
  1. Jake says

    I laughed my ass off looking at some of those paintings as somethingawful. I especially like the erupting volcano one.

  2. Dustin says

    This is waaaay off topic, but Pikes Peak Community College has asked Stanton Friedman “Lecturer and Nuclear Physicist”, to give a talk at the school. I KEPC is a pretty good radio station, but they’ve been blasting these commercials about how “Friedman demolishes all arguments.”

    Here’s the link:

    I think he’s getting paid by the Community College to do this.

  3. says

    I was also laughing my ass off…but in response yesterday listening to NPR’s Wait Wait – Don’t Tell Me quiz. Their weekly quiz included some lesser known aspects of Kinkade that includes his urination on Winnie-the-Pooh. The guy sounds about as deviant and two-faced as O’Reilly/

    The man sounds like a psychopath – live the “Christian way” but them f*** the folks as you cut them off driving out of the church parking lot, or while counting your $$$ from your paintings.

    What ever happened to low-profile Christians who would just simply diddle with one another’s spouse? The high profile seems to make one a much bigger target.

  4. says

    Whoa! Stanton Friedman? Is he still doing the community college circuit. He gave a lecture at mine in about 1970. Glad to hear he’s keeping busy. As I recall, we were due some UFO-related breakthroughs in physics in a few years. Say, that’s overdue now, isn’t it?

  5. Dustin says

    Whoa! Stanton Friedman? Is he still doing the community college circuit. He gave a lecture at mine in about 1970. Glad to hear he’s keeping busy. As I recall, we were due some UFO-related breakthroughs in physics in a few years. Say, that’s overdue now, isn’t it?

    Yeah, if I go, I plan to remind him of that. I was thinking about rallying the physics grad students, a professor or two and showing up at PPCC en masse, but I think most of us have better things to do. Friedman is a quack, but he’s also one of the few quacks who are pretty much harmless.

  6. Dustin says

    …and I’m a little sad that none of those photoshoppers capitalized on Kinkade’s affinity for chimneys. He puts a god-damn Avogadro’s number of them on every cute-ass little cottage that he paints.