Looking for news sources

It has long been know that a number of news sources in the US is completely unreliable, and work to present a far-right viewpoint as standard, and recirculates right-winged talking points disguised as news. During the last election, we also observed that old established news sources, such as New York Times and Washington Post where completely craven, and could not be trusted to accurately report the news.

So, where should one look for reliable news sources? Well, it is hard to fine, but it turns out that you have to look outside traditional news sources, to magazines that still maintain some standards – such unlikely magazines as Teen Vogue and Wired. And now Eater.

What Should You Do if ICE Comes to Your Restaurant?

In an interview on CNN, border czar Tom Homan bemoaned that immigrants in the U.S. were too informed. “Sanctuary citizens are making it very difficult to arrest the criminals,” he said, apparently annoyed that immigrants would be aware of basic rights they are owed by the government he works for. “For instance, Chicago, very well-educated. They’ve been educated how to defy ICE, how to hide from ICE.”

The ICE raids that the Trump administration has ordered across the country rely on fear, and there’s no shortage of that. Farm workers aren’t showing up to pick fruit, and street vendors aren’t showing up to run their businesses. They’re keeping their children home from school. “People in the neighborhood are talking about it. Agents are coming around, and people are scared to go to work,” a restaurateur in Queens told GrubStreet.

According to the American Immigration Council, immigrants of all statuses make up 22 percent of the food service industry, and ICE agents are sweeping up everyone in their raids on businesses, even U.S. citizens. “ICE is quite emboldened with the new administration, and they are not respecting people’s rights,” says Jessie Hahn, senior counsel for labor and employment policy at the National Immigration Law Center. “It just creates a lot of chaos, and they need to be held accountable.” And how an ICE raid may play out in a business is different from what it could look like on the street or in an individual home, which is why it’s important for all restaurant and food industry workers to know what to do if ICE shows up at work. We spoke to Hahn, and consulted other experts, about how restaurant workers and owners can work together to keep everyone safe.

Lazy linking

First of all, I have created a bluesky account – feel free to follow me. I don’t know how active it will be, but I will try to give it a chance.

In These Times has reprinted two works by Toni Morrison

Toni Morrison on Fascism and Censorship

In this reprint of “Peril” and “Racism and Fascism,” Toni Morrison warns of the creative depths of fascism’s reach.

From 1977 to 1979, June Jordan and Toni Morrison were both a part of The Sisterhood, a group of Black women writers who met in a New York City apartment to eat and drink together while discussing liberation. Whether addressing genocide, imperialism or the American literary establishment, the writers in the group, which included Alice Walker and Ntozake Shange, saw their work as a means to make interventions against dominant narratives of colonialism and oppression.

Their words ring prescient.

In ​Peril” (2008) and ​Racism and Fascism” (1995), reprinted below, Morrison recognizes what the creep of fascism looks like, particularly the censorship of dissent. Found here, in an excerpt of the essay ​Life After Lebanon” (1984), Jordan reflects on the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 (funded by American taxes, of course), the backlash she faced after publicly condemning it and the fearless women who supported her in spite of it all. And in an excerpt of ​Waking Up in the Middle of Some American Dreams” (1986), Jordan underscores the dire need for coalition-building across differences.

The article (and the excerpt I copied) also links to June Jordan’s works

In the upcoming times, some of this might be useful for people

Anonymous — The Uber-Secret Handbook Version 3.0

This is not an endorsement of Anonymous, a group too undefined for me to have an overall opinion about, but rather a reference to a bunch of advice and practices that can help you stay safer on the internet in a changing future.

Journalists flock to Bluesky as X becomes increasingly ‘toxic’

Journalists are finding more readers and less hate on Bluesky than on the platform they used to know as Twitter.

It is early days yet, but Bluesky seems like they take moderation seriously, and they allow you to filter messages on a much more fine-grained level than Twitter ever did.

Concern Grows Around Billionaire Peter Thiel’s Period-Tracking App

Peter Thiel — the billionaire venture capitalist, Gawker destroyer and top dollar conservative campaign donor — is now backing a “femtech” app called 28, according to Vice News.

The app, created by a controversial women’s publication called Evie Magazine, claims to be a “cycle-based” nutrition and wellness program that helps women “reclaim control of [their] bodies, in the most natural way possible.”

This is important. Thiel is a big funder and backer of both Trump and the draconian policies to remove female autonomy

Neither the billionaire’s venture firm Thiel Capital nor Thiel himself are strangers to health and life science investments, but funding a fertility startup is a bit of a turn, especially at a moment during which a lot of Americans have just lost, rather than reclaimed, a significant degree of bodily autonomy.

And a closer look at the app, and those who made it, illuminates a powerful political intersection between tech, health, the wellness industry, and modern conservatism in which conspiracy theories and dubious pseudoscience are feeding a growing counter-counter-culture.

For starters, the science is sketchy. The core premise of the app appears to get women off modern birth control methods, like the hormonal pill or an intrauterine device. Its website is almost comically vague on what the alternative might be, but a focus on “cycles” suggests that it’s essentially the rhythm method, which basically entails attempting to avoid sex during ovulation. That’s fine in principle, but the rhythm method is statistically quite ineffective, with about a quarter of couples using it accidentally becoming pregnant over the average year.

The publication behind the app raises even more questions. Evie appears to be somewhat of a Cosmopolitan-meets-MindBodyGreen-meets-Tomi Lahren situation: makeup, workout, and holistic wellness tips and tricks are sandwiched between transphobic essays and anti-vaxx arguments. Its anti-birth control cycle-tracking app — which, yes, requires that women input potentially incriminating menstruation data — seems like a natural extension of that apparent mission: the rejection of a very specific version of “feminism” in order to embrace an old-meets-new version of traditional femininity.

The app seems like an attempt to gather data, while providing a pseudo-scientific method of birth control. It is easy to foresee a future where the app data will be used to force people to give birth in pregnancies which was caused by people trusting the method promoted by the app.

Thiel, and the companies he control, should never have access to any kind of health or personal data!


Hitler is obviously maligned

At least according to a tweet by David Josef Volodzko, a Seattle Time editorial writer.

Text of tweet by Volodzko

The text of the tweet states:

In fact, while Hitler has become the great symbol of evil in history books, he too was less evil than Lenin because Hitler only targeted people he personally believed were harmful to society, whereas Lenin targeted even those he himself did not believe were harmful in any way.

Both Lenin and Hitler generally targeted categories of people rather than individuals, and they did not care whether they personally could be considered harmful to society or not, but rather whether they were undesirable or as a group could be considered harmful to society (by whatever warped measures they used to determine that). Trying to make any comparison between Hitler and someone else, where you decide Hitler is less bad, is making an excuse for Hitler. You can say that Lenin was bad, without saying that Hitler was less bad.

Unsurprisingly, and quite correctly, the tweet led to Seattle Time firing him.

Seattle Times note on firing Volodzko


The text says:

A Seattle Times editorial writer engaged in Twitter recently in a way that is inconsistent with our company values and those of our family ownership. Effective immediately, he is no longer employed by The Seattle Times. While we passionately believe in creating lively discoruse through a variety of viewpoints, we do so with respect and appreciation for all communities. We apologize for any pain we have caused  our readers, our employees and the community.

Volodzko also apologized in a twitter thread, though his first tweet mischaracterized what he had actually stated in his now deleted tweet


The tweet says:

I recently argued Lenin was more evil than Hitler for wanting to kill more people while Hitler was more evil for actually doing it. Let me say sorry to anyone hurt or offended by that because regardless of my intentions, the comparison is a dangerous one.

This is, of course, not what he argued, but at least he seems to have understood that it is comparison that gives covers to White Supremacists and (neo-)Nazis.



What has happened with TYT?

It used to be that The Young Turks was a progressive voice, though a problematic one, given the sexism and Armenian genocide denial by Cenk Uygur in the past.  Lately, however, many are asking what has happened to them. Both Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur has made anti-trans remarks, and Ana has come strongly out against the homeless.

This has led to 10 of the moderators of The Young Turks youtube channel to resign – they have written an open resignation letter.

Allsides is promoting false equivalence

I came across someone linking this on Twitter, claiming that people should make sure to get a balanced media diet, based on the categories they have places media in.

Bad overview of media bias

I think you have to be fairly rightwinged to think this is a fair representation of the media landscape in the US. Most of the news sources mentioned in “Lean Right” should be in the “Right” column, most of the “Lean Left” and even “Left” should be “Center”.

AllSides claim that the analysis is scientific, but when you read their description, you realize that they are anything but scientific, but entirely dependent on self-assessment and group evaluations, without clear definitions.

Rather than being a fair rating of news sources,  this is probably an attempt to normalize right-winged media, claiming that they are as close to the center as major mainstream news sources like New York Times and the Economist.

My suggestion for a balanced and mostly true news media, is to look at the Left, Lean Left, and Center columns, and make sure to read from several sources there. Then look at the Lean Right and Right columns, and make sure to avoid those sources.