You people know some interesting people

Ken Cope, a regular commenter here (come on, you guys all know him) sent along some cephalopodian artwork a friend of his does. After browsing a bit, it was sinking in: Ken is friends with an animation artist and roller derby star, one who wins awards for most penalties in a season no less, and who paints toilet seats for fun. How cool is that?


And people think I’m strange…

If I’m ever in LA, you’re going to have to introduce me, Ken. I have fond memories of watching roller derby with my great-grandmother.


  1. Farb says

    Is this workplace-appropriate above the fold?

    (Then again, one should always arrest the first three volunteers who want to serve on the community standards board.)

  2. says

    If you want to see what happens when you lift the lid, more pics are linked from her blog as crap she doesn’t update. Red Haired She Devil was at our wedding, but she was married only weeks later in Vegas, by Elvis himself. She’s got too much talent.

  3. says

    OK, you’re under arrest.

    I don’t see anything offensive in the image I used. Octopuses don’t wear clothes in the natural world, so why should we expect their tentacles to be draped and obscured on the interwebs?

  4. peter garayt says

    I was just about to hang myself and I find out the only sport I ever liked didn’t die with ‘Skinny Minnie’ after all.
    I want to liiivvvvve.

  5. says

    I was just about to hang myself and I find out the only sport I ever liked didn’t die with ‘Skinny Minnie’ after all.
    I want to liiivvvvve.

    Posted by: peter garayt | January 24, 2008 11:02 AM

    Glad you made it back from the edge! LOL! If you can just hang on to that will to live I am sure he will have some more cool photos for us later too!
    Dave Briggs :~)

  6. says

    Ken, I am not surprised that you and friends are interesting! (Hmmm, you like a committer of “penalties” – I wonder what happens if debate referees ever check over these threads.) And why so much obsession with mollusks around here anyway? Don’t forget to drop in on the “Francis Collins” thread from time to time, I may dump more “sophistry” and rebuttals on you clowns at any time!

  7. says

    I wonder if there are any Flying Spaghetti Monster themed works

    Those aren’t by Sandra, but are instead computer illustrations of FSM iconography, assigned as lighting challenges by one of the masters of 3D rendering, Jeremy Birn. You can download the geometry and light it in the 3D software of your choice without being penalized.

    Scott, I may be guilty of being an artiste, but right now I’m working hard to complete my formal education, so that I can do something as cool as teaching full time.

    Neil, what’s confusing me about that thread is parsing the dialects. I think Windy may have started it, but it’s challenging to keep track of who is a p-zombie speaking in phiLOLsophy without lapsing into a dialect from Bizarro World, “me am going to agree with you now?”