn’t be the-fuck-okay if a black person said he wanted white people to fade off into cultural obscurity! If this is the analysis we’re using then no it is not okay!
Right, so saying horrible, murderous, ‘tarnishing them all with the same brush’ things about Christians (despite Christians having the exact same cultural connotations as Jew does) is okay?
from a minority group actively being oppressed by Christian culture? of course. expressions of justified rage by a minority group that carry no actual danger to the dominant group aren’t even remotely the same thing as “horrible, murderous” things being said against a minority group that is actively being targeted for “horrible, murderous” things by the dominant group.
seriously; power dynamics. fucking learn them, and STFU until you’ve done so.
nigel disembowels the bandy rooster, running the warm intestines through his fingers until he brails out the gizzard. This, he throws in a frying pan sizzling in hot oil. The gizzard spits and skitters about the pan.
Hm. I’m thinking not. It seems our troll can tell neither the difference between privilege and disadvantage, nor the difference between choice of worldview and genetic heritage. I believe a Magic 8 Ball would say, “Outlook is bad.” (Which, come to think of it, applies to a certain Microsoft product as well.)
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a fried gizzard to spread on toast with some brie.
That makes him so much worse—it’s the mark of an actual sociopath.
Here I was, hoping that he was just a garden-variety dumbass.
This is not okay!
That’s right, keep licking the boots of your masters. Does it feel good to be used as a tool of the oppressors? Or are you actually so ignorant to think that Christians are in any way, shape, or form oppressed in North America or Europe?
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
(In the voice of the Hamburglar):Hoggle-oggle-oggle-oggle.
It wouldn’t be considered ‘okay’ if a black person called white people a cancer on society! It wouldn’t be the-fuck-okay if a black person said he wanted white people to fade off into cultural obscurity!
Yes, and I don’t care that they’re not a minority. Them being the majority does not make it okay to call them ALL a CANCER on society! It does not. If I said ‘Muslims are a cancer’ then I would be torn apart for it, it would be pointed out that not all Muslims are like that; BUT it’s not like if Muslims were the dominant group things would be better for gay people or for people wanting abortions or for women.
I don’t give a shit! It wouldn’t be considered ‘okay’ if a black person called white people a cancer on society! It wouldn’t be the-fuck-okay if a black person said he wanted white people to fade off into cultural obscurity! If this is the analysis we’re using then no it is not okay!
Are you really this dumb? Just trolling? A weird little psychopath?
I think a black person would be perfectly justified in calling a white person a cancer on society, considering the racist, oppressive shit that passes for “civilization” in this country.
Learning about privilege: UR DOIN IT RONG.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
Dumb. Also a liar.
consciousness razorsays
(despite Christians having the exact same cultural connotations as Jew does)
Yes, and I don’t care that they’re not a minority.
“but I’m colorblind” by any other name… is still just as fucking stupid. It is clear you did not understand the essay in the OP.
If I said ‘Muslims are a cancer’ then I would be torn apart for it,
because unlike with christians, this is an actual credible threat when said against Muslims. why are you still here, instead of learning about power dynamics?
BUT it’s not like if Muslims were the dominant group things would be better for gay people or for people wanting abortions or for women.
“if” muslims were the dominant group and christians the minority, then nothing about the comments we’ve made would change. it would still be ok to rage at the dominant group (in this hypothetical scenario, muslims), but not punch down the power gradient at the minority group (in this hypothetical scenario, christians).
1) Goal posts, you’ve shifted them.
2) OPPRESSION OPPRESSION OPPRESSION! Don’t account for the history of oppression or the fact that African Americans are currently being oppressed or anything.
3) No one has claimed in this thread or the last one where you vomited your bullshit that Jews = Christians. All we’ve said is that there is such a thing as “cultural Christians” and that Judaism isn’t the only religion that has culture tied to it.
But I’m not a dominant group, I’m not a Christian, I don’t have the ability to destroy all Muslims. I don’t have the ability to even come close to destroying all Muslims. I don’t have the influence to create a kind of anti-Muslim cult. There is literally nothing I could do to Muslims that Josh couldn’t do to Christians.
So as soon as Christians drop below 30-40% everything said about them must desist?
Do recognize the game he’s playing; and it is a game. It’s calculated.
Stupid, but calculated. Don’t waste your time trying to “explain” things to him. He already understands them; he’s feinting in order to provoke responses.
no one said that they were the same, but that both can and do refer to believers as well as non-believing cultural adherents sometimes, and sometimes only to religious adherents, depending on the context
I’m willing to be that you do live in a majority culturally christian country, actually. and that you belong to that culturally privileged group, yourself.
So being a straight white male makes me the dominant group?
What’s a straight white male Muslim then?
Jew tends to include more cultural baggage than Christian when you say ‘Christians’ and ‘Jews’. Obviously it’s different when you say ‘Christian country’.
Yes you can say Christianity is bad, though I’m well aware you were asking … condescendingly/sarcastically/some tone of that kind.
Really? ‘Cos you certainly don’t live in a majority Muslim country, since you’ve only got one Jewish friend you probably don’t live in Israel, and I’d be shocked to learn that you live anywhere in Asia.
Well, I’m going to bed, hoping that there’s oil under this here blog, because at the rate he’s going, ryanwilkinson will have struck black gold for me by morning.
So if I go to a non-culturally Christian country, what happens then?
depends. but possibly you would no longer be part of that one specific dominant group. If for some freakish reason you had to move to Indonesia, for example, and couldn’t move back, your cultural christianity would possibly no longer be dominant. but then you’d be even more powerfully dominant for other reasons, so who knows what that would get you, in balance (which is why playing oppression olympics, even in reverse, makes little sense)
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
A cure for the cancer at hand would be for you to die an electronic death.
Lord, you’re one of the stupider commenters in recent memory.
But Josh didn’t specify American Christians, so that violent oppression for him is a good thing? A cure for the cancer?
Awwww, how cute. Playing semantic games as if we’ve never seen anything like it!
Sweet Jebus singing on a pogo stick. I was occupied over on Scalzi’s OP and thankfully he closed down comments for the night because there was an amazing amount of obtuseness on that thread, although given what Ryan’s posted here, he’d have fit right in with those getting whacked by the Mallet of Loving Correction over there.
Although I might have to disagree with PZ slightly here – at the rate Ryan’s going, he’s likely to strike black gold well before dawn. And he’ll have to – with all that doubling down, he’s likely broken the bank and taken out loans to keep betting by now.
That I can say whatever shit I like about whoever I like as long as I am not the majority. This is your theory. A black person calling for the deaths of white people here is okay, because, black people couldn’t do it.
If I went to Israel, could I be antisemitic then? Would that be okay?
it would certainly not be contributing to any danger to and othering of Jews, unlike doing that here. in fact, doing that would likely get your sorry ass handed to you, since Jews are the dominant group in Israel
A black person calling for the deaths of white people here is okay, because, black people couldn’t do it.
You know, it’s amazing. For someone who whined endlessly in the last thread about people misrepresenting his arguments, you’re sure as shit doing a bang up job of misrepresenting ours.
But, go on, keep being deliberately obtuse. It’s totes adorable.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
Josh, genuinely, what is your opinion on Muslims?
Ryan, genuinely, what is your opinion on DUUURRRRRRP?
Go on Josh, what’s your opinion on Muslims? Go on!
That I can say whatever shit I like about whoever I like as long as I am not the majority. This is your theory. A black person calling for the deaths of white people here is okay, because, black people couldn’t do it.
I’ll take missing the point spectacularly for $500, Alex.
I’ll take missing the point spectacularly for $500, Alex.
“This is the style of posting mastered by ryanwilkinson.”
Rey Foxsays
Ryan, are you this tedious and obtuse in real life?
You’d definitely find it interesting, it begins with a ‘lesbian’ and ends with the sentence ‘I have been fucked straight’.
I got to that part of the thread and imagined Jadehawk being stuck behind her table at a SF convention dealing with one of those fans from Hell. Then calling con security.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
stop being wrong on the internet, it’s giving me sleep deprivation
Seriously, what’s the cure for that, because as well as sleep deprivation, it’s harshing on my Zen, man!
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
True fact: I just brushed a spider off my chest (inside my shirt) and I bore it less ill will than I feel toward Ryan.
Hahaha you can’t say it! You can’t say it because it would ENTIRELY go against the premise of what you lot have been arguing, that’s great.
All I’ve said has amounted to don’t stereotype, regardless of majority or minority or whatever words you want to use, and you’ve you know, have requested me to die.
And the others of you, if you think Josh’s opinion on Muslims isn’t very similar worded to his opinions on me (when he thought I was a Christian) and other Christians, you know you’re being dishonest.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
I hear ya, Jadehawk. Just goes to show you how much I hate Ryan. Cuz he’s white and I hate white people. And stuff.
All I’ve said has amounted to don’t stereotype, regardless of majority or minority or whatever words you want to use, and you’ve you know, have requested me to die.
That’s it. After you fetch me some ranch dressing for that word salad I command you to die.
I hear ya, Jadehawk. Just goes to show you how much I hate Ryan. Cuz he’s white and I hate white people. And stuff.
And neo-Nazis. Don’t forget them.
Yep. As I suspected, Ryan doesn’t know about category error. (Hint for Ryan: you can’t just swap out a majority group for a minority group in a situation and expect the implications to be the same.)
Hahaha you can’t say it! You can’t say it because it would ENTIRELY go against the premise of what you lot have been arguing, that’s great.
you wish, honeycakes. you wish.
seriously, it’s not my fucking fault you’re ethically and rationally challenged and cannot grasp the basic arguments about privilege made in this thread as well as in the OP.
Josh and Audley are right to not dignify your rambling with responses. I’m a fucking idiot with SIWOTI Syndrome for bothering to respond at all.
Hahaha you can’t say it! You can’t say it because it would ENTIRELY go against the premise of what you lot have been arguing, that’s great.
All I’ve said has amounted to don’t stereotype, regardless of majority or minority or whatever words you want to use, and you’ve you know, have requested me to die.
And the others of you, if you think Josh’s opinion on Muslims isn’t very similar worded to his opinions on me (when he thought I was a Christian) and other Christians, you know you’re being dishonest.
So there it’s morally okay to be antisemitic, in America it is not.
Er, no.
In Israel, if you’re openly anti-Semitic you’re going to be either arrested or murdered.
In the United States, on the other hand, it’s perfectly okay. You might get a lot of people regarding you with disgust if you’re openly anti-Semitic in an urban/liberal area, but you’ll be able to find people who agree with you regardless. In rural areas, especially in the South and Midwest? Chances are fairly high that no one’s even going to give a damn.
Hell, it’s the same thing in Canada. It is not very hard for me to delve into the history of the Reform Party, now the Conservative Party, and pull out direct links to members of the KKK and Northern Alliance.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
Audley, if you liked it then you shoulda herped a derp on it.
And I don’t wish. I know. And you know too. Josh also can’t wait until the day Muslims die out, he’s just too afraid to say it.
I can’t say I can’t wait until the day Muslims die out, but I can say I can’t wait until the day Islam dies out. As well as Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Tlingit ancestor worship, and other forms of religious belief.
Meanwhile, Christians are, in general, specifically a blight on the American political landscape.
Josh also can’t wait until the day Muslims die out, he’s just too afraid to say it.
poor poor Josh, oppressed by Teh Ebil Pharyngulocracy. The horrible, brutal, bloodcurdling things we’d do to him if he ever went against Teh Roolz and voiced disagreement with any other Pharynguloid
I genuinely don’t understand your question, Jadehawk.
I’m bisexual, if you want that, but even if I was straight I could be annoyed at Christianity! taking or trying to take away the rights of others, couldn’t I?
I genuinely don’t understand your question, Jadehawk.
I’m not in the slightest surprised. I’m surprised that, if you are bisexual and had your livelihood threatened, you don’t understand the difference between justified but ultimately harmless anger, and anger that can harm because it comes with power.
maybe I shouldn’t be. maybe your density goes all the way down.
Hahahaha, I’m loving it, sorry if I don’t want to to stereotype all Christians as a cancer!
Oh yeah because none of us EVER go to bat for theists, such as complaining about WIAAA posts that are just one sentence faps that amount to “cause theists r dumb”
incorrect we’re quite aware you’re playing the “I’m better than you because I’m colorblind” game. blindness to power balance and pretending that dominant groups need the same protections from verbal attacks that minorities need is fucking stupid
Well, RyRy, it’s a good goddamn thing that I don’t give a fuck what you think.
You still haven’t answered me: is calling someone a “cracker” as bad as calling someone else a “nigger”? Please show your work.
You agreed with him Audley. Meaning you disagree with yourself now.
Agreed with who? About what?
My entire point has been about minority groups and oppressed classes. The fact that you don’t get it shows that you don’t really give a fuck about the OP or Scalzi’s post on privilege. It’s a shame, really. If you could only read and understand, you’d be a much better person for it.
I don’t think it’s okay for me to stand up and say CHRISTIANS ARE A CANCER, RAR RAR RAR.
Okay. Then don’t.
I don’t think it’s okay for a Christian to stand up and say BISEXUALS ARE A CANCER, RAR RAR RAR.
You do see the difference though, right?
For instance, in many states of the US, Christians have done exactly that, and affected the lives of gays and bisexuals.
There’s a slight difference.
I’m not saying oppress the minorities, not at all; I’m saying don’t stereotype the majority.
The difference is, stereotyping the majority doesn’t cause nearly as much harm as oppressing the minorities.
Also, too, Christians really are causing a lot of harm in the US. It’s not all of them, no — but the quiet majority of Christians are keeping their cakeholes shut while a very assertive minority of Christians are fucking up education, equal rights, and other minor things.
There’s a difference between the two things you presented, yet you present them as equally bad.
Agreed with Amphiox, about how me calling Christians idiots was bigoted.
Agreed with Esteleth, that the statement ‘All Christians are stupid’ is stupid.
I don’t know why it’s okay for minority groups to stand up and wish death upon majority groups. When a Muslim leader in the UK stands up and says he wants to make it an Islamic country, and kill all the Christians and infidels, I don’t think that’s a good thing.
Nor do I think it’s a good thing when the EDL decide that all Islam is evil and must be completely eradicated via any means necessary.
apparently you agreed with amphiox that ryan saying he’s anti-Christians was bigoted…?
well. as a context-free statement, it does tend to be. from someone like me, it also tends to be. from someone like josh, when written in obvious rage? not so much.
interesting. did we say such things were good things? or did you jump to conclusions again based on the fact that we didn’t condemn minorities for raging against oppressive dominant groups?
Saying Christians are a cancer on society is bad, regardless of how bad other things are.
So, if we can demonstrate empirically that those most responsible for the terrible policies in the US are Christians, it would be incorrect to say that Christians are a cancer on society?
Or (to play your game), in countries where Christians are responsible for massive ethnic cleansing (even against other Christians!), is it incorrect to say that Christians are a cancer on society?
You don’t want to get into an actual arguement over the effectiveness of MILK vs Malcolm X
For one there’s serious question whether MLK would have been effective at all without Malcolm acting as the stick to his carrot.
Right, my point has been, don’t call all Christians a cancer, and that being a minority doesn’t make wishing death on another group okay.
AGAIn what is your view on Nazis?
d(thunk) over d(MQ) = SQRRAWK!says
Ryan: It’s a little matter of PRIVILEGE. Saying that christians are a cancer to society is not equivalent to a majority group disparaging a minority group. Learn a few things.
that being a minority doesn’t make wishing death on another group okay.
it does make it pretty much harmless though, which was our point. ffs.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
Suffragists vs suffragettes?
MLK vs Malcolm X?
You stupid shit. You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. You have no idea what real people in civil rights struggles actually said. You honestly think MLK was a pacifist? Have you ever read “Letter from a Birmingham Jail?” No? Then read it you dumb shit.
Do some homework before you come back here and affect to “rebut” what I’m saying.
and justified hatred of an oppressive majority group by the people it victimizes.
expressions of justified rage by a minority group that carry no actual danger to the dominant group aren’t even remotely the same thing
I think a black person would be perfectly justified in calling a white person a cancer on society, considering the racist, oppressive shit that passes for “civilization” in this country
I just figured it out! Ryan is the asshole teacher who makes the kid that got punched in the face apologize to the bully for his part of the fight. He’s the goddamn principle from South Park
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
How old are you, Ryan? I’m going to guess no more than 20 (DON’T you young’uns jump on me—I know some of you are far more sophisticated).
I think a black person would be perfectly justified in calling a white person a cancer on society, considering the racist, oppressive shit that passes for “civilization” in this country
well yeah…Shinler and all. I mean should we talk about wanting to wipe out the scourge of Nazis/NeoNazis when there might be good members of those groups? I hear some skinheads like puppies
d(thunk) over d(MQ) = SQRRAWK!says
How old are you, Ryan? I’m going to guess no more than 20 (DON’T you young’uns jump on me—I know some of you are far more sophisticated).
Sorry, we will anyway. We know Ryan’s an idiot, so there’s no need to disparage young people by comparison. We’re not all like this.
For someone that writes particularly Britishly, I’m surprised that you bothered to imply that you didn’t come from a majority Christian country.
I’m gonna break it down into really small words for you, RyRy: You’re telling an oppressed class that their feelings about oppression and their oppressors aren’t valid. And it’s because you’re blinded by your (white, possibly British and Christian upbringing) privilege. Read the fucking link that PZ provided.
ryan honey, what exactly do you think quoting us saying that punching up the power gradient isn’t the same thing as punching down the power gradient is proving?
or… wait. do you think “justified” is synonymous with “good”?
that being a minority doesn’t make wishing death on another group okay.
it does make it pretty much harmless though, which was our point. ffs.
Even more to the point: calling an oppressive group a cancer is a fuckload of miles from calling for their deaths.
Just one more dishonesty brought to you by the letters K, and W, and ryanwilkinson.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
Sorry, we will anyway. We know Ryan’s an idiot, so there’s no need to disparage young people by comparison. We’re not all like this.
I’m glad you said that Thunk, but still: stuff it up your ass. I was a precocious and unusually smart teen just like you. That doesn’t negate the fact that it usually takes an extremely young age (and a sheltered life) to produce such profound stupidity as we see in Ryan.
I think a black person would be perfectly justified in calling a white person a cancer on society, considering the racist, oppressive shit that passes for “civilization” in this country
Glad to see though that you realised it wasn’t a great statement.
you think ing called you a hypocrite because ing thought the statement wasn’t great? care to explain how making non-great statements makes one a hypocrite?
in reality, of course, ing called you a hypocrite because it looked like you were saying the same thing you were arguing against.
you’re one confused cookie.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
Glad you hit back at me, though, Thunk. That’s the goddamned spirit right there!:)
I’m glad you said that Thunk, but still: stuff it up your ass. I was a precocious and unusually smart teen just like you. That doesn’t negate the fact that it usually takes an extremely young age (and a sheltered life) to produce such profound stupidity as we see in Ryan.
Sure. Just as not all skinheads are really evil fucks.
The problem isn’t what some believe, but what the aggregate effect is on society. And right now, Christians in the US, on aggregate, are fucking things up beyond all recognition.
Audley, I need your help. Why is the statement ‘All Christians are stupid’ nominally insulting and ‘Christians are a cancer’ not so…
One is false. Christianity on the whole is toxic.
Oh and incidentally, I doubt anyone can hold orthodox Christians views and NOT believe hateful things.
Rey Foxsays
Ryan is like that guy at work who extends meetings by asking stupid questions and endless clarifications on points that anyone else would just be able or willing to just play by ear, and makes them all about his particular situation and keeps bringing up tangential points of interest to no one else until you just want to brain him with your coffee mug.
Justified isn’t far off good, don’t pretend it is.
a lot of actions and especially feelings that aren’t good or in any way positive are still justified. personally, i feel queasy but ethically neutral about justified anger expressed in the way Josh did and the way the “die cis scum” motto does. but it’s not my fucking place to tell people who are oppressed how they should be allowed to express their anger at such oppression.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
Oh, and Ryan? Stop lying about “not being a Christian.” It’s perfectly obvious that you have a huge emotional attachment to a Christian identity even if you don’t intellectually believe in it. That’s why you’re spinning so hard you’ve lost your mind.
And yes Josh, I read it, it doesn’t exactly call for violence or call white people a cancer or anything close but okay.
This is fruitless. I don’t think calling all Christians a cancer is justified, I don’t think a black person standing up and wanting violent things to be done to white people is justified. You lot obviously do. We won’t get anywhere, I’m clearly a stupid fucking moron who will never get anywhere, I’m also certainly a secret Christian and I in fact go around and oppress people and have never argued with a Christian in any way.
Audley, I need your help. Why is the statement ‘All Christians are stupid’ nominally insulting and ‘Christians are a cancer’ not so
ryan, I need your help. why are you asking a jewish person why they aren’t nominally insulted by an insult on christians the way the christian person was?
And no, I fucking hate Christianity, but I do have many Christian friends, all of whom are good, tolerant people, and whilst I disagree with their faith I would never, ever call them a cancer or paint them with the same brush I paint intolerant, oppressive, progress-halting Christians.
This is fruitless. I don’t think calling all Christians a cancer is justified, I don’t think a black person standing up and wanting violent things to be done to white people is justified. You lot obviously do. We won’t get anywhere, I’m clearly a stupid fucking moron who will never get anywhere, I’m also certainly a secret Christian and I in fact go around and oppress people and have never argued with a Christian in any way.
Well from down here you actually look like you’re dressed like Christ.
This is fruitless. I don’t think calling all Christians a cancer is justified, I don’t think a black person standing up and wanting violent things to be done to white people is justified.
I notice you refuse to answer the question about Nazis? Is that because you don’t want to address why you don’t have a problem with the Warsaw riots or don’t want to waggle your finger at people in death camps?
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
I don’t think a black person standing up and wanting violent things to be done to white people is justified
Well, surprise surprise, I do. And I’d punch you in your smug face if we were having this conversation in a pub. Yeah. Be shocked all you want. I’m not afraid of pushing back against violent oppressors with violence (especially privileged fucks). Why this shocks you I can’t imagine.
And no, I fucking hate Christianity, but I do have many Christian friends, all of whom are good, tolerant people, and whilst I disagree with their faith I would never, ever call them a cancer or paint them with the same brush I paint intolerant, oppressive, progress-halting Christians.
So why the fuck are you yelling at us for sharing the same view as you?
So why the fuck are you yelling at us for sharing the same view as you?
because Josh said a bunch of mean things about Christians in comment 139 where he called Christians a cancer and said he’s enjoying them die off
Rip Steakfacesays
Heh, that article put what I’ve been trying to say about being a straight white guy into understandable terms. I’ve always tried to say something like “I, as a straight white guy, get it really friggin’ easy. In terms of the lottery of birth, I won a 2nd tier jackpot (because I wasn’t born into wealth).”
If only life were made this easy for everybody.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
because Josh said a bunch of mean things about Christians in comment 139 where he called Christians a cancer and said he’s enjoying them die off
And I meant it. I really do take satisfaction in watching the bigots of a dying generation fade away and die. Good riddance. Women, queers, brown people, and anyone outside the mainstream have suffered enough from their bullshit. Let that stupid, selfish, horrible generation die. And if you’re not stupid and selfish, great—but shut the fuck up about how “we’re not all like that.” I don’t care. Show it with action, not pointless bitching.
I really do take satisfaction in watching the bigots of a dying generation fade away and die.
The sad thing is, Ryan couldn’t tell the difference between this statement, and actively calling for their deaths. He kept conflating the two, right up ’til the end.
Fuck it. I can’t abide obtuse fools and their inability to comprehend the difference between calling for murder, and the satisfaction of watching a dying ideology.
HOLY FUCK. That is some Weapons Grade Stupid right here. My eyes are fucking bleeding, gah! The stupid is making my brain ache.
“I don’t like Christians” is comparable to “I don’t like skinheads”. It is a justifiable statement. Watch as I justify it:
Christianity is a belief system. A stupid, hateful, destructive, bigoted belief system. Belief systems, unlike skin color, gender, sexual orientation, or gender orientation, are chosen.
People who volunteer to subscribe to such a belief system deserve all the scorn and opprobrium we can heap upon them.
Now fuck the fuck off.
Josh, I love you.
theophontes 777says
@ ryanwilkinson
And no, I fucking hate Christianity, but I do have many Christian friends, all of whom are good, tolerant people, and whilst I disagree with their faith I would never, ever call them a cancer or paint them with the same brush I paint intolerant, oppressive, progress-halting Christians.
You do realise they are all drinking the koolaid from the same bowl?
I think Josh’s comparison of xtianity to cancer is all the more apt in your case. Xtianity is a nasty cancerous memeplex that does its host and society no good whatsoever. It does this by disguising itself as “good and tolerant” to get past the hosts defenses. But then flairs up in all its ugly glory to reek as much harm as it can. No good can ever come of it. How is this not similar to cancer?
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
How is this not similar to cancer?
Little Baby Ryan doesn’t want to face up to the real world. He doesn’t want to believe that the trusted Brand Names™ he grew up with –“Christianity—It’s not Just for Idiots!”—could be fundamentally corrupt. So when he sees his friends, people who seem good and wholesome and non-hateful, who identify as Christian, he has to make “Christian” acceptable in his mind.
It’s not at all similar to cancer, but it’s entirely like hating on blacks, or gays. Because, y’know, disliking someone for their choice of a hateful ideology is exactly like hating on someone because of attributes they can’t choose.
Or something.
The Laughing Coyote (Canis Sativa)says
Hey Ryan, I know you’re still reading this:
Fuck you, from the bottom of my miserable black heart, for talking that shit about the ‘lesbian raped straight’ porn and that fucking ethnic cleansing game in this thread of all places. Seriously. I don’t give a shit about anything else that you’ve said at this point, you are a serious goddamn creeper.
Yeah, I’m sure you’ve ‘researched’ that fucking video dozens of times, you putrid maggot.
Josh, Official SpokesGaysays
I don’t give a shit about anything else that you’ve said at this point, you are a serious goddamn creeper.
Thank you, Coyote. Though it shouldn’t, it does make a difference when a Normal Straight Dood™ notices the same fucking shit and calls it out. Much appreciated.
The Laughing Coyote (Canis Sativa)says
no problem, Josh.
I agree with your earlier assessment. None of these questions are really in good faith. He’s not interested in learning anything.
He’s fucking around with us in some stupid-ass way.
theophontes 777says
@ Josh
Of topic: *hugs* (I have been a bit quiet of late, will snailmail soon.)
@ baby ryan
Things are not always as they seem. Do you not recognise a lot of social chameleons amongst your xtian friends? That they may appear “good” and “tolerant” can hide their true motivations and herd instincts.
The Laughing Coyote (Canis Sativa)says
Theophontes: That’s actually a lot like what Ryan is doing himself. Except he’s a Stupid Chameleon, the kind that changes itself shit-brown-with-corn-nuggets to hide in a punchbowl.
theophontes 777says
shit-brown-with-corn-nuggets to hide in a punchbowl
hehe… that reminds me of a drawing you did a while back! “corn dog”? I forget the context.
My advice: Get yourself along to TZT (click for instant teleportation), where you will be able to set out your position without the fear of getting blasted by Teh Ebil Oberlawd ™ .
Also, the denizens are more obliging in letting you have your say.
/friendly advice
The Laughing Coyote (Canis Sativa)says
Theophontes: Ah yes, the hypothetical recreation of the mythical Corn-Mimicking-Anus.
Back when I used to post on bogleech, I developed a bit of a knack for grotesque and ridiculous monsters.
One of my favorites was a gross slobbery thing with no lower jaw or hind limbs and a skeletal dog-face, but that’s way off topic. I could post a pic on TET probably.
theophontes 777says
the mythical Corn-Mimicking-Anus.
Yes, that one. XD
If only there where less non-mythical ones in RL.
You do realise they are all drinking the koolaid from the same bowl?
Sure, but The Good Ones ™ drink it with a bendy straw, and only a few sips every hour or so. And they put a festive little umbrella in it and everything. But, The Others are so vulgar, they sip straight from the glass, getting their lips on the glass and everything. And they might drink a whole cupful in as little as a half-hour! And they don’t even add a few splashes of water before they start drinking. Clearly, They Are Doing It Wrong.
Fossilfishy, #84,
I am currently reading this thread with my coffee and you have caused me to have premature enjokeulation. I has a displeased. You will receive precisely one less spanking in the official spanking rankings.
Also, as I am currently only up to comment #84, I feel it necessary to make two points at this juncture:
1) I am only asking questions.
2) Calm down.
That is all.
Josh, #124,
I arrived at the ~#373 mark and am still reading. My initial thought when noting that number in a newish thread was identical to yours.
There are advantages and disadvantages to being a subject of Her Maj’s Greenwich Meanie Time.
Disadvantage: you miss the live-action beatdown of the naive and the stupid, and it sort of feels like an episode of 24 that you’ve randomly switched over to in the middle of the night; exciting, but events feel somewhat distant.
Advantage: The beatdown on the naive and stupid occurs ALL AT ONCE, with an effect like a head rush after a bag of rapidly-gobbled, hideously multi-coloured sweeties found in your raincoat pocket. This is Pavlovian after a while; the rush can eventually be triggered merely by logging on in the morning and seeing an article that had three comments when you went to bed now has OMGAZILLION comments when you get up.
Pharyngula: Better than crack.
Emrysmyrddin, #376,
You and I are in agreement.
{Puffs on pipe}
{Adjusts his tweeds}
I know it’s a touch early, Louis old chap, but I’ve got the teapot warming, the cocoa on the stove and the sticky buns arranged quite nicely on the doilies. You can be Mother.
'Tis Himselfsays
I’ve got the teapot warming, the cocoa on the stove
Tea and cocoa both? Are you being a little extravagant, old boy or girl (as the case may be)?
Dear Everybody, but especially Ryanwilkinson,
I am about to do something very naughty. Possibly with humour. I suggest bracing yourselves. There may be Jokes.
Sufficiently girded? I shall break you in gently.
I am about to sort of possibly sound like I am almost maybe disagreeing with what a lot of the most wonderful posters here have said.
I know right? Shocking! DEEP RIFTS. DEEEEEEEEEP RIFTS!*
The statement “I hate (Contextually Dominant Group) X” and the statement “I hate (Contextually Oppressed Group) Y” are perfectly equally, logically incoherent.
Did you get that? Good.
Insert white for X and black for Y, or male for X and female for Y, or straight for X and homosexual for Y, or whatever you like. Both are logically expressions of prejudice, stereotyping, logical error and shoddy thinking.
From a purely logical and isolated perspective, in the absence of any cultural context.
Notice that part? It’s kind of important. Here, I’ll repeat it with the really important bit bolded for ease of comprehension:
“The statement “I hate (Contextually Dominant Group) X” and the statement “I hate (Contextually Oppressed Group) Y” are perfectly equally, logically incoherent. Both are logically expressions of prejudice, stereotyping, logical error and shoddy thinking. From a purely logical and isolated perspective, in the absence of any cultural context.“
But wait! Doesn’t it seem like there’s a problem here? Last time I looked outside my front door I didn’t live in a purely logical environment, isolated from the vicissitudes of human cultures and societies. Oh no! What to do, what to do? Could it be my perfect, logical model does not accord with reality? Could it be that my aspiration to logical perfection is even a harmful and naive distraction? Could it be that there are even more red herrings to observe?
Let us away to the Planet of the Coats! A most useful planet, and an Entirely Original Idea™, totally not ripped off from anywhere. That’s right out, and I will fight you all utterly.
A long, long time ago in a copyrighted story far, far away something happened in a galaxy. Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue-green copyrighted planet.
Upon this planet was, conveniently, one planet wide civilisation with absolutely no remaining geographical or sociological distinctions, distributions or other complicating factors I might think of later after more coffee.
Within this civilisation were two main groups, AND ONLY TWO MAIN GROUPS, MOTHERFUCKERS. They were the Green Coats and the Purple Coats. I should perhaps explain that “coats” here refers to the glossy, luxuriant, furry coats of hair which these otherwise identical groups grew from their skin.
The Green Coats, at this point in history, were the dominant group. Whilst many of the Green Coats were enlightened and decent thinking organisms, some were less so. Regardless of their comparative numerical minority, most of the wealth, property, means of production, means of political control, and most importantly bacon, remained in the control of the Green Coats. This was due to the most recent bout of global empire building being achieved by a few groups within the Green Coats.
The purple coats, whilst in the numerical majority across the planet, were by and large less likely to be in charge of the wealth, property, means of production, means of political control, and most importantly bacon. This was by no means always the case, but it was sufficiently common on the global scale to be a good rule of thumb.
Various justifications for this were advanced. Many amongst the Green Coats thought their Purple Coated cousins, feckless, work-shy, lazy and inept in some fashion. Inferior in nature as well as less wealthy etc in practise. Sadly, such thoughts and beliefs lead to discrimination against the Purple Coats, and various unpleasant slogans such as “The Purple Coats are a cancer on society” were trotted out.
Research done at the best universities in the land found no great distinctions between the Green and Purple coated groups. There were some variations, but these could readily be accounted for by known genetic, environmental and social factors, and more often than not were of a purely physical, medical nature, and not sociologically significant. What there wasn’t evidence for was some vast difference in intellect, ability or laziness. These, it seemed, were social constructs by the dominant Green Coats about their less dominant Purple Coats.
And yet the Purple Coats, on average, continued to do less well socially than their Green Coat compatriots. Of course no one could predict, or would be able to predict the social fate of one specific Green or Purple coated individual. After all, there were some ferociously wealthy or politically powerful Purple Coats and some egregiously poor and politically disaffected Green Coats. That was a Red Herring. Something despised and reviled on the Planet of the Coats. Red being the colour of stupidity and herrings a particularly odious fish on this planet, with some dubious, bottom feeding habits.
It was only in the recent past that there was a world wide set of laws that segregated Green and Purple Coats. Green could not marry Purple, Purple could not eat, drink, or socialise easily with Green. Why they even had different sections of the public transport system to occupy. In fact, much of this Green Coat Planet Wide Empire that I mentioned had been achieved on the backs of slave labour. The Green Coats had developed a technological advantage or two and used these to conquer, enslave and dominate the Purple Coats.
Although slavery no longer occurred, the Green Coats had gained control of the wealth, property, means of production, means of political control, and most importantly bacon already. The process of redistribution, or more properly put, granting of equal opportunity of and access to these things, was still in progress. And by and large the majority of the Green Coats thought that this was a Good Thing™. The highest praise that could be heaped on an idea.
However, as is often the case, the pace of change ground slow, and there were still Green Coats and Purple Coats that clung to factually incorrect notions of Coatal Superiority. Thus for every two steps forward towards equality of opportunity and access, at least one, if not more, was taken back. It was ever thus.
In this heady cultural broth occasionally, just occasionally, tempers would fray and people would say silly things. Sometimes Green Coats would call Purple Coats “Purpers” (a grave and coatally charged insult, as it was the name used by the Green Coat slavemasters of old for their Purple Coat slaves) and sometimes the Purple Coats would call Green Coats “Greenie” (an equally grave and coatally charged insult, as it was the name used by the Purple Coat slaves for their Green Coat slavemasters).
However, when asked, the Green Coats didn’t really mind being called “Greenies”, by and large. After all, there wasn’t much problem being reminded that one’s ancestors were rich and powerful. Or at least having it insinuated. Whilst it was undoubtedly a coatal slur, Green Coats had not suffered any grave injustice in recent decades at the hands of Purple Coats, by and large. Of course there were individual exceptions, and of course none of this demonstrated any individual Green Coat had an easier life or suffered less discrimination than any individual Purple Coat. It was simply a reflection of the historically contingent balance of power.
The Purple Coats, however, were a mite upset more often than not by being called “Purpers”. Even though a reasonable section of the Purple Coat population had tried to “reclaim” that word for their own use, with varying degrees of success. The reason was that this coatal slur, whilst logically every bit as discriminatory as stereotyping and foolish as “Greenie” has some rather unfortunate cultural baggage. Whilst the ephemeral and isolated logic was equal, the cultural history and context was not.
Purple Coated people had been denied jobs by people saying “Get out of here Purper” for decades. Signs in shops used to say “Purpers not welcome here” or “No Purpers”. A minority group within the Green Coats had even hunted down and killed Purple Coats for sport. Green Coated fathers had beaten Green Coated daughters for even smiling at a Purple Coat. In general the Purple Coats had, until very recently, an extremely bad time of it on average. The slur “Purper” carried with it all that redolent history.
No Green or Purple Coat is born into a vacuum. They all were born, rich or poor, Green or Purple, happy or sad, well formed or not, into an existing cultural context. This wasn’t their fault, they couldn’t be blamed for it. But the more mature and enlightened amongst them became aware of it. They tried to adjust for it as best they could. No one achieved or expected perfection, anyone of any Coat could be in error, but what was expected by the more enlightened was that people didn’t keep repeating the same errors after they’d had them pointed out to them about three hundred times with varying degrees of rudeness.
And when that stopped, everyone realised that it was time for bacon. In sandwiches. With HP sauce.
* Incidentally I love that when we agree = echo chamber and when we don’t agree = deep rifts. It’s like we’re not arguing with honest opponents who evaluate our arguments on merit or something. I know, right? Shock, horror. Dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria. And so on and so forth.
Emrysmyrddin, #378,
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
Tea? Cocoa? At this hour? Tea I could forgive, but cocoa? Such a thing is prohibited by Debrett and definitely neither U, nor the act of a preux chevalier.
I shall have to, therefore, break all custom, tradition, and semblance of mannerly conduct by offering a nolle prosequi.
Should you decide to avail yourself of the proper ingredients for a Gentleman’s mid-morning refreshment, namely coffee and/or a strong breakfast tea with assorted crumpets,* then I shall be most glad to agree to your invitation. I am also willing to be Mother.**
Your humble servant,
* Sticky buns? By Her Majesty’s Sainted Dildo Drawer! Do you somehow mistakenly believe I am of the Lower Social Orders? Should you wish to offer me petit fours and a selection of continental pastries and sandwiches at around four pip emma, accompanied by at most a Lapsang Souchon on a delicate Earl Grey at the least, then I shall indulge. I have even been known to partake of what is known by the vulgar as a “cream tea” now and again. But “sticky buns”? That sounds like the stage name of a Colonial strip tease artiste, not something for consumption.
** I understand this phrase to have a different meaning if spending time at Her Majesty’s Pleasure. As in “Hello new cell mate. Let’s have a game of Mummys and Daddys. Don’t worry, you can be Daddy. Now be a good boy and suck Mummy’s cock.”.
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐsays
Louis, it appears the last paragraph is a joke about sexual abuse in jails and prisons.
You’re right, it does.
I made the joke as a means to illustrate a humorous contrast, but I can see how I potentially fucked up in using it so. I confess I deliberated about using it. I’m not sure using it in such a way is identical to using it unironically, I’d hope the context provides some sense of irony, but I am relying on people knowing that I guess.
Life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ
16 May 2012 at 6:26 am
Louis, it appears the last paragraph is a joke about sexual abuse in jails and prisons.
You’d almost think being locked up is an aphrodisiac for mommy. Love can be so humiliating.
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐsays
I understand you, but I am uncomfortable with it regardless, much like I am uncomfortable with ironic sexist jokes; their normalization probably does not result only in an increased rate of Enlightened Good People making Enlightened Jokes.
the context provides some sense of irony, but I am relying on people knowing that I guess.
When they’re little, they play house. When they’re big, they play Big House.
Sorry, life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ, I sort of jumped in wrong. I respect your position. Maybe I’ll just go get a coffee, read a bit first!
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐsays
This is an object lesson, I guess, Louis.
Mike has taken your comment as an invitation to make more jokes about sex abuse in prisons.
I’m not sure what he’s trying to prove, except that I should shut up and laugh because it’s all so funny. I find this unfortunate.
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐsays
@387, alright, Mike. Thanks.
Well since I consider you to be a good “Canary in the Mine” for fucked-upness, I apologise and withdraw the paragraph and joke, unreservedly. My bad.
You’re right, use of such jokes can (probably does) normalise them, and have sundry downstream consequences.
There is a serious discussion about comedy here. I’m not sure that text is the best medium for jokes like that (or if any medium is), so I have still fucked up here and this doesn’t change my apology one bit.
There’s a UK comic called Al Murray who play a character called the Pub Landlord. The character is a sexist, nationalist, homophobic racist. By, say, 1970s standards (Think “Alf Garnett” on TV) the stuff he says is very mild and “suitable for modern audiences and sensibilities”, and is not comparable with the work of modern overtly racist etc comedians. His work as the Pub Landlord is deliberately, winkingly, knowingly ironic. A large part of the humour relies on the audience getting that. However, various reviewers (and other comedians) see an element of his audience not getting the irony, and thus laughing unironically at ostensible expressions of bigotry. So whilst it is fine that Al Murray is smart, ironic and intelligent, as is a large part of his audience, there are sections who miss at least one of the required attributes!
I deliberately run close to the knuckle with a lot of what I say, I rely on many people having prior knowledge of my humour. Of course I cannot rely on everyone getting that, and I don’t. Take the joke I just made, the point of the joke is quite obviously not to “laugh down” at prison rape, far from it. The joke uses that scenario simply because it’s a familiar allusion to the “feminine” nature of the victim (as discussed by others on another thread). That allusion is used to set up a juxtaposition, this time “mummy”, the ostensibly “feminine”, is the abuser not the abused. That juxtaposition is the point of the humour in that joke in an isolated context, not the rape. I was making a further allusion to the “high class” “you can be mother” and the (potentially) “low class” “you can be daddy” disjoint.
The point being to take you in one logical direction then back in another, not to laugh at the misfortune or “undesirable” characteristics of the “feminine” or the “victim”. Granted, I used a very unpleasant subject to do that with, and I can see how that rankles, but I did think that, close to the knuckle though it was, the context made it obvious that the joke was in the juxtaposition, not any victimisation.
Anyway, since I love comedy and discussing it, I’ve indulged myself when I should have left it at an apology and retraction, lest I appear to be notpologising when I’m not.
I was wrong to use the subject I did as I did, I apologise, thank you for your comment and retract my poor joke unreservedly.
I absolutely support the gist of this, but it annoys me that so often when privilege is discussed it’s not even acknowledged that there are other kinds of privilege than sexual orientation, skin colour, and gender. Sure, I’m a straight, white male. But that’s not the lowest difficulty setting. I’m also a straight, white male, who wasn’t born handicapped in any way mentally or physically. I was also born in a relatively prosperous Western democracy, which makes me even more privileged but still not as privileged as someone born in a more prosperous English-speaking country. I’m also quite privileged in not being an orphan, but not as privileged as someone who’s had two parents instead of just one throughout their upbringing. I’m also quite privileged being born to a mother, who isn’t poor but not as privileged as someone born into a massively wealthy family.
Off the top of my head a difficulty setting setting lower than simply “straight, white male” would be “straight, white non-handicapped, wealthy male born in an English-speaking democracy to two straight and loving parents who are also disgustingly wealthy” and that’s still not the absolute lowest difficulty setting.
LILAPWL, #388,
Yup. Unintended consequences are unintended. As alluded to above. But then what are intentions? I know they’re not magic, they do pave something though don’t they?
Lyn M, Purveyor of Fine Aphorisms of Deathsays
@ Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe #267
Checks pharyngula manual, gulps
I really am shocked at what would be done to Josh if he expressed his secret opinion about Muslims. Shocked I say.
BTW, how do you get all the chocolate into the USB port again?
Louis and ‘Tis,
I am an equal opportunities elevenses-server catering to a large group of Americans And Other Foreigners. Cocoa is perfectly appropriate for elevenses, it being forty-minutes-to-go when I posted above, along with the aforementioned sticky buns and some slightly dubious marmalade sandwiches. Crusts off, if you really insist.
I had a copy of Debrett’s, once. The parrot enjoyed it immensely. It had a much richer, fluffier texture than The Mail, and lasted ever so slightly longer (243 years, to be precise. I’ve been informed, however, that the Americans in the Americans And Other Foreigners Group may believe this to be of equivalent length to the timespan of the Universe.)
And crumpets?! For mid-morning tea?! What are you, An Other Foreigner? Please return your knotted spotted handkerchief and cancel your subscription immediately.
Lyn M, Purveyor of Fine Aphorisms of Deathsays
@ ryry
Ing, I was quoting them.
Glad to see though that you realised it wasn’t a great statement.
Not all Christians believe abhorrent things.
Unless you count christianity, of course.
You cater to foreigners?
My word! Are there no limits to your perversions? Next you’ll be telling me you Speak French and Like Garlic.
My subscription to such things was precancelled in perpetuity. However, I am cancelling my subscription immediately.
You cater to foreigners?
My word! Are there no limits to your perversions? Next you’ll be telling me you Speak French and Like Garlic.
Psssst, Louis…
…don’t know whether you’ve cottoned on, but we’re surrounded by them, old boy. Now, don’t panic, because I’ve got a lot of sand trickling down my leg and if you suddenly shoot off in all directions I’ll end up like a flag on top of the castle…
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ said
I understand you, but I am uncomfortable with it regardless, much like I am uncomfortable with ironic sexist jokes; their normalization probably does not result only in an increased rate of Enlightened Good People making Enlightened Jokes.
I know Louis has already responded to this, so I just wanted to say QFT in a general sort of way. (and I think you’re right about print being potentially a particularly tricky medium for this). I have a problem with the Al-Murray-Pub-Landlord schtick too – it’s a very fine line between laughing at the bigot, as he intends, and just hearing the bigotry – and I don’t think he is successful enough/as successful as he thinks he is at staying on the right side of that line. Sometimes ironic sexism just comes across as – or is just – sexism.
As I (kinda) said to LILAPWL, you’re right. Irony is a tough game to play and relies a lot on the degree of “buy in” the intended audience has. Obviously this is going to vary wildly by culture and individual. Hence why I mentioned the Al Murray thing.
I crossed the line this time, I missed, I’ve done so before and will do again, intentionally or not.
The thing that really grinds my oh-so-privileged gears is that I do get and enjoy irony. No one gets irony more than me, except perhaps my wife and some of her friends. ;-) Wah, wah, I don’t get to make some jokes. Pity me for I R OPRESST.
We’re surrounded by Foreigners? Unacceptable! They’ll have to go.
Off the top of my head a difficulty setting setting lower than simply “straight, white male” would be “straight, white non-handicapped, wealthy male born in an English-speaking democracy to two straight and loving parents who are also disgustingly wealthy” and that’s still not the absolute lowest difficulty setting.
I think if you read the the original article, you’ll note that Scalzi does mention that other factors may make your life easier or harder. I think you are getting stuck on the same point that derails conversations on this over and over again. Yes, there are many factors that could make being a straight white male hard. No one is saying otherwise, that doesn’t negate that the straight white male with a physical handicap is likely to have an easier go at things, if all other factors are the same than a gay white male with a physical handicap. That doesn’t mean that being able-bodied isn’t a privilege, it just means that being straight white and male is.
I’m not sure this suggestion has any merit, so tear it apart as needed. Perhaps the word “privilege” is part of the hang up. Yes, yes, I know, big whoop. Random Joe or Jane doesn’t feel very “privileged” and is down in the mire with everyone else, thus when “accused” (how it’s taken, not how it is) of having “privilege” hackles rise. I just can’t think of a less cumbersome way of saying “comparatively less discriminated against for various irrational, uncontrollable reasons on average by the bulk of the population”.
Um, Louis, I loves you man, but that was the entire point of Scalzi’s post. ;)
@Sketch at 391
I understand your point and MissMarnie has already commented on how Scalzi addressed it in the original article, but your comment got me thinking about how to extend Scalzi’s original analogy to make the point.
I’m a gamer (and a straight, white, male as it happens, though I hope that isn’t relevant to this), and I’m currently playing Kingdoms of Amalur. (The following example might not be entirely accurate to the game itself, but it’s provided to make a point, not explain the game.)
Like most games, there’s something of a tutorial sequence where you’re introduced to the game and controls a bit, then you fight a troll, and then you get dumped out into the world to fend for yourself. Right after you exit the tutorial area, there’s a pond, and beside it a cave with some giant rats in it and a couple chests of goodies.
As I’ve noticed, having created a few different characters, the tutorial part of the game has a few variables in it – namely that the equipment you get from chests and slain enemies is somewhat controlled by randomness. This means that when you enter the cave with the giant rats, your character’s equipment might be better or worse than another character’s depending on how much time you spent looting, and the luck of the draw in the tutorial dungeon.
But here’s the thing: if you’re playing the game on the easiest difficulty setting, there’s only one giant rat in that cave. If you’re on intermediate difficulty, there’s three, and on the hardest setting, there are five.
Now, even on the easiest difficulty setting, if you fared badly in the tutorial section, or didn’t pause to loot anybody properly, the equipment and spells you have (and even your familiarity with the controls) could vary widely from someone else in that same cave.
But there’s always going to be only one rat.
THAT’S what I think Scalzi was getting at. As a straight, white, male, you might not have the weapons and armor to fend off the rat’s attacks, your spells might be too weak to dent its health, or you might be too clumsy with the controls to put up a good fight, but there will always, always, always, only ever be one rat.
Oh good. Glad I didn’t read it.
I’m just going to go over here and commit seppuku to assuage the shame I have brought to my ancestors.
Awe, I’m sure that your dishonored ancestors would forgive you if they could. Or something reassuring like that.
Oh well that’s all right then. Now about this wakizashi in my abdomen. It appears to be causing mild to moderate discomfort. I may have to let the upper lip quiver.
Esteleth, Raging Dyke of Fuck Mountainsays
*sees thread has gotten lots of activity*
*types “⌘F esteleth” to find last comment for ease of reading*
Okay, so Ryan is a moron. I’m glad that I gave him so much material.
Because far too many people consider me a flaming jerk just by existing as a SWM . . . so why take the heat?
This person then goes on to spew MRA talking points, such as “men going their own way” and comments about “hot” and supposedly submissive women in other countries. I could be wrong, but I really don’t think people are considering him a flaming jerk because of his gender, orientation, or race.
Also, the classic “But, but, but I can’t shove my religion down people’s throats anymore, at least not 100% of the time! Also, I don’t have as much racial or gender privilege as I used to, so everyone who isn’t me can stop whining already!”
I think you’ve nailed it– what a lot of the douche parade has missed is that being white, straight, cis gendered and male is easiest, but it’s still a difficulty setting. There will still be challenges to be faced.
Anyway, you did a good job of bringing other circumstances into the analogy. And I say this as someone who was bored to tears while playing the KoA demo. :p
I am so naming my punk band “Scrotum of Privilege”!
@Daisy… wow.. I didn’t think anyone but me even noticed my comment about the “Scrotum of Privilege. :D
@Audley congrats on the punk band and be sure to send me a copy of the upcoming album. “Scrotum of Privilege: Hair we are!”
Hey, it’s your name! You can have first dibs on front man/woman. :)
No no.. I’ll leave that up to you… but at least try Try TRY to get Sharon Den Adell from Within Temptation to do a duo or two… should be kinda wonky :D
Mr. Mattir, MQ MRA Chicksays
Oh my. The Pharyngula Horde is treating poor ryanw more or less the way our new Mormon kitten is treating the ball of tinfoil on a string. Watching both of these things makes me LOL. Together, well, I might just forget to breathe from laughing too hard.
As someone from a family whose members could, charitably, be described as crackers, I will say that the word is astonishingly painful. It comes with a whole lot of poverty, exclusion from education and healthcare, and a long long ancestral line of physical and sexual abuse, addiction, and violent crime. Here’s why it’s still not as bad as the word “nigger:”
It does not come with a threat of lynching. No townie Baptist mob every drove out into the dirt roads to find my ancestors’ pentacostal church and burn it down. They didn’t hang my uncles, burn my grandparents’ home or farm buildings, or (afaik) prevent them from voting because they couldn’t speak Chinese.
So until my relatives start being subject to the same sort of violence that African Americans are and were, the words are not equivalent. This does not mean that the word is not fucking painful for me to hear, it just means it has a lot less bad stuff hitched to it.
Mr. Mattir, MQ MRA Chicksays
Also, duh, slavery, kidnapping, the deliberate destruction of families… I figured these were too freaking obvious to mention, but upon reconsideration, I think I need to mention them for those who are clue-impaired.
PZ, I am shocked and appalled.
What kind of atheist would believe in “God Mode”?
Sigh. The things I miss because I get to be a responsible office monkey who actually had work to do today.
Louis #380 – Can I hug you for that? Because it was all sorts of awesome.
Sketch #391 – As others have pointed out, Scalzi actually did account for the many other factors that play into one’s social capital aside from race, sexual orientation and gender. Since wmdon and MissMarnie addressed your criticism quite well, I’ll just paste the relevant part from the OP because I think Scalzi put it pretty clearly himself – and yet so many people kept missing it, sigh. (especially cogent points bolded for emphasis):
Now, once you’ve selected the “Straight White Male” difficulty setting, you still have to create a character, and how many points you get to start — and how they are apportioned — will make a difference. Initially the computer will tell you how many points you get and how they are divided up. If you start with 25 points, and your dump stat is wealth, well, then you may be kind of screwed. If you start with 250 points and your dump stat is charisma, well, then you’re probably fine. Be aware the computer makes it difficult to start with more than 30 points; people on higher difficulty settings generally start with even fewer than that.
As the game progresses, your goal is to gain points, apportion them wisely, and level up. If you start with fewer points and fewer of them in critical stat categories, or choose poorly regarding the skills you decide to level up on, then the game will still be difficult for you. But because you’re playing on the “Straight White Male” setting, gaining points and leveling up will still by default be easier, all other things being equal, than for another player using a higher difficulty setting.
Likewise, it’s certainly possible someone playing at a higher difficulty setting is progressing more quickly than you are, because they had more points initially given to them by the computer and/or their highest stats are wealth, intelligence and constitution and/or simply because they play the game better than you do. It doesn’t change the fact you are still playing on the lowest difficulty setting.
You can lose playing on the lowest difficulty setting. The lowest difficulty setting is still the easiest setting to win on.
@ Daisy – Boy howdy, there was some amazing stupid in there that I’ve rarely encountered outside of Pharyngula (and apparently PZ’s link contributed to about 3% of the hits the OP got – which is roughly the percentage of the comments that got whacked by Scalzi’s Mallet of Loving Correction – coincidence?!?). The basic Straight White Male privilege denial wasn’t surprising, really, but a few of the (self-identified) male commenters pulled out a whooping amount of MRA/MGTOW weapons-grade stupid.
I got really, REALLY tired of the “quit calling people who don’t want to share selfish, it’s mean” line, really quickly, as well. Don’t want to be called selfish or an asshole? DON’T ACT LIKE ONE!! Apparently just asking people to stop, listen and learn (hopefully) is asking people with privilege to make a “great personal sacrifice.” (not even worth the teeny tiny violin).
Also, apparently I’m playing the game on Mother Theresa levels of sanctimony by being pissed about assholes being selfish. Who knew?
@ Digital Atheist – Oh, Daisy wasn’t the only one who noticed, it was quite brilliant and thread-win worthy. Although you might owe me a new keyboard, it caused a spit-take laugh upon reading.
You’ve misread my point. My point wasn’t that there are things that could make being a straight, white male hard. I wasn’t, as you seem to think, disagreeing that considering only sexual orientation privilege, skin-colour privilege, and gender privilege straight, white male is the easiest setting. I was making a point that you could make an even easier setting – i.e. I wasn’t denying privilege. I was pointing out that there is even more privilege being left out. I’m not sure how you could have misunderstood the point I was making so grievously.
@wmdon, Scalzi didn’t really address other kinds of privilege. He gave wealth a courtesy mention but for some reason he included it in the stats rather than as a privilege. Sure, it’s a stat if we’re talking about your own accumulated wealth, but if we’re talking about your parent’s wealth and social status that you’re born with then it’s obviously a privilege. And Scalzi didn’t even mention born-with physical or mental handicaps. Simply being a straight, white male isn’t the easiest setting. Being a straight, white male born without any physical or mental handicaps is easier still. However, even that’s not the easiest setting.
And again, I’m not denying privilege here. I myself am a straight, white male without any handicaps. I’m arguing that my difficulty setting is even easier than difficulty setting Scalzi suggested as the absolute easiest.
@thepint, my point was that I don’t understand it at all if Scalzi counts handicaps and wealth, say, as stats instead of as part of a difficulty setting. I’m fairly privileged that I wasn’t born deaf or blind. That’s not a stat. That’s just as much part of my difficulty setting as is my sexual orientation, skin-colour, and gender.
Again I wasn’t arguing against Scalzi’s point. I wasn’t making the obviously idiotic argument that “durr, life can still be hard a straight, white male.” I was making the point that saying that “straight, white male” is the absolute easiest difficulty setting is just as omissive as saying that “white” is the absolute easiest. If you include “white,” you should also include “male.” If you include “male,” you should also include “straight.” If you include “straight,” you should also include “non-handicapped.” Etc. I was annoyed at the pretense that straightness, whiteness, and maleness are the only privileges. I wasn’t arguing that they weren’t privileges.
@thepint: I’m not sure if I should be appalled or flatered. in either case, I’m sorrry/pleased that my comment caused you such sorry/joy. Blame/credit 1800 Tequila, and the fact that I’ve long grown tired of fellow SWM’s (such as me) being too blind to realize that yes.. they DO have an advantage in most situations… maybe not much of one… but it is there nonetheless. sigh.
A. Rsays
Holy Jebus on a stick! This thread exploded since I last checked! The balance of stupid to intelligent isn’t bad though.
You’ve misread my point. My point wasn’t that there are things that could make being a straight, white male hard.
I completely understood, but the fact that you stand by this point suggests you may not have read the original post or have made some assumption not backed up by the original post. You might want to see @thepint’s post in which some relavant quotes from the original post are pulled out for you.
This is a conversation explaining what privilege means using a description that doesn’t employ the word “privilege”. It’s not meant to negate other types of privilege or define all privilege, it’s simply meant to help reframe a conversation that routinely gets derailed by comments about ways in which people who have privilege in one way, can lack privilege in another.
If I said “being born into a wealthy family is generally easier than being born into abject poverty” you probably wouldn’t argue with that. Saying that being rich and disabled can be hard, doesn’t change the fact that being rich and disabled is still easier than being rich and poor. Talking about disability is a tangental to the original point that wealth comes with certain privilege. The same is true in a discussion about the privilege of being a straight white man. Adding on more types of privilege is simply beside the point.
@ digital atheist – for the record, it was a spit-take due to unexpected hilarious brilliance. So, mostly joy (and just a little sadness that you had to make that point at all). But believe me, I do appreciate it when other SWMs speak up to say that they get it as it keeps me from despairing completely, so thanks for that.
Although reading through Scalzi’s follow up post with his selection of Malleted comments, methinks that the Mallet’s going to be brought out for a clean up round in there, too, once Scalzi gets internet access and a free moment again (see the latest post, apparently he’s had an unfortunate turn of events resulting in a lost bag and laptop – boo). I’m beginning to think a reading comprehension quiz before commenting should be required since he expressly said that he did not want the new thread to rehash what was on the original OP.
John Moralessays
MissMarnie @Sketch
Off the top of my head a difficulty setting setting lower than simply “straight, white male” would be “straight, white non-handicapped, wealthy male born in an English-speaking democracy to two straight and loving parents who are also disgustingly wealthy” and that’s still not the absolute lowest difficulty setting.
I think if you read the the original article, you’ll note that Scalzi does mention that other factors may make your life easier or harder.
sketch @MissMarnie
You’ve misread my point. My point wasn’t that there are things that could make being a straight, white male hard.
Even were MissMarnie to have misread your point, and even were her contention about Scalzi’s claim wrong, your point was (and remains) fatuous: essentially, your claim was that sets S:{A, B, C}∋S are a “higher setting” is incorrect because sets S’:{A, B, C, D, E, F}∋S’ are a “higher setting” than S.
(It’s fractally wrong, actually, so much so that it ain’t hyperbole to call it ‘not even wrong’)
@MissMarnie & @John Morales, either you two are arguing that being a handicapped, straight, white male is easier or equally as easy as being a non-handicapped, straight, white male. Or you’ve both missed my point.
Unless being a handicapped, straight, white male is easier or equally as easy as being a non-handicapped, straight, white male, then being a straight, white male is not the easiest setting in terms of all the relevant parameters. All non-handicapped and handicapped, straight, white males are straight, white males, but not all straight, white males are non-handicapped. Therefore, if being non-handicapped is easier than being handicapped, then there is a subset of “straight, white male,” which has a lower difficulty setting than simply being a straight, white male simpliciter.
I don’t see how this logic is disputable.
It’s undoubtedly the easiest setting if we consider only sexual orientation, skin-colour, and gender. However, my point was precisely an annoyance that privilege is so often talked about as if those were the only relevant parameters. Since privilege is largely about raising awareness I think it’s a shame that so many privileges are almost consistently omitted even if they might be smaller privileges than straightness, whiteness, and maleness.
John Moralessays
@MissMarnie & @John Morales, either you two are arguing that being a handicapped, straight, white male is easier or equally as easy as being a non-handicapped, straight, white male. Or you’ve both missed my point.
You fail to exhaust the universe of possibility; it may be that your point is indeed fatuous.
Unless being a handicapped, straight, white male is easier or equally as easy as being a non-handicapped, straight, white male, then being a straight, white male is not the easiest setting in terms of all the relevant parameters.
Was it not you who, on another thread, accused others of the straw-dummy* fallacy?
The actual proposition: In the role playing game known as The Real World, “Straight White Male” is the lowest difficulty setting there is.
Your characterisation: Unless being a handicapped, straight, white male is easier or equally as easy as being a non-handicapped, straight, white male, then being a straight, white male is not the easiest setting in terms of all the relevant parameters.
I refer to my #424 for a symbolic pseudo-formalisation in terms of set theory, but in plain English, “being a handicapped, straight, white male” is indeed being an example of “Straight White Male”.
* I am being deliberate in my phrasing.
John Moralessays
Therefore, if being non-handicapped is easier than being handicapped, then there is a subset of “straight, white male,” which has a lower difficulty setting than simply being a straight, white male simpliciter.
I don’t see how this logic is disputable.
To reiterate where you fail: a subset S’ of a set S is definitionally a member of S.
(Specifically, your “logic” is disputable because you’re inferring on the putative basis that the relative complement of S’ with respect to S is not a member of S)
John Moralessays
Shortest possible version: handicapped, straight, white males are straight, white males.
Stretch is simply pulling out a fourth privilege from his ass and pretending that the article is therefore technically wrong, even if the author was explicitly only looking at three example privileges for simplicity’s sake. And doing it despite the fact that article also explicitly notes other factors may be. He’s a philosophy enthusiast who loves logic so much that he doesn’t know how to fucking use it.
sketchy is just using the same boring trolling tricks it used to derail the other thread.
Right. I can see now that if a I try to have a debate on any topic whatever I’ll be immediately hounded and shut down with extreme prejudice without consideration of what I have to say but simply for being me. Sorry for existing.
John Moralessays
[meta + OT]
Sorry for existing.
Are you a straight, white male?
(“You can lose playing on the lowest difficulty setting. The lowest difficulty setting is still the easiest setting to win on. The player who plays on the “Gay Minority Female” setting? Hardcore.”)
theophontes 777says
@ sketch
shut down with extreme prejudice without consideration of what I have to say but simply for being me.
Ease up Tiger! That is simply not true. PZ has made allowance for people disagreeing (even vehemently). I posted a linky for you here.
John Morales, if you wish to discuss this you may e-mail me at taotesketch at gmail. I won’t be responding back here due to being hounded by certain trolls.
theophontes 777says
@ sketch
if you wish to discuss this you may e-mail me at taotesketch at gmail. I won’t be responding back here due to being hounded by certain trolls.
Dude! Follow the linky. Why should you not make your comments in a public forum?
John Moralessays
sketch, take a break, maybe change your ‘nym.
You didn’t heed my (unsolicited) advice earlier, you need not heed this either.
(You coulda been a good and valuable commenter, you may yet so be)
Ahhh I see Sketch is fond of the tedious “Spanish Inquisition” approach to privilege:
Nobody expects An Easy Life! Our chief privilege is being white. White and heterosexual.
Our two privileges are being white and able bodied…and male.
Our three privileges are being white and able bodied and male and an almost fanatical devotion to being heterosexual.
Amongst our privileges are being white, able bodied, male…I’ll come in again…
Nobody expects An Easy Life! Amongst our privileges are such diverse elements as being white, able bodied, male, an almost fanatical devotion to being heterosexual and nice red uniforms…oh damn.
And so on and so forth.
Of all the possible ways and means to have privilege the article linked in the OP (Which I have now read thank you very much. Against my will and on pain of Death by Snoo-Snoo) is clearly not intended to be an exhaustive list. No one on this thread with the demonstrable intellectual gifts exceeding those given to a yoghurt claims that whiteness, maleness and heterosexuality are the sine qua non of privilege. Nor is the claim made, here or in the article, that these traits are exhaustive indicators of privilege, or universal, or anything of the kind. The omission of the extra elements of the Spanish Inquisition’s weaponry is not an omission made by error, but for the sake of brevity (not my strong suit) or simplicity.
Why do I smell straw over there?
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐsays
Oh shit that was good.
and an almost fanatical devotion to being heterosexual.
I lol’d.
'Tis Himselfsays
I won’t be responding back here due to being hounded by certain trolls.
An announced flounce. If Sketch fails to stick the landing then points will be subtracted.
{Tips hat} Glad to be of service.
Although I did screw up the first line. Teach me not to preview and edit.
I had the mental image of those “STRAIGHT men”. You know the kind. They’re very STRAIGHT. The word is almost shouted, certainly emphasised. I’m now trying to remember a bit by a comedian which references the Dan Ackroyd character in the Dragnet film as someone who would have STRAIGHT sex of this type. Bugger…memory…I’ll remember as I wake at 3 am and scream the comedian’s name. Much to my wife’s amusement/annoyance.
Oh I don’t know, a graceful re-entry can be entertaining if done right.
Starting with “Didn’t I school you liars enough last time?” would be an excellent opener. If it was combined with a reference to high IQ, “don’t you know who I am?”, a list of high achieving alumni from your high school, perhaps demands for a camera, things like that, it would score highly with me. There is nothing like unwarranted arrogance and lack of self reflection when it comes to a really top notch flounce failure.
Right. I can see now that if a I try to have a debate on any topic whatever I’ll be immediately hounded and shut down with extreme prejudice without consideration of what I have to say but simply for being me. Sorry for existing.
Erm, can you please direct me to said “hounding”? I have only seen people respond to claims that you have made in a public forum full of opinionated people discussing a contentious topic. If someone is actually harassing you in private, that would have no impact on the discussion here in the comments and wouldn’t justify a flounce (though I do love a good flounce). If you simply feel that people adamantly disagreeing with you amounts to some sort of harassment then you might want to ask yourself what your goals are in posting here. If you thought you were engaging in open discourse, you are doing it wrong.
Oh and The Pint, #418,
Thanks man, glad someone read it! It was a teal deer of the first water.
@ Sketch
Right. I can see now that if a I try to have a debate on any topic whatever I’ll be immediately hounded and shut down with extreme prejudice without consideration of what I have to say but simply for being me. Sorry for existing.
Please. You’re not being hounded or shut down simply for being you. Your *arguments are being hounded and shut down because they are flimsy and in error. Adamant and strenuous disagreement is not “hounding with extreme prejudice.” I’m seconding MissMarnie’s suggestion that if you’re this surprised by having your arguments picked apart and dissected to this degree, you might want to rethink exactly what it is you wanted out of this discussion. Did you really want to see if you’d misunderstood Scalzi’s point, or did you want to prove that your interpretation was right and he was wrong?
In case you haven’t noticed, the denizens around here don’t take kindly to strawmen or commenters repeatedly, willfully missing the point. MissMarnie and others have quite clearly pointed out where you misinterpreted Scalzi’s point, which frankly shouldn’t have been necessary since Scalzi made it rather clear himself. It’s a rough-and-tumble arena in here, but if you can grow a thicker skin and learn to stop and *THINK* rather than *REACT* it can be a good place to sharpen your argumentation and logic skills by sparing with the people here.
By the by, Scalzi’s put up a follow-up post elaborating on the original concept and addressing several categories of common criticisms/whines about the OP that’s worth reading, I think.
Sketch, if you’re still reading, I’d recommend looking especially hard at points 3-5 on this list.
Apologies if this has been mentioned upthread, (I think I’ve read all of the comments, but you can never be sure) but I believe it would be useful for those here who are debating privilege to consider that it is strongly affected by geography. That is, a Muslim would have the privilege of not having to deal with the discrimination against Christians prevalent in an Islamic nation, while a Christian would have the privilege of not having to deal with the discrimination against Muslims in a Christian-dominated nation. Just something to think about.
Poor, poor sketchy. Persecuted he is, hounded always, by all these “vile demagogues”, all the time.
Why, he cannot scarcely open his mouth and they are all over him like Asian Hornets on a beehive.
Can’t even sleep at night. Has to keep one eye open.
Poor dear.
Rev. BigDumbChimpsays
If it was combined with a reference to high IQ,
Bonus points for a link to a .jpg of your MENSA card.
Last time I looked (~20+ years ago) one had to pay to be a member of Mensa. Even at 16 I figured that any group of people I had to pay to tell me I am smart were a lot smarter than me…
But wouldn’t a group of smart people be able to figure out how to get grants and shit? Seems pretty dumb to charge their members, especially considering that Mensa isn’t open to just anyone.
Hurin, Nattering Nabob of Negativismsays
I like the explanation, but there is one oversimplification, and that is the idea of “winning”. The game doesn’t tell you when you have won: its more like Oblivion or Fallout 3 than Final Fantasy 7. You decide if you have won or whether you are winning based your own criteria.
This is probably why lots of people on the easier settings get angry and argue a lot when they are reminded of their difficulty setting. Beyond the fact that its possible to get a low score on an easy difficulty setting, its also possible to “lose” with a high score.
theophontes 777says
@ Audley
Mensa membership expires??
Sadly, people expire. ;)
[sketchy] Can’t even sleep at night. Has to keep one eye open.
Well, it’s true I’ve hired a pod of ninja pilot whales to creep up on him while he’s in bed and…
Shit. Looks like there’s a flaw in my evil plan.
It’s open to around 1 in 50 people. Pretty much anyone! ;-)
I prefer a more exclusive club. The Sitting Alone On A Friday Night Congratulating Yourself About How A Test Score Makes You Smart Club. We have chapters everywhere.
As for grants, ask them! I don’t know why they do what they do. I imagine getting grants is more work than fleecing someone for an ego boost however…
P.S. This isn’t sour grapes, I was in Mensa and Triple 9 when I was a kid/young adult, it was something we were encouraged to do at school/early uni. I just figured out when I was a kid/young adult that if I had to pay people to tell me I was smart, I wasn’t very smart. It’s just never really sat comfortably with me since then. I don’t mind if others do it, it’s just not me.
theophontes 777says
@ Louis
My uncle got into an argument with the chairman of the rugby club for behaving like a Phontes (riotous and drunk) on a regular basis. Eventually they had had enough:
Chairman: “Mr Phontes, your behaviour is appalling I shall have to retract your membership!”
Unclephontes: “You cannot do that!”
Chairman {apoplectic}: ” Why can’t I? I am the CHAIRMAN!”
Unclephontes : “Because, I am not even a member…”
You have it exactly. I do favour the (Groucho) Marxist view of clubs.
On and good work there by the Uncle. I shall reserve it for future use. Hell, I’ll reserve it for past use. I am working on some extremely revisionary memoirs…
Hi, Digital Atheist! Yeah, that was a great turn of phrase.
Pint, I’m about at the current halfway mark of the thread. I just happened upon this one. Hover over that hyperlink for additional facepalmery.
Though I have to say, the comment immediately below from Matt improved my mood immensely afterward.
Yeah – I had a couple of moments of let me take this line by line cause you aren’t even wrong.
Muse – I can’t believe you engaged with that guy as long as you did. His posts were tripping all sorts of my “do not engage unless you want a stroke!” triggers because he has clearly drunk deeply of the manosphere kool-aid.
I tried with AS but it became apparently fairly quickly that conversation was just going to go in circles.
And the follow up post is shaping up to be another long thread – although I imagine that once Scalzi comes back to take a look at that thread, there’s going to be some serious clean up in aisle 2 because there’s some serious stupid going on there like this one from Dingleberry Johnson: http://whatever.scalzi.com/2012/05/17/lowest-difficulty-setting-follow-up/#comment-327711
Damn it. meant *apparent not *apparently. sigh.
@ Daisy – it is going to be a LONG slog through that thread, I hope you have a crash helmet because there’s more where that came from, unfortunately.
«It’s interesting how some people take posts like this so personally. If Ophelia posts about how some particular argument for God is nonsense, she doesn’t get a bunch of comments about “Geez, I’m already an atheist! What do you want me to do about this?” But any post pointing out privilege is met with exactly those kinds of responses.»
Rev. BigDumbChimpsays
Rev BDC,
Oooh nice. That’s epic level turdboxery. Has someone actually done that to you?
Do they get triple points if it’s a fake, expired Mensa card belonging to someone else that they have inexpertly Photoshopped their name onto?
Well not to me but to Pharyngula. Charlie Wagner used to frequent Pharyngula a few years back (check the dungeon). He was a particularly annoying twit who liked to brag about how smart he was despite all evidence to the contrary in his posts. At one point he decided to “prove” to everyone with his credentials. So we got a link to his MENSA card, the one above, which was expired.
Hilarity ensued and he’s now enshrined in my memory so that anytime someone starts bragging about how smart they are and we all better watch out or they’ll unleash their intellect on us I start hoping we’ll get a link to their MENSA card or something equally hilarious as “proof”.
I don’t have the link to the original appearance of the card but I’m sure someone can find it.
Good ol’ Charlie Wagner. Number Seven in the olde dungeon. RIP (I assume).
Rev. BigDumbChimpsays
Good ol’ Charlie Wagner. Number Seven in the olde dungeon. RIP (I assume).
Writers Emma Bull and Will Shetterly are being AMAZINGLY dumb about this over at Steven Brust’s blog. Like, “Let’s pretend racism doesn’t exist, and then everything will be better!” dumb. I don’t even know where to begin there.
My exposure to Charlie Wagner was from a different blog, long after he was banned here (aaarrrggghhh! Why? Why did you have to remind me of that fapwit? Why? The nightmares are going start all over again!)
He actually did strike me as fairly intelligent, in the sense of possessing a quick and creative thinking brain.
The thing about intelligence is that it is just hardware, and works like a magnifying glass. In classic GIGO fashion, high intelligence without discipline just magnifies stupid starting premises into ever more elaborate forms of expanding stupidity.
Pointing to one’s own IQ or MENSA membership in an argument is just an admission that you are even more spectacularly wrong than average, and have even less of an excuse to be that wrong.
David Marjanovićsays
But wouldn’t a group of smart people be able to figure out how to get grants and shit?
Sure, but they’d also figure out how much work that is.
Josh and Audley are right to not dignify your rambling with responses. I’m a fucking idiot with SIWOTI Syndrome for bothering to respond at all.
I’m a fucking idiot for reading it all. Gives me work deprivation and meatspace-things-to-urgently-do deprivation. :-/
David Marjanovićsays
high intelligence without discipline
Even more importantly: without facts to apply it to.
Josh, Louis, Audley – I just have to announce, in front of our lord FSM, that I love y’all so hard. That’s the most I’ve laughed in months. Kisses and cookies for all!
1) Rev BDC, Ahhhh yes, the Wagner. I remember him well!
2) Amphiox:
Pointing to one’s own IQ or MENSA membership in an argument is just an admission that you are even more spectacularly wrong than average, and have even less of an excuse to be that wrong.
I can just about forgive myself because I was young and bigger boys made me do it (before running away), Miss.
Dave, the Kwisatz Haderach says
I just haven’t figured out where to enter it yet. idspispopd will let you walk through walls. Holler if you find the right keyboard to enter these on, I could use them.
redpanda says
^ is it odd that I remember all the doom cheat codes off the top of my head, despite not having played it in something like 18 years?
ryanwilkinson says
I realise it’s harder to be a woman than it is to be a man, but, genuine question, do you think being gay more adversely affects a man or a woman? Or is it about equal? Because most of the hate spewed against homosexuality (that I see anyway) is about ‘faggots’ and people with ‘loose anuses’ and the like, it rarely seems to be so directed at lesbians. But I don’t live in America, so it might just be an incorrect outsider’s perspective from England, wherein homosexuals are treated (almost) equally; where being gay might make some people feel ‘uncomfortable’ or might disappoint your parents a bit, but won’t (generally) get you outcast from society.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
and lesbians instead get “if you think your daughter might be a lesbian, just get a friend of your to fuck her straight”
comparing oppressions and trying to figure out which is worse is Oppression Olympics and best avoided.
Dave, the Kwisatz Haderach says
And if this is a game, then the graphics are fantastic but the writer should be shot.
ryanwilkinson says
I’m not; this piece (which I agree with) is, by saying ‘gay minority female’ is the hardest; but I’m just wondering if being a gay female is necessarily harder than being a gay male.
You seem to think it’s not, I have no reason to doubt you, so fair enough.
julian says
I like the metaphor. Misses some important things (probably because he only touched on them briefly) but a pretty good explanation of what privilege is.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
it doesn’t. “hardcore” != “hardest”. and it’s undeniably true that “gay minority female” is a really fucking hard setting. so is “disabled minority male”, or “trans female” or any number of other sets of oppressions.
seditiosus says
I would say no, but I’m kind of biased.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
you seem to like to jump to conclusions.
Tyrant of Skepsis says
Wait, do you have any idea how bad you make straight white male loosers feel with this kind of talk?
julian says
This would be one of the failings of the difficulty setting metaphor.
It isn’t a tier or anything like that. It isn’t Easy->Casual->Normal->Expert->Hard->Insane. It’s closer to “begin with X items, Y approval, Z gold” settings, where the character is assigned initial items, npc interaction level and gold. Obviously the nicer the items and the more gold the easier the challenges will be because you can afford options other players can’t and the more responsive (or at least less hostile) npcs are the smoother the play experience will be.
Tyrant of Skepsis says
losers, damn
ryanwilkinson says
Okay then you don’t think it’s harder, I apologise.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
to speak about “necessarily harder” is to even completely miss the point of the article. it’s not “necessarily harder” to be something other than a straight white male, because maybe you lucked out on some other variables; but that doesn’t change the fact that “straight”, “white”, and “male” are variables on which you did luck out. And it says that right there in the article:
bribase says
Legally speaking, it would be harder to be a gay man. Most anti-homosexuality laws were worded as anti-sodomy laws while sex between two women was notoriously hard to define.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
I think that I have no means of knowing either way (and neither does anyone else, for lack of a reliable method of measuring oppressions that look completely different from each other), but it very likely is one or the other, because it’s highly unlikely that they are actually really equally oppressive.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
also, if “you don’t think it’s harder” is supposed to be the opposite of “You seem to think being a gay female is not necessarily harder than being a gay male”, one of us is having a massive communication failure
ryanwilkinson says
I’m sorry, obviously ‘You don’t think it’s harder’ contradicts ‘I think that I have no means of knowing either way’ and means the same thing as ‘You think it’s the same’ or ‘You think the other is harder’.
Thanks, Bribase.
ruteekatreya says
Try exercising it, see how far that gets you.
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ says
bribase, surely you realize your argument depends a great deal upon the year. Legally speaking, sodomy laws were struck down in the USA nine years ago, and cases had been relatively rare for a while before that.
dano says
PZ following the ways of the Tea Party will indeed unlock all of your powers but once you stop following their rules the powers are gone. I would suggest reading or rereading KJV before attempting to reach the Jedi level or for that matter even before joining the Rebel Alliance.
“Size matters not, … Look at me. Judge me by size, do you?”
laurentweppe says
Actually, the code is really quite simple:
Step One: Go to Spain
Step Two: Start a pro tennis or soccer or road racing cyclism career
And that’s it: you’ll get your Avengers level Superpowers:
Brownian says
This analogy is stupid. In life, consuming jugs marked “XXX” and whole roasted fowl at a sitting makes your hit points go down faster, grunt generators are unlimited, and there’s no point at which shots don’t hurt other players yet, if my memories of junior high are at all reliable.
Dave, the Kwisatz Haderach says
…What the hell did I just watch?
If the the ways of the Tea Party gets me Jedi powers, who do I talk to about hooking up with the Sith? I just want Force lightning, is that too much to ask?
Brownian says
See? I can’t even find the generator that spawned dano; how can I destroy it?
jordanchandler says
My one serious question and response to the article is “So what?”.
What is his point? What does he want me to do?
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ says
Jadehawk, mostly off-topic, but I have something here that is Weirder Than We Can Suppose. I’m not sure what else to say, but like an unidentified species, I want to show you it.
cm's changeable moniker says
I think I’m with Brownian @#24. This analogy is stupid.
I don’t game.
But I have daughters.
How do I raise them to play?
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
thanks! that’s… deeply, awesomely weird.
*off to read paper*
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ says
I dunno about Scalzi, but I’d like you to call your Senators and Representative, and tell them to support the Paycheck Fairness Act.
julian says
nothing. He’s explaining the situation to you.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
not whine about how mean/racist/sexist affirmative action is
not pull shit like this
not bullshit about politics of victimization
not bullshit about how being “colorblind” or “genderblind” or any of that shit is better than actually talking about race, gender, etc.
support legislation and social movements that seek to give “better armor” (to stick with the metaphor) to those playing at the harder settings so as to make playing at the higher difficulty levels a bit more equal to playing at the easier ones
be actively against any legislation or social movements that seeks to take away of these equalizing measures
this is not actually difficult, once you’ve understood the concept. really.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
or, strictly speaking, what you’re supposed to do is not Scalzi’s point in that particular essay; this essay is merely an explanation.
But assuming fairness and equality are things you give a fuck about, the consequent actions of the situation he’s explaining are pretty obvious, and include but aren’t limited to the things I list in my previous post.
feralboy12 says
Back in my day, we had pinball and I don’t remember anybody complaining. None of this “difficulty settings” affirmative action crap. It was a level playing field, except for the slight tilt of the table, and the flippers worked the same for everyone.
(Ducks while point flies over head)
bribase says
@life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ
Of course it is based on it’s history. But I think that history speaks a great deal about the lasting social stigma. I took a look at some statistics here: http://www.avp.org/publications/reports/documents/NCAVPHateViolenceReport2011Finaledjlfinaledits_000.pdf On page 24 there is a chart showing violence perpetrated against gay men in 2010 was almost half and lesbians a quarter. Of course this might be subject to a reporting bias and says nothing about the general social climate for lesbians.
Personally, I see the religious right speaking out much more about gay men than gay women. In a patriachal society, heterosexual men “get” why women are attractive to other women. They are much more fearful of the desire (perhaps their own?) for sex with other men.
ruteekatreya says
Do you live under a motherfucking rock? Are you not familiar with the omnipresent narratives about converting women? It’s because we’re ‘not really’ lesbians. Lesbians aren’t allowed to actually exist. We’re here to put on a show for dudes before getting into a 2 women/1 man threesome with one, by and large. Fuck, if being lesbian is supposed to be so awesome, why do you think that these same idiots try to discredit feminism by calling feminists lesbians?
His point is that you have it easier. What to do about it varies. Broadly, it’s “stop pretending you don’t have it easier”. If you have values on things like equality, then it behooves you to work to help make them reality.
julian says
I haven’t seen it. Lesbian sex is relegated to fetish territory where it is only for masturbation. When the women aren’t “attractive” or there’s any threat to the man’s masculinity dyke quickly becomes an insult.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
I think as a very simple clue-by-four, Scalzi’s post seems pretty good in explaining privilege.
And those kids better get offa your lawn… yadda yadda… :)
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ says
You’ll find a lot of reports that say men are victims of violence by strangers more often than women, regardless of sexual orientation.
From one measure like violence by strangers, you cannot conclude that it is easier to be a man than a woman.
Rev. BigDumbChimp says
says you
Owlmirror says
↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
FFS asshole stop playing oppression Olympics.
ryanwilkinson says
So many people on this website really need to calm down.
Rev. BigDumbChimp says
awesome comment
julian says
I was waiting for that one…
ruteekatreya says
Really now, do better, lackwit troll.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
still eager to jump to conclusions, I see
ibyea says
That was the wrong thing to say, man.
d(thunk) over d(MQ) = SQRRAWK! says
Ryanwilkinson: Nice derail. Now will you stop cosmically missing the point with your oppression olympics and complaining that we’re overreacting? You’re obviously being an idiot or troll. Fuck off either way.
And go take a porcupine on the way out.
consciousness razor says
<Walter> Calmer than you are. </Walter>
I’ll note that it’s much easier to be calm when you’re playing the easiest difficulty setting. So why do others need to calm down? Because that would make you even more comfortable than you already are? What would be the point of that?
shala says
feralboy12 says
All your base pairs are belong to us
A. R says
Well, I guess this could serve as a starting point to explaining privilege. But as everyone here knows, race, gender, and sexual orientation are not the only forms of privilege. I can personally assure those who doubt that being a Straight White Male™ isn’t so easy when you aren’t neurotypical.
Xanthe says
it sounds like your initial question is trying to establish a ranking of oppressions, so that the variables can be ordered and the ‘level of difficulty’ a person experiences can be established by some sort of arithmetic sum… except that the way oppression intersect one another is complicated… some gay women may experience less homophobia than gay men, but that is more than compensated by experiencing more pervasive sexism. So it isn’t a simple case of taking each variable separately and doing some sort of mathematical sum in your head to predict a person’s relative level of disadvantage.
As for Jordan Chandler’s question, does it bother you that there is racist violence? Does it bother you that there is violence against the queer community? Would it surprise you to learn that the subsection of the LGBT community who are most likely to suffer from queer hatred are trans women of colour, who are grossly over-represented in violence (including murder) against queers? If you have to ask your question in the first place, forgive some of us for thinking you’re one of the navel-gazing straight white males Scalzi was writing for.
Brownian says
True. As a popular, socially competent individual adept at communicating, interpreting social cues and using those skills to my advantage, I can only wonder at what life would be like as someone like Ryan.
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ says
Easier than being a gay white male who is similarly not neurotypical.
'Tis Himself says
As someone with a fucking clue, I can only wonder what life would be like for someone like Ryan.
FossilFishy (Lobed-finned Killer of Threads) says
Shit, Brownian you’re better than that. Being an asshole =/= to having an neuro-atypical brain.
ryanwilkinson says
This is my point, I asked a simple question, read an answer, and accepted it. I wasn’t trying to establish a social hierarchy, I wasn’t drawing a diagram, I was simply asking. The article discusses *exactly* “difficulty settings”, and yet I have taken all the flak for trying to establish a ‘ranking of oppressions.’ I do not recall doing that. I do not recall saying ‘gay men get discriminated against more than gay women therefore ignore women and therefore women don’t have any problems.’
Now I understand that most people on this site are atheists and feminists living in a somewhat backwards nation, and a lot of the time people you encounter who you disagree with are trying to do something ferociously stupid, and that you get angry at them, and that’s fine.
I asked if being a homosexual man, in America, could result in more discrimination than if you were a homosexual woman. Then everyone started swearing and shouting and I resulted in being a socially inept person without a fucking clue who can’t interpret social cues, nor am I popular, nor am I able to communicate.
So I will very happily stand by my original point that people on this website need to calm down; and if you genuinely believe my question was the gateway to me trying to oppress or justify oppression of any sort of person, I am genuinely sorry for giving off that impression, but at the same time, I am sure I didn’t.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
and your evidence for people not being calm while taking you to task for your communication failures is… what exactly?
ChasCPeterson says
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
what the fuck are you talking about. people have been pointing out to you that you’re playing Oppression Olympics; no one accused you of you trying to oppress of justify oppression. so, which hole did you pull that one out of?
Brother Ogvorbis: Advanced Accolyte of Tpyos says
That was not a communications failure. Xe is just asking questions.
ryanwilkinson says
As soon as you responded I said ‘I have no reason to doubt you, so fair enough’ and you continued. I apologised for misunderstanding, and yet you continued. I notice you didn’t reply to how I pointed out that ‘You don’t think it’s harder’ means literally that, and that you jumped to conclusions as much as I did, but, that’s irrelevant.
If you think ‘Do you live under a motherfucking rock?’ (Comment not directed at me) is calm or that I am in engaging in ‘oppression Olympics’ is calm, then, what?
There was an episode of Scrubs, I recall, where Turk and Elliot were discussing whether it was harder to be black or a woman in the workplace.
Do you know what didn’t happen? This.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
which are prompted by him incorrectly reading “hardcore” as “hardest”, which allowed him to claim that it wasn’t him playing OO, it was Scalzi
ryanwilkinson says
Please reply in one post, it’d be a lot easier. And don’t get mad at me for asking that, I swear down, if it’s significantly easier for you to reply in several or more, that’s fine, that’s so fine.
Um, I said ‘if’. I was just trying to cover all the bases. The you was a royal you.
ryanwilkinson says
‘People who participate in Oppression Olympics tend to ignore the fact that it’s possible for multiple groups to be oppressed.’
We’ll compare this to my question. ‘I realise it’s harder to be a woman than it is to be a man, but, genuine question, do you think being gay more adversely affects a man or a woman? Or is it about equal?’
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
because it’s just another example of you suffering from communication failure, since 1)you basically repeated yourself in #6 and #14 (which you still haven’t noticed, have you), and 2)I have at no point said that your generic “you don’t think it’s harder” is incorrect, only that you’re jumping to conclusions, which prompted me to explain in detail, since you were being simplistic
I’m sorry, but what about either of these statements shows a lack of calmness? no one is yelling, and no one is abusing Capslock or exclamation marks, which are the bare minimum indication that someone is losing their cool. because other than that, I could be pissed as fuck and use polite language on the internet, and similarly I can use coarse language while being in a midafternoon stupor. it’s entirely correlation-free.
quote or it didn’t happen.
yeah. amazing. a fictional conversation in a piece of fiction that isn’t part of a social justice space ignores the fact that such comparisons are worthless ignore core concepts of intersectionality.
shocking, I know.
Markita Lynda—damn climate change! says
All of the “It’s not easy being a straight white male with <another problem>” misses the point that it’s still harder being an LGBT brown female with the same problem.
ryanwilkinson says
I’m not jumping to conclusions, you’d already said that you didn’t think it was harder, so I apologised for implying otherwise. Then you had your mini-essay attempting to rebut my ‘generic’ comment but in no way contradicted it, but go ahead, claim you meant that all along.
I would like to know where I have engaged in Oppression Olympics moreso than the author of the article when he explicitly says some disadvantages are harder than others, and I simply asked if it was harder to be a gay man, or a gay woman.
At no point did I say ignore the oppression of lesbians.
At no point did I say ignore the oppression of women.
At no point did I say ignore any oppression of anyone.
You clearly got so excited during your last sentence you couldn’t construct it.
I asked a question, you answered, I said ‘I have no reason to doubt you. Fair enough.’ What are you doing?
Rev. BigDumbChimp says
For example the commentor there who thought he was being clever when he said this
ryanwilkinson says
“2. The quickest way to fail at this or any other game is to spend all your time complaining about how unfair and difficult it is rather than playing.”
You could apply that bit to straight white males who complain about being oppressed.
lmm22 says
Easier than being a non-neurotypical female, let me assure you. For some reason, when the non-neurotypical SWMs throw a pity party about their lack of a love life, they explicitly leave me out of it.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
please reread your comment at #6, slowly. also, revisit the chronology of this conversation. you are confused about something, and I’m not entirely certain what that is, but it may be that you’ve typed something you didn’t mean to type, and are now assuming your comments are saying something else than you meant them to.
your comment was wrong in #6, and #14 just repeated that wrongness. the wrongness was in its imprecision, and in the fact that I had in fact not said or in any way implied that I didn’t think that being gay and female was necessarily harder than being gay and male. you jumped to a conclusion; which would be true regardless of whether you guessed correctly, btw.
quote or it didn’t happen.
since no one said anything of the sort, you’re just pulling more crap outta your ass. what for? we can all read this thread, we can all see that this is bullshit.
yes, that’s the only possible explanation. being dead-tired is of course not a possible explanation, and neither is simple typoing.
you jumped to conclusions that were nowhere in what I posted, and I corrected you on that, and been trying to do so ever since (plus the new stuff you’re being wrong about). what are you doing?
Brownian says
You’re right, FossilFishy, asshole move on my part. I’m sorry for the implication, and for coopting A.R’s otherwise salient point.
Again, I’m sorry.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
FIFM. definitely bedtime *sigh*
ryanwilkinson says
Either you do think it’s harder, or you do not.
Ah I see my repetition, haha no yeah that was an error on my part, awkward.
I’ll clarify: The first time I meant you don’t seem to think it’s harder being a gay male, the second time I meant you don’t think it’s harder being a gay female.
That was bad on my part, I apologise. Entirely my error. I’m tired too…
By very virtue of having a ranking system he says some are harder than others!
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
I mean really; where the fuck in comment #4 do I say that I don’t think it’s harder to be female and gay than it is to be male and gay?
all that comment does is point out one example of how female homosexuals are abused, and pointing out that making such comparisons is both futile and playing Opression Olympics.
not a fucking word about how I don’t think homosexual women have it harder than homosexual men
ruteekatreya says
I, too, take all my life lessons on how things should work from Scrubs, so when janitors threaten to kill me, or straight up, abduct me, or create bizarre inventions such as a knife-wrench and declare it to be for kids, I shrug and accept it as part of a normal day for anyone.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
well, that’s one part of this ridiculous conversation taken care of.
but he doesn’t have a ranking system for different kinds of oppressions. he has a ranking system for non-oppression vs. oppression.
ryanwilkinson says
You said you didn’t know, which means you don’t think it’s harder for either! Surely! Because you don’t know! “I think that I have no means of knowing either way”
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
yep. after you made a statement about my beliefs, twice, without any evidence either way.
so I explained.
FossilFishy (Lobed-finned Killer of Threads) says
[Extricates himself from Louis’ Groop Sehx pile, brushes the lube out of his beard, goes to stand in the Brownian’s Ghay Sehx queue]
I do so love a man who knows how to apologize.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
and considering that at that time I didn’t even know you fucked up comment #6, it seemed to be a conclusion contrary to the evidence even.
ryanwilkinson says
‘You don’t think it’s harder’ is correct, whether repeated or not, it is correct.
You do not think it’s harder. I was right all along WHAT IS THIS
ryanwilkinson says
(Even if I did jump)
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
incidentally, are you aware that this is an ambiguous statement? it can mean both that I think they have it equally hard, and that I don’t have any thoughts on who has it harder (i.e. an agnostic position).
Just FYI
ryanwilkinson says
I’m aware, but I think definitely given the context of that one you can easily tell I’m talking about an agnostic position.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
and that’s the second admission that was necessary.
now if you could admit that Scalzi isn’t grading some oppressions as worse than others, and that no one accused you of supporting the oppression of anyone, we can finish talking (as long as you don’t introduce any new points into this conversation, anyway)
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
oh, I guess admitting that you had no reason to claim that people here weren’t calm would be nice too… but I suppose I’d settle for the other two.
A. R says
What I don’t think Ryan gets, is that people who are oppressed are still oppressed no matter what their particular oppression is. That’s not saying that having multiple oppressions isn’t worse than only having one.
ryanwilkinson says
Jumping correctly is fiiiiiiiiine.
I like your blog.
The title is ‘Straight White Male.’ Maybe that implies that’s what he thinks are the three most important things (to me, it seems to). Maybe not, which I’m sure is what your opinion is, but I guess we can’t really tell without asking; and being asked, he’d almost certainly say they’re all roughly the same; perhaps putting trans as being more difficult than gay in *some* geographical areas, but I suppose I don’t know.
ryanwilkinson says
‘What I don’t think Ryan gets, is that people who are oppressed are still oppressed no matter what their particular oppression is.’
Never said that. I thought I made it clear enough.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
no it isn’t. rational argument requires that you come to your conclusions based on evidence, not jump to them and hope you luck out.
thanks. one of these days i might even get back to writing things on it
ryanwilkinson says
Educated guess.
Also, TOLD YOU, I TOLD YOU people thought I would be like reducing the severity of oppression!
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
you claimed people were already doing that. which wasn’t true. call it a self-fulfilling prophecy if you will, but that doesn’t make your comments correct. unless you’re unglued in time, of course.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
still a guess, and completely unwarranted. guessing, even educated guessing, is what causes comments like A.R’s
ryanwilkinson says
;) Educated guesses, knockin’ ’em out the park.
If you want something for your blog, there’s a video very relevant to your first statement (about lesbians being ‘fucked straight’) you might wanna look at and be horrified exists.
But it is porn… and some people might get angry for not finding it relevant to the original post.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
I’m not posting porn on my blog O.o
ryanwilkinson says
You’d definitely find it interesting, it begins with a ‘lesbian’ and ends with the sentence ‘I have been fucked straight’.
Not, real, of course or I would have told some kind of police or something, but acted, quite mainstream.
But this is all entirely irrelevant now.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
also, no. accusing people who weren’t accusing you of supporting oppression is no the same as guessing that sooner or later, someone will.
skurys says
@ 2
omg i feel old now
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
stop talking about porn to me, it’s weirding me the hell out
ryanwilkinson says
I’m surely not the only one that thinks mainstream porn enacting raping lesbians straight is wrong, but anyway fine, sorry.
I knew someone would!
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
As has all your posts since your first fuckwitted question, followed by your inane trolling (all trolling is inane). The hole is well over your head. Remember the first rule of holes, and cease your fuckwitted trolling. Ideally, apologize to the regulars and fade into the bandwidth.
consciousness razor says
Fuck, now I remember. ryanwilkinson is the idiot who took a dump all over this thread about profiling Muslims.
Genuine Question™: How long does it take to get a fucking clue?
ryanwilkinson says
If I’d realised asking what seemed like an innocuous question would cause all this, I would not have asked. I didn’t ask it to ‘troll’ pharyngula, I asked out of curiosity.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
oh, that one. where he tried to explain to Audley what a jew was. good stuff. :-D
A. R says
I think we have a new candidate for TZT incarceration!
ryanwilkinson says
“to engage with Christians, and show them that being godless doesn’t make you a bad person
I think I see where the problem started [engaging with Christians].”
Quote by Brownian. Brackets mine. How many “cultural Christians” got offended? Nooooooooooooone.
“to engage with Jews, and show them that being godless doesn’t make you a bad person
I think I see where the problem started [engaging with Jews].”
Bet that would have seemed anti-Semitic.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Oh my god, it’s that little shit!
Good lord, RyRy, don’t you ever stop to think about the shit that you spew?
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
I don’t believe you. Now leave, and only come back on a TZT thread with the rest of the fuckwitted trolls. Earn your way off it.
ryanwilkinson says
I’m sick of being attacked by people whose opinions include world war one being caused by masculinity issues.
d(thunk) over d(MQ) = SQRRAWK! says
If you honestly asked, the initial question would have been fine. But when we corrected you on that, you started whining, derailing and saying “I didn’t do X, I did Y”. That is why you are a fuckwit.
consciousness razor says
It’s not merely the asking, but the obtuse idiocy that followed.
Genuine Questions™: When else have you commented at Pharyngula, except for the other thread I linked above? Do you do anything other than ask stupid questions and engage in apologetics for bigots?
ryanwilkinson says
Or the opinion that say, two examples of white on black crime means that “This shit is increasing. This shit is increasing” without citing any statistics or studies of the sort. But then again you know this person is “Cassandra” in her ability to predict the future but never be believed.
I wonder, Audley, how you’d react to two examples of black on white crime being cited in a blog and then that person writing “This shit is increasing!”
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
reads as
ryanwilkinson says
On the ‘Goddamned Racist America’ thread, I said that Call of Duty isn’t that bad compared to a game called ‘Ethnic Cleansing’, in which you go around and kill black people, Latino people, and Jews.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
well audley? would you be offended and declare such a quip by Brownian to be antisemitic?
be aware that ryan knows more about jews than you do, so your answer might mean you have to turn in your jew-card and give it to ryan instead.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
what relevance can your “dear Muslima…” moment possibly have to this thread…?
ryanwilkinson says
“Instead of your trite answers, try this: Instead of insisting that any Muslim is a potential threat to our security*, let’s say that any Jew is a potential threat to our security.”
‘Engaging with Christians is a problem’ however isn’t bigoted because … it’s less hyperbolic? It’s less paranoid? I’m not quite seeing the distinction.
And thanks Jadehawk, for equating one Jew with every Jew ever. That was kind of you.
ryanwilkinson says
“Genuine Questions™: When else have you commented at Pharyngula, except for the other thread I linked above?” – Consciousness Razor.
I also said I personally didn’t like Call of Duty and that in most installments you rarely play as one country and never as the other, if that helps you not want to say ‘Dear Muslima…’. I was simply paraphrasing.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
I haven’t read the comments in this thread but I already know they’re going to be full of fucking fail. How do I know that? Why, because 122 comments in a short time on a topic like this is bound to bring out fuckers.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
evidently. sad too, since your rhetorical questions are actually pretty fucking close, only missing the question of relative power dynamics
you’re adorable when you’re flailing about. But FYI, I haven’t done any such thing. I merely made fun of you for trying to explain to a jewish person what a jew is.
Esteleth, Raging Dyke of Fuck Mountain says
Josh, the cupcake who tried to tell Audley that he knew more about Judaism and Jewish people than she does is back.
Now he’s complaining about privilege.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
just one, and the conversation left the original topic a long time ago, to instead focus on the many ways in which ryan is wrong about almost anything he chooses to talk about.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Where the hell is this coming from? Did I miss part of this thread?
Here’s the thing, genius, I’m well read enough to know that racially motivated crime is on the increase. I’ve often linked to the Southern Poverty Law Center because they’re a handy-dandy resource when it comes to hate crimes/hate groups of all stripes. So, because I’m not a complete ignoramus, I know that shit is happening without demanding that stats are given.
But I wouldn’t be offended if someone else asked for stats, if that’s what you’re getting at.
I’d look up numbers or ask for clarification, dumbass.
Really, what was the point of all of this?
No, but then again, I know what antisemitic actually means. (Without using Wikipedia, even!)
ryanwilkinson says
No cultural Christians got offended at that comment, and I reckon it’s because they don’t identify themselves as Christians.
Jew however has always tended to encompass more than just the religion, sigh, this argument.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Shut your mouth and get the fuck out of here. You’re an obscenity.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
I ♥ your fucking bluntness.
ryanwilkinson says
Very inconsistent.
The only difference is the level of paranoia and hyperbole.
‘I don’t like Christians.’ How do you feel about that sentence?
ryanwilkinson says
(In process of looking at the stats)
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
If you were truly sick of the responses you have received, you would have faded into the bandwidth thirty posts ago oh pointless fuckwit. You don’t tell your betters what to think. Your betters don’t troll.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
no cultural christians here have gotten offended, because they got the joke
no secular jews here would likely be offended by such a quip either (as supported by audley’s comment).
you have no point. really, you don’t.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
the same way i feel about “I don’t like white people” vs “I don’t like black people”
you suck at understanding the very basics of social justice issues.
ryanwilkinson says
Convenient really isn’t it.
When someone here says something that could be seen as bigoted by an outsider, it’s obviously not! Of course it’s not!
But if someone else potentially bigoted is somewhere else, it MUST be!
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
hell, it’s in fact the same way I feel about the “die cis scum” thing that blew up on the internet while back.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
I feel just fine about it. I don’t like you, and I don’t like ‘Christians.’ You’re a cancer on civilized society. Your outlook on life and human interactions is evil and retrograde, and I enjoy watching generations of you die off so you fade into cultural obscurity. The more of you who die off the fewer there are to torment people like me.
Did you expect someone to object to that sentiment?
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
this is awesome, especially in light of the pushback Brownian just got for making an ableist joke. in this very thread.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Oh, Jadehawk, you give him cheap points too easily. It isn’t at all the same thing. Not in his formulation. “Christians,” for him, are hateful judgmental bigots (though he’d deny it). Don’t bend over backwards to concede ethical territory he hasn’t earned.
ryanwilkinson says
I don’t like Jews.
Also Audley, the FBI http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/ucr#cius_hatecrime disagrees with you.
ryanwilkinson says
Genuinely have no idea what Josh is going on about.
Colin J says
On a thread about racism you introduce a neo-Nazi, ethnic cleansing video game. And on this thread about privilege you want us all to look at “raping the lesbian straight” porn.
Fuck, you’re a piece of work.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
no, he expects it to prove his point that saying things against jews as a whole is more bigoted than saying things against muslims as a whole, because the latter supposedly only includes believers regardless of context, while the former supposedly always includes believers and nonbelievers, also regardless of context.
he’s rehashing an old argument, basically, and he’s trying to do so by claiming that those who identify as cultural christians are lying about it for some reason.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
I don’t give a flying fuck who you like shitstain. I hate people like you. I hate people who base their identities on exercising power over others and making their lives miserable in order to claim cultural supremacy. That’s evil. And you’re evil.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
I’ve been clear. I loath you and I loath your Christianity. There’s nothing to be confused about.
ryanwilkinson says
Yes! I did expect someone to object!
How is ‘I don’t like Christians’ any worse than ‘Don’t engage with Christians’?!
ryanwilkinson says
I’m not a Christian, Josh.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
OK, so you’re not a Christian. Just what are you, Ryan?
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
I’m not. the parallel is that I belong both to the cultural Christian group, which is privileged, and the white group, which is also privileged. and in both cases, expression of hatred against this privileged group I’m a member of doesn’t phase me in the slightest. we do tend to be fucking assholes, because of privilege.
ryanwilkinson says
I’m an atheist.
Audley, you might want to have a go at Josh, he just said something that if you replaced ‘Christian’ with ‘Jew’ would definitely sound antisemitic. But I doubt you will.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
OK, I stand corrected. I apologize.
You’re still a dumbass and an asshole.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
So, I was wrong. Hate crimes have remained steady over the past few years. *shrugs* It happens.
Here’s a couple of things to consider:
-All violent crimes has been decreasing steadily in the past decade.
-We don’t have stats for 2011 or the beginning of 2012
-Hate groups and hate group activity is on the rise. It would not be unreasonable to expect hate crimes to increase in the next few years.
Why do you think that you can get under my skin, RyRy? It didn’t work last time, why do you think it’s cute now?
ryanwilkinson says
Hardly. If ‘Jews are a threat to national security’ is antisemitic, I don’t see why ‘ Jews are a cancer on society’ and ‘I can’t wait for Jews to die out’ wouldn’t be.
This is so awkward!
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
And for fuck’s sake, RyRy, you’re still missing my point from the last thread. If it’s that important to you, by all means rehash it over there.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
what the fuck are you talking about. the stats for 2011 aren’t even out yet in the FBI reports
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
Josh, OSG:
nigel circles the frozen body, his eyes like two unpowered lasers. He pokes the specimen with various implements: first, a shovel, then a pipette, and later the feather of a banty rooster. The latter he places in a machine about the size and shape of an 800W microwave. Turning this on, nigel purses his lips and nods.
Yes, Dr. OSG, this is a very interesting specimen, at least on the surface, Under the skin, however, it is nothing more than the common North American common troll. This one simply suffers from mange and poor intellectual diet.
ryanwilkinson says
Definitely not Cassandra, are you.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
please learn why, for example, “die cis scum” is not bigoted, while “die trans scum” is. then maybe you’ll understand the difference between wanting chistians to die out, wanting jews to die out, and wanting muslims to die out.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
That’s because you’re too goddamned willfully stupid to understand the difference between bigoted persecution of a minority group to satisfy the tribalism of the majority, and justified hatred of an oppressive majority group by the people it victimizes.
Did someone scramble your brains with an egg beater when you sloshed out of your mom?
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Why am I not surprised that our little RyRy completely misses the point about privilege (you know, the topic of this thread before he decided to get dumbass all over it).
In the US (and Europe, where I assume you’re from) Christians are the privileged group. What you’re doing, RyRy, is arguing that “cracker” has same hateful connotations as “nigger”.
ryanwilkinson says
I’m literally repeating Audley’s argument here Josh, I wouldn’t get too vitriolic.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Any chance for euthenasia, Nigel?
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Uh, no you’re not. Check my 162.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
No such thing as “too” vitriolic with a scum bucket like you.
ryanwilkinson says
Right, so saying horrible, murderous, ‘tarnishing them all with the same brush’ things about Christians (despite Christians having the exact same cultural connotations as Jew does) is okay?
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
the argument Audley made was to substitute one minority group (Jews) for another minority group (Muslims). Substituting a dominant group for a minority group is not even close to the same argument.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
… And the little fucker still can’t read!
Good show, Ry!
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
See, Audley, the fuck of it is he’s pretending not to understand the difference between insulting an oppressor and kicking down at someone lower than you. He’s pretending not to know the difference between “cracker” and “nigger.” That makes him so much worse—it’s the mark of an actual sociopath.
ryanwilkinson says
“I feel just fine about it. I don’t like you, and I don’t like ‘Christians.’ You’re a cancer on civilized society. Your outlook on life and human interactions is evil and retrograde, and I enjoy watching generations of you die off so you fade into cultural obscurity. The more of you who die off the fewer there are to torment people like me.”
This is not okay!
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
One more time, to drive it home:
And yet he questions us. Apparently, someone didn’t understand the point of Scalzi’s post about privilege.
There’s a shocker.
ryanwilkinson says
No, fuck that Christians aren’t a minority! I don’t give a shit! It wouldn’t be considered ‘okay’ if a black person called white people a cancer on society! It wouldn’t be the-fuck-okay if a black person said he wanted white people to fade off into cultural obscurity! If this is the analysis we’re using then no it is not okay!
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
from a minority group actively being oppressed by Christian culture? of course. expressions of justified rage by a minority group that carry no actual danger to the dominant group aren’t even remotely the same thing as “horrible, murderous” things being said against a minority group that is actively being targeted for “horrible, murderous” things by the dominant group.
seriously; power dynamics. fucking learn them, and STFU until you’ve done so.
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
Josh, OSG:
nigel disembowels the bandy rooster, running the warm intestines through his fingers until he brails out the gizzard. This, he throws in a frying pan sizzling in hot oil. The gizzard spits and skitters about the pan.
Hm. I’m thinking not. It seems our troll can tell neither the difference between privilege and disadvantage, nor the difference between choice of worldview and genetic heritage. I believe a Magic 8 Ball would say, “Outlook is bad.” (Which, come to think of it, applies to a certain Microsoft product as well.)
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a fried gizzard to spread on toast with some brie.
ryanwilkinson says
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Are you done hoggling yet? Lord, just write your report for the slimepit and be done with it.
ryanwilkinson says
I didn’t begin the white-black analogy.
It is not okay to say Christians are a cancer on society!
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
oh FFS. Christianity is the dominant group, not the minority.
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
Is it OK to say that Christianity is a cancer on society?
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Here I was, hoping that he was just a garden-variety dumbass.
That’s right, keep licking the boots of your masters. Does it feel good to be used as a tool of the oppressors? Or are you actually so ignorant to think that Christians are in any way, shape, or form oppressed in North America or Europe?
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
(In the voice of the Hamburglar):Hoggle-oggle-oggle-oggle.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
why? because blah blah reverse racism blah?
ryanwilkinson says
Yes, and I don’t care that they’re not a minority. Them being the majority does not make it okay to call them ALL a CANCER on society! It does not. If I said ‘Muslims are a cancer’ then I would be torn apart for it, it would be pointed out that not all Muslims are like that; BUT it’s not like if Muslims were the dominant group things would be better for gay people or for people wanting abortions or for women.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Are you really this dumb? Just trolling? A weird little psychopath?
I think a black person would be perfectly justified in calling a white person a cancer on society, considering the racist, oppressive shit that passes for “civilization” in this country.
Learning about privilege: UR DOIN IT RONG.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Dumb. Also a liar.
consciousness razor says
That is not the case.
ryanwilkinson says
Because I don’t think it’s okay if a black person stood up and called white people a cancer, I’m a psychopath?
Maybe shit’s so bad in America that calling for the day when all white people die is okay, but that’s certainly not the case here.
ryanwilkinson says
So now Christian doesn’t have the same cultural connotation as Jew does?!
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
“but I’m colorblind” by any other name… is still just as fucking stupid. It is clear you did not understand the essay in the OP.
because unlike with christians, this is an actual credible threat when said against Muslims. why are you still here, instead of learning about power dynamics?
“if” muslims were the dominant group and christians the minority, then nothing about the comments we’ve made would change. it would still be ok to rage at the dominant group (in this hypothetical scenario, muslims), but not punch down the power gradient at the minority group (in this hypothetical scenario, christians).
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Yeah, you’re a liar, Ryan.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
no one said that they were the same, but that both can and do refer to believers as well as non-believing cultural adherents
consciousness razor says
It hasn’t for centuries. Which rock have you been hiding under?
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
1) Goal posts, you’ve shifted them.
2) OPPRESSION OPPRESSION OPPRESSION! Don’t account for the history of oppression or the fact that African Americans are currently being oppressed or anything.
3) No one has claimed in this thread or the last one where you vomited your bullshit that Jews = Christians. All we’ve said is that there is such a thing as “cultural Christians” and that Judaism isn’t the only religion that has culture tied to it.
ryanwilkinson says
But I’m not a dominant group, I’m not a Christian, I don’t have the ability to destroy all Muslims. I don’t have the ability to even come close to destroying all Muslims. I don’t have the influence to create a kind of anti-Muslim cult. There is literally nothing I could do to Muslims that Josh couldn’t do to Christians.
So as soon as Christians drop below 30-40% everything said about them must desist?
I don’t live in a majority Christian country.
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
Is it OK to say that Christianity is a cancer on society?
Look, I just want to know if I can legitimately bad-mouth Christianity.
ryanwilkinson says
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Do recognize the game he’s playing; and it is a game. It’s calculated.
Stupid, but calculated. Don’t waste your time trying to “explain” things to him. He already understands them; he’s feinting in order to provoke responses.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
no one said that they were the same, but that both can and do refer to believers as well as non-believing cultural adherents sometimes, and sometimes only to religious adherents, depending on the context
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
You know, I’m torn between going to bed and just shouting HERP A DERP! at our little Ryan. Care to join my herp parade for a few minutes?
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
I’m willing to be that you do live in a majority culturally christian country, actually. and that you belong to that culturally privileged group, yourself.
ryanwilkinson says
So being a straight white male makes me the dominant group?
What’s a straight white male Muslim then?
Jew tends to include more cultural baggage than Christian when you say ‘Christians’ and ‘Jews’. Obviously it’s different when you say ‘Christian country’.
Yes you can say Christianity is bad, though I’m well aware you were asking … condescendingly/sarcastically/some tone of that kind.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
you’re one stupid little cupcake. consciousness razor has not disagreed with us on anything
consciousness razor says
You’re such a clueless fuckwit. I’ve done you no favors.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Really? ‘Cos you certainly don’t live in a majority Muslim country, since you’ve only got one Jewish friend you probably don’t live in Israel, and I’d be shocked to learn that you live anywhere in Asia.
PZ Myers says
Well, I’m going to bed, hoping that there’s oil under this here blog, because at the rate he’s going, ryanwilkinson will have struck black gold for me by morning.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
An idiot.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
someone who has straight white male privilege, but not the privilege of being christian, culturally or religiously
ryanwilkinson says
Being culturally Christian makes me dominant, got it. Okay.
So if I go to a non-culturally Christian country, what happens then?
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
Pretty much, yeah.
Not quite as up there as white male Christian, but as long as you keep your mouth shut, you’re golden. Still better than female or black.
Damned straight I was. Kinda like you were doing.
ryanwilkinson says
If I went to Israel, could I be antisemitic then? Would that be okay?
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
Give it a shot. Let us know how that goes.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Are you a fucking moron?
Look at the Coptic Christians in Egypt. They are violently oppressed. It’s about the rulers &/or the majority, dumbass.
ryanwilkinson says
But Josh didn’t specify American Christians, so that violent oppression for him is a good thing? A cure for the cancer?
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
I… I don’t even know what this is supposed to prove.
If you want to be arrested and jailed, then sure. Do whatever the hell you want in any country that you want.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
depends. but possibly you would no longer be part of that one specific dominant group. If for some freakish reason you had to move to Indonesia, for example, and couldn’t move back, your cultural christianity would possibly no longer be dominant. but then you’d be even more powerfully dominant for other reasons, so who knows what that would get you, in balance (which is why playing oppression olympics, even in reverse, makes little sense)
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
A cure for the cancer at hand would be for you to die an electronic death.
Lord, you’re one of the stupider commenters in recent memory.
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
Awwww, how cute. Playing semantic games as if we’ve never seen anything like it!
thepint says
Sweet Jebus singing on a pogo stick. I was occupied over on Scalzi’s OP and thankfully he closed down comments for the night because there was an amazing amount of obtuseness on that thread, although given what Ryan’s posted here, he’d have fit right in with those getting whacked by the Mallet of Loving Correction over there.
Although I might have to disagree with PZ slightly here – at the rate Ryan’s going, he’s likely to strike black gold well before dawn. And he’ll have to – with all that doubling down, he’s likely broken the bank and taken out loans to keep betting by now.
ryanwilkinson says
That I can say whatever shit I like about whoever I like as long as I am not the majority. This is your theory. A black person calling for the deaths of white people here is okay, because, black people couldn’t do it.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
it would certainly not be contributing to any danger to and othering of Jews, unlike doing that here. in fact, doing that would likely get your sorry ass handed to you, since Jews are the dominant group in Israel
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
Has anyone here called for the death of Christians?
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Holy fucking Christ. This entire fucking time, Josh has been talking about striking back at the oppressors. The Copts are not oppressors in Egypt.
Either you’re still failing at reading comprehension or you’re really trying your damnedest to troll us. Either way: HERP A DERP!
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Go lay down in a house fire. Really.
ryanwilkinson says
So there it’s morally okay to be antisemitic, in America it is not.
In America it is morally okay to call Christians a cancer, but In Israel or Indonesia, it would not be.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
ryanwilkinson says
Josh, genuinely, what is your opinion on Muslims?
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Welcome to the grown-up world of situational and contextual ethics.
You dumb-ass.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
no. about the dominant groups oppressing the group you’re a member of.
no. as long as you’re not part of the dominant group. numerical majorities aren’t always the dominant groups (See: south africa)
stop being wrong on the internet, it’s giving me sleep deprivation
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
It’s probably morally neutral in all cases.
Socially significant is a completely different matter. Not that I expect it to matter.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
You know, it’s amazing. For someone who whined endlessly in the last thread about people misrepresenting his arguments, you’re sure as shit doing a bang up job of misrepresenting ours.
But, go on, keep being deliberately obtuse. It’s totes adorable.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Ryan, genuinely, what is your opinion on DUUURRRRRRP?
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Me too and I’ve gotta work in the morning.
ryanwilkinson says
Go on Josh, what’s your opinion on Muslims? Go on!
thepint says
I’ll take missing the point spectacularly for $500, Alex.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
You’re either dirt fucking stupid or a psychopathic liar, Ryan. In any case you ain’t worth the effort.
Jessa says
Shorter ryanwilkinson: Herp! Derp! Category error!
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
“This is the style of posting mastered by ryanwilkinson.”
Rey Fox says
Ryan, are you this tedious and obtuse in real life?
I got to that part of the thread and imagined Jadehawk being stuck behind her table at a SF convention dealing with one of those fans from Hell. Then calling con security.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
But Audley,
thepint says
Seriously, what’s the cure for that, because as well as sleep deprivation, it’s harshing on my Zen, man!
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
True fact: I just brushed a spider off my chest (inside my shirt) and I bore it less ill will than I feel toward Ryan.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
ryanwilkinson says
Hahaha you can’t say it! You can’t say it because it would ENTIRELY go against the premise of what you lot have been arguing, that’s great.
All I’ve said has amounted to don’t stereotype, regardless of majority or minority or whatever words you want to use, and you’ve you know, have requested me to die.
And the others of you, if you think Josh’s opinion on Muslims isn’t very similar worded to his opinions on me (when he thought I was a Christian) and other Christians, you know you’re being dishonest.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
I hear ya, Jadehawk. Just goes to show you how much I hate Ryan. Cuz he’s white and I hate white people. And stuff.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Rebuttal to Josh’s excellent point at 242:
? ?
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
Josh, OSG:
And neo-Nazis. Don’t forget them.
Jessa says
Yep. As I suspected, Ryan doesn’t know about category error. (Hint for Ryan: you can’t just swap out a majority group for a minority group in a situation and expect the implications to be the same.)
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
you wish, honeycakes. you wish.
seriously, it’s not my fucking fault you’re ethically and rationally challenged and cannot grasp the basic arguments about privilege made in this thread as well as in the OP.
Josh and Audley are right to not dignify your rambling with responses. I’m a fucking idiot with SIWOTI Syndrome for bothering to respond at all.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Shorter Ryan:
!Setár, self-appointed Elf-Sheriff of the Pharyngula Star Chamber says
ryanwilkinson #226:
Er, no.
In Israel, if you’re openly anti-Semitic you’re going to be either arrested or murdered.
In the United States, on the other hand, it’s perfectly okay. You might get a lot of people regarding you with disgust if you’re openly anti-Semitic in an urban/liberal area, but you’ll be able to find people who agree with you regardless. In rural areas, especially in the South and Midwest? Chances are fairly high that no one’s even going to give a damn.
Hell, it’s the same thing in Canada. It is not very hard for me to delve into the history of the Reform Party, now the Conservative Party, and pull out direct links to members of the KKK and Northern Alliance.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Audley, if you liked it then you
.ryanwilkinson says
Hahahaha, I’m loving it, sorry if I don’t want to to stereotype all Christians as a cancer!
And I don’t wish. I know. And you know too. Josh also can’t wait until the day Muslims die out, he’s just too afraid to say it.
ryanwilkinson says
Morally, not legally, Setar.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Setár, self-appointed Elf-Sheriff of the Pharyngula Star Chamber says
Do you have any quotes or explanations?
Oh, right. You had to take the invisible quotes and explanations, because they’re magical.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
of course you do. just like my neighbor knows ghosts exist *patpat*
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Oh and lest someone should think that RyRy doesn’t come from a Christian family:
So, yeah. Money’s on privileged little asshole.
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
I can’t say I can’t wait until the day Muslims die out, but I can say I can’t wait until the day Islam dies out. As well as Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Tlingit ancestor worship, and other forms of religious belief.
Meanwhile, Christians are, in general, specifically a blight on the American political landscape.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Liar, also.
ryanwilkinson says
I’m anti-Christian, <- I said this.
Then you are a bigot. Christian is for the group of people. The religion is Christianity. <- Amphiox said this.
mechtheist says
Always works for geeks. gods unholy identifier number
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
<—-Ryan said this.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
poor poor Josh, oppressed by Teh Ebil Pharyngulocracy. The horrible, brutal, bloodcurdling things we’d do to him if he ever went against Teh Roolz and voiced disagreement with any other Pharynguloid
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
I’m sorry, which group that is having their rights and livelihoods and even their very lives taken away by Christians do you belong to…?
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
ryanwilkinson says
I genuinely don’t understand your question, Jadehawk.
I’m bisexual, if you want that, but even if I was straight I could be annoyed at Christianity! taking or trying to take away the rights of others, couldn’t I?
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
It’s my
in a box!My in a box, babe
It’s my in a box!
Oooh, my in a box, girl
in a boxHanukkah, in a box
Kwanzaa, in a box
Every single holiday a in a box
Over at your parent’s house a
in a boxMid day at the grocery store a in a box
Backstage at the CMA’s a in a box
It’s my
in a box!My in a box, babe
It’s my in a box!
Oooh, my in a box, girl
ryanwilkinson says
Have you realised you’re staying up to type herp and derp in different forms?
Literally that?
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Man, girl, gimme that
. Yeah baby, in a box or not.Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
I’m not in the slightest surprised. I’m surprised that, if you are bisexual and had your livelihood threatened, you don’t understand the difference between justified but ultimately harmless anger, and anger that can harm because it comes with power.
maybe I shouldn’t be. maybe your density goes all the way down.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
So, wait, you’re bringing up a commenter who hasn’t even participated in this thread? As proof of what, RyRy?
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Revolting. Please remind yourself never to show up anywhere I might be drinking.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
No shit, Sherlock. I’ve realized that I don’t even have to give you a shovel to dig a hole, you’re doin’ just fine on your own.
ryanwilkinson says
You’ve all completely reversed what I was saying.
I don’t think it’s okay for me to stand up and say CHRISTIANS ARE A CANCER, RAR RAR RAR.
I don’t think it’s okay for a Christian to stand up and say BISEXUALS ARE A CANCER, RAR RAR RAR.
I’m not saying oppress the minorities, not at all; I’m saying don’t stereotype the majority.
You agreed with him Audley. Meaning you disagree with yourself now.
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
Oh yeah because none of us EVER go to bat for theists, such as complaining about WIAAA posts that are just one sentence faps that amount to “cause theists r dumb”
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
Oh fuck you so much.
ryanwilkinson says
“All Christians are idiots!
All blondes are idiots!
Only an idiot would study biology!
I am nominally insulted by all three statements, but my response to all three would be laughter. Because all three “insults” are just stupid.”
Esteleth, whom you also agreed with.
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
I’d rather you wern’t
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Meaning you’re looking for some big drama.
Call us back when they cast you Joanne.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
incorrect we’re quite aware you’re playing the “I’m better than you because I’m colorblind” game. blindness to power balance and pretending that dominant groups need the same protections from verbal attacks that minorities need is fucking stupid
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Well, RyRy, it’s a good goddamn thing that I don’t give a fuck what you think.
You still haven’t answered me: is calling someone a “cracker” as bad as calling someone else a “nigger”? Please show your work.
Agreed with who? About what?
My entire point has been about minority groups and oppressed classes. The fact that you don’t get it shows that you don’t really give a fuck about the OP or Scalzi’s post on privilege. It’s a shame, really. If you could only read and understand, you’d be a much better person for it.
ryanwilkinson says
I do not understand why my quote in #280 got such an aggressive response.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Snorfle! I heart you, Ing.
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
Oh christ *rubs temples* I really hope his “I’m bisexual” is not a “I don’t see gender” colorblind thing too.
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
Okay. Then don’t.
You do see the difference though, right?
For instance, in many states of the US, Christians have done exactly that, and affected the lives of gays and bisexuals.
There’s a slight difference.
The difference is, stereotyping the majority doesn’t cause nearly as much harm as oppressing the minorities.
Also, too, Christians really are causing a lot of harm in the US. It’s not all of them, no — but the quiet majority of Christians are keeping their cakeholes shut while a very assertive minority of Christians are fucking up education, equal rights, and other minor things.
There’s a difference between the two things you presented, yet you present them as equally bad.
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
That’s the problem!
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
and i’m guessing you think Esteleth’s comment somehow disagrees with something we’ve said…?
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Because you’re an idiot.
I’ve got to motor if I want to make this funeral.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Oppression, oppression, oppression!
RyRy just doesn’t get it.
ryanwilkinson says
Agreed with Amphiox, about how me calling Christians idiots was bigoted.
Agreed with Esteleth, that the statement ‘All Christians are stupid’ is stupid.
I don’t know why it’s okay for minority groups to stand up and wish death upon majority groups. When a Muslim leader in the UK stands up and says he wants to make it an Islamic country, and kill all the Christians and infidels, I don’t think that’s a good thing.
Nor do I think it’s a good thing when the EDL decide that all Islam is evil and must be completely eradicated via any means necessary.
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
And more importantly, I only have evidence of you yelling at ONE of those groups…which makes your concern for ‘fairness’ ring hollow and self serving.
ryanwilkinson says
Yes, because my entire point has been DON’T STEREOTYPE ALL CHRISTIANS which is literally what Esteleth said.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Are you really, honestly, this painfully stupid?
ryanwilkinson says
There’s not really been an opportunity on an American blog to discuss my dislike of the English Defence League.
And I’m not saying they’re equally bad, I’m saying they’re both bad.
Saying Christians are a cancer on society is bad, regardless of how bad other things are.
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
If you’re saying the same stuff Esteleth did, which we agreed with, yet we disagree with you, maybe the problem is that you suck at communicating.
Now you’re just stereotyping stupid people as often being wrong!
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
This has been another installment of Ryan Doesn’t Get It! Tune in next time, folks, when we tackle such difficult subjects as misogyny and homophobia!
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
apparently you agreed with amphiox that ryan saying he’s anti-Christians was bigoted…?
well. as a context-free statement, it does tend to be. from someone like me, it also tends to be. from someone like josh, when written in obvious rage? not so much.
this can’t possibly be very hard to understand…?
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
So what’s your take on the Nazis?
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Gosh, Ing, you’re right. How callous of me. Let me rephrase:
[Content note: judgments about functional intelligence]
Are you really, honestly, this painfully stupid you dumb fuck?
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
I imagine it a sketch segment like Sam the Eagle’s original shtick on the Muppet Show.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
How abouts you try addressing us instead of bringing up commenters who haven’t been active in this thread, hmmmmm?
Uh, no it’s not. She literally said:
She said she would be nominally insulted, that’s all.
HERP A DERP! You can’t even understand the shit that you quoted! Ha!
ryanwilkinson says
Right, my point has been, don’t call all Christians a cancer, and that being a minority doesn’t make wishing death on another group okay.
I genuinely do not see the problem. There isn’t one.
I’ve not said it’s okay for the majority group to oppress the minority and I’ve not said the minority shouldn’t fight back.
Suffragists vs suffragettes?
MLK vs Malcolm X?
ryanwilkinson says
So are you not ‘nominally insulted’ by Josh? If so, why defend it at all?
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
interesting. did we say such things were good things? or did you jump to conclusions again based on the fact that we didn’t condemn minorities for raging against oppressive dominant groups?
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
So, if we can demonstrate empirically that those most responsible for the terrible policies in the US are Christians, it would be incorrect to say that Christians are a cancer on society?
Or (to play your game), in countries where Christians are responsible for massive ethnic cleansing (even against other Christians!), is it incorrect to say that Christians are a cancer on society?
Also, why U avoid my questions?
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
You don’t want to get into an actual arguement over the effectiveness of MILK vs Malcolm X
For one there’s serious question whether MLK would have been effective at all without Malcolm acting as the stick to his carrot.
AGAIn what is your view on Nazis?
d(thunk) over d(MQ) = SQRRAWK! says
Ryan: It’s a little matter of PRIVILEGE. Saying that christians are a cancer to society is not equivalent to a majority group disparaging a minority group. Learn a few things.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
it does make it pretty much harmless though, which was our point. ffs.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
You stupid shit. You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. You have no idea what real people in civil rights struggles actually said. You honestly think MLK was a pacifist? Have you ever read “Letter from a Birmingham Jail?” No? Then read it you dumb shit.
Do some homework before you come back here and affect to “rebut” what I’m saying.
ryanwilkinson says
and justified hatred of an oppressive majority group by the people it victimizes.
expressions of justified rage by a minority group that carry no actual danger to the dominant group aren’t even remotely the same thing
I think a black person would be perfectly justified in calling a white person a cancer on society, considering the racist, oppressive shit that passes for “civilization” in this country
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
I just figured it out! Ryan is the asshole teacher who makes the kid that got punched in the face apologize to the bully for his part of the fight. He’s the goddamn principle from South Park
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
How old are you, Ryan? I’m going to guess no more than 20 (DON’T you young’uns jump on me—I know some of you are far more sophisticated).
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
You fucking hypocrite
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
Oh, for fuck’s sake, Ing, you know you shouldn’t judge all members of a group simply because they believe abhorrent things.
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
well yeah…Shinler and all. I mean should we talk about wanting to wipe out the scourge of Nazis/NeoNazis when there might be good members of those groups? I hear some skinheads like puppies
d(thunk) over d(MQ) = SQRRAWK! says
Sorry, we will anyway. We know Ryan’s an idiot, so there’s no need to disparage young people by comparison. We’re not all like this.
ryanwilkinson says
Ing, I was quoting them.
Glad to see though that you realised it wasn’t a great statement.
Not all Christians believe abhorrent things.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
For someone that writes particularly Britishly, I’m surprised that you bothered to imply that you didn’t come from a majority Christian country.
I’m gonna break it down into really small words for you, RyRy: You’re telling an oppressed class that their feelings about oppression and their oppressors aren’t valid. And it’s because you’re blinded by your (white, possibly British and Christian upbringing) privilege. Read the fucking link that PZ provided.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
ryan honey, what exactly do you think quoting us saying that punching up the power gradient isn’t the same thing as punching down the power gradient is proving?
or… wait. do you think “justified” is synonymous with “good”?
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
Even more to the point: calling an oppressive group a cancer is a fuckload of miles from calling for their deaths.
Just one more dishonesty brought to you by the letters K, and W, and ryanwilkinson.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
I’m glad you said that Thunk, but still: stuff it up your ass. I was a precocious and unusually smart teen just like you. That doesn’t negate the fact that it usually takes an extremely young age (and a sheltered life) to produce such profound stupidity as we see in Ryan.
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
No I was pointing out what I thought was an inconsistency. learn to blockquote.
Communicating poorly and then acting smug when misunderstood isn’t brilliance, jackass
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
That was me.
Why should I be?
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
you think ing called you a hypocrite because ing thought the statement wasn’t great? care to explain how making non-great statements makes one a hypocrite?
in reality, of course, ing called you a hypocrite because it looked like you were saying the same thing you were arguing against.
you’re one confused cookie.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Glad you hit back at me, though, Thunk. That’s the goddamned spirit right there!:)
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
de button proves that you don’t need youth.
ryanwilkinson says
No, I’m not saying they’re not valid.
But saying every Christian, saying all Christians are a cancer, is wrong. That’s all I’m saying.
Justified isn’t far off good, don’t pretend it is.
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
Sure. Just as not all skinheads are really evil fucks.
The problem isn’t what some believe, but what the aggregate effect is on society. And right now, Christians in the US, on aggregate, are fucking things up beyond all recognition.
Just sayin’.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Hypocritical, dumbass. Jesus Christ, Ing called you a hypocrite and didn’t claim that the statement was “bad”.
ryanwilkinson says
Audley, I need your help. Why is the statement ‘All Christians are stupid’ nominally insulting and ‘Christians are a cancer’ not so…
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
Maybe you should stop hearing what you want to hear and hear what people say.
Yes because that’s what people are doing. I’m sorry, are you genuinely stupid or just being dishonest.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Have you done your homework yet? Have you read Letter From a Birmingham Jail?
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
One is false. Christianity on the whole is toxic.
Oh and incidentally, I doubt anyone can hold orthodox Christians views and NOT believe hateful things.
Rey Fox says
Ryan is like that guy at work who extends meetings by asking stupid questions and endless clarifications on points that anyone else would just be able or willing to just play by ear, and makes them all about his particular situation and keeps bringing up tangential points of interest to no one else until you just want to brain him with your coffee mug.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
For fuck’s sake, ask the person that was insulted, no me.
By the way, why should I be insulted by Josh?
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
a lot of actions and especially feelings that aren’t good or in any way positive are still justified. personally, i feel queasy but ethically neutral about justified anger expressed in the way Josh did and the way the “die cis scum” motto does. but it’s not my fucking place to tell people who are oppressed how they should be allowed to express their anger at such oppression.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Oh, and Ryan? Stop lying about “not being a Christian.” It’s perfectly obvious that you have a huge emotional attachment to a Christian identity even if you don’t intellectually believe in it. That’s why you’re spinning so hard you’ve lost your mind.
ryanwilkinson says
And yes Josh, I read it, it doesn’t exactly call for violence or call white people a cancer or anything close but okay.
This is fruitless. I don’t think calling all Christians a cancer is justified, I don’t think a black person standing up and wanting violent things to be done to white people is justified. You lot obviously do. We won’t get anywhere, I’m clearly a stupid fucking moron who will never get anywhere, I’m also certainly a secret Christian and I in fact go around and oppress people and have never argued with a Christian in any way.
Great okay, bye bye.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
ryan, I need your help. why are you asking a jewish person why they aren’t nominally insulted by an insult on christians the way the christian person was?
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Thank goodness. Here’s hoping RyRy sticks the flounce* ‘cos I’ve got to go to bed.
‘Night all!
Did we make you cry, RyRy?
ryanwilkinson says
And no, I fucking hate Christianity, but I do have many Christian friends, all of whom are good, tolerant people, and whilst I disagree with their faith I would never, ever call them a cancer or paint them with the same brush I paint intolerant, oppressive, progress-halting Christians.
Anyway bye
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
Well from down here you actually look like you’re dressed like Christ.
I notice you refuse to answer the question about Nazis? Is that because you don’t want to address why you don’t have a problem with the Warsaw riots or don’t want to waggle your finger at people in death camps?
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Well, surprise surprise, I do. And I’d punch you in your smug face if we were having this conversation in a pub. Yeah. Be shocked all you want. I’m not afraid of pushing back against violent oppressors with violence (especially privileged fucks). Why this shocks you I can’t imagine.
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
So why the fuck are you yelling at us for sharing the same view as you?
Goddamn it you’re a crybaby.
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
Failing to recognize or address opposing views: 10
Repetition of completely missed points: 9
Content: 1
Style: 3
AVG: 5.75
Hmm. Not looking too promising, Sweet Pea.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Ryan also refused to answer the “cracker” vs “nigger” question. So sad.
Okay, I’m really off to bed this time!
Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead says
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
LOLOLOL! Oh, lord, that was good:)
theophontes 777 says
Please do not throw away your troll after use. Kindly forward to TZT.
Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe says
because Josh said a bunch of mean things about Christians in comment 139 where he called Christians a cancer and said he’s enjoying them die off
Rip Steakface says
Heh, that article put what I’ve been trying to say about being a straight white guy into understandable terms. I’ve always tried to say something like “I, as a straight white guy, get it really friggin’ easy. In terms of the lottery of birth, I won a 2nd tier jackpot (because I wasn’t born into wealth).”
If only life were made this easy for everybody.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
And I meant it. I really do take satisfaction in watching the bigots of a dying generation fade away and die. Good riddance. Women, queers, brown people, and anyone outside the mainstream have suffered enough from their bullshit. Let that stupid, selfish, horrible generation die. And if you’re not stupid and selfish, great—but shut the fuck up about how “we’re not all like that.” I don’t care. Show it with action, not pointless bitching.
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
Josh, OSG:
The sad thing is, Ryan couldn’t tell the difference between this statement, and actively calling for their deaths. He kept conflating the two, right up ’til the end.
Fuck it. I can’t abide obtuse fools and their inability to comprehend the difference between calling for murder, and the satisfaction of watching a dying ideology.
Setár, self-appointed Elf-Sheriff of the Pharyngula Star Chamber says
Based on his attempt at ‘splaining about Jewishness, and interest in the majority, I’d say that you’re missing a capital I on “identity”.
Setár, self-appointed Elf-Sheriff of the Pharyngula Star Chamber says
Jadehawk #354:
More of these so-called “skeptics” need to read Clarence Darrow…
Wowbagger, Madman of Insleyfarne says
Josh, OSG wrote:
Holy fucking shit. I nearly died (laughing) when I read this.
SallyStrange: bottom-feeding, work-shy peasant says
HOLY FUCK. That is some Weapons Grade Stupid right here. My eyes are fucking bleeding, gah! The stupid is making my brain ache.
“I don’t like Christians” is comparable to “I don’t like skinheads”. It is a justifiable statement. Watch as I justify it:
Christianity is a belief system. A stupid, hateful, destructive, bigoted belief system. Belief systems, unlike skin color, gender, sexual orientation, or gender orientation, are chosen.
People who volunteer to subscribe to such a belief system deserve all the scorn and opprobrium we can heap upon them.
Now fuck the fuck off.
Josh, I love you.
theophontes 777 says
@ ryanwilkinson
You do realise they are all drinking the koolaid from the same bowl?
I think Josh’s comparison of xtianity to cancer is all the more apt in your case. Xtianity is a nasty cancerous memeplex that does its host and society no good whatsoever. It does this by disguising itself as “good and tolerant” to get past the hosts defenses. But then flairs up in all its ugly glory to reek as much harm as it can. No good can ever come of it. How is this not similar to cancer?
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Little Baby Ryan doesn’t want to face up to the real world. He doesn’t want to believe that the trusted Brand Names™ he grew up with –“Christianity—It’s not Just for Idiots!”—could be fundamentally corrupt. So when he sees his friends, people who seem good and wholesome and non-hateful, who identify as Christian, he has to make “Christian” acceptable in his mind.
nigelTheBold, who sings like a needle to the ear says
It’s not at all similar to cancer, but it’s entirely like hating on blacks, or gays. Because, y’know, disliking someone for their choice of a hateful ideology is exactly like hating on someone because of attributes they can’t choose.
Or something.
The Laughing Coyote (Canis Sativa) says
Hey Ryan, I know you’re still reading this:
Fuck you, from the bottom of my miserable black heart, for talking that shit about the ‘lesbian raped straight’ porn and that fucking ethnic cleansing game in this thread of all places. Seriously. I don’t give a shit about anything else that you’ve said at this point, you are a serious goddamn creeper.
Yeah, I’m sure you’ve ‘researched’ that fucking video dozens of times, you putrid maggot.
Josh, Official SpokesGay says
Thank you, Coyote. Though it shouldn’t, it does make a difference when a Normal Straight Dood™ notices the same fucking shit and calls it out. Much appreciated.
The Laughing Coyote (Canis Sativa) says
no problem, Josh.
I agree with your earlier assessment. None of these questions are really in good faith. He’s not interested in learning anything.
He’s fucking around with us in some stupid-ass way.
theophontes 777 says
@ Josh
Of topic: *hugs* (I have been a bit quiet of late, will snailmail soon.)
@ baby ryan
Things are not always as they seem. Do you not recognise a lot of social chameleons amongst your xtian friends? That they may appear “good” and “tolerant” can hide their true motivations and herd instincts.
The Laughing Coyote (Canis Sativa) says
Theophontes: That’s actually a lot like what Ryan is doing himself. Except he’s a Stupid Chameleon, the kind that changes itself shit-brown-with-corn-nuggets to hide in a punchbowl.
theophontes 777 says
hehe… that reminds me of a drawing you did a while back! “corn dog”? I forget the context.
@ ryan baby
Warning to trolls: cyberpistol set to disintegrate.
My advice: Get yourself along to TZT (click for instant teleportation), where you will be able to set out your position without the fear of getting blasted by Teh Ebil Oberlawd ™ .
Also, the denizens are more obliging in letting you have your say.
/friendly advice
The Laughing Coyote (Canis Sativa) says
Theophontes: Ah yes, the hypothetical recreation of the mythical Corn-Mimicking-Anus.
Back when I used to post on bogleech, I developed a bit of a knack for grotesque and ridiculous monsters.
One of my favorites was a gross slobbery thing with no lower jaw or hind limbs and a skeletal dog-face, but that’s way off topic. I could post a pic on TET probably.
theophontes 777 says
Yes, that one. XD
If only there where less non-mythical ones in RL.
anteprepro says
Sure, but The Good Ones ™ drink it with a bendy straw, and only a few sips every hour or so. And they put a festive little umbrella in it and everything. But, The Others are so vulgar, they sip straight from the glass, getting their lips on the glass and everything. And they might drink a whole cupful in as little as a half-hour! And they don’t even add a few splashes of water before they start drinking. Clearly, They Are Doing It Wrong.
Louis says
Fossilfishy, #84,
I am currently reading this thread with my coffee and you have caused me to have premature enjokeulation. I has a displeased. You will receive precisely one less spanking in the official spanking rankings.
Also, as I am currently only up to comment #84, I feel it necessary to make two points at this juncture:
1) I am only asking questions.
2) Calm down.
That is all.
Louis says
Josh, #124,
I arrived at the ~#373 mark and am still reading. My initial thought when noting that number in a newish thread was identical to yours.
Emrysmyrddin says
There are advantages and disadvantages to being a subject of Her Maj’s Greenwich Meanie Time.
Disadvantage: you miss the live-action beatdown of the naive and the stupid, and it sort of feels like an episode of 24 that you’ve randomly switched over to in the middle of the night; exciting, but events feel somewhat distant.
Advantage: The beatdown on the naive and stupid occurs ALL AT ONCE, with an effect like a head rush after a bag of rapidly-gobbled, hideously multi-coloured sweeties found in your raincoat pocket. This is Pavlovian after a while; the rush can eventually be triggered merely by logging on in the morning and seeing an article that had three comments when you went to bed now has OMGAZILLION comments when you get up.
Pharyngula: Better than crack.
Louis says
Emrysmyrddin, #376,
You and I are in agreement.
{Puffs on pipe}
{Adjusts his tweeds}
Emrysmyrddin says
I know it’s a touch early, Louis old chap, but I’ve got the teapot warming, the cocoa on the stove and the sticky buns arranged quite nicely on the doilies. You can be Mother.
'Tis Himself says
Tea and cocoa both? Are you being a little extravagant, old boy or girl (as the case may be)?
Louis says
Dear Everybody, but especially Ryanwilkinson,
I am about to do something very naughty. Possibly with humour. I suggest bracing yourselves. There may be Jokes.
Sufficiently girded? I shall break you in gently.
I am about to sort of possibly sound like I am almost maybe disagreeing with what a lot of the most wonderful posters here have said.
I know right? Shocking! DEEP RIFTS. DEEEEEEEEEP RIFTS!*
The statement “I hate (Contextually Dominant Group) X” and the statement “I hate (Contextually Oppressed Group) Y” are perfectly equally, logically incoherent.
Did you get that? Good.
Insert white for X and black for Y, or male for X and female for Y, or straight for X and homosexual for Y, or whatever you like. Both are logically expressions of prejudice, stereotyping, logical error and shoddy thinking.
From a purely logical and isolated perspective, in the absence of any cultural context.
Notice that part? It’s kind of important. Here, I’ll repeat it with the really important bit bolded for ease of comprehension:
“The statement “I hate (Contextually Dominant Group) X” and the statement “I hate (Contextually Oppressed Group) Y” are perfectly equally, logically incoherent. Both are logically expressions of prejudice, stereotyping, logical error and shoddy thinking. From a purely logical and isolated perspective, in the absence of any cultural context.“
But wait! Doesn’t it seem like there’s a problem here? Last time I looked outside my front door I didn’t live in a purely logical environment, isolated from the vicissitudes of human cultures and societies. Oh no! What to do, what to do? Could it be my perfect, logical model does not accord with reality? Could it be that my aspiration to logical perfection is even a harmful and naive distraction? Could it be that there are even more red herrings to observe?
Let us away to the Planet of the Coats! A most useful planet, and an Entirely Original Idea™, totally not ripped off from anywhere. That’s right out, and I will fight you all utterly.
A long, long time ago in a copyrighted story far, far away something happened in a galaxy. Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue-green copyrighted planet.
Upon this planet was, conveniently, one planet wide civilisation with absolutely no remaining geographical or sociological distinctions, distributions or other complicating factors I might think of later after more coffee.
Within this civilisation were two main groups, AND ONLY TWO MAIN GROUPS, MOTHERFUCKERS. They were the Green Coats and the Purple Coats. I should perhaps explain that “coats” here refers to the glossy, luxuriant, furry coats of hair which these otherwise identical groups grew from their skin.
The Green Coats, at this point in history, were the dominant group. Whilst many of the Green Coats were enlightened and decent thinking organisms, some were less so. Regardless of their comparative numerical minority, most of the wealth, property, means of production, means of political control, and most importantly bacon, remained in the control of the Green Coats. This was due to the most recent bout of global empire building being achieved by a few groups within the Green Coats.
The purple coats, whilst in the numerical majority across the planet, were by and large less likely to be in charge of the wealth, property, means of production, means of political control, and most importantly bacon. This was by no means always the case, but it was sufficiently common on the global scale to be a good rule of thumb.
Various justifications for this were advanced. Many amongst the Green Coats thought their Purple Coated cousins, feckless, work-shy, lazy and inept in some fashion. Inferior in nature as well as less wealthy etc in practise. Sadly, such thoughts and beliefs lead to discrimination against the Purple Coats, and various unpleasant slogans such as “The Purple Coats are a cancer on society” were trotted out.
Research done at the best universities in the land found no great distinctions between the Green and Purple coated groups. There were some variations, but these could readily be accounted for by known genetic, environmental and social factors, and more often than not were of a purely physical, medical nature, and not sociologically significant. What there wasn’t evidence for was some vast difference in intellect, ability or laziness. These, it seemed, were social constructs by the dominant Green Coats about their less dominant Purple Coats.
And yet the Purple Coats, on average, continued to do less well socially than their Green Coat compatriots. Of course no one could predict, or would be able to predict the social fate of one specific Green or Purple coated individual. After all, there were some ferociously wealthy or politically powerful Purple Coats and some egregiously poor and politically disaffected Green Coats. That was a Red Herring. Something despised and reviled on the Planet of the Coats. Red being the colour of stupidity and herrings a particularly odious fish on this planet, with some dubious, bottom feeding habits.
It was only in the recent past that there was a world wide set of laws that segregated Green and Purple Coats. Green could not marry Purple, Purple could not eat, drink, or socialise easily with Green. Why they even had different sections of the public transport system to occupy. In fact, much of this Green Coat Planet Wide Empire that I mentioned had been achieved on the backs of slave labour. The Green Coats had developed a technological advantage or two and used these to conquer, enslave and dominate the Purple Coats.
Although slavery no longer occurred, the Green Coats had gained control of the wealth, property, means of production, means of political control, and most importantly bacon already. The process of redistribution, or more properly put, granting of equal opportunity of and access to these things, was still in progress. And by and large the majority of the Green Coats thought that this was a Good Thing™. The highest praise that could be heaped on an idea.
However, as is often the case, the pace of change ground slow, and there were still Green Coats and Purple Coats that clung to factually incorrect notions of Coatal Superiority. Thus for every two steps forward towards equality of opportunity and access, at least one, if not more, was taken back. It was ever thus.
In this heady cultural broth occasionally, just occasionally, tempers would fray and people would say silly things. Sometimes Green Coats would call Purple Coats “Purpers” (a grave and coatally charged insult, as it was the name used by the Green Coat slavemasters of old for their Purple Coat slaves) and sometimes the Purple Coats would call Green Coats “Greenie” (an equally grave and coatally charged insult, as it was the name used by the Purple Coat slaves for their Green Coat slavemasters).
However, when asked, the Green Coats didn’t really mind being called “Greenies”, by and large. After all, there wasn’t much problem being reminded that one’s ancestors were rich and powerful. Or at least having it insinuated. Whilst it was undoubtedly a coatal slur, Green Coats had not suffered any grave injustice in recent decades at the hands of Purple Coats, by and large. Of course there were individual exceptions, and of course none of this demonstrated any individual Green Coat had an easier life or suffered less discrimination than any individual Purple Coat. It was simply a reflection of the historically contingent balance of power.
The Purple Coats, however, were a mite upset more often than not by being called “Purpers”. Even though a reasonable section of the Purple Coat population had tried to “reclaim” that word for their own use, with varying degrees of success. The reason was that this coatal slur, whilst logically every bit as discriminatory as stereotyping and foolish as “Greenie” has some rather unfortunate cultural baggage. Whilst the ephemeral and isolated logic was equal, the cultural history and context was not.
Purple Coated people had been denied jobs by people saying “Get out of here Purper” for decades. Signs in shops used to say “Purpers not welcome here” or “No Purpers”. A minority group within the Green Coats had even hunted down and killed Purple Coats for sport. Green Coated fathers had beaten Green Coated daughters for even smiling at a Purple Coat. In general the Purple Coats had, until very recently, an extremely bad time of it on average. The slur “Purper” carried with it all that redolent history.
No Green or Purple Coat is born into a vacuum. They all were born, rich or poor, Green or Purple, happy or sad, well formed or not, into an existing cultural context. This wasn’t their fault, they couldn’t be blamed for it. But the more mature and enlightened amongst them became aware of it. They tried to adjust for it as best they could. No one achieved or expected perfection, anyone of any Coat could be in error, but what was expected by the more enlightened was that people didn’t keep repeating the same errors after they’d had them pointed out to them about three hundred times with varying degrees of rudeness.
And when that stopped, everyone realised that it was time for bacon. In sandwiches. With HP sauce.
* Incidentally I love that when we agree = echo chamber and when we don’t agree = deep rifts. It’s like we’re not arguing with honest opponents who evaluate our arguments on merit or something. I know, right? Shock, horror. Dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria. And so on and so forth.
Louis says
Emrysmyrddin, #378,
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
Tea? Cocoa? At this hour? Tea I could forgive, but cocoa? Such a thing is prohibited by Debrett and definitely neither U, nor the act of a preux chevalier.
I shall have to, therefore, break all custom, tradition, and semblance of mannerly conduct by offering a nolle prosequi.
Should you decide to avail yourself of the proper ingredients for a Gentleman’s mid-morning refreshment, namely coffee and/or a strong breakfast tea with assorted crumpets,* then I shall be most glad to agree to your invitation. I am also willing to be Mother.**
Your humble servant,
* Sticky buns? By Her Majesty’s Sainted Dildo Drawer! Do you somehow mistakenly believe I am of the Lower Social Orders? Should you wish to offer me petit fours and a selection of continental pastries and sandwiches at around four pip emma, accompanied by at most a Lapsang Souchon on a delicate Earl Grey at the least, then I shall indulge. I have even been known to partake of what is known by the vulgar as a “cream tea” now and again. But “sticky buns”? That sounds like the stage name of a Colonial strip tease artiste, not something for consumption.
** I understand this phrase to have a different meaning if spending time at Her Majesty’s Pleasure. As in “Hello new cell mate. Let’s have a game of Mummys and Daddys. Don’t worry, you can be Daddy. Now be a good boy and suck Mummy’s cock.”.
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ says
Louis, it appears the last paragraph is a joke about sexual abuse in jails and prisons.
Louis says
You’re right, it does.
I made the joke as a means to illustrate a humorous contrast, but I can see how I potentially fucked up in using it so. I confess I deliberated about using it. I’m not sure using it in such a way is identical to using it unironically, I’d hope the context provides some sense of irony, but I am relying on people knowing that I guess.
mikmik says
You’d almost think being locked up is an aphrodisiac for mommy. Love can be so humiliating.
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ says
I understand you, but I am uncomfortable with it regardless, much like I am uncomfortable with ironic sexist jokes; their normalization probably does not result only in an increased rate of Enlightened Good People making Enlightened Jokes.
mikmik says
When they’re little, they play house. When they’re big, they play Big House.
mikmik says
Sorry, life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ, I sort of jumped in wrong. I respect your position. Maybe I’ll just go get a coffee, read a bit first!
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ says
This is an object lesson, I guess, Louis.
Mike has taken your comment as an invitation to make more jokes about sex abuse in prisons.
I’m not sure what he’s trying to prove, except that I should shut up and laugh because it’s all so funny. I find this unfortunate.
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ says
@387, alright, Mike. Thanks.
Louis says
Well since I consider you to be a good “Canary in the Mine” for fucked-upness, I apologise and withdraw the paragraph and joke, unreservedly. My bad.
You’re right, use of such jokes can (probably does) normalise them, and have sundry downstream consequences.
There is a serious discussion about comedy here. I’m not sure that text is the best medium for jokes like that (or if any medium is), so I have still fucked up here and this doesn’t change my apology one bit.
There’s a UK comic called Al Murray who play a character called the Pub Landlord. The character is a sexist, nationalist, homophobic racist. By, say, 1970s standards (Think “Alf Garnett” on TV) the stuff he says is very mild and “suitable for modern audiences and sensibilities”, and is not comparable with the work of modern overtly racist etc comedians. His work as the Pub Landlord is deliberately, winkingly, knowingly ironic. A large part of the humour relies on the audience getting that. However, various reviewers (and other comedians) see an element of his audience not getting the irony, and thus laughing unironically at ostensible expressions of bigotry. So whilst it is fine that Al Murray is smart, ironic and intelligent, as is a large part of his audience, there are sections who miss at least one of the required attributes!
I deliberately run close to the knuckle with a lot of what I say, I rely on many people having prior knowledge of my humour. Of course I cannot rely on everyone getting that, and I don’t. Take the joke I just made, the point of the joke is quite obviously not to “laugh down” at prison rape, far from it. The joke uses that scenario simply because it’s a familiar allusion to the “feminine” nature of the victim (as discussed by others on another thread). That allusion is used to set up a juxtaposition, this time “mummy”, the ostensibly “feminine”, is the abuser not the abused. That juxtaposition is the point of the humour in that joke in an isolated context, not the rape. I was making a further allusion to the “high class” “you can be mother” and the (potentially) “low class” “you can be daddy” disjoint.
The point being to take you in one logical direction then back in another, not to laugh at the misfortune or “undesirable” characteristics of the “feminine” or the “victim”. Granted, I used a very unpleasant subject to do that with, and I can see how that rankles, but I did think that, close to the knuckle though it was, the context made it obvious that the joke was in the juxtaposition, not any victimisation.
Anyway, since I love comedy and discussing it, I’ve indulged myself when I should have left it at an apology and retraction, lest I appear to be notpologising when I’m not.
I was wrong to use the subject I did as I did, I apologise, thank you for your comment and retract my poor joke unreservedly.
sketch says
I absolutely support the gist of this, but it annoys me that so often when privilege is discussed it’s not even acknowledged that there are other kinds of privilege than sexual orientation, skin colour, and gender. Sure, I’m a straight, white male. But that’s not the lowest difficulty setting. I’m also a straight, white male, who wasn’t born handicapped in any way mentally or physically. I was also born in a relatively prosperous Western democracy, which makes me even more privileged but still not as privileged as someone born in a more prosperous English-speaking country. I’m also quite privileged in not being an orphan, but not as privileged as someone who’s had two parents instead of just one throughout their upbringing. I’m also quite privileged being born to a mother, who isn’t poor but not as privileged as someone born into a massively wealthy family.
Off the top of my head a difficulty setting setting lower than simply “straight, white male” would be “straight, white non-handicapped, wealthy male born in an English-speaking democracy to two straight and loving parents who are also disgustingly wealthy” and that’s still not the absolute lowest difficulty setting.
Louis says
LILAPWL, #388,
Yup. Unintended consequences are unintended. As alluded to above. But then what are intentions? I know they’re not magic, they do pave something though don’t they?
Lyn M, Purveyor of Fine Aphorisms of Death says
@ Jadehawk, cascadeuse féministe #267
Checks pharyngula manual, gulps
I really am shocked at what would be done to Josh if he expressed his secret opinion about Muslims. Shocked I say.
BTW, how do you get all the chocolate into the USB port again?
Emrysmyrddin says
Louis and ‘Tis,
I am an equal opportunities elevenses-server catering to a large group of Americans And Other Foreigners. Cocoa is perfectly appropriate for elevenses, it being forty-minutes-to-go when I posted above, along with the aforementioned sticky buns and some slightly dubious marmalade sandwiches. Crusts off, if you really insist.
I had a copy of Debrett’s, once. The parrot enjoyed it immensely. It had a much richer, fluffier texture than The Mail, and lasted ever so slightly longer (243 years, to be precise. I’ve been informed, however, that the Americans in the Americans And Other Foreigners Group may believe this to be of equivalent length to the timespan of the Universe.)
And crumpets?! For mid-morning tea?! What are you, An Other Foreigner? Please return your knotted spotted handkerchief and cancel your subscription immediately.
Lyn M, Purveyor of Fine Aphorisms of Death says
@ ryry
Unless you count christianity, of course.
Louis says
You cater to foreigners?
My word! Are there no limits to your perversions? Next you’ll be telling me you Speak French and Like Garlic.
My subscription to such things was precancelled in perpetuity. However, I am cancelling my subscription immediately.
Emrysmyrddin says
Psssst, Louis…
…don’t know whether you’ve cottoned on, but we’re surrounded by them, old boy. Now, don’t panic, because I’ve got a lot of sand trickling down my leg and if you suddenly shoot off in all directions I’ll end up like a flag on top of the castle…
opposablethumbs says
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ said
I know Louis has already responded to this, so I just wanted to say QFT in a general sort of way. (and I think you’re right about print being potentially a particularly tricky medium for this). I have a problem with the Al-Murray-Pub-Landlord schtick too – it’s a very fine line between laughing at the bigot, as he intends, and just hearing the bigotry – and I don’t think he is successful enough/as successful as he thinks he is at staying on the right side of that line. Sometimes ironic sexism just comes across as – or is just – sexism.
Louis says
As I (kinda) said to LILAPWL, you’re right. Irony is a tough game to play and relies a lot on the degree of “buy in” the intended audience has. Obviously this is going to vary wildly by culture and individual. Hence why I mentioned the Al Murray thing.
I crossed the line this time, I missed, I’ve done so before and will do again, intentionally or not.
The thing that really grinds my oh-so-privileged gears is that I do get and enjoy irony. No one gets irony more than me, except perhaps my wife and some of her friends. ;-) Wah, wah, I don’t get to make some jokes. Pity me for I R OPRESST.
Louis says
We’re surrounded by Foreigners? Unacceptable! They’ll have to go.
MissMarnie says
I think if you read the the original article, you’ll note that Scalzi does mention that other factors may make your life easier or harder. I think you are getting stuck on the same point that derails conversations on this over and over again. Yes, there are many factors that could make being a straight white male hard. No one is saying otherwise, that doesn’t negate that the straight white male with a physical handicap is likely to have an easier go at things, if all other factors are the same than a gay white male with a physical handicap. That doesn’t mean that being able-bodied isn’t a privilege, it just means that being straight white and male is.
Louis says
I’m not sure this suggestion has any merit, so tear it apart as needed. Perhaps the word “privilege” is part of the hang up. Yes, yes, I know, big whoop. Random Joe or Jane doesn’t feel very “privileged” and is down in the mire with everyone else, thus when “accused” (how it’s taken, not how it is) of having “privilege” hackles rise. I just can’t think of a less cumbersome way of saying “comparatively less discriminated against for various irrational, uncontrollable reasons on average by the bulk of the population”.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Um, Louis, I loves you man, but that was the entire point of Scalzi’s post. ;)
wmdon says
@Sketch at 391
I understand your point and MissMarnie has already commented on how Scalzi addressed it in the original article, but your comment got me thinking about how to extend Scalzi’s original analogy to make the point.
I’m a gamer (and a straight, white, male as it happens, though I hope that isn’t relevant to this), and I’m currently playing Kingdoms of Amalur. (The following example might not be entirely accurate to the game itself, but it’s provided to make a point, not explain the game.)
Like most games, there’s something of a tutorial sequence where you’re introduced to the game and controls a bit, then you fight a troll, and then you get dumped out into the world to fend for yourself. Right after you exit the tutorial area, there’s a pond, and beside it a cave with some giant rats in it and a couple chests of goodies.
As I’ve noticed, having created a few different characters, the tutorial part of the game has a few variables in it – namely that the equipment you get from chests and slain enemies is somewhat controlled by randomness. This means that when you enter the cave with the giant rats, your character’s equipment might be better or worse than another character’s depending on how much time you spent looting, and the luck of the draw in the tutorial dungeon.
But here’s the thing: if you’re playing the game on the easiest difficulty setting, there’s only one giant rat in that cave. If you’re on intermediate difficulty, there’s three, and on the hardest setting, there are five.
Now, even on the easiest difficulty setting, if you fared badly in the tutorial section, or didn’t pause to loot anybody properly, the equipment and spells you have (and even your familiarity with the controls) could vary widely from someone else in that same cave.
But there’s always going to be only one rat.
THAT’S what I think Scalzi was getting at. As a straight, white, male, you might not have the weapons and armor to fend off the rat’s attacks, your spells might be too weak to dent its health, or you might be too clumsy with the controls to put up a good fight, but there will always, always, always, only ever be one rat.
Louis says
Oh good. Glad I didn’t read it.
I’m just going to go over here and commit seppuku to assuage the shame I have brought to my ancestors.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Awe, I’m sure that your dishonored ancestors would forgive you if they could. Or something reassuring like that.
Louis says
Oh well that’s all right then. Now about this wakizashi in my abdomen. It appears to be causing mild to moderate discomfort. I may have to let the upper lip quiver.
Esteleth, Raging Dyke of Fuck Mountain says
*sees thread has gotten lots of activity*
*types “⌘F esteleth” to find last comment for ease of reading*
Okay, so Ryan is a moron. I’m glad that I gave him so much material.
Ms. Daisy Cutter, Gynofascist in a Spiffy Hugo Boss Uniform says
It’s probably late for this, but The Pint isn’t half-kidding when she talks about some of the whiners at Scalzi’s.
This person then goes on to spew MRA talking points, such as “men going their own way” and comments about “hot” and supposedly submissive women in other countries. I could be wrong, but I really don’t think people are considering him a flaming jerk because of his gender, orientation, or race.
Also, the classic
Ms. Daisy Cutter, Gynofascist in a Spiffy Hugo Boss Uniform says
Also, “Scrotum of Privilege” for the win.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
I think you’ve nailed it– what a lot of the douche parade has missed is that being white, straight, cis gendered and male is easiest, but it’s still a difficulty setting. There will still be challenges to be faced.
Anyway, you did a good job of bringing other circumstances into the analogy. And I say this as someone who was bored to tears while playing the KoA demo. :p
I am so naming my punk band “Scrotum of Privilege”!
digitalatheist says
@Daisy… wow.. I didn’t think anyone but me even noticed my comment about the “Scrotum of Privilege. :D
@Audley congrats on the punk band and be sure to send me a copy of the upcoming album. “Scrotum of Privilege: Hair we are!”
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Hey, it’s your name! You can have first dibs on front man/woman. :)
digitalatheist says
No no.. I’ll leave that up to you… but at least try Try TRY to get Sharon Den Adell from Within Temptation to do a duo or two… should be kinda wonky :D
Mr. Mattir, MQ MRA Chick says
Oh my. The Pharyngula Horde is treating poor ryanw more or less the way our new Mormon kitten is treating the ball of tinfoil on a string. Watching both of these things makes me LOL. Together, well, I might just forget to breathe from laughing too hard.
As someone from a family whose members could, charitably, be described as crackers, I will say that the word is astonishingly painful. It comes with a whole lot of poverty, exclusion from education and healthcare, and a long long ancestral line of physical and sexual abuse, addiction, and violent crime. Here’s why it’s still not as bad as the word “nigger:”
It does not come with a threat of lynching. No townie Baptist mob every drove out into the dirt roads to find my ancestors’ pentacostal church and burn it down. They didn’t hang my uncles, burn my grandparents’ home or farm buildings, or (afaik) prevent them from voting because they couldn’t speak Chinese.
So until my relatives start being subject to the same sort of violence that African Americans are and were, the words are not equivalent. This does not mean that the word is not fucking painful for me to hear, it just means it has a lot less bad stuff hitched to it.
Mr. Mattir, MQ MRA Chick says
Also, duh, slavery, kidnapping, the deliberate destruction of families… I figured these were too freaking obvious to mention, but upon reconsideration, I think I need to mention them for those who are clue-impaired.
dannysichel says
PZ, I am shocked and appalled.
What kind of atheist would believe in “God Mode”?
thepint says
Sigh. The things I miss because I get to be a responsible office monkey who actually had work to do today.
Louis #380 – Can I hug you for that? Because it was all sorts of awesome.
Sketch #391 – As others have pointed out, Scalzi actually did account for the many other factors that play into one’s social capital aside from race, sexual orientation and gender. Since wmdon and MissMarnie addressed your criticism quite well, I’ll just paste the relevant part from the OP because I think Scalzi put it pretty clearly himself – and yet so many people kept missing it, sigh. (especially cogent points bolded for emphasis):
@ Daisy – Boy howdy, there was some amazing stupid in there that I’ve rarely encountered outside of Pharyngula (and apparently PZ’s link contributed to about 3% of the hits the OP got – which is roughly the percentage of the comments that got whacked by Scalzi’s Mallet of Loving Correction – coincidence?!?). The basic Straight White Male privilege denial wasn’t surprising, really, but a few of the (self-identified) male commenters pulled out a whooping amount of MRA/MGTOW weapons-grade stupid.
I got really, REALLY tired of the “quit calling people who don’t want to share selfish, it’s mean” line, really quickly, as well. Don’t want to be called selfish or an asshole? DON’T ACT LIKE ONE!! Apparently just asking people to stop, listen and learn (hopefully) is asking people with privilege to make a “great personal sacrifice.” (not even worth the teeny tiny violin).
Also, apparently I’m playing the game on Mother Theresa levels of sanctimony by being pissed about assholes being selfish. Who knew?
@ Digital Atheist – Oh, Daisy wasn’t the only one who noticed, it was quite brilliant and thread-win worthy. Although you might owe me a new keyboard, it caused a spit-take laugh upon reading.
sketch says
You’ve misread my point. My point wasn’t that there are things that could make being a straight, white male hard. I wasn’t, as you seem to think, disagreeing that considering only sexual orientation privilege, skin-colour privilege, and gender privilege straight, white male is the easiest setting. I was making a point that you could make an even easier setting – i.e. I wasn’t denying privilege. I was pointing out that there is even more privilege being left out. I’m not sure how you could have misunderstood the point I was making so grievously.
@wmdon, Scalzi didn’t really address other kinds of privilege. He gave wealth a courtesy mention but for some reason he included it in the stats rather than as a privilege. Sure, it’s a stat if we’re talking about your own accumulated wealth, but if we’re talking about your parent’s wealth and social status that you’re born with then it’s obviously a privilege. And Scalzi didn’t even mention born-with physical or mental handicaps. Simply being a straight, white male isn’t the easiest setting. Being a straight, white male born without any physical or mental handicaps is easier still. However, even that’s not the easiest setting.
And again, I’m not denying privilege here. I myself am a straight, white male without any handicaps. I’m arguing that my difficulty setting is even easier than difficulty setting Scalzi suggested as the absolute easiest.
@thepint, my point was that I don’t understand it at all if Scalzi counts handicaps and wealth, say, as stats instead of as part of a difficulty setting. I’m fairly privileged that I wasn’t born deaf or blind. That’s not a stat. That’s just as much part of my difficulty setting as is my sexual orientation, skin-colour, and gender.
Again I wasn’t arguing against Scalzi’s point. I wasn’t making the obviously idiotic argument that “durr, life can still be hard a straight, white male.” I was making the point that saying that “straight, white male” is the absolute easiest difficulty setting is just as omissive as saying that “white” is the absolute easiest. If you include “white,” you should also include “male.” If you include “male,” you should also include “straight.” If you include “straight,” you should also include “non-handicapped.” Etc. I was annoyed at the pretense that straightness, whiteness, and maleness are the only privileges. I wasn’t arguing that they weren’t privileges.
digitalatheist says
@thepint: I’m not sure if I should be appalled or flatered. in either case, I’m sorrry/pleased that my comment caused you such sorry/joy. Blame/credit 1800 Tequila, and the fact that I’ve long grown tired of fellow SWM’s (such as me) being too blind to realize that yes.. they DO have an advantage in most situations… maybe not much of one… but it is there nonetheless. sigh.
A. R says
Holy Jebus on a stick! This thread exploded since I last checked! The balance of stupid to intelligent isn’t bad though.
MissMarnie says
I completely understood, but the fact that you stand by this point suggests you may not have read the original post or have made some assumption not backed up by the original post. You might want to see @thepint’s post in which some relavant quotes from the original post are pulled out for you.
This is a conversation explaining what privilege means using a description that doesn’t employ the word “privilege”. It’s not meant to negate other types of privilege or define all privilege, it’s simply meant to help reframe a conversation that routinely gets derailed by comments about ways in which people who have privilege in one way, can lack privilege in another.
If I said “being born into a wealthy family is generally easier than being born into abject poverty” you probably wouldn’t argue with that. Saying that being rich and disabled can be hard, doesn’t change the fact that being rich and disabled is still easier than being rich and poor. Talking about disability is a tangental to the original point that wealth comes with certain privilege. The same is true in a discussion about the privilege of being a straight white man. Adding on more types of privilege is simply beside the point.
thepint says
@ digital atheist – for the record, it was a spit-take due to unexpected hilarious brilliance. So, mostly joy (and just a little sadness that you had to make that point at all). But believe me, I do appreciate it when other SWMs speak up to say that they get it as it keeps me from despairing completely, so thanks for that.
Although reading through Scalzi’s follow up post with his selection of Malleted comments, methinks that the Mallet’s going to be brought out for a clean up round in there, too, once Scalzi gets internet access and a free moment again (see the latest post, apparently he’s had an unfortunate turn of events resulting in a lost bag and laptop – boo). I’m beginning to think a reading comprehension quiz before commenting should be required since he expressly said that he did not want the new thread to rehash what was on the original OP.
John Morales says
MissMarnie @Sketch
sketch @MissMarnie
Even were MissMarnie to have misread your point, and even were her contention about Scalzi’s claim wrong, your point was (and remains) fatuous: essentially, your claim was that sets S:{A, B, C}∋S are a “higher setting” is incorrect because sets S’:{A, B, C, D, E, F}∋S’ are a “higher setting” than S.
(It’s fractally wrong, actually, so much so that it ain’t hyperbole to call it ‘not even wrong’)
John Morales says
[embarrassed erratum]
Higher, lower… tricky, that!
MissMarnie says
Oof, I wrote
Which is illogical, I meant:
sketch says
@MissMarnie & @John Morales, either you two are arguing that being a handicapped, straight, white male is easier or equally as easy as being a non-handicapped, straight, white male. Or you’ve both missed my point.
Unless being a handicapped, straight, white male is easier or equally as easy as being a non-handicapped, straight, white male, then being a straight, white male is not the easiest setting in terms of all the relevant parameters. All non-handicapped and handicapped, straight, white males are straight, white males, but not all straight, white males are non-handicapped. Therefore, if being non-handicapped is easier than being handicapped, then there is a subset of “straight, white male,” which has a lower difficulty setting than simply being a straight, white male simpliciter.
I don’t see how this logic is disputable.
It’s undoubtedly the easiest setting if we consider only sexual orientation, skin-colour, and gender. However, my point was precisely an annoyance that privilege is so often talked about as if those were the only relevant parameters. Since privilege is largely about raising awareness I think it’s a shame that so many privileges are almost consistently omitted even if they might be smaller privileges than straightness, whiteness, and maleness.
John Morales says
You fail to exhaust the universe of possibility; it may be that your point is indeed fatuous.
Was it not you who, on another thread, accused others of the straw-dummy* fallacy?
The actual proposition: In the role playing game known as The Real World, “Straight White Male” is the lowest difficulty setting there is.
Your characterisation:
I refer to my #424 for a symbolic pseudo-formalisation in terms of set theory, but in plain English, “being a handicapped, straight, white male” is indeed being an example of “Straight White Male”.
* I am being deliberate in my phrasing.
John Morales says
To reiterate where you fail: a subset S’ of a set S is definitionally a member of S.
(Specifically, your “logic” is disputable because you’re inferring on the putative basis that the relative complement of S’ with respect to S is not a member of S)
John Morales says
Shortest possible version: handicapped, straight, white males are straight, white males.
anteprepro says
Stretch is simply pulling out a fourth privilege from his ass and pretending that the article is therefore technically wrong, even if the author was explicitly only looking at three example privileges for simplicity’s sake. And doing it despite the fact that article also explicitly notes other factors may be. He’s a philosophy enthusiast who loves logic so much that he doesn’t know how to fucking use it.
Amphiox says
sketchy is just using the same boring trolling tricks it used to derail the other thread.
sketch says
Right. I can see now that if a I try to have a debate on any topic whatever I’ll be immediately hounded and shut down with extreme prejudice without consideration of what I have to say but simply for being me. Sorry for existing.
John Morales says
[meta + OT]
Are you a straight, white male?
(“You can lose playing on the lowest difficulty setting. The lowest difficulty setting is still the easiest setting to win on. The player who plays on the “Gay Minority Female” setting? Hardcore.”)
theophontes 777 says
@ sketch
Ease up Tiger! That is simply not true. PZ has made allowance for people disagreeing (even vehemently). I posted a linky for you here.
sketch says
John Morales, if you wish to discuss this you may e-mail me at taotesketch at gmail. I won’t be responding back here due to being hounded by certain trolls.
theophontes 777 says
@ sketch
Dude! Follow the linky. Why should you not make your comments in a public forum?
John Morales says
sketch, take a break, maybe change your ‘nym.
You didn’t heed my (unsolicited) advice earlier, you need not heed this either.
(You coulda been a good and valuable commenter, you may yet so be)
Louis says
Ahhh I see Sketch is fond of the tedious “Spanish Inquisition” approach to privilege:
Nobody expects An Easy Life! Our chief privilege is being white. White and heterosexual.
Our two privileges are being white and able bodied…and male.
Our three privileges are being white and able bodied and male and an almost fanatical devotion to being heterosexual.
Amongst our privileges are being white, able bodied, male…I’ll come in again…
Nobody expects An Easy Life! Amongst our privileges are such diverse elements as being white, able bodied, male, an almost fanatical devotion to being heterosexual and nice red uniforms…oh damn.
And so on and so forth.
Of all the possible ways and means to have privilege the article linked in the OP (Which I have now read thank you very much. Against my will and on pain of Death by Snoo-Snoo) is clearly not intended to be an exhaustive list. No one on this thread with the demonstrable intellectual gifts exceeding those given to a yoghurt claims that whiteness, maleness and heterosexuality are the sine qua non of privilege. Nor is the claim made, here or in the article, that these traits are exhaustive indicators of privilege, or universal, or anything of the kind. The omission of the extra elements of the Spanish Inquisition’s weaponry is not an omission made by error, but for the sake of brevity (not my strong suit) or simplicity.
Why do I smell straw over there?
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ says
Oh shit that was good.
I lol’d.
'Tis Himself says
An announced flounce. If Sketch fails to stick the landing then points will be subtracted.
Louis says
{Tips hat} Glad to be of service.
Although I did screw up the first line. Teach me not to preview and edit.
I had the mental image of those “STRAIGHT men”. You know the kind. They’re very STRAIGHT. The word is almost shouted, certainly emphasised. I’m now trying to remember a bit by a comedian which references the Dan Ackroyd character in the Dragnet film as someone who would have STRAIGHT sex of this type. Bugger…memory…I’ll remember as I wake at 3 am and scream the comedian’s name. Much to my wife’s amusement/annoyance.
Louis says
Oh I don’t know, a graceful re-entry can be entertaining if done right.
Starting with “Didn’t I school you liars enough last time?” would be an excellent opener. If it was combined with a reference to high IQ, “don’t you know who I am?”, a list of high achieving alumni from your high school, perhaps demands for a camera, things like that, it would score highly with me. There is nothing like unwarranted arrogance and lack of self reflection when it comes to a really top notch flounce failure.
MissMarnie says
Erm, can you please direct me to said “hounding”? I have only seen people respond to claims that you have made in a public forum full of opinionated people discussing a contentious topic. If someone is actually harassing you in private, that would have no impact on the discussion here in the comments and wouldn’t justify a flounce (though I do love a good flounce). If you simply feel that people adamantly disagreeing with you amounts to some sort of harassment then you might want to ask yourself what your goals are in posting here. If you thought you were engaging in open discourse, you are doing it wrong.
Louis says
Oh and The Pint, #418,
Thanks man, glad someone read it! It was a teal deer of the first water.
thepint says
@ Sketch
Please. You’re not being hounded or shut down simply for being you. Your *arguments are being hounded and shut down because they are flimsy and in error. Adamant and strenuous disagreement is not “hounding with extreme prejudice.” I’m seconding MissMarnie’s suggestion that if you’re this surprised by having your arguments picked apart and dissected to this degree, you might want to rethink exactly what it is you wanted out of this discussion. Did you really want to see if you’d misunderstood Scalzi’s point, or did you want to prove that your interpretation was right and he was wrong?
In case you haven’t noticed, the denizens around here don’t take kindly to strawmen or commenters repeatedly, willfully missing the point. MissMarnie and others have quite clearly pointed out where you misinterpreted Scalzi’s point, which frankly shouldn’t have been necessary since Scalzi made it rather clear himself. It’s a rough-and-tumble arena in here, but if you can grow a thicker skin and learn to stop and *THINK* rather than *REACT* it can be a good place to sharpen your argumentation and logic skills by sparing with the people here.
By the by, Scalzi’s put up a follow-up post elaborating on the original concept and addressing several categories of common criticisms/whines about the OP that’s worth reading, I think.
Sketch, if you’re still reading, I’d recommend looking especially hard at points 3-5 on this list.
A. R says
Apologies if this has been mentioned upthread, (I think I’ve read all of the comments, but you can never be sure) but I believe it would be useful for those here who are debating privilege to consider that it is strongly affected by geography. That is, a Muslim would have the privilege of not having to deal with the discrimination against Christians prevalent in an Islamic nation, while a Christian would have the privilege of not having to deal with the discrimination against Muslims in a Christian-dominated nation. Just something to think about.
Amphiox says
Poor, poor sketchy. Persecuted he is, hounded always, by all these “vile demagogues”, all the time.
Why, he cannot scarcely open his mouth and they are all over him like Asian Hornets on a beehive.
Can’t even sleep at night. Has to keep one eye open.
Poor dear.
Rev. BigDumbChimp says
Bonus points for a link to a .jpg of your MENSA card.
Double bonus if it is expired.
Rev. BigDumbChimp says
Like this
Louis says
Rev BDC,
Oooh nice. That’s epic level turdboxery. Has someone actually done that to you?
Do they get triple points if it’s a fake, expired Mensa card belonging to someone else that they have inexpertly Photoshopped their name onto?
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Mensa membership expires??
Louis says
Last time I looked (~20+ years ago) one had to pay to be a member of Mensa. Even at 16 I figured that any group of people I had to pay to tell me I am smart were a lot smarter than me…
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
But wouldn’t a group of smart people be able to figure out how to get grants and shit? Seems pretty dumb to charge their members, especially considering that Mensa isn’t open to just anyone.
Hurin, Nattering Nabob of Negativism says
I like the explanation, but there is one oversimplification, and that is the idea of “winning”. The game doesn’t tell you when you have won: its more like Oblivion or Fallout 3 than Final Fantasy 7. You decide if you have won or whether you are winning based your own criteria.
This is probably why lots of people on the easier settings get angry and argue a lot when they are reminded of their difficulty setting. Beyond the fact that its possible to get a low score on an easy difficulty setting, its also possible to “lose” with a high score.
theophontes 777 says
@ Audley
Sadly, people expire. ;)
KG says
Well, it’s true I’ve hired a pod of ninja pilot whales to creep up on him while he’s in bed and…
Shit. Looks like there’s a flaw in my evil plan.
Louis says
It’s open to around 1 in 50 people. Pretty much anyone! ;-)
I prefer a more exclusive club. The Sitting Alone On A Friday Night Congratulating Yourself About How A Test Score Makes You Smart Club. We have chapters everywhere.
As for grants, ask them! I don’t know why they do what they do. I imagine getting grants is more work than fleecing someone for an ego boost however…
P.S. This isn’t sour grapes, I was in Mensa and Triple 9 when I was a kid/young adult, it was something we were encouraged to do at school/early uni. I just figured out when I was a kid/young adult that if I had to pay people to tell me I was smart, I wasn’t very smart. It’s just never really sat comfortably with me since then. I don’t mind if others do it, it’s just not me.
theophontes 777 says
@ Louis
My uncle got into an argument with the chairman of the rugby club for behaving like a Phontes (riotous and drunk) on a regular basis. Eventually they had had enough:
Chairman: “Mr Phontes, your behaviour is appalling I shall have to retract your membership!”
Unclephontes: “You cannot do that!”
Chairman {apoplectic}: ” Why can’t I? I am the CHAIRMAN!”
Unclephontes : “Because, I am not even a member…”
Louis says
You have it exactly. I do favour the (Groucho) Marxist view of clubs.
On and good work there by the Uncle. I shall reserve it for future use. Hell, I’ll reserve it for past use. I am working on some extremely revisionary memoirs…
Ms. Daisy Cutter, Gynofascist in a Spiffy Hugo Boss Uniform says
/ignores Sketch
Hi, Digital Atheist! Yeah, that was a great turn of phrase.
Pint, I’m about at the current halfway mark of the thread. I just happened upon this one. Hover over that hyperlink for additional facepalmery.
Though I have to say, the comment immediately below from Matt improved my mood immensely afterward.
Muse says
Yeah – I had a couple of moments of let me take this line by line cause you aren’t even wrong.
thepint says
Muse – I can’t believe you engaged with that guy as long as you did. His posts were tripping all sorts of my “do not engage unless you want a stroke!” triggers because he has clearly drunk deeply of the manosphere kool-aid.
I tried with AS but it became apparently fairly quickly that conversation was just going to go in circles.
And the follow up post is shaping up to be another long thread – although I imagine that once Scalzi comes back to take a look at that thread, there’s going to be some serious clean up in aisle 2 because there’s some serious stupid going on there like this one from Dingleberry Johnson: http://whatever.scalzi.com/2012/05/17/lowest-difficulty-setting-follow-up/#comment-327711
thepint says
Damn it. meant *apparent not *apparently. sigh.
thepint says
@ Daisy – it is going to be a LONG slog through that thread, I hope you have a crash helmet because there’s more where that came from, unfortunately.
shadow says
Probably late:
Power Overwhelming
There is no Cow Level
is useful, too.
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ says
screechymonkey notes:
«It’s interesting how some people take posts like this so personally. If Ophelia posts about how some particular argument for God is nonsense, she doesn’t get a bunch of comments about “Geez, I’m already an atheist! What do you want me to do about this?” But any post pointing out privilege is met with exactly those kinds of responses.»
Rev. BigDumbChimp says
Well not to me but to Pharyngula. Charlie Wagner used to frequent Pharyngula a few years back (check the dungeon). He was a particularly annoying twit who liked to brag about how smart he was despite all evidence to the contrary in his posts. At one point he decided to “prove” to everyone with his credentials. So we got a link to his MENSA card, the one above, which was expired.
Hilarity ensued and he’s now enshrined in my memory so that anytime someone starts bragging about how smart they are and we all better watch out or they’ll unleash their intellect on us I start hoping we’ll get a link to their MENSA card or something equally hilarious as “proof”.
I don’t have the link to the original appearance of the card but I’m sure someone can find it.
ChasCPeterson says
Good ol’ Charlie Wagner. Number Seven in the olde dungeon. RIP (I assume).
Rev. BigDumbChimp says
Yep he’s expired too.
Amphigorey says
Writers Emma Bull and Will Shetterly are being AMAZINGLY dumb about this over at Steven Brust’s blog. Like, “Let’s pretend racism doesn’t exist, and then everything will be better!” dumb. I don’t even know where to begin there.
Amphigorey says
Argh, broke the link. Try that.
Amphiox says
My exposure to Charlie Wagner was from a different blog, long after he was banned here (aaarrrggghhh! Why? Why did you have to remind me of that fapwit? Why? The nightmares are going start all over again!)
He actually did strike me as fairly intelligent, in the sense of possessing a quick and creative thinking brain.
The thing about intelligence is that it is just hardware, and works like a magnifying glass. In classic GIGO fashion, high intelligence without discipline just magnifies stupid starting premises into ever more elaborate forms of expanding stupidity.
Pointing to one’s own IQ or MENSA membership in an argument is just an admission that you are even more spectacularly wrong than average, and have even less of an excuse to be that wrong.
David Marjanović says
Sure, but they’d also figure out how much work that is.
I’m a fucking idiot for reading it all. Gives me work deprivation and meatspace-things-to-urgently-do deprivation. :-/
David Marjanović says
Even more importantly: without facts to apply it to.
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Touché, David.
Illuminata, Genie in the Beer Bottle says
Josh, Louis, Audley – I just have to announce, in front of our lord FSM, that I love y’all so hard. That’s the most I’ve laughed in months. Kisses and cookies for all!
life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ says
Found it:
Audley Darkheart (liar and scoundrel) says
Awe, thanks, Illuminata. *blush*
Louis says
1) Rev BDC, Ahhhh yes, the Wagner. I remember him well!
2) Amphiox:
I can just about forgive myself because I was young and bigger boys made me do it (before running away), Miss.
3) Illuminata, Right back atcha!