Blogathon: 24th Hour

And that’s it!

We’ve made it!

SSA Week is now over, and it looks that even though we didn’t quite make it to our goal of $100,000, we did manage to raise an incredible $90,230!!!

Great job, everyone. Sincere thanks to everyone who donated, everyone who stayed awake with me and followed along over the course of these past long, exhausting 24 hours, commented, chatted, tweeted, dropped by with cups of coffee, and all kinds of other little kindnesses.

You’re a fantastic bunch of readers, and I really do sincerely love you all. You make these kinds of things worth it.

Once I recover, I’ll probably put together a little recap of the blogathon posts, with little brief statements about what each was about, to help people pick through for anything they missed or are particularly interested in.

I am almost totally definitely, though, going to be taking the rest of today, and Monday, off.

So, recap post aside, I’ll see you all on Tuesday!

For now, I’ll leave you with one of my favourite ever songs. Enjoy!

As for me, I have to stay awake just a tiny bit longer to make sure I get my methadone dose before I crash out. But after that, some wonderful, wonderful sleep.

And maybe I might get to dream about Benedict Cumberbatch again.

<3 <3 <3


  1. says

    Yay! Well done 😀

    That was an amazing effort, all the more so in that you were entirely comprehensible all the way through. Enjoy that sleep 🙂

  2. Kate S says

    I wish I was in a financial position to donate but unfortunately I am not. I just want to say I really appreciate what you did here and you did an amazing job of remaining comprehensible. I sure couldn’t have done it. Congrats on making it through. =)

    • Kate S says

      (and maybe if you’re lucky you’ll sleep through the rest of this ridiculous rain and the sun will be out)

  3. embertine says

    Saw him and Jonny Lee Miller in Frankenstein at the National Theatre Live yesterday. He hadn’t dyed his hair for the part as he usually does.


  4. says

    I really enjoyed what you had to say during this blogathon. Thanks for all of your work! Enjoy your well-deserved sleep and days off.

  5. says

    Well done, Natalie! That’s one of my favourite songs too… it was once put on a mix CD for me by a boy who couldn’t decide what colour my eyes were.

  6. Michael says

    Just wondering if everything’s OK.

    Last few tweets (>12hr ago) were not good. Don’t need details.

    You there, Natalie?

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