
  1. Dustin says

    I will get it away from my cervical model someday, I’m sure.

    I was about to say that your neck looked much nicer than I expected it to.

  2. says

    Very pretty indeed! I’m a sucker (heh!) for organic designs.

    You might not have seen this: Glendon Mellow at The Flying Trilobite has painted a set of drink coasters that can be grouped in two ways: as trilobites or a rabbit.

  3. Helioprogenus says

    Allow me to make a prediction. I predict that one of these idiot catholic spamholes will purchase this pendant and shove a nail in it. Don’t know what that will accomplish, but can’t you just see their rabid frenzy when faced with rational ideas?

  4. HolyRusk says

    What! An atheist, mentally retarded by brainwashing, is offering some presents to the evil Priest from the sect of Atheism. You see what atheism does to people.

    [Beautiful, but I’m not jealous, so many women from the internets send me presents too]

  5. Benjamin Franklin says

    Very Nize!

    The eyes remind me of Petey, the dog from The Little Rascals.

  6. gdlchmst says

    You should get a big one, Flavor Flav style. That’d be much more menacing.

  7. Anonymous says

    Posting anonymous because my wife is an elected official, but she’s got a bong with a nice blue octopus on it.

  8. Sili says


    That’s a lot more practical (and decorative) than the squishipus. (I still think you should wear her as a hat when performing.)

  9. says

    @ 14

    Fact is, the first person I heard that one from was female, and net-tastically awesome. In 2008, I think it’s only still funny because of its absurdity, which is probably why it’ll only stop being funny when gender becomes irrelevant both socially and biologically (one way or another). I guess I’m just trying to get all the mileage I can out of the joke before the Singularity hits. *shrug*

  10. Paula Helm Murray says

    That is a fantastic piece of art glass. (if some idiot drove a nail into it it would shatter…)

    In March i went to a bead blast at Moon Marble in Bonner Springs and one of the marble artists did “Octopus’ gardens’ that were really kewl too, but I couldn’t begin to afford one so I do not have an image. They were fist-sized marbles with undersea gardens in glass, with an octopus gracing the top of the marble/paperweight.

  11. says

    Give up Brownian #20

    I’m in line for Patricia playtoy, the eyes for you went out with Fred Astaire.

    Take a number

  12. ShadowWalkyr says

    That post bothered me for a while, and I think I just figured out why. PZ, perhaps you meant “clavicle model”?

  13. paul lurquin says

    This will make PZ forget that he was denied tenure at a major research university (Temple U)! Soldier on, man!

  14. The Adamant Atheist says


    Because PZ’s academic reputation is so relevant to the major issues we discuss here!


  15. aaron says

    #34 “perhaps you meant “clavicle model”?”

    Nice catch, it seemed off to me too, I wondered if there was something I’m just not getting. Apparently I know my anatomy…sort of.

  16. says

    I live in oregon, and i actually went “awwww!!!!!!!” when i saw this. Too awesome. my girlfriend likes it too. wear it with pride mister PZ!

  17. says

    Our plan for world domination is about the succeed. Pee Zed foolishly put on the Crystal of Octowoo, and is now under our control. It will take a bit of time–at first he will resist, not being accustomed to the control–but within a few days, he will be totally ours! Then

    –High Wizard to Teh Lizard Overlords.

  18. StuV says

    Oh, Patricia… you were a shoo-in for the Molly anyway. No need to ply the propriator with gifts.


  19. says

    I love art glass jewelry, I’m just a coward and torches scare me. I’ll just have to keep making cephalopod jewelry with polymer clay.

    Also why didn’t I think of sending PZ one of my cuttlefish necklaces?

  20. CrypticLife says

    “How dare you, Greg! I have a lovely and graceful neck. Maybe I just shaved.”

    Well, yeah, you could do that if your beard weren’t sacred.


  21. Pat says

    OK Myers, I’ve had it. Release the hostages or tonight its retribution time. That’s right, fail to act and I’m going to Carmine’s tonight and having a HUGE plate of calamari. Don’t test me, I’m crazy and I’ll do it!

    Seriously though, the stunt is stupid and you’re a jackass. But it’s been a lot of fun to watch Christians and atheists go ape shit at each other, so thanks for the entertainment at any rate I guess. (and of course to all you other good people as well).

    PS to anon dude posting the kids names and Myers address…. He’s a jackass but you are truly a worthless loser

  22. Patricia says

    You are most welcome! My thanks for standing up for reason.

    Come on StuV, ‘everyone knows’ bribing a tentacled overlord requires BEER. ;)

  23. Nerd of Redhead says

    Patricia, good find. I owe the redhead a present, so I’ll have to look over the website.

  24. DingoDave says

    Posted by Dustin @ #2
    “I was about to say that your neck looked much nicer than I expected it to.”

    Either that, or PZ had a full body wax in anticipation of the photograph being taken. : )
    Now that WOULD be a sight!
    Go on PZ I dare you.