Allah hates masturbation

You all know that if you masturbate, you will become feeble, blind, and incontinent, right? Well, at least according to folk wisdom shouted at you by grandmas and grandpas (who, I will assure you, masturbated: it’s a nearly universal practice.) As it turns out, a compendium of Islamic thought on masturbation agrees on all points, and adds a few other consequences of the practice I bet you never thought of.

Atta (Rahmatullahi alaihi) says: “Some people will be resurrected in such a condition that their hands will be pregnant, I think they are those who masturbate.” (Tafsir Mazhari, vol 12, pg 94)

I am trying to visualize that, and failing. Fortunately.

Have no fear, though, there is a remedy! Under Islam, you are not allowed to masturbate, but you are encouraged to have sex with your slave girls!


  1. Insightful Ape says

    Praise allah! While in his wisdom he bans things that are bad for us, he always opens “new” horizons to our sight.


  2. vanharris says

    Hey, PZ, where do we go to get our quota of nubile slave girls?

    Oh yeahhhhh, i get it. Feckin’ Paradise, eh.

  3. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Pregnant hands huh?

    It’s going to be very difficult to honor kill my relatives with pregnant hands.

  4. Mad Hatter says

    I had a dream once that I had pregnant hands….at least they were a big as balloons and looked pregnant. I wonder what that means?? A glimpse into my future??

  5. Pierce R. Butler says

    … if you masturbate, you will become feeble, blind, and incontinent, right? Well, at least according to folk wisdom shouted at you by grandmas and grandpas (who, I will assure you, masturbated…

    Who therefore are speaking from experience. Please note the high incidence of feebleness, blindness and incontinence among the grandparent cohort…

  6. Blondin says

    Aw shit!

    If only I didn’t have these giant, 3rd trimester fingers I could have typed faster than vanharris.

  7. Eileen says

    Clearly this Atta fellow is a sexist bigot – after all, he only imagines what happens to *men* who masturbate. Granted, someone whose clitoris was razored off (and vulva closed with thorns?) probably doesn’t masturbate.

    But what about the ones who do. Do their hands become testicles?

  8. Blondin says

    But what about the ones who do. Do their hands become testicles?

    And do their gloves fit them like a pair of pants?

  9. says

    Definition of Rejection?

    You go to masturbate and you hand falls asleep.

  10. says

    There you go again, always picking on the mild-mannered Muslims. I bet you’d never dare to say anything like this about Christians, ’cause then they’d put out a contract on you or blow you up or something.

    Oh, wait… I’m getting this the wrong way round aren’t I? :)

  11. timgueguen says

    I hope those folks obsessed with Mpreg, male pregnancy, don’t come across the idea of pregnant hands.

  12. Levi in NY says

    Interesting title…”Masturbation: A Disastrous Problem Faced By Youth”. Just a couple corrections. That should be “Masturbation: An Awesome Activity Practiced By Virtually Everybody”.

  13. Kemist says

    Some people will be resurrected in such a condition that their hands will be pregnant

    Meh. they’re so eeeeevuuul they will abort them cute small hand babies anyway.

    I am trying to visualize that, and failing. Fortunately.

    I’m imagining giving birth to small hand-sized babies that look like those troll dolls. But maybe it’s because I’ve breathed in way to much solvent back when I was doing organic chemistry.

  14. LaTomate says

    I used to be a Muslim (male) and was never told this!! Only thing I was told was after ejaculation I should wash thouroughly…

    Now I have to face the prospect of pregnant hands?!? FSM have mercy!

  15. Tronzu says

    what is the reach of this in the muslim countries,what is the influence of the man who wrote this, or is it just a marginal oddity?

  16. arensb says

    Mad Hatter @#6:

    I had a dream once that I had pregnant hands….at least they were a big as balloons and looked pregnant. I wonder what that means?

    I’m guessing it means you fell asleep while listening to “Comfortably Numb”.

  17. catgirl says

    SO does that mean that I, as a woman, will also get pregnant hands? Or will I become impregnated by hands? Oh wait, I forgot; women don’t matter and have no sexual desires anyway.

    Also, it’s very surprising to find out that 97% of adults are feeble, blind, and incontinent. I never noticed that before.

  18. Sara says

    OK. I expect a call from Homeland Security soon. I tried to google the person who’s teachings are the basis of this brilliant paper. Saleh At Tamimi. Unfortunately, I had a typo… I didn’t find much of practical use, but I ended up in A LOT of websites that I am pretty sure are being monitored by the eye in the sky. And so…Probably when I try to get on a plane in the future….I will be searched.

    I have really got to control my curiosity.

  19. Aquaria says

    Allah hates masturbation? Big deal. Allah hates everything. Give him some cereal and tell him to fuck himself. Oh wait…

  20. Kraid says

    Fun fact: Sperm are capable of fertilizing any human cell, but the resulting triploid zygote is inviable and doesn’t develop beyond the morula stage. However, the hands are not normally fertilized because the outer layer of dead epidermal cells acts as a barrier between sperm and living keratinocytes. You may be worried about fertilization occurring in the mouth, but it seems that mouth pH and perhaps amylase secretion are both adaptations to hinder sperm. Other mucous membranes do not have these adaptations, which is likely why such strong social taboos have evolved against those routes of entry.

    Fun fact 2: Lying can be a hoot… right, Atta?

  21. Berny G says

    It’s obvious.
    If God/YHWH/Jehovah/Allah had meant for people to not masturbate, he would have made their arms too short to reach the “danger zones”.

  22. DesertHedgehog says


    …and nowI’m having visions of helpless T. Rexes trying to masturbate. So much for getting any work done today. (There’s also a Jack Horner joke here somewhere…)

  23. Molly, NYC says

    At first I thought this Atta was making a joke, and maybe he was.

    However, the compiler of this advice also claims that a predilection for self-abuse is formed by, among other things,

    Movies and films which the agents of the Jews produce to destroy the good-character of people so that it could become easy for them to rule the world.

    So what is causing these pure sons of Islam to choke their lizards? The Jews, natch.

    (Also from the paper:

    [Masturbation] causes an excessive loss of blood. Remember it takes 80 drops of blood to produce one drop of sperm.(Tajjus Sihat, pg 11)

    When you hear a scientist from that region go all mealy-mouthed when discussing evolution–much like, say, a biology prof at Bob Jones trying to save his job–remember that there was a time when the Mid-East had the best scientists on the planet.)

  24. says

    Ahhh PZ. How I laughed.

    – Chris

  25. Blondin says

    Well, actually…

    My doctor told me I was going to have to stop masturbating. He said it was making it very difficult to take my pulse & blood pressure.

    Which reminds me…

    Next time you see your doctor ask him/her if they know the difference between oral & rectal thermometers. You’d be surprised how many of them don’t know the answer – the taste. I consider this cause for concern.

  26. ema says

    So when Dr. Tiller’s assassin was planning to chop off Dr. Tiller’s hands he was, in fact, planning an abortion. Go figure.

  27. T. Bruce McNeely says

    Practise safe wanking – always wear a rubber (glove)!

    Does a prenant hand give birth to the Hamburger Helper Guy?

  28. wlwrth says

    I heard that “go blind” stuff before. I just did it until I needed glasses. I must be slowing down. My prescription hasn’t changed in five years.

  29. lykex says

    Apparently, somebody needs to pull Atta aside and explain where babies come from.

    Isn’t it (sad/interesting/hilarious/surreal) that the more ignorant people are, the more convinced they are that they’re smart.

  30. Thebear says

    Eileen @ #10:

    Mutilating females isn’t obligatory in Islam, it’s more of a cultural bonus for some.

    It’s just the MGM that’s part of the official party line.

  31. Steven Mading says

    This line I found rather humorous:

    “These youth have thus only excelled in sports, music, and hair styling.”

    What an odd combination of extracurricular activities.

  32. Draken says

    You’re all wankers!

    Now that was a giveaway if I ever saw one. But it leaves a… satisfied feeling behind. A bit sticky but satisfied.

  33. paula says

    New England Bob @ 22

    We were discussing wanking with the kids the other day (the old ‘do it as much as you want – in YOUR room with the door SHUT’ discussion again)and I jokingly mentioned hairy palms as a possible outcome of over indulgence.

    our 8 yo looked at his hands, looked at me and said ‘well I know that’s a big lie!’

  34. Steven Mading says

    From Page 18, second paragraph:

    Theatres and playhouses should not be visited. Serialized and evil films should not be viewed. Shameless and morally deprived songs should not be heard.

    Uhm…. Serialized??? What the hell does that have to do with anything about masturbation?
    Who gets off on the fact that a film is told in serialized form? “Those one-shot movies… man they just don’t do anything for me but when I see the words “to be continued…” at the end of the film, Oh God I just can’t help myself!”

  35. alysonmiers says

    Religions are so obsessed with their followers’ (and everyone else’s) genitals because they need to keep people ignorant, confused and guilt-ridden. If they feel free to pleasure themselves and don’t apologize for it, they won’t be dependent on clerics to reassure them they can still be in good standing with the Magic Skydaddy.

  36. Ströh says

    Probably a really radical bunch of nuts, considering the “jews are the root of all evil” bit, but still hilarious.

    Honestly though: are anyone taking them seriously? Or are they just raving?

  37. says

    Even Christianity peddles this kind of non-sense.

    And, about one’s hands being pregnant when you resurect, I wonder if anyone of the parynguloids would make an illustration of that.

  38. Somnolent Aphid says

    If by becoming feeble, blind, and incontinent, you mean I’ll live to be 110, at which age I’ll certainly have all of those features, then yes, daily if not more.

  39. Draken says

    From the document:

    Secondly, in this âyah Allah Ta’ala has made chastity obligatory on those who are unable to execute the
    command of nikah. Here Allah Ta’ala has not determined any connection or link between marriage and
    chastity. Hence, this demands that masturbation should be harám. And if assuming, it was permissible, then
    Allah Ta’ala would have mentioned it at this point because this was the place of its explanation. The silence
    maintained by Allah with regards to it at a place which requires its explanation, denotes that masturbation is

    Note how masturbation obviously isn’t mentioned by Allah (preys be upon Him), so his followers are forced to wring it out of the text to make it fit custom. Classic.

  40. Midnight Rambler says

    Uhm…. Serialized??? What the hell does that have to do with anything about masturbation?

    Yeah, that really doesn’t make any sense. After all, they don’t need to be more than 15 minutes long to get the job done (or much less depending on the viewer).

  41. DesertHedgehog says

    It does occur to me that there’s a vocabulary problem here. Masturbation in women is celebrated as “empowering” (or at least hot on video), whereas discussions of the Solitary Vice in males employ words like “wank” and “fap”. Since no one with any self-respect could engage in anything that could be described as “wanking”…then Allah gets what he wants: no more Solitary Vice, at least amongst males sensitive to derisive terminlogy.

  42. Nick says

    Working on the basis that masturbation isn’t a recent discovery, I am wondering where all these people are with pregnant hands?

  43. detrius says

    Pregnant hands?

    Will they give birth to tiny, disembodied hands that scuttle over the floors and unsettle visitors?

  44. DLC says

    Oh sure, you’d never say anything like that to those Christian Fanatics!
    (/reverse fatwah envy)
    Keep your hands off that!
    Put them on his/hers instead, it’s more fun with two.

    “It’s an Aww Gee when there’s three, because then there’s no one left for me! Aww Gee! ” — Benny Hill.

  45. 'Tis Himself, OM says

    if you masturbate, you will become feeble, blind, and incontinent, right?

    I can’t run a six minute mile any more, I wear glasses, and I pee much more frequently than I did 20 years ago. I used to think all that was because I was getting older. Now I know the real reason.

  46. Colin says

    Ah. I see the authors are South Africans. Guess they have too much…uh, time…on their hands.

  47. Colin says

    Oh, and it’s not just masturbation. It’s gays as well…

    They appear to be drawing some conclusions from what previous mullahs did NOT say, e.g. (paraphrase) “If masturbation was okay, it would be in this list of okay things from this guy…”

    I love religious logic.

    I also note that at no point do they define masturbation. So you’d have to Google it, I guess. No danger in that…

    Nice that it’s available on the internet, of course; what, precisely, do they think these legions of Muslim youth will be doing on the net?

  48. Colin says

    For those unwilling to read the whole thing, they include a list of biological harms done by masturbation. I especially like the bit where Islamic science has determined that it takes eighty drops of blood to produce one drop of semen. I’d have like to see the testing involved in that conclusion.

    1. It weakens the sexual organs and creates partial looseness in it.
    2. It weakens the nerves generally – a result of the exertion caused by this action.
    3. It affects the growth of the limbs especially the outer part of the urethra (duct through which urine is
    discharged from the bladder and the testicles). Hence it does not reach the limit of it’s normal growth.
    4. It creates seminal (spermatic) inflammation in the testicles which causes quick ejaculation of sperm.
    5. It causes pain in the vertebra column, the spinal column from which semen is ejaculated. This pain creates
    crookedness and twisting in the back.
    6. It causes some limbs like the legs to shake and shiver.
    7. It creates weakness in the cerebral glands of the brain which, in turn, weakens the power of perception and
    reason. Similarly, it leads to the weakness of memory.
    8. It weakens the eye-sight and reduces its normal limit of vision.
    9. It causes a person to become old before time.
    10. It weakens the very delicate and fine nerves and veins of the sexual organs resulting in sexual impotency.
    11. It causes an excessive loss of sperm by way of nocturnal emission (wet dreams).
    12. It decreases the natural resistance of the body.
    13. It causes harm to the four principal organs in the body viz, the heart, brain, liver and stomach.
    14. It decreases the natural animal heat in the body, heat which strengthens the soul and body.
    15. It causes an excessive loss of blood. Remember it takes 80 drops of blood to produce one drop of sperm.
    (Tajjus Sihat, pg 11)
    16. It weakens the bladder.

    No more info-dumping, I promise, but that list is practically dripping with wrongness, if you’ll forgive the imagery…

  49. Colin says


    …the person who guards his gaze (i.e. he protects his gaze from strange women and handsome young lads and bears the difficulty of not looking at them)…

    I wonder if the authors experience the difficulty of not looking at handsome young lads? (Not that there’s anything wrong with looking at handsome lads, of course; I might not be the Official SpokesGay, but I agree with everything Josh has ever said…)

    Apart from that, there’s an interesting distinction. Strange women and handsome young lads.

  50. Draken says

    Use of the the word ‘handsome’ alone suggests to me that the author of this piece almost got off while writing it. ‘Handsome’ he said, nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more.

  51. snottyprofessor says

    Actually, there isn’t a total consensus about masturbation in Islam. Marriage is encouraged and if that is not possible, fasting is recommended. (I don’t understand how that works, getting hungry on top of being horny, but the recommendation is there). Some *scholars*, even, don’t think it is forbidden.

    Practically, everybody does it. When I had religion (of *peace*), I used to feel guilty about it but nevertheless I would do it. When I ask a *brother* about it, they would try to avoid the question by saying things like “it’s better if you didn’t do it, but it is not really that big of a deal.”

  52. aratina cage of the OM says

    Oh sure, you’d never say anything like that to those Christian Fanatics!
    (/reverse fatwah envy) –DLC

    Well I was going to say, if hands can get pregnant then that explains the stigmata, but Muslims would probably use that to laugh at Christians.

  53. Colin says

    Actually, masturbation is a win-win for any religion. You just *know* everyone’s doing it, and nothing you say is going to stop them; so rather make them feel guilty about it. This allows you to control them better.

    Again, it’s the whole “sin” concept – pick stuff you know people are going to do, and then declare it’s wrong.

    I mean, c’mon, why else would “shellfish” be in that list in Leviticus?

  54. kilternkafuffle says

    6. It causes some limbs like the legs to shake and shiver.

    If it’s done right!

    I confess when I discovered the wonderful vice, I had no idea anyone else shared my sin, and I seriously wondered whether manual pregnancy was a possibility. I reasoned that there aren’t any of the apparently necessary organs there, but when the potential costs are so high, it’s best, at least in theory, to err on the side of caution. Needless to say, I threw all caution to the wind in practice.

  55. SteveM says

    11. It causes an excessive loss of sperm by way of nocturnal emission (wet dreams).

    Aren’t nocturnal emissions usually a result of abstinence rather than indulgence?

  56. broboxley says

    sorry PZ call FAIL the link is like proclaiming that all xians are running under phelps rules
    for serious discussion of muslim religious thought please refer here. I have had honest questions about their beliefs answered thoughtfully from here.
    of course that is only one of the main branches of Islam so your mileage may vary

    Question : What is the ruling on anal sex? Is a Moslem allowed to have anal sex?

    Answer : Based on the widely held opinion of Shiite scholars this act (anal sex) is strongly Makrooh (undesirable, what is not Haram to do, but it is better to avoid). There is no objection to the couple getting pleasure from the entire body of one another. But it should be taken into consideration that some actions are beneath human dignity.

    sounds reasonable to me :-)

  57. Colin says


    Aren’t nocturnal emissions usually a result of abstinence rather than indulgence?

    Yeah, but this way you get to make the abstainers feel guilty too! As I said, win-win. :)

    I’m willing to bet real actual money that “anal sex” in your discussion does not refer to sex between two men. (Although “beneath human dignity” probably does…)

  58. broboxley says


    Question: What is the view on a man embracing another man with lust, and go about kissing one another with sexual desire? What if they go even further and enter the domain of deviant sexual behaviour?
    Answer: All of this is harãm even if there might be difference in the degree of prohibition.

    haram means forbidden or wrong,to a degree? Dunno if they have saturday reconciliation masses or sunday stonings to cover that. Point being that evangelicals of islam dont even know their own rules, much like the xian evangelicals.