
  1. Pierce R. Butler says

    Hey, it’s Ben Stein who made the movie that made you famous!

    Just think of the bitter obscurity in which you’d (still) be toiling if he had only framed his message in a non-confrontational way…

  2. says

    You’re also into volcanos. Unless, maybe that doesn’t look like you! Or it could be you under false pretenses, in which case they won’t let you in to look at it!

    Volcano Face of Doom

    ps. a smile from you, and I expect my readership numbers to go through the roof!

  3. says

    I knew I should have read more about it before I wrote the comic. Sorry. I should know better, and in fact, I knew it wasn’t an ancestor of fish (or technically anything known). I DO understand evolution. It was an oversight on my part.

    Please do not feed me to the Humboldt’s! They scare me!

  4. says

    After reading some of the comments, I felt rather ashamed that I screwed up something so basic about the Tiktaalik find, so I fixed it in the comic.

    Being right is luck, being wrong is learning.

  5. Farb says

    Am I reading the strip wrong, or does it say (partially covered up) that Tiktaalik is ancestral evidence for land animals? I’m having a little trouble with finding a mistake.

    The only flub I see is that you didn’t show Benjy’s schoolboy shorts and knee socks, or PZ’s secret squid tentacles (You know, the ones he has [instead of a Devil’s hoof] to hide!).

    (Yeh, watch that one make it into the quote-mine.)

  6. Che says

    That was a dumb; unfunny comic. The character’s didn’t even look like PZ or Stein. Do we really have to prop up every retarded webcomic with a PZ cameo?

  7. Carlie says

    Jeez, Che, can you be a little more surly? And could you possibly use punctuation correctly?
    I thought it was cute. The more stuff like that is out there, the more possible the chance that it might permeate the subconscious of the masses.

  8. T. Bruce McNeely says

    Ben Stein in the sequel (v.2):
    He used… evidence. He knew all the tricks, recording data, fieldwork, labwork, statistical analysis, literature review, collaboration, and… peer-review. He was vicious.

    PZ: At least I didn’t nail your head to the floor…

  9. says

    PZ, Wubby, an important digressive question, if I may:

    Is there a verb for what Stein is doing in the final panel? I have been on a long linguistic walkabout searching for the word that expresses what children do when they hold their ears and go la-la-la-ing.

  10. David Marjanović, OM says

    Is there a verb for what Stein is doing in the final panel?

    Why should there be? English has too many verbs already, if I may say so as a native speaker of German — and yet it doesn’t even have a word for the opposite of “loud”!


  11. David Marjanović, OM says

    Is there a verb for what Stein is doing in the final panel?

    Why should there be? English has too many verbs already, if I may say so as a native speaker of German — and yet it doesn’t even have a word for the opposite of “loud”!


  12. says

    Thanks wubby. You inspired this comic about the brilliant future of science education in Florida. Without having to be so darn fussy about the exact value of pi and other wacky scientific nuisances, we can run the space program a heck of a lot cheaper, probably save billions, which could be better spent on some faith based programs, or there might even be enough for a down payment on starting a new war.