Here, everyone: homework! » « Smugly inane god-walloper of the day Another one joins the legion Salto Sobrius has become Aardvarchaeology — raise a cup of cephalopod noodle soup and say hello to Martin! Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweet Here, everyone: homework! » « Smugly inane god-walloper of the day
Paguroidea says 29 December 2006 at 8:36 pm Looks like a winner! I’ll have to add it to the blogs I regularly read.
Torbjörn Larsson says 30 December 2006 at 12:44 pm Great! I hate it when people fix things I can be grumpy about – this spot is no longer a national affair. (Well, at least I got one last grump out of it! :-)
Torbjörn Larsson says 30 December 2006 at 12:44 pm Great! I hate it when people fix things I can be grumpy about – this spot is no longer a national affair. (Well, at least I got one last grump out of it! :-)
Looks like a winner! I’ll have to add it to the blogs I regularly read.
Great! I hate it when people fix things I can be grumpy about – this spot is no longer a national affair.
(Well, at least I got one last grump out of it! :-)
Great! I hate it when people fix things I can be grumpy about – this spot is no longer a national affair.
(Well, at least I got one last grump out of it! :-)