Tip Jar

Do you love me? Do you pity me? Do you revile me and wish to buy my silence?

Since I will no longer be making any money from blogging after leaving FTB (at least for while), I am re-instating my tip-jar for these last two-and-a-half-weeks at FTB while I put up my last little flurry of posts, in the hopes of having a little to help launch my new projects (my comics, my book, and my new bloggy stuff) keep me going until I secure a new source of income, and continue investing in my savings for SRS.

I do my very best to send personalized thank you notes, but I’m frequently busy and *kinda crappy* at correspondence in general, so if you don’t receive one, please be patient. And if you STILL don’t receive one, know that I sincerely appreciated your donation, DID read whatever notes you sent with it, GENUINELY thank you for your support, AND apologize for the fact that I didn’t get to you.

If you have any specific questions, concerns or requests about what your donation will be used for, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]. I am concerned about making sure donations are used in an ethical manner, and about making sure that no one feels deceived or manipulated.

Thank you so much!

Click on the button to make a donation. All donations, regardless of the amount, are deeply, deeply appreciated. Most of the tip jar money goes towards travel expenses for conferences, conventions and speaking engagements, or for other expenses related to this blog and my trans-feminist / secularist work.

I may not be able to send you an e-mail right away, as I often have a rather cluttered inbox, but I promise to do my best to send out at least a little thank you note at some point within a week or so after receiving your donation.

Thank you! I love you all to bits. I often feel like I won the blogger lottery in terms of awesome readers.

