The Entire Narrative Surrounding Mike Brown’s Murder Was a Lie

Remember Michael Brown? You really should.

The shooting of Michael Brown occurred on August 9, 2014, in Ferguson, Missouri, a northern suburb of St. Louis. Brown, an 18-year-old black man, was fatally shot by Darren Wilson, 28, a white Ferguson police officer, after reportedly robbing a convenience store. The initially disputed circumstances of the shooting sparked existing tensions in the predominantly black city, where protests and civil unrest erupted. The events received considerable attention in the U.S. and elsewhere, attracting protesters from outside the region. They generated a vigorous national debate about the relationship between law enforcement and African Americans, and about police use-of-forcedoctrine in Missouri and nationwide. A St. Louis County grand jury decided not to indict Wilson, and he was exonerated of criminal wrongdoing by the United States Department of Justice.

On Wednesday, March 15th, Michael Harriot published an article at The Root meant to correct public misconceptions around what happened. I feel it is important to share this here…

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Rep. Steve King Doubles Down on White Supremacy

Most of y’all probably already know about his low-key White-Supremacist tweet in support of racist, right-wing politician Geert Wilders.

Well… he’s decided to double-down on it

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Elon James White: Your Fear is Valid (Twitter Thread)

Yet another Twitter thread I want to bring to all of you. There’s been a lot of this “don’t be afraid! Be brave! We need to fight this!” and “turn that fear into determination” bullshit going around, lately…

Fucker, I’m a straight, white, cis-gendered, able-bodied man and I’m fucking terrified.

But I’ll let Elon James White take it from here…

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3 Terrifying Executive Orders and a Twitter Thread from Netta About It

This is getting even worse…

Story from ABC…

And below the fold, I’m just going to let Netta speak, instead of giving my own commentary…

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From Tony at The Progressive Pub – This can all be traced back to the Civil War

I want to share this post with you, written by Tony at his Progressive Pub, a part of The Orbit network.

It’s a very good, very informative post about where we are today, and where it comes from. It’s both devastating and hopeful.

I’m going to quote just a bit of it (from the middle, not the beginning) below the fold, but please… click on the link and read the entire thing. Thank you…

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So Why am I So Pissed About the Moralizing Over a Nazi Getting Punched in the Face?

Okay okay… I guess maybe I need to explain myself. I’ve been throwing barbs at people whining about a Nazi getting punched in the face all morning.

To be honest, I am really, truly livid at everyone doing this. I honestly thought that this post would be cathartic, but it somehow only made me angrier.

I know it’s going to be hard to believe, but I am, actually, a pacifist. War scares me like you wouldn’t believe, I abhor guns with a passion (I really think they should all be banned, bar none; they had fucking muskets when the 2nd amendment was written; so you know what?… I’ll bend on allowing 18th-century muskets), and I actually do think that, in theory, violence should be a last resort.

But this is not theory.

We are not in a place where we can hold Vulcan-academic discussions about it all. This shit is not just some ivory tower discussion about something that might happen.

This shit is actually happening, in real life, right now.

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From En Tequila Es Verdad: Ban Bannon – Call Your Reps

I’m going to quote most of it here, but make no mistake… you WILL click on this link. This is one of MANY calls to action.

I’m going to say it outright:



Trump is not welcome as my president, and, if you are a decent person, he should not be welcome as yours. And this, my friends, is your first battle:

Ban Stephen Bannon. Do not allow him to be elected by Donald Trump. He is the very definition of a White Supremacist. The KKK, Neo-Nazis, and many others fucking love him. He cannot be allowed to be Trump’s Joseph Goebbels. He must be stopped.

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It’s not okay. It’s not right, it’s not cool… it’s NOT FUCKING OKAY!

Listen up, white people…

We did this. We fucked up.

Listen up every liberal (myself included) who didn’t take Trump seriously…

We did this. We fucked up.

Maybe you want to know why I include myself, when I voted for Clinton? Because I’m still complicit in the Patriarchal White Supremacy that let this happen. As are you.

We should all be ashamed of ourselves.


And to women, people of color, the LGBTQ community, everyone who’s not Christian, everyone who’s not able-bodied…

I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.


White Supremacy and Violence (Repost) #BlackLivesMatter

In light of the recent protests in Milwaukee over the murder of Sylville K Smith, I’m reposting this. It’s not the best thing I’ve ever written, but it’s an important reminder for all of us white people. It was originally posted at my old blog and at Daily Kos, before initially being moved here. And now, here it is again… please note that this was written in the context of the Baltimore protests in 2015. I’m also including some relevant commentary, which you’ll see in this color, and italicized.

So back in early May [2015], while the Baltimore protests were going on, Rabbi Benjamin Blech wrote an article about violence in the riots. I’m linking you to, but I first saw it in the May 8th – 14th edition of the Long Island Jewish World. I wrote a response and looked for a few friends to edit it. I actually got around to finishing it a few weeks ago (back in 2015). First I sent it to Aish, who decided not to publish it but did forward it to the Rabbi. I also sent it to Alternet, but never heard back.

I’m sick and tired of white people crying about black people “violently” rioting against violent White Supremacy while those same white people condone the very violent White Supremacy that is instigating and causing this backlash in the first place. And I wanted to say something about it. Please note: I use the narrative of the Exodus because the Rabbi does; I don’t actually think that happened. I also did not use the Holocaust as an analogy. In hindsight, this probably would have been better, but I also feel as if my decision to present the alternate universe was a more direct (if ham-fisted) way of conveying what I was trying to say.

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