Self Care – Astronomy Picture(s) of the Week: The Strangest Alien Planets

Here’s a cool gallery from, showcasing artist renderings of the strangest exoplanets discovered so far…

I’ll post a few of my favorites, but head on over to see the rest…

Mega-Earth Kepler-10c Planet

Mega-Earth Kepler-10c Planet

TrES-4, the biggest planet discovered so far

TrES-4, the biggest planet discovered so far

Epsilon Eridani b, the closest exoplanet to us... so close, telescopes may soon be able to get detailed images of it

Epsilon Eridani b, the closest exoplanet to us… so close, telescopes may soon be able to get detailed images of it

PSR B1620-26 b, nicknamed Methuselah, is the oldest known planet, estimated to be 12.7 billion years old. It orbits a binary star system, one of which is a pulsar.

PSR B1620-26 b, nicknamed Methuselah, is the oldest known planet discovered, estimated to be 12.7 billion years old. It orbits a binary star system, one of which is a pulsar.

GJ 1214b, a world possibly covered entirely by water

GJ 1214b, a world possibly covered entirely by water

Gliese 581 d, the most potentially habitable planet discovered

Gliese 581 d, the most potentially habitable planet discovered

Head on over to see all 25!

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