I just learned the horrible news that Christina Grimmie, talented singer and YouTube performer, has been shot and killed.
‘Voice’ singer Christina Grimmie shot, killed at concert
I have followed Christina Grimmie on her YouTube channel for years, and have enjoyed the music she has posted there,
It seemed like she was getting her big breakthrough, but then her life was cut short by someone with a gun.
There are no news about the motive of the gunman, but given the shooting took place just after a concert, and she was clearly the target, it might be an obsessed fan.
No matter the motive, Christina Grimmie has become a victim of the gun culture in the USA, which allows people to get easy access to guns.
Since school shootings haven’t been enough to change the US gun culture, I doubt this latest episode will, and I think there will be many more young people who get their life cut short, before the US will change the gun laws – if that will ever happen.