
  1. Dana D says

    I’M Darwin, and so’s my wife! I mean, and so’s my domestic-partner-until-that’s-illegal-too!

  2. Nick Gotts says

    Since she’s not here to do it for herself:

    SC is Kropotkin!

    (Minus the beard, I’m guessing.)

  3. mindlesley says

    When I was 3-4 yrsold,I used to play in the backyard with ants, putting them through suicide missions in bottles and bowls of various fluids, like water, oil, dirty water etc. and then put them into various nests, according to the trials I had put them thru. Some survived, some didn’t. when I met the Rev. Darwin immediately thought I’d met an old intellectual friend.I went to a private catholic school which taught Darwinian (and Aquinian) concepts. the only time they baulked, was when, in the early 1960’s in religion class, I asked (b4 the discovery of quarks),”If a  proton is One and Indivisable , is a proton god. They then took me aside asked me if I still believed in Catholic teachings; when i said “er,No…” they excused me from attending any further religious events (on condition I wouldn’t try to convert anyone to my views (at school). I think that head nun, was a bit of a free thinker herself. Your Aussie mate, Mindlesley

  4. Sven DiMilo says

    Glen, on Lewontin’s 200th birthday you can do “I am Lewontin.” If anybody still remembers him then.

  5. Sven DiMilo says

    If you were really the walrus, you’d be able to speak walrusian witout that accent: “goo goo goo joob.”

  6. Nerd of Redhead says

    Hello. I’m a Mac. I run on Darwin.

    Yep, the good ole Darwin kernel, running as I type.

    Congratulations to Cuttlefish on his book. He’s beating PZ to publication.

    I am Isaac Asimov.

  7. Hank Fox says

    Crap. I don’t have a webcam, but I wrote something recently about what a difference evolution made in my life, setting me free of the last of that Deep South childhood racism.

    Maybe I’ll see if anybody I know here in Schenectady has one.

  8. noncarborundum says

    So, is this based on “I am PC”? Are we really going to fall for this one?

    It beats being based on “I am Joe the Plumber!”

  9. RickrOll says

    I am the Individual Eleven! (that actually predates the “i am pc” thing, by a long shot.) Darwin is the Individual Eleven. Our individual egos will carry out our collective will!!

  10. Ian says

    “How many Darwins are out there, anyway?”

    If Darwin is a unit of evolutionary change, there must be trillions of ’em!

  11. ihedenius says

    I am not a Darwinist. Darwin is not an authority. But Darwins farreaching insight about the totality of life otoh has been developed and strengthed for 150 years.

    Though just a layman I’m guessing (and hoping) we’re standing at the dawn of an ‘genetic age’ having amassed a critical mass of information (and computer power) to really begin taking advantage. To make biologic matter work for us at the molecular level, for medicine, food, fuel and areas we have not yet imagined.

    I that sense I’m Darwin.

  12. Quiet_Desperation says

    He really annoyed me. I mean, if you are going to have a show with a talking dolphin with an electronic translator, why make the translator voice sound like the dolphin so it’s all hard to understand? Just give it a normal voice. Sheesh.

    Oh, wait, there’s another Darwin?

  13. says

    I am Charles Darwin–ninety-nine point nine percent
    There’s a little variation that I don’t share with the gent
    But we share a common blueprint, which is kinda what he meant
    When he came to the conclusion that we’re all of shared descent

    I am Charles Darwin–what I mean is, I am Man
    I’m a billion trillion accidents instead of One Big Plan
    Just a step or two from chimpanzee or from orangutan
    Maybe more than distant cousins, but you recognize the clan

    I am Charles Darwin–I can’t help it; it’s my genes
    We’re mutation and selection, see, when no one intervenes
    Like a god with claimed omnipotence, or alien machines
    None better and none worse than us, is really what it means

    I am Charles Darwin–I was never Eden-cursed
    I am just another animal, I’m neither best nor worst
    From primordial beginnings, look how widely I’ve dispersed
    Such a beautiful idea…Charles Darwin saw it first.