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One of the best things about this is that I get to see all the commenters names, there’s never one that I miss because I don’t realize a commenter is new. Today that commenter is AbbeyCadabra, commenting on the thread I am 3 years old. I know everything.
AbbeyCadabra really made me think, though not about arcane topics like philately or feminism. No, the arcane which AbbeyCadabra woke from my memory is entirely different and entirely more fun. For your enjoyment, I provide a clip that never stops making me laugh, 40 years after I first saw it:
I particularly like, “AbbaCaPocus!” and the poor vampires stone-muffled “Hoh-kusss, Poh-kusss”. There must be something terribly Sadistic going on here at Pervert Justice.
Speaking of nonsense magic words, I think we should all recall that the word hocus-pocus is derived from common people listening to the meaningless magic words of the Latin mass, such as the phrase “hoc est corpus”, or, here, eat this bread, it is my body, for I think you are a zombie. And drink my blood, because I think you are a vampire. Or Christian, whatever.
You are a silly person. Please continue.
I lost it at “Walla Walla Washington”.
Whenever people say that today’s video games are too violent, I think of our generation growing up on violent cartoons like these. And we turned out ok, right? Right? Hmm, maybe don’t answer that question.
Sure, that’S a magical bunny, but do you know what to call a magical dog?
It’s a Labracadabrador!*
*In my defense, I live with a 9 year old who loves bad puns and repeats them endlessly. I’m just passing the misery on.
Thank you, Giliell! I luuuuuuvvv me some bad puns.
I seem to recall Abracadabra is one of the “secret” names of god, hence it’s magic power,
From Wikipedia, don’t know if this is correct or not, but it’s universally considered a latin import from Aramaic or early Hebrew.
It goes on to talk about how Christians have thought that Jews might have secretly known that Christianity was right all along, and that Aramaic-speaking jews were frequently saying, “Av (Father), Bar (Son) and Ruach Ha Codesch (Holy Spirit),” and that this secret code for the Christian god resulted in the Latin Abracadabra. Although there is no certain etymology, that theory is discredited.
The first record of it being used is as a charm to ward off and/or heal from disease.
Gilliel, please tell Kiddo that was a very well-played pun.